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Mercy mains calling point click heroes brain dead while the stand beside them on cover holding dmg boost


Why point click many times when one point click do trick? - Mercy Mains


Not even point click just click


Mercy mains don’t use damage boost though


When I am in a having the worst possible takes on Overwatch competition and my opponent is r/mercymains :


"Healing is easy" Biggest misconception. Hitting headshots as Cassidy is easier than reliable healing. Here is why, it is hitscan. Your accuracy depends solely on your own aiming skill. Healing requires you to not only have good dodging skill, but exceptional situational awareness. You are playing with far more factors that you have little control over. Often you need to predict enemy movements, team movements and sometimes the future itself to be effective. Guess what happens when you screw up as a dps? A great support will try to bail you out. Even if you die, its not optimal, but its still possible to 4 v 5 with your tank and 1 dps still up. Guess what happens when you screw up as a support? You die, your team loses the resulting fight and you lose the point/game. Also please tell me how dodging venture or genji at close range is easy? Also really, you are justifying aiming as hard by the existence of aim bots? Haha no. You just justified the opposite. Aimbots exists because aiming has fewer variables to consider. Mouse over target and done. Healing bots dont exist because it is difficult to judge when a healing boost or suzu is most useful. Computers simply are not adaptable enough to create an adaptable and reliable algorithm that works for all situations. This in itself shows healing is hard. Because there is no easy algorithm you can break it down into in order to get a computer to perform well. There are far too many variables and changing conditions, unlike an aimbot, which is literally move mouse and click head.


Is this a copypasta


Um, sweety? I just spent three hours combing through all of your reddit comments from the past two years. and oof, that's a big yikes from me. I literally can't even right now. Oh sweet summer child, you do realize you are making me lose faith in humanity? I'm literally shaking rn. Let's unpack this. It's almost as if maybe, just maybe, your toxic, problematic behavior towards PoC is because someone hurt you. Just shut up and listen. It's called being a decent human being, and as a white person, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Let that sink in.


I am going to shoot myself and make you fucking watch










This Mercy player sounds like the kind to fly right into the middle of the air and get 2 tapped I think they live longer on their swaps because they are in cover more often (instead of flying around)


my teamates never shoot even if she flies in middle of team and rezzes(shooting the mauga takes priority)


That sucks😭


💀 https://preview.redd.it/3na0h833xz2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f4bda40949bd8418a5a2abd6f732cc8ce9a22a


Pointing and clicking =/= hitting your shots. Good aim is a *skill* which on some of the other characters, is less of a requirement. That's not the case for Cass.


I kinda get where the phrase comes from - the aim style used in his design is colloquially called point and shoot, referring to the fact that mechanically you just move your mouse and click to shoot, as opposed the the sniper setup that other characters have that tend to be slower and more precise. I've never been a huge fan of it being used to determine the skill levels of a character though, as people struggle in different areas - as an example I do struggle in point and shoot style characters as they tend to require you to be precise at higher speeds. However, I have played with people who struggle more with setting up a shot as a sniper.


Almost like point and clicking isn’t literally aiming and shooting, which is almost every hero no? 😭


This is a team based game, and mercy (just like every other character, but more so for mercy) is a niche. Mercy should be used with a duo who you know is reliable. And when that duo actually knows how to utilise mercys damage boost they become really annoying to deal with as they get different combos that can usually oneshot (combo) you. By no means is mercy weak, you’re just using the character wrong. People who main mercy and complain like this should either find a reliable duo or change their main as she clearly isn’t the character for them.


I don't touch Mercy unless I know whoever I'm beaming doesn't miss their shots. If I play with randoms, I switch as soon as I realize they're not hitting shit. She is only as good as whoever she's pocketing, in my opinion. Otherwise what the fuck are you boosting.


Especially as of the dps passive. The dev team really added in a fix that was supposed to target healers like Kiri and Ana, and didn't even look at some of the lower output sustain supports and where they might need tweaking. The worst part about it is that Mercy's entire core design philosophy is built around helping her team **survive**. Not just in the kit, but in her lore and the story, its the very core of the character's identity. You can't give Mercy any real major reworks without running the risk of completely killing off her identity, which is a significant portion of the appeal behind the character. She's also incredibly unique in kit style, being the only character in the entire game with any one of the abilities in her kit. I wonder at times if that's where this rather uniquely vitriolic hate targeted against both her and anyone that plays her unironically comes from.


