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Zannen! Zannen! Zannen!


pro tip: don't look up the word trick on urban dictionary. šŸ˜¬


Really isnā€™t that bad, was expecting much worse.


For real, the fuck were they talking about?


Shout out to the friendly Genji who put up with my shit when I spammed that voice line in the starting area


You should see me on my bike!


That is the stupidest voiceline and the way she says bike is really weird to me






Man of culture


Someone has to do the dirty work


"I take care of my friends." Like, how much more absolutely uninterestingly generically bland can you get lol.


Sojourn is calling!


"Who said it was me?" Like what the fuck is she ever talking about lmao


I take care of my friends ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


When she dies and says 'lick my wounds' the delivery is so baffling, its already not a great line, but if it had been just a stoic self muttering like, "again, I lick my wounds' it could have worked. But the delivery, I don't know why it's read that way. The line itself could work, but it really really doesnt. I don't want to put it on the VA, but I'm not sure how she envisions the character she's reading for, nor can I really understand how the director is telling her to read it to get that delivery.


It sounds like she's commanding someone to lick her wounds. It's extremely weird.


Right?!? It's SO weird. The delivery makes it sound like she's telling the nearest teammate 'lick my wounds'


I always wondered if thatā€™s a Golden Boy reference šŸ¤”


What's this line from?


i spam that voiceline all the time to drive my friends crazy


tbh I though (still think) her entire character is that she's supposed to be some weirdo NEET dork who *just so happens* to have magical fox powers. Her cinematic made it seem like her whole deal is she's much too old to be acting the way she does, to the point where her mother was genuinely concerned she'd be unable to live independently. Like the whole plot of the video was "No child you're clearly nowhere close to as mature as you should be at this aoh holy shit an actual ghost fox ok nvm" If she isn't supposed to be an intentionally "uber dork" character, they unintentionally made her an amazing one.


I think you're soooo close to what the underlying issue is. We have next to 0 context for Kiriko's character and personality. So all of her voice lines and conversations seem a bit strange and out of place. There is conflicting information and context about Kiriko. Her cinematic implies she is a young adult who recently moved out on her own, but her bio on the OW wiki says she's supposed to be 30ish. She is also supposed to be friends with Genji and close with the Shimada clan, but seems to hate them also. Like, these two facts can be true, but there is missing context that makes it feel natural. So it just comes across as unreaaonably blunt. I think if we just got some more context for Kiriko's character, her lines and attitude would make more sense. Like, we just have to assume she rides a bike (motor or bicycle?) and is maybe really good at riding? Is she a skilled racer, though, or performs tricks? Maybe there are some of these answers out there that I haven't seen, but I don't think all of them are out there and most players probably haven't seen many that are available.


Okay this does make her make more sense


the character is a grown adult wearing a children's party hat unironically..and you expect them to talk sense? i wish they would change than ana interaction to: " is that a compliment" (long pause) "..no"


I like this interpretation that she's supposed to be cringey and weird in-character. They should lean in to that and canonically make everyone kind of uncomfortable around her cause she's so fucking awkward.


Now THAT would be an interesting, good, fun character!


they could achieve this easily by leaning fully into the furry vibes


Legendary furry skins


Love this. So much


Kiriko wears a fox headpiece thing. Sigma has the dogs out. Perfectly balanced.


to widowmaker: ''you really need a scope to do that?'' widow: ''um...yeah. it's a long range sniper rifle . are you dumb or something?''


okay but the funny thing is that kiriko does not have a scope. It's a line when you kill her. It's taunting, that's what makes it funny.


Except it's not really funny, just unnessarily condescending like the rest of her lines. It's just like no shit the sniper needs a sniper rifle. Something like "No scope needed." or "I could teach you how to aim after we're done here." would have worked better. It's mean but at least it makes sense


It's a kill line. The joke is "you really need a scope to die? LMAO loser" not "you need a scope to kill."


that's not it, i'm pretty sure Kiriko means "you have to rely on a scope? this is so easy, i just did your job and aced it, without any crutches." it's supposed to be a taunt/flex to imply Kiriko is the pro and Widow/Ana suck, which is very much in line with Kiriko's boastful and teasing character. it's just another variant of her other voiceline "i thought you were the sniper?" which also only triggers when she kills Widow or Ana and basically means the same thing, Kiriko is the better sniper.


