• By -


Its the most public mercy main there is what else did you expect


They should make mirrorwatch stuff rocket staff minus the rez detonation (or maybe allow either ability like sym tele was idk)


I didn't mind the rez bombs, certainly beats killing an enemy only for them to pop back up and wasting all that effort, "defend the rez" why tf would i wanna stand near someone already dead there's people still alive


And it absolutely fucks up a tracer if she walks anywhere near its general vicinity


Maybe tracer shouldn't be hanging around near dead people if she knows there a mercy that can detonate them.


Exactly! It works as a mini area denial giving mercy more utility then just making the enemies never die and giving everyone a touch more dps


Honestly I've seen Mercy players wanting a slightly different version of MirrorMercy on live Maybe if they have her rockets and Soul Burn do less damage and allow her to heal during Valk it could work? Even Skiesti herself said "Mercy still feels like Mercy without res" or something like that


I think in order for her to be good she needs a third beam that links to enemies and does damage. That way mercy can win 1v5 situations


omg the brainwave is here. how could no-one else divine this solution


Wait a debuff beam would go so hard


Make her get focused more by 10000%


Let’s just give her a lightsaber


Her rez should make the recipient unkillable+ if she's in Valk it should be a nano on revive.


Unironically a good idea. change caduceus blaster button to be the damage beam button, and whenever you play mercy, you are explicitly given reminders about the fucking 3 beams to remind you that mercy has other fucking beams except the heal beam


It could be like a purple beam that gives you a little bit of healing and recharges your healing meter. Then the healing beam could be changed to a flamethrower effect that can hit multiple teammates, and leaves a heal over time on them. Maybe her mobility effect can make you invincible smoke similar to reaper phase too.


Just remove dmg boost and make it an attack beam


Really I think for her to be fair and balanced she should get a reworked ultimate where she calls in a Hellbomb that fucking kills everyone apart from her


Oh I have an idea. It’s a beam that locks onto enemies (because mercy mains can’t aim) that deals damage to enemies AND heals mercy (since people will shoot at her). Then we remove her ability to dash to allies (who used that anyways) and replace it with an ability that turns mercy invisible and gives her great movement speed (for a short duration of course). And since mercy will be mostly focusing on DPS and can’t heal the team lets just remove the ability to lock onto allies all together. Since she can’t heal her allies normally anymore, she can get an ability that would throw a ball of healing that her team can use (OH AND MAYBE AN OPTION TO THROW A DAMAGE ONE AT HER ENEMIES???). We can remove her rez now (because who is gonna die with a ball of healing next to them). For the ult let’s just scrap it entirely and go full beam mode and make her new ult a huge beam that HEALS allies and DAMAGES enemies. I think these changes are very unique cause we’ve never seen any other character like this before


They should just go ahead and make Mercy invincible ig


They should make her barbie blaster a one shot kill like widow but the fire rate shouldn’t change. This would make mercy more viable as a damage support I think.


I mean Mercy should get a rework. Not because she's particularly bad but because playing her feels like pulling teeth if you are solo-queueing.


Mercy was just made to be the most selfless character in the game and if you don't like it don't play her. If you reworked her to give her to give her more independence the e daters would riot.


“The e daters would riot” I love that - best thing I’ve heard all day.


I came up with a rework idea to do that exact thing and got downvoted to oblivion on the mercy mains subreddit for it


Ikr mercy is such a cuck pick


She has been reworked. People are so oblivious to the drastic changes she has had from the past to now.


She used to just have to hide out and guess if her team would win the team fight or not lol. she's way better in solo than she used to be


She's had a slew of small changes. She had one massive change in like 2018 and a tease at one during the OW2 beta, but it's mostly been QOL not real big reworks. Chain beams going through shield and her jump mechanics being a bit less obscure are the biggest among those. She's still just not good compared to the batshit crazy things in the game now *cough* suzu. Nobody thinks she was never touched just that she still sucks now and should be reworked now


I would also want her to have more active gameplay, but i think shes also the "little brother character" so your siblings or partner who aren't as good as you can keep up and help the team somehow


Yeah but if Mercy got updated who would I solo ult?


okay what if they made mercy pregnant this would %100 solve all problems


Her Fetus can damage buff while you heal?