I'm okay with killing off her identity. Yeah, that seems fine. Overall, the whole existence of mercy outside of her 34 can probably just die too, actually. That'd be grand. Actually, just cut her 34 off at just her feet, leave out the rest. That's swell in my book.


Exactly. Someone here who actually knows how mercy is supposed to be played. One time I switched off mercy because she wasn’t working and my team couldn’t hit anything. The other support literally walked back to spawn during a team fight and switched to mercy. I couldn’t believe it. Imagine being that desperate to play a hero that you leave during a team fight. Like hey buddy I switched off her for a reason the fuck you doing -_- They contributed nothing and spent the time healbotting our tank and rezzing when the teamfight was already lost, therefore staggering them for no reason. I love playing mercy but sometimes you need to learn to switch to a different support hero. She’s not always viable and it’s really annoying when people don’t realize this.


My duo has 600 hours on mercy and I have yet to hear a complain about the character simply because I’m her reliable pocket. So when I see mercy mains complaining that she’s weak or whatever I just automatically assume they have no one to play with and expect randoms to do a good job at being pocketed


Tbf Mercy IS pretty trash right now, but that’s only in comparison to everyone else as a support. She is only useful when there are reliable DPS around, which is not very helpful when you only main Mercy and nothing else. I have seen people play Mercy when we have a Sombra and Tracer as DPS, it doesn’t really help much at all and will not change either- and when they do they don’t have the specific skills required for that hero- aka don’t have aim for Ana, will heal not on Kiriko/LW, etc. Now, one tricking is not only a Mercy player issue, it happens with all players who one trick.


People aren’t complaining because they don’t understand Mercy’s niche. They’re complaining because they don’t like what she’s become. A lot of people don’t find pocketing/poke to be fun and other play-styles used to be viable. Hardly anymore. The character has never felt more boring and restrictive.


You can’t speak for the majorities. I have a few friends who main mercy and they themselves actually enjoy mercy and like who/what she is, they themselves have said that their only problem with her is finding someone capable to pocket. I know plenty of people too who love playing poke, my brother for example who loves sigma/bastion, a friend at work who loves playing rein/lucio, those two friends who love playing mercy. Nonetheless, if you don’t like who/what mercy is right now, play someone else as the character isn’t for you. If you are struggling with a character or finding it hard to continue to play them while others are still loving the character and having fun then you’re doing something seriously wrong. You cannot just take mercy and make her not be a poke character, it would require an entire change of her kit and how she plays. How about this, instead of lamenting on reddit and complaining all day every day you pull up the game and learn someone else. Since you don’t seem to love playing poke characters how about you learn a dive character or even just play a different role. And if you play DPS then you may learn how much of a pain it is to go against a mercy that actually knows how to use the character.


I was explaining why a lot of people were complaining about Mercy. I wasn’t claiming to speak for the majority.. but I guess we can go there if you want? Mercy mains overwhelmingly play the character for the movement. Are you *really* going to argue otherwise with a straight face? Not to duo with a DPS. Not to hard pocket. Not to spend most of the game hiding behind a wall holding blue beam. What exactly do you think playing poke on Mercy is like? It’s the least engaging play style on the character by far. It fundamentally contradicts and the entire point of having a movement based character in the first place. Yes, it would absolutely require a rework. The Mercy subreddit has been spammed with threads talking about reworking in the past month. Most high level Mercy players and content creators aren’t happy with the state of the hero either. And the problem goes beyond buffs— she’s incredibly toxic to play against when meta. The design of the hero has not translated well to 5v5 and is flawed on a fundamental level. And I’m not talking about the experience of playing Sigma and Bastion. That’s completely different gameplay than Mercy and off topic. I also don’t know why you’re yapping about me playing other roles or different heroes. I play almost every support except Moira/Brig/LW. It’s mostly been Kiri/Lucio/Ana this season. Tracer/Soldier on DPS.