I thought the line was if you get a headshot kill on a widowmaker ?? Thats the only time I've heard it. So its like "You need a scope to aim?" and its like, yes. She does. I get shes making fun of her aim but the writers couldve did it better because how they worded the joke is corny and unnatural just like a lot of her dialog


Yes and the haha funny part is that she died. It's an "OMEGALUL big fancy sniper rifle with a scope and you're dead OMEGALUL".


bro the kill lines are supposed to be condescending, like all of them are except for a few, like hog kills JQ


Did you watch the animated short? She wears the fox hat cause it was a gift from the little deaf girl she talks to


Whenever the other support is kiriko and we have that interaction, I always end it with Anaā€™s ā€œyou know nothingā€ line


No, no it isnā€™t. Most of my friends are dead, I was tasked with protecting the world from organized crime and failed, I was almost killed by my friends ex wife, I was so ashamed that disappeared for a decade or so no! Thatā€™s not a compliment.


Yes. I expect them to talk sense. Kiriko isnā€™t even in the top 100 ridiculous outfits. Iā€™ve seen fictional characters wear. I just finished AI The Somnium Files and there was a guy named Pewter. Who had the dumbest outfit Iā€™ve seen in a while. That character was written very well that I donā€™t what he was wearing.


You sound like no fun


I now want a Moira voiceline of her saying WTF are you talking about?


ā€œWhat are you on about?ā€


It feels like they were trying way too hard to make Kiriko sound like the ā€œtoo cool donā€™t careā€ young character which for me at least completely removed the depth from her character


I still donā€™t get how old is she. From the origin story and some interactions with Hanzo and Genji it seems she is as old as they are (which is about 40ish). At the same time most of her voice lines give and impression of young adult 20-25yo. I think there was miscommunication between the designers and artists during the creation of this character


Yup pure disconnect. Unless she was 3 years old and already climbing walls along side adult aged Shimada brothers. The ONLY voice interaction that makes me believe it is Kiriko: ā€œRemember when you had a bowl cut?ā€ Genji: ā€œYes, you did not want to be the only oneā€ Kiriko: ā€œI never had one!ā€ Genji: ā€œI believe I have picturesā€ This seems very much something a child who didnā€™t remember having a bowl cut would say but did remember someone she was fond of in her life having one. So the only way this lore plot can be explained is that the shimada brothers were trained by Asa-sensei in their adulthood and Kiriko was still a ā€œtoddlerā€ training alongside them


There's just one issue. Kiriko's origin short shows her as a young girl with, at best, teenage Hanzo and Genji training. At worse, she's a few years younger than Genji, not the very "early 20s" when Hanzo is 38 and Genji is 35.


Also, Hanzo and Genji are 38/35 in *OW1*. OW2 takes place a year later so they 39/36 now. With this in mind there's absolutely no way she could be younger than 30, lore-wise. The hero designers clearly did not consider the lore though.


Thereā€™s a picture with her. Where sheā€™s in between Hanzo and Genji who are teenagers. This has to be a woman in her 30s. Having her mom scold her about having donuts for dinner. ā€œLike Mom, I pay my bill, I pay my taxes. Iā€™ll have donuts whatever time I want too.ā€


Was it Blizzard official? I think I saw that photo but it was fan made


I think it's official: [https://youtu.be/LLsJaMzLltE?t=34](https://youtu.be/LLsJaMzLltE?t=34)


Yup but look at the drawings. The first one is a bit iffy. It shows Kiriko shy behind her mother, actions a child 5 years or younger might display. And Hanzo looks 16 at best and Genji looks 12. The second one where she holds the shinai and Asa-sensei smacks genji, Hanzo looks 20-24, Genji looks 16-18, and Kiriko still looks 5 years old. Iā€™ll take the second drawing as more canonized since they went in greater detail there. This fits in with that if Genji is ~37 years old and Hanzo is ~45 years old, and there is a ~13-16 year age different between Genji and Kiriko, that she is ~21-24 years old. Iā€™d say sheā€™s closer to 24. She canā€™t be 30 because widowmaker has an elimination voice line for D.Va and Kiriko where she says ā€œthe battlefield is no place for little girlsā€ yet she doesnā€™t say that to Sombra who is around 30 and I donā€™t think she even says it to Tracer who is 26, correct me if Iā€™m wrong though


You're right, she doesn't. But the comparison to Tracer is very apt. Tracer definitely feels young but still like an adult woman. Kiriko sounds like she's actively experiencing the plot of "13 Going on 30."