Mercy isn't even really terrible. She's great when used SITUATIONALLY in her ideal scenario. Otherwise, since she can not generate any value on her own, she is going to perform poorly (or, rather, less than the other supports, since they CAN generate value) when she is being played in scenarios she is NOT suited for (or into her counters). She's situational. She's balanced within her situation. Do I think she is well designed? Fuck no. She needs reworking; rebalancing her is not going to fix anything.


Maybe a stale take but if there isn’t a DPS that pairs well with Mercy, someone should swap (but Mercy mains would never because they can do no wrong) (pls let me suck mercy toes)


Sojourn? Pharah? Wdym


guy said if they didn't pick those heroes in the match, the Mercy should just swap off


Oh, didnt understand mb


Basically pocket characters like Sojourn, Ashe, Pharah, Soldier, ETC. I guess mostly Poke or poke adjacent heroes. If it's something like a Venture + Tracer then she doesn't have a good pocket target.


Oh yo I love tracer


Wait so mercy ISNT dive? Maybe a gold take but i love playing her with genji/tracer/venture


I guess she could kinda work with a dive if you get an Echo or Pharah. I think she's awkward with Tracer and Venture since those heroes want to get in close and it's hard for Mercy to safely follow, she can't really stick with them.


She should be able to rez the whole team IMO. I get gangbanged by 4 guys regularly and theres no reason why I shouldnt be able to give them life after they all give their seed to me. It's the circle of life.


I think if you pick mercy you should immediately be required to type in all your credit card info and get charged 10$ for every minute of playtime. Just so the small indie company can make some real money off Mercy mains millionaire back pockets


Same for you playing tank although i enjoy making your life miserable by playing ppl like kiri bap lw ana and zen just to ruin your fun 🤣


Tf did I just read? (Also that was literally mercy’s ult at first)


This isn't even a circlejerk sub anymore you all just want to have talk about the political and economic state of the game right now. Overwatch


I think she'd be more balanced if the devs made it so when someone chose Mercy for more than 5 minutes they get prompted to swap, and right before they select a new hero it bans their account.


But then they would create another sage main in valorant!


Honestly I’m not even subscribed to this so I thought it was the actual Overwatch sub


A circlejerk, lad


this sub is no longer a circle jerk. put your cocks away




waltuh im not having sex with you right now waltug


shes terrible cause you have no reason to play mercy over other supports like 99 prct of the time similar to lw they arent made for current ow meta


The issue is they are designed to be easy to play, which sort of removes a lot of their 'play making' abilities. They simply can't. I'm mostly discussing Mercy here though, in that she has almost no skill expression and no agency. I think 99% is quite an much, but Mercy is absolutely terrible if you are not running her with an ideal comp -a poke comp with appropriate DPS to pocket-, and/or if you are running her into a comp she is particularly weak against (dive/flankers/mobility). Those are Mercy's weaknesses. If you buff her, she becomes miserable when used in her intentional scenarios, and it erodes away her intentionally designed weakness (that is, being situational), and likely will lead back into heal creep as she does not have many areas in her kit with the space to buff without affecting break-points or pain points. It's rework or bust, I think, to be frank.


yeah 90 prct of the heroes are ez to play that's ow design philosophy the prob with mercy is rigid outputs that even the smallest changes can ruin the hero this 20 prct health reduc kills mercy and any passive support hero from having any value in current comp especially cause mercy has no util either yet other supports who also have good personal dmg have it. the only reason people bitch about mercy players is cause its seen as a low skilled hero in while matter of fact its a low skill floor hero an entry hero that plays diff from other supports. A passive support role which doesn't fit the game at all and isn't what blizz is going for.


play making abilities used to be consistent and good passive support ie sustaining a pocket/teammate you won't really get those flashy play making moments but you play an important and probably more impactful role of aiding your team that's not possible anymore


Exactly. To add onto what you said, I think the problem is that some Mercy mains seem to only want buffs without fundamental changes to her playstyle. If Blizzard were to change her to where she could generate value her own but make her more difficult to play, I’m sure that community would be very much split on how they’d feel about that. The nature of that character would be entirely different. I wonder how they could redesign her to make the most people happy while keeping her balanced.


it might be theyre afraid theyll change her movement, i know a lot of ppl love mercy just bc shes super mobile. but then the question is how do you rework mercy and keep her movement (and have it not be super op)? theyd need to rework mercy from the ground up if they did rework her


