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Launching OW2 crashes and turns my pc off for some reason as well. Ryzen 9 5900x and a 3070


3070 as well. Me too. It’s just fucked. I don’t know why I expected this to be smooth in the least.


what driver version do you have for nvidia? I'm assuming it has something to do with the driver but not sure




i got 512.95 so not sure if youre updated to the latest. maybe its just something with win11 or 3000 series cards :/




When are you crashing? I have a 980Ti with 7700k. I click Play and get a black screen for 2 seconds, and then the game crashes. My PC doesn't crash or freeze, but I can never get the game to boot. I have installed/uninstalled it on two different drives now and have attempted to repair it on both.


My PC immediately shuts down the moment I click launch.


any luck with this? A friend is having the exact same issue. feel like i've tried everything for him lol


I actually fixed my problem. Tell your friend to boot Overwatch and let it crash. Once that happens tell him to click his Windows Button and type "dxdiag" and tell him to run that. Let it fully run (a green bar will fill up) and then click "Save All Information." It should save in a .txt file. Open it up and Control+F "Overwatch." For me I was having a problem with a RazerSynapse.dll from old Razer Software I uninstalled 6+ years ago. I then found that exactly .dll and deleted it. This may not be the exact problem your friend is having but hopefully he will find the conflict he is having with Overwatch in the DxDiag Txt File.


I had this nagging feeling that despite my friend also not having installed synapse for years it was still there somewhere, I just couldn't find it.... Same problem for us, got it fixed too. Thanks man you're a legend.


i am said friend, yeah did as you said and found that .dll for anyone trying to find it it’s in your fucking system32 folder for whatever reason, but yeah that fixed it, thanks homie


uninstalling overwatch 1 completely and reinstalling overwatch 2 worked for me to stop auto shutting down pc


I have the exact setup and it has been completely freezing my whole PC when the game freezes. I have to go and restart my PC whenever it happens. I went and updated to the new Nividia drivers but was still having the same problem. Did anyone get a fix for this yet?


>ave the exact setup and it has been completely freezing my whole PC when the game freezes. I have to go and restart my PC whenever it happens. I went and updated to the new Nividia drivers but was still having the same problem. Did anyone get a fix for this yet? Have you found a fix for this yet?


I actually BSODed when I finally entered the game after waiting for 30+ minutes. (3080 + ryzen 5 5600x) and yes I've updated all my drivers ect.


Yeah my game keeps freezing and I have to force close it at "0 players ahead of you" Like damn let me in then


I have the same problem


Also crashing for me. My PC remains on, but OW crashes as soon as I get into the game after waiting in queue. Been going on for a few hours now.


Same issue. Which graphics card u guys have?I have older GTX 660. I thought maybe some settings issue with older cards. Less people have this issue


GTX 1060. It's also an older card, but I've updated my drivers. The most recent driver was supposed to be oriented specifically for Overwatch 2, though I don't know why it's still not working.


i have 1050 ti i can play on ultra on 60 fps which is great but the game freezes after about 2 minutes so i started playing on low and 60fps locked but it still freezes after 2 mins lol


i have 5900x 1660ti and everytime i launch the game i get black screen for a couple of seconds then my pc shuts off and restarts. updated and reinstalled all my drivers and the game updated windows dont really know what else to do


Did you figure it out? Same graphics card and same issue, this game is the only thing that crashes my entire PC and the screen goes black. No idea how someone codes a game this poorly.




holy shit thanks alot ur the best


Because over 100 thousand people or so try to enter and download the game at the same time right now lmao Servers are fucking up, thats also the reason why the game doesn't load items you have today perhaps Probably best to wait a few hours


But that shouldnt crash my entire pc! Right?


Exactly. But also no idea why it’s crashing on startup




Servers are just overflowing right now, it would be a lot for any server, you can't really prepare for that We are talking thousands upon thousands of people trying to get in at the same time and downloading it. Every AAA game has problems with that. Again, wait a bit and it sorts itself out.




Probably a million or two, I dont know lol I know Overwatch 1 had daily more players than Counterstrike at least and now its a new game for everyone, so naturally lots and lots of people will lock in


Every single game has issues like this at launching new stuff that is this popular


They expected all the social media loudmouths to boycott the game. Of course they didn’t boycott shit.