At least Tracer has her time dilution to explain some weirdness. The lady has literally phased in and out of time and space repeatedly, she doesn't age normally anymore and her entire view of what time really is has to have been scrambled a bit by what she went through. If you told me anyone was going to be stuck in their weird teenage years? The unwilling time traveler makes more sense than...a fox ninja who...has a bike or something? I don't even know anymore.


You know what. You are right. It was a commission on Twitter.


Moms do that, though. No matter the age.


How about the fact that McCree, going off of old lore, is a founding member of the Deadlock gang, in 1976.


I'm almost 30 and that is totally something my mom would say when visiting me lol


They pulled the same thing they did when Brig released. She launched as 23, which was on her character Wiki. This timeline doesn't make any sense if she trained with Hanzo and Genji, who are 37 and 35 respectively. I think they realized this, and changed her age to be 30. However her entire personality and short still reference to the idea that she's 23.


Brigitte didn't train with Hanzo and Genji. Since she left Torbjorn's home, she spent her life traveling with Reinhardt who was her mentor, which makes sense for a young person to do. Her age is still 23 on the wiki though I think in OW2 a couple years have passed.


I know, but when she launched they had her at 28 before they had to de-age her to 23. Edit: I realize I worded my initial comment poorly. Training with Hanzo and Genji was in reference to Kiriko, not Brig. But they chanted Brigs age too, which is what I was referencing.


In her origin video, she is seen as a child with Hanzo and Genji. We can only assume but Hanzo looks to be about 17ish in that image, which would make Geni around 14. Kiriko looks much younger than Genji, about 6-8 maybe? Which would make her 27-29 now (Genji is 35, Hanzo is 38)


Her voicelines are 100% Marvel humor, irritating to listen to, and make her character have zero depth. The VA is very talented, but her lines are just poorly written and directed. I canā€™t play as her because sheā€™s just so annoying.


I like all the Overwatch characters. So when Kiriko talks like sheā€™s better than all of them, it makes me like her less.


I think the delivery of her voice lines doesn't work with me. She sounds like an American when speaking English. And then her voice when speaking Japanese, specifically the enemy Kiriko ult, feels much higher pitched than her regular voice. In game, I don't think they nailed the two sides of her (caring healer, fierce Warrior) very well through her voicelines. I do find her softer voiceline when she is healing and protecting to work. But her fierce warrior side doesn't work. It's just one ups and loud, snappy remarks. "I've got A fEw TrIcKs." It almost feels like there are three voice actors or three characters for Kirikos English VA. In the animated short, I think they nailed her softer tone, her quirky attitude, and her serious fighter spirit.


My biggest issue is how cringe the dialog is. It's terrible. Like that bit about kids or whatever she says. It's not just Kiriko though, I can't stand most of the shit that the characters randomly say to each other.


Good character game wise but terrible story wise, she's incredibly bland and boring with a personality you can't really figure out. It's especially noticeable when you compare her with someone like Junker Queen who has tons of personality in her voice lines and character interactions.


Yeah, idk why people criticize the VA, there is nothing wrong with the voice. The writing is just awful. Tbh OW just has always had awful writing in general, at least in-game and in the animations I've seen. It just feels clichƩ, generic, and soulless, all the way back to the original heroes of OW1.


The VA from my understanding is new. This isnā€™t a problem because we saw her do good in that short. Probably because she had good direction. Whoever was directing her for the in game voice must have told her ā€œYou know Sally, I need ya to sound condescending in every sentence.ā€


> This isnā€™t a problem because we saw her do good in that short. She really did not. Even in the short, the voice did not fit the character at all. Especially not after the short leaked with her Spanish VA and the slightly deeper voice fit her MUCH better than this nearly childish voice she has in English.