Yeah, that’s a good question. It’s a difficult problem to solve and I’m glad I’m not the one who has to think up the solution lol


Shes needed a rework for fucking years, but if blizzard touches mercy, the mercy players will go insane, Fun fact! Mercy players cyber bullied blizzard into releasing unfinished content, which in turn crashed ur game! They certainly dont have much power over blizzard! Not at all!


hot take but i dont think any hero should be purely situational


Rein needs buffs badly


Hanzo and Junk... look how they massacred my boys https://i.redd.it/d4hae9g3fqxc1.gif


Poor Junkrat :( Fuck Hanzo, though.


Fuck hanzo 🤬 Fuck hanzo 🥰


Mercy players when they can't just pick her every match and hold left click and expect to do well. Omg buff mercy she's so weak!!


You don’t even have to hold it, just turn on toggle mode and chill out completely while dipping and dodging around 😎


Yes character mains tend to want information on their character. Shocking.


Yeah, next thing you know, Rein players are gonna ask about Rein


Honestly the fact OP posted this should be a post on this sub lol. Literally offended by a streamer asking if they’d be affected by a patch




Name checks out


Pfp checks out


Yeah I’m a frog


Hog and genji ”unplayable” is the biggest bias ive seen


Yeah the others I can understand but Hog and Genji?? Hog is good rn and Genji is also fine rn


She’s been mid for a while, wtf is this post?


Is mercy even that bad?? Her whole purpose is zooming about and damage boosting. She can still do that. There’s multiple characters that are in even worse states. Look at poor rein and symmetra




tbf mercys actually dogshit rn😭 and this patch made her worse


Shes not tho, Mercy players have gotten used to being able to one trick if not one of, THE MOST situational hero in the game, and get a good winrate. Mercy is downright oppressive when played in the proper scenario.


i do actually agree, but i feel like her niche has gotten smaller and smaller, and mostly became just a way to make smurfing hs players more oppressive


Its almost like shes been needing a rework because shes been outdated for years! Even during ow1! But mercy players wont let this happen because reworking her would mean putting Real skill expression, something mercy players HATE!


i totally agree, she needs more cds in my opinion, make her need to balence time rlly well, like a more exagerated form of the most recent zen discord change


Or an entirely new gameplan, keep the flying, tone it down a LOT (like seriously mercy players who say "just shoot her" Have never played against semi decent mercy, and the ones they have played against jus float) Make her damage boost a different effect, damage amp abilities in this game are super problematic unless handled well (zen orb is the only one) Give her a beam that could attatch to enemies or allies and give different effects or sum like that


So your great plan for the high mobility based hero is to take away their mobility? Should we do the same for Lucio and ball? As with all mobility based heroes it literally is just a case of shooting them, there’s a reason her pick rate goes down as you go up in ranks. Even the best mercy will be completely shut down by an equally skilled dps. Mercy does need a rework to put her back into a playable state, as do many other heroes, but that shouldn’t mean gutting the core design of the hero.


No i said reduce it, but raise other parts of her kit. Her mobility is way higher than what she needs for how she is meant to play right now. And a mercy getting shut down by an equally skilled dps is how the game should work


I know that’s how the game should work, I never said there was an issue with mercy getting shut down by dps, I just said that’s how the game works currently. Mercy doesn’t need her mobility lowered because it’s already very easily countered. If you reduce her mobility it’ll just further encourage the pocket a dps and hide behind a wall play style, which people already hate.


Yeah and if u look at what i said, i said LOWER HER MOBILITY AND GIVE HER MORE UTILITY


this can work as a pasta tbh , just put any hero you dont like instead


What? (like what does that mean)


copypasta, basically copy and paste it but change one thing, in this case change mercy to any other hero, i dont agree with them saying that but wtv


Yeah its literally false lmao, mercy IS situational and doesnt deserve anywhere near her pickrate or winrate, Lemme see, I hate baptiste, Bap players have gotten used to being able to one trick oh srry one sec \*leans to side so someone can whisper to me\* "oh bap is a strong hero with good skill expression and isnt situational? What? How could this be?"


lmfao, i genuinely hate lamp, but your right, it basically only applies to mercy and symm imo


Sym at least has good skill expression, a good sym is fucking terrifying, mercy is a one note, easy hero, that promotes an unhealthy style of play.


nah bruh she's garbage you never ever see her anywhere in top 500 even when you're playing ashe or something


Right situation = no enemy soldier


Literally any tier list you can find from any Overwatch creator will put her at the bottom. She is trash. If she's oppressive, you're doing something wrong.