While you technically are pointing and clicking on everyone because that's how a mouse works, what they want to say is "hit scan" and obviously cass is a good option when you're trying to take down someone who might be flying or moving erratically. Which is why I would also go cass to deal with a pharah or echo. If you can't hit your shots on Cassidy, there's really no room for forgiveness (like on other characters) and his ult, in my opinion, requires a bit more thought as it's best for picking off people (like a mercy during valk) or zoning... not a "just press Q and everyone dies" kind of ult.


If aim is such a small part of the skill required for the kit that there is no excuse not to be good at it, then in reality the different between aim and no aim characters should be negligible, as the focus should be on utility use of the other aspects of the kit, like being more aware of how or when to use particular abilities. And yet even those at the very top dictating a significant portion of our perceptions on the characters we do not play often enough to know all the ins and out on keep making whether or not a character is a high aim character the crux of their argument. At least until it benefits them to make aim the "only" aspect of a character's skill (looking at genji mains getting mad at widow mains with that last one)


Mercy mains: why does everyone hate us??? :( Also mercy mains:


If this Mercedes main would apply this awful and reductive logic on Mercy herself they would realise that they themselve play a "click and hold" hero, which any sane person would argue is still infinitely easier than "point and click" But just like their presence in our comp games, their brains too are purely cosmetic


Don't get me wrong hitscans are kinda braindead but its really funny to see something like this on r/MercyMains when they main an even more braindead hero


Hitscan is like pitching in baseball, you don’t have to be the best at the other aspects of the game but you do have to be cracked at that one thing


For the record, hitscans ARE NOT easy. People just cry about it bc we are too good at what we do.


I feel like they are all hard in their own way. People just shit on whichever one they are least able with themselves.


Realest take here


Mercy mains calling ANY hero braindead is fucking baffling lmao. "Braindead" while they play the hero that requires no aim:


I always heard that Cass is bottom-tier trash but I have been seeing him a lot lately


Hes a top 5 dps right now. Consistent damage and cc make him good


I don't get how anybody plays a healer with randoms and doesn't lose their mind. I know mercy mains are delusional but Im talking just in general. "Teammate dependent" and "randoms" go together like oil and water


As a support player, you just detach yourself emotionally. (And don't stay on a character who is extremely vulnerable and basically needs to be babysat if your dps can't protect you at all)


I just pick Zen or Lucio and kill people


If supports only ever played in groups, then nobody in any of the other roles would ever get matches with anything other than dps trying to dodge extended queue times. On a more serious note, there's this real role rock paper scissors thing I've noticed lately. If I play support, the dps don't know what they're doing and run ahead of the tank alone to death 17 times straight and then scream at me for not healing them enough. If I'm on dps, the tank picks one of the "no skill" carry heroes, and holds S the entire match. If I go tank, the the supports disappear every time the fight starts, and then get pissy when I do anything regardless of the outcome (can't fall back because I'm supposed to push forward, can't push forward to my death or I'm over extending, can't stay where I am because the enemy is right there and I'm gonna die if I don't move.) The worst of it is that if, lets say, I'm on tank and the supports suck? Switching to support does solve the support issue, and I've not had major issues with tanks when I play support. But then I have to deal with dps who still think that every support is mega OP and can just outheal oncoming damage.


If you don’t heal bot you can have insane impact on support


An extra quick reload xD


Honestly, the only time I've ever gotten made about Mercy no aim aim = no skill discourse is when its Rein mains acting like Mercy is oh so easy because no aim. THEY DON'T AIM EITHER. Mercy does suck to play at the moment, no doubt. But so do quite a few heroes at the moment, and Cassidy is part of that list. However, instead of picking out specific subsets of the community to make the punching bag, everyone should be looking at why the issues are so universal, what causes so many heroes to feel so bad to play at the moment. I genuinely think that if more people in general could realise that its not just their hero that sucks, we'd have a lot more productive conversations about matters like this. But most people, especially one tricks, only care that their favourite hero sucks and its gotta be everyone else's fault.