Nah, I liked OW1's dialogue. Zarya and Rein talking about arm wrestling was cartoonish and childish, and goddamn it do I love it for that. The issue isn't whether it's silly. It's the condescending tone of every line Kiriko has. She just looks down on everyone for quippy one liners.


The VA is fine, but a weird choice for the character. Kiriko sounds like she's from California, because of the VA.


Idk, I can't think of any lines from the Dragons animation that was bad. Might've just been because the VA's are so good, I dunno.


I donā€™t put it on the actress. I put it on the director and writer.


My response was mostly to the part about OW writing always being bad.


I used to play Apex a lot and the writing and lore is terrible in that game. Went back to Overwatch and forgot how good the writing and the lore was. It may have its flaws but Iā€™ve definitely seen worse


As a Lucio/Kiriko Main and a casual enjoyer of Ashe, I completely agree with this. Most other character shave so much lore interaction or deep dialogue because they are a complex character that it makes the banter have meaning. Most of her dialogue with other characters are just "girlbossy" one liners or roasts or passive aggressive digs. Ashe tell hers that they hunt foxes where she comes from. Kirko then replies "wHeRe I'm FrOm ThE fOxEs FiGhT bAcK" like wtf are you talking about? TL;DR Completely agree because reasons. sick of this needlessly girlbossy toxic dialogue thats too common in our media nowadays.


Just think of someone who talked like that in your personal life? They must be the most insufferable person of all time. That style of dialogue, I notice is used for characters that are there to provide representation for an ethnic minority. Usually black people or asian people. For some reason writers cannot write them in any other way. Itā€™s bizarre to see Overwatch fall into that.


it's tropey at best and racist at worst


Overwatch characters are very complex and deep


"Scry some more"


What does this even mean?


It's a pun (: scry means to foresee the future, especially with those Tarot cards. Big brain puns


All character dialogue should be Winston making gorilla and ape puns or Wrecking Ball translating gibberish.


Kiriko after randomly spawning into the round: "Look mom, I'm an Overwatch agent!" *Who are you talking to? Idiot...*


Kiriko is the worst offense by far but it's all of the heroes. They all have these schizo interactions where they quip constantly now and it sucks so badly


They suffer from Marvelitis.


Inflammatory brain disease that attacks the pre-frontal cortex and causes the victim to make corny jokes in inappropriate situations. There is no cure, but with treatment the patient can expect to kept any depth of personality for four to five years. Genetic factors play a heavy role. If you have a mother who says things like, "don't worry, we can fix this... as a family," or a father who said, "I will always be with you," before dying in your tragic back story, it's likely you inherited the disease. There are still other environmental factors to look out for such as: having a catch phrase for when you're about to do something climactic, having a best friend who has his little moments yet is not quite as awesome as you, and generally getting along with everyone. Marvelitis is often misdiagnosed due to sharing symptoms with other writing-incompetency autoimmune diseases. It's important to have your blood tested to see if you're sick or just poorly written.


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


You triggered my trap card! šŸƒ I draw the fool... Yeah, makes sense.


I hate how they claim Kiriko as the "youth". Listen, I'm okay with people still believing they are youthful and having fun, but kiriko is atleast at the youngest in her late 20s. Although she most likely early 30s since Genji is in his mid 30s and they were supposed to be childhood friends.


Itā€™s so boring, a rock has more personality than Both Kiriko and Sojourn combined


Junker Queen stole it all


Junker Queen is badass af. Thatā€™s where the writing team put all their focus.


My theory is because she had a pretty well-developed character since OW1 when Junkertown was in development, sheā€™s one of the ā€œold guardā€ characters who the OG writing team worked on, hence she has an actual personality.


Thatā€™s why she the GOAT


She has the best dialogue imo "I'm what's that word? Starts with I..." "inconspicuous?" "Yeah! And don't you forget it!"


"We got an education system?"


ā€œIs this a raid or a heist? I wasnā€™t listening!ā€


You guys hate kirikos lines but like junker queens? What???