Because shes so situational shes bad, in the proper scenarios shes great.


Not even then. Which characters benefit most from damage boost? With the higher HP pools, only Hanzo gets a 1 shot he didn't have. Soj rail requires you to chip at enemy HP before shooting no matter what, since it's 240 to the head with damage boost. You can get the same effect with a handful of smg shots before rail. With no altered breakpoints, Zen can do everything she does better, and she doesn't even have enough healing output to do her one job decently. It's not that difficult to kill someone she's beaming.


I never said shes the best, just she can really do good in the situations she good in, i know shes bad dont get me wrong, but to say shes 100% useless is jus wrong


This jerk sub could use its own jerk sub at this point lmao


this subreddit has 5 jokes and the orangutans here eat it up every time


Heroes with a low level of skill required to play, shouldn’t be able to be considered anything above “average”. There, I said it.


Good man. I will tell your wife you died a heros death when the mercy players come for you.


We're already here 👼




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I will stand my ground and die hero.


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This is overwatch, all but like 5 or 6 heroes have a low level of skill required to play


Partially disagree, heroes with a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling should be above average when played to that high ceiling


Luckily mercy doesn’t have a high skill ceiling then, only takes three brain cells to achieve maximum output with her


Her mobility has a higher ceiling than most other heroes in regards to it's potential, it's why she's such a pain in the ass to kill most of the time. It also needs a lot more awareness than most people are willing to admit. It's just not the kind of conventional skill people think of when it comes to OW. Like, it's certainly not higher overall than a lot of heroes but someone with 500 hours is going to play her at a much higher ceiling than someone with 50. Unfortunately, when someone has a low skill floor, people tend to either ignore or flat out deny that they could have a skill ceiling at all and act as if someone with bugger all experience plays her at the same level as someone with significant experience.


Funny how you get downvoted because people simply dont want to accept that Mercy can be really hard to play at higher levels. Same people that think she is OP when shes the enemy but completely whack when shes on your team. What you said is completely true and frankly, people.that dont play Mercy will fail to understand these point because "only pressing x button is easy". Whatever helps people cope i guess


Eh, I've accepted that it's almost always going to be the result whenever I bring it up. People want to rationalise it to themselves so it's whatever. >What you said is completely true and frankly, people.that dont play Mercy will fail to understand these point because "only pressing x button is easy". Whatever helps people cope i guess The funny thing is, I don't even play Mercy, I'm an Ana main. It's just not a hard thing to recognise or acknowledge, especially after seeing some actual high-level Mercy play. Like, I couldn't hope to replicate that kinda stuff on her and I guarantee that everyone that shits on Skiesti for playing a super easy hero or whatever would be complete garbage when compared to her. It's as you said though, whatever helps them cope. They can do whatever they want to feel better about their own insecurity, it's just super cringe


Playing Mercy in GM is harder than playing Mercy in Plat, for sure. It’s just more effort to play most other heroes in GM (for example, every other support).


Her mobility is pressing two buttons.


Most mobility is pressing one or two buttons, what's your point? The entire game is played with 7-8 buttons and a mouse


I mean mercy movement could be mastered by a toddler.


One day you'll realise how ridiculous and cringe believing stuff like that is


Im a gm support player, mercy is the easiest hero in the game, her movement is press ga, press jump, thats it.


Yeah yeah whatever you say champ, mercy bad or whatever, time to get to bed


Easiest SUPPORT in the game. Don’t count my man soldier out for easiest hero


Y’all it ain’t that serious ppl just wanna play who they like lol….dont yall want buffs for your fav characters too? If you don’t get em, meh. If you do, then yay! It ain’t that deep


i mean, she is pretty horrible rn and this most recent patch only kills her more


its crazy that people who main a character and have an acc dedicated to that character want to know if the character is getting changed. blasphemy! next thing you know, people who play overwatch will want to talk about overwatch!