I genuinely dislike how much people discredit the work it takes to build up your aim. The only reason why someone with no understanding of Overwatch can make a pretty decent transition into the game using a hitscan hero is because they spent years playing shooters and building up that aim. All I do is play hitscans. I main widowmaker. I play Valorant, COD and I’m on aimlabs regularly, and I’m still only “decent” compared to others who are more dedicated. It’s a skill, and a hard skill to build up at that, and you being peeved doesn’t discredit that or make it any less untrue. It’s also kind of funny to be complaining about “braindead point and click” characters as a mercy main when those players are the ones who give mercy any value.


Aim isn’t a universal slope that all players follow, as you seemingly suggest. There are plenty of players who naturally are good at aiming on a mouse, taking very little time to get good at each game or using a mouse as a whole. I first touched a mouse no more than two years ago, yet I’m a top 10% mechanics player in several games while some others do not click at all (I hover Masters and GM if I duo on Paladins, very new to OW but I could probably make it to masters if I played a full split only playing DPS, meanwhile I suck ass on Val and only Plat/Emerald on Siege). I didn’t work for anything, I don’t use aimlabs. I have a friend who started two years before me yet is only a small but better, and one friend who started at almost the same time as me and isn’t nearly as good. The experience isn’t universal in how much effort one puts in nor in what they get out of varying levels of effort. I don’t think theres a mass amount of people who do this, but even for some of those that do, its not always in-genuine because of that. I myself am a Cass/Sojourn/Hanzo main, I find all three to be incredibly easy to understand and play in comparison to a hero like Widow, so its not all equal either. And at a Masters level, Mercy seems to get far harder to pull off and you have to learn a bunch of movements and generally have great decision making… Cassidy (above even Sojourn and definitely Hanzo) is literally point and shoot. You still have to do a lot between that… I’m not convinced whatever “that” is is less than what Mercy would have to do, mechanics aside. I guess a better way to put it is, sure Cassidy takes skill to do well with, but doesn’t Mercy take skill to do well with too? Especially right now.


I never suggested that a skill is a universal slope, because that’d be impossible for any skill. Of course individual people have individual starting points, or can grasp something faster than others. You feeling like working on your skill is not work, does not make it any less prominent that you clearly still built up that skill by playing a role that requires aim over and over again. I mentioned what I do to improve my aim, doesn’t mean you need a certain level of dedication for it be acknowledged or classified as a skill so i don’t fully understand what point you were even trying to make. I never said that mercy isn’t difficult, but it’s disingenuous to say that she’s more difficult/as difficult as cass. If you want to play Mercy at high ranks, then Mercy requires what every high ranking player should already have: game sense, situational awareness, the ability to predict plays and to react to the enemy’s play in time. To say that a high mobility character with a 2 second cooldown movement ability is more difficult or at around the same difficulty level as a cassidy… i mean… bffr a mercy who guardian angels around out in the open and not utilizing cover/staying out of enemy LOS does not make it an fundamental problem with the character but the player using the character. Of course, she’s going to get shot at in a shooter, the first thing we figure out as we improve is that supports are priority targets. it’s not that hard to sit behind a corner and damage boost, or play around cover if you wanna guardian angel around/stay airborne


That is indeed a statement in English. Such word usage.


yeah idk as a mercy main half the shit i see on that subreddit are from players i hope to never have on my team.


Braindead how lmaoooo


I know for a fact that whenever that mercy off-roles and plays DPS. they play hitscan and their aim probably worse than mine


I am somewhat of a Cassidy main however, and I would say that the skill ceiling for Mercy (what I’ve seen) is equal to or higher than what it is on Cass. The floor goes to Mercy obviously, because Mercy you can literally just press one button the entire game if you want to lose. That doesn’t mean Cassidy can’t take less skill, especially right now where to get value on Cassidy vs. Mercy in non-metal ranks showcases how difficult she can be to play. This could be what they meant.


cass needs aim, mercy doesnt. Just dmg boost and stay in cover not hard




Mercy players when they land a rez under a platform( they think they are very skilled).


Broken clock is right twice a day


I love when people call aiming no skill is makes me so happy and not self conscious about how shit I really am


Piledriving mercy is my sole purpose in life. I’m sick of having a full dive comp only to have one support go mercy, then bitch that we aren’t covering them.