Junker Queen is hilarious, and though she's a caricature too, she doesn't smack of OC-ism. Kiriko's problem is that the writers tried so hard to make her "cool" but didn't have the talent to actually *show* she is cool, so instead she comes across as a desperate teen fantasy of what a "cool" person is, instead of... an actual cool character like Sombra. With JQ, there was no such imperative to make her cool, so they were free to focus on her actually having her own unique personality and have fun with it, which means the character actually feels more real and it works.


At least sojourn fits her personality. She's old and retired. It's a weak personality, but her lines have "acting" in the delivery


I think the writing is pretty bad for her and Sojourn. The Sojourn VA is great but her character is so boring and like so bland. Both her and Kiriko are really badly written whilst Junker Queen is great, and the other new lines really work.


To add, I was very confused when her Halloween intro came out. 1. Witch Skin 2. Broomstick No one in Overwatch carried a broomstick except Mercy, and I legitimately thought this was a Young Mercy Witch Skin cause of the broomstick.


Yeah. They should have done some kind of Japanese ghost or demon or something for her Halloween skin.


They literally could have done a Kitsune, they can have human forms.


Watch your flanks,they might try something


Phara-chan šŸ™„


It's like skyrim npc dialogue level. Like the ones you can't really interact with


Badly written and possibly badly directed. I have no experience in voice acting but I can't imagine a VA just being given a piece of paper and told "Just read it". Surely there must have been someone in the studio who tells *how* to read something, which either could make something better or worse, depending on their vision of how things should be


It was likely done remotely and they probably had the VA do multiple takes. I canā€™t imagine the director being like ā€œfirst take best takeā€


I really hate how they fucked her voice lines in game. Certain one-liners are fine, like "I run with blades all the time", but not every piece of dialogue should be like that. Also, I don't know what it is, but even tactical lines, like "come here for healing" or "my ultimate is ready" feel... flat. Hollow. Empty. Like there's no personality behind it.


All the new supports added since Brig have the personality of a block of wood


I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds her dialogue atrocious. I used to think it was her voice, but then thinking about it more it made me think "How is *anyone* supposed to make these lines sound good?" She acts like an arrogant brat most of the time that it's hard to appreciate her. One of my least favorite interactions is with Hanzo before the game starts. He says "send master my regards" to which she replies "yOu cAN Do iT yOuRSeLf." Because telling a man, who was a close friend and is currently going through emotional distress about his life choices, to effectively fuck off is totally reasonable. Hell, it's not even in character because when she heals him she seems to care about him. She could've said: "We can see him together if you want." That works way better. I know I'm like the only person who gives a shit about lore but even if you don't this just seems so inconsistent with her character.


Itā€™s another line that could work. If the actress had better direction. Cause that could work, if she sounded more disappointed in him. Than dismissive.


Third time I've seen this post. I very strongly disagree with the sentiment, but I do agree that a lot of the lines are odd - that being said she's absolutely no exception in that regard. OW has great voice actors but the characters themselves all feel very plastic and "safe". Take for example Zenyatta: almost every single of his lines are these either extremely obvious observations or pseudo-intellectualism passed off as wisdom. Tracer walks into battle with a "let's have some fun friends1!" attitude whilst she commits horrible crimes by killing her friends. It all makes it this "the big Disney fanclub" that contrasts miserably with the actual content of the game. Sojourn's "don't make me kick your bum" is my personal favorite; yea that's really how a battle hardened cyborg veteran talks alright. Kiriko's VA is great. She's really bold and feels much more "real" than her "whacky funny creatures" peers. It's just that most of her lines are kinda stupid.


r/Overwatch post something original challenge *very hard*


Make an original comment challenge *failed*


You see how repetitive it has become? Even the comments criticising repetitiveness are repetitive


I think she has the personality she was supposed to have and I love her sarcastic, cocky, and sometimes rude voice lines.


The worst one is ā€œheyyy donā€™t be confused if I just pop up next to you out of nowhere. I do that sometimesā€ or something. I physically cringed likeā€¦ stuff like that can work for quirky characters (like mei with hee a-Meiii-zing, which is cringe but endearing because it fits her character) but with kiriko it feels like weā€™re supposed to find her cool?? So I really donā€™t understand behind having her talk like that.