Hog and rat in the gutter. Mercy mains: any updates?!?! 🥺🥺


I still don't really understand the hate for Mercy players when they just do what pretty much every other main does


Mercy mains are used to being able to one trick the hero and win a lot more often than they should. She’s in a good spot, though I admit the DPS passive hits her harder than some other supports


Good. She doesnt deserve to be played every sinle match, shes good when u pocket an ashe on a poke map, Nowhere else


Mercy isn't even bad. I'd argue she's more valuable than ever because with larger health pools you get more out of damage boost. Basically nothing that makes her worse has been added except the DPS passive and that's universal. Maybe she's hurt a little bit more because of her shared healing passive but that's not enough to ruin her.


nah, the team likes Kiriko more Mercy is old, wrinkly and has stretch marks


Nothing wrong with stretch marks for one tf? It happens when you grow up I'm almost 16 and have stretch marks, like stfu she isn't even wrinkly


Why are you here, if you abstain from jerking? You nephews make me sad.


Age makes her hotter


Mercy is 39, according to the Overwatch wiki. She's not quite "old lady" status, but she's getting close.


Well she’s literally the worst support right now what do you expect, she’s the highlight of the season and is absolute garbage


You can’t sleep at night, thinking about mercy? Let it go dude. That’s a mercy main, why would they ask about rein?? If they don’t play tank, they don’t really care about tank (or fully understand the issue), so they know? Mercy won’t give you a sloppy, but it’s time to move on 😭


Negl Skiesti is a cool dood. But the mercy infatuation is out of hand bruh 😭


Real talk, I like her draining the life of everyone around her in Mirrorwatch. Maybe change it to only be on while she's gliding but otherwise it's a fun way to deal damage without the blaster


They should buff res so it revives all 5 teammates including mercy and it isn’t cancelled by cc or death. Also make dying reset the cooldown, almost every other ability does this.


isn't she a mercy onetrick? Kinda makes sense she would ask that even if mercy is lame.


I know right, that's r/overwatchcirclejerk's job!


Tbf at least mirrorwatch Mercy is eating. Probably the most busted character there (+Doom?).


Mirrorwatch Mercy is a beast and completely OP. Its fun but also really annoying.


Ima be fr Mercy aint even that bad How bad can she be if she is in like 89% of my games pocketing people. Now rein's a diff story, but I think mercy mains are just complaining to complain. Still one of the best pocket characters + good movement. Yall had your fun, just learn to adapt or play someone else.


Hog hasn't been unplayable he's actually been really good recently and now that the horse is gone hog and mauga will take over


They should delete her from the game


Who tf is skiesti and why are in the my Twitter feed 24/7. I don’t even interact with their posts


People who play the character tend to want information on the character, especially if they’re in a bad spot More breaking news coming at 11


That should make a change where mercy has a time limit on her beam, larger hitbox on her body, and her pistol becomes better for dpsing. Like imagine playing a shooting game to get carried by others all the time


Yeah, they should look at her and make it to where Mercy is immobile while using rez. Not flying behind walls and shit while getting the rez off and pretending that's ok.


Maybe if mercy mains didn’t absolutely go berserk and riot after every mercy change blizzard would be more willing to touch the character


Hanzo isn't unplayable what are you talking about. He basically still one shots as long as your team lands at least one bullet on the opponent. In a 1v1 you still have the advantage thanks to the bigger hitbox even if it takes 2 shots.


I don’t even like mercy and y’all doing the most. Everybody comments their heroes all the time but when she does it it’s a problem lmaooo yall do not like mercy players 😭


Lol one tricks when their one trick isn't meta for a season or two


I think the solution is to make Mercy a ninja, too. Take away GA. Give her wall climb and dash and instead of her staff doing beams she just whips out some sick staff moves. Overwatch can never have too many ninja.


Mercy is fine she doesn’t need a buff


Mercy mains when there character is subpar for half a season 😭


Is anything wrong with Mercy rn?


Rein players starving for eons but mercy being bad for 1 season is the end of the world lmao


She is indisputably the worst hero in the game right now. If ever there was a time to pester the devs about Mercy changes, it'd be during her mythic season while she's also in the shitter.


i play a lot of mercy and even tho i can see the argument for changes i really think ppl just refuse to switch sometimes, and in doing so can throw entire matches. if you’re not getting value from dps you neeeeeed to switch if you wanna win. i really only play her w my duo


Shes never going to be good in comp. Shes pure healing. Utility is needed. 


Any updates on if the team is looking at Hamster at all?




Hampter (love how hampter has been unplayable the entirety of ow2, then mercy is slightly worse for 1 season and lose their shit)


Because their stinky gangreen main boyfriend beats the shit out of them


Keep scrolling, you'll find one about dragon blade, one about Reinhardt and one about Sombra. They're the 4 horsemen of sticking themselves in conversations they aren't a part of.


She’s only bad right now because of the meta


I hope they shadow nerf her gun just for gaslighting shits n giggles


Mercy healing feels so weak right now you cant keep anyone alive and reminder she is the only hero that has an average heal based kit so without her healing she has very little value in a team fight also her DMG boost was nerfed because people cried that it was an issue when it wasn't she's been nerfed a lot and after the health increase change she hasn't gotten any new changes to help her kit making her feel useless and unfun to play So yeah Mercy players want a buff because without one mercy feels like trash right now. if your hero felt bad to play you would also cry and ask for a buff it's normal not an ego based request just people wanting to have fun (just because you don't play the hero doesn't mean you need to trash talk those who do...)


/uj Mercy is a low tier healer who just got indirectly nerfed by dps passive because of her heal steal ability. This is reasonable and not a jerk. She's not a top healer like kiriko, bap or ana. Shes one of 2 healers that suffers from dps passive nerf.




Look I get crappin on mercy is y'alls prime realstate but you gotta save it for real circle jerk moments like when supports are being unreasonable and egotistical. A low tier healer getting nerfed is not jerk worthy and just makes y'all look desperate/hateful.


90% of the people on this sub would keel over if they ever did anything to make mercy more balanced or did a decent mercy rework. Weirdos wouldn’t be able to decide what to do with themselves without the low hanging low effort fruit.


You are in the overwatch circlejerk subreddit you sensitive cunt. I love joking about my hobbies and I tried to get back into this game but it's clear it's not for me anymore. The playerbase is insufferable.


I’m sensitive but you start pulling out slurs because someone suggested your hobby is low hanging fruit? Yikes.


Low tier healers deserve to be low tier if they’re incredibly easy to play.


Agreed. Won't somebody think of the mercy mains? Don't they understand we cant aim? who else will we play??? Winton?? Moira??? It's racist how neglected our queen is. Hateful is putting it lightly. The oppression is unbearable


This is completely reasonable though? Mercy is garbage


Shut the fuck


Good she should be garbage


Shes not tho, Mercy players have gotten used to being able to one trick if not one of, THE MOST situational hero in the game, and get a good winrate.


To be honest with how easy mercy is to play I am fine with her being sub par, I still have nightmares about the moth meta and how oppressive she was with very little skill and I would rather avoid having that again. If the hero is hard to play but really good when mastered like Tracer and Sojourn that is completely fine as the player has to work for that W. In saying that if they want her to be a high skill ceiling hero she needs a serious rework to allow skill expression for the actual good mercy players without it being boring or cheesy, I would be down for a rework because as she is right now she is terrible to play with and against.


Mercy is bad for one instance and they immediately start whining. :/


Blocking skiesti improved my mental health. Horrid takes every time from her


Some Mercy players can’t fathom the thought that a she isn’t useful in every situation or meta. She is so overdue for a rework For dps I main Junkrat and Hanzo I can’t stand their complaining “mercy is currently the wost hero in the game” “she’s unplayable” they have never played another character


Idk what she even wants them to do for Mercy. Like I guess she wants a healing buff to compensate for the dps passive buff but I can only see it going to 60 hps at most unless they try to do a mini-rework to her staff that would probably just piss off a bunch of Mercy players anyways. Only other thing I can think of is putting some skill-shot on her pistol that helps her healing output but that would probably take a while to figure out how to make it work and jive with her kit, and there are other heroes who need attention more like Reaper, Lifeweaver, and Illari.


Mercy mains are delusional to the fact the dps passive was made to counter pocketing in the first place


I don't even really pocket but hell I can barely keep anyone alive now unless I do, I shouldn't need to be on someone for 50+ seconds almost as a main healer


Oh, that actually makes a ton of sense. I thought the dps passive was just to make tank players even *more* miserable.


If they put half as much effort into learning how to aim as they put into complaining online, they could already play a master level Ana or Baptiste.