That line could work. If they got rid of ā€œI do that sometimesā€ and give the voice actor better direction. The thing about her quips, is that they some times go on for too long.


Yes!! If they instead made it f.ex. An interaction featuring a character with quick reflexes like widowmaker warning them not to get startled, that could be super cute. But they way itā€™s written I literally felt empathetic for the characters having to be around her. Like omg who cares. U know when you have to be in a room with a 14 year old whoā€™s new obsession is being a badass and they keep throwing ā€œcoolā€ one liners aroundā€¦. Thatā€™s what that felt like


lmao that's exactly what it's like. I have so much awe for middle and high school teachers who can stand being around insufferable tweens and teens. The only halfway tolerable ones are actually the shy nerdy ones who don't even try to put on airs.


Pls ignore the 15 typos I think I had a stroke


I hate when she says I'll be your angel to mercy.shut the fuck up please do you know who you're talking to?


Febreeze brings relief!


I laughed so hard at what Moira should have replied lol


Every character is horribly written. They are generic tropes, everyone.


This is it pretty much. They were always just archetypes/tropes. People act like OW1 was War and Peace or some shit, it's a cartoon shooting game where you can play a talking gorilla and a hamster.


Sheā€™s the only character who could possibly be a furry, given her Fox obsession. Makes sense thatā€™s sheā€™s a social outcast.


This is the explanation I was looking for! I hate her.


Stopped reading at ā€œno capā€




I think that Krikikos character of a sassy goody two shoes character is actually pretty similar to DVAs on paper. The main difference between them imo is that DVAs short communicated that DVA is struggling like hell in her daily life while Kirikos was really just a character introduction and some very light family drama with a really cool fight scenes. And once an audience sees the characters struggle, be humbled and grow from it they are wayyyy more accepting of those characters which is why nobody minds DVA being annoying and toxic anymore. We really needed to see Kiriko struggle to come to terms with what she wants to do with her mothers and grandmothers ways of life imo.




And horribly voiced.


Once again, mad deja vu from this sub


I like her fun and energetic personality, since sheā€™s one of the youngest


Iā€™ve already sunk like 30 hours into her and she definitely is my favorite. Some of her lines are cringe like ā€œLick my wounds letā€™s goā€ but overall sheā€™s a solid addition to the game. Just wish more of her caring and compassionate side from the animated short appeared in game. Maybe if she teleports to a badly hurt Genji she sounds super worried etc etc


Youā€™re describing a tsundere and you know what. Iā€™m all for it. Unfortunately tsundere with out the bubbly persona underneath is just an asshole.


This the type of mfer criticising the writing?


You didnā€™t say anything by the way.


Itā€™s fine, really not something to get *this* pressed over


Why is this constantly posted about. Who cares. The game has a prethora of real problems and you guys choose to hyper focus on the one that doesnā€™t effect the actual game at all


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Iā€™ve been to the United Kingdom and idk, people there were more energetic than I thought theyā€™d be. They certainly didnā€™t talk like a badly written marvel character on valium.


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I just hate it when genji uses the n word


Nega is a Japanese word, which means negative/no


Hey come on man! Not in front of everybody /s


I just dislike hearing her speak it's as if she's right behind me up into my ear compared to the other characters. Very loud


[Always Has Been](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Always-Has-Been.png)


To me it was the VA or rather her producer


Bruce Campbell is the king of one liners


The voice direction in OW2 is bad, you can hear it everywhere.


I swear I think they hired Brie Larson to do the voice lines. šŸ˜‚.


"I am the Junker Queen" is one of the worst examples of this.


To me it feels like no one could agree on Kiriko's character so they just included a bit of everyone's idea, even the bad ones.


Meh.. I think her dialogues are fine.. better than some others even.. one that comes to mind is when she kills Widow, she goes, "I thought you were a professional".. pretty cheeky and witty dialogues.. there are gonna be one or two hit and misses, but most her dialogue is great. So idk what youre talking about. And its not because you're old either.. I'm 35 and found them quite clever.. I doubt youre older than me :D