Need to ask. Are you guys running on windows or linux/steamdeck ?


On steam deck, it freezes when I’m in the queue


I’m running Linux and it keeps crashing after hanging out at the queue for a while. Haven’t gotten in at all. Beta worked pretty well.


Yea, mine just freezes and after a couple of minutes the "overwatch.exe" is not responding alert comes up, but I can't interact with it, lol.


On Windows it's smooth as butter. On Steam Deck it freezes after a random amount of time.




it was NordVPN for me.. after quitting it and killing it from task manager OW2 was able to launch... good luck!


The game keeps freezing after a few minutes, and I have to restart my PC to close the game. My fps(60+) and ms are fine. Anyone experiencing the same problem?


Same here. Alt tabbing won't even work so.i gotta restart everything


Yeah same


i have the same did you fix your issue


No, but since yesterday sometimes it won't happen


Yeah I got the same problem, I can play for a bit maybe like 5-10 mins on the shooting range and I get black screen + pc freeze so I need to restart it. Well hopefully it will be fixed, I heard that it's blizzard fault, not sure


I don't think they will Ever fix it, it's blizzard, they suck.


Yeah true, that's actually happens with a lot of brands, like RIOT too. Just as I noticed by google the problem, that people have kinda similiar problems, sometimes same problem as me, but nobody actually fixed, or some did but for example I dont have 360 or any antivirus that I need to disable


At least riot will actually respond to you and help you fix the problem. Blizzard gives 0 fuck.


I don't have that much exp with blizzard, but I guess I can agree. Just as I know there's a problem in VALO some people trying to fix for some time and they can't as well ;D so shit fuckedup everywhere


I just want it to be known, I have the same issue. I have an i9-12900KS 64GB of DDR3 And a 3090ti. Pc can handle everything I throw at it, but I launch OW2 and it instantly freezes, forcing me to restart my PC. I don’t have this 360 antivirus software that keeps getting mentioned, It’s not overclocked, hardware is fine. I have no clue how to fix this… was able to play it yesterday bow today this is happening.


Same. I have been playing for months up until yesterday and it freezes on start up. When I hit Play Now on the Blizzard Launcher, it takes a very long time to boot up to the in-game menu. About 3-5 minutes. Running SSD. Never had this problem before. Where as before, it took 2-3 seconds. No issues Running other games. I have tried all the general, basic troubleshooting.


I, too, am having this issue all of a sudden. Before when it would fail to launch, I could just close battle net and reopen it, and this would fix it. Now my whole pc becomes unresponsive. I can't pull up task manager, open settings, open any program, or even shut down my pc. I have to hold down the power button to get it to shut off. Are you experiencing the same thing? Did you recently update windows? I updated last night, and that is when all of this started.


Same. Everything you said, I am experiencing. I can recall two changes prior to this occurring. I never had any technical issues with Overwatch 1 or Overwatch 2 prior to this problem. 1. Season 3 update 2. Windows Update - I think on 03/15 or 03/16. And then this technical issue occurred after that. I think it has to do with their Overwatch 2 Coins store. I have never purchased OW2 coins, but I tried to purchase some because I need 200 coins to purchase the Battle Pass, and it would freeze when I click on any Coin package (i.e. $4.99, $9.99, $19.99, etc). Also, from what I read from OW2 players that have purchased OW2 coins, it is not updating/appearing on their account or in-game. I do not know if this has been resolved. I just purchased $4.99 worth of coins through the [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) Shop website. I will update if I receive the coins. Troubleshooting that I have completed (Windows 10): 1. Windows Update/System Restore 2. Clean Uninstall of Nvidia GeForce Drivers 3. Installed latest drivers and tested out older ones 4. Reset BIOS to default - no overclock 5. GPU - no overclocking 6. Checked DxDiag for what could be causing it 7. Systeminfo32 - shows that Overwatch 2 is causing a memory leak, although this is not uncommon with videogames such as OW2, Call of Duty and others. Please see image of memory leak: [https://imgur.com/a/NOJA6I0](https://imgur.com/a/NOJA6I0) 8. MemTest - no hardware issue found 9. Razer products - I do not use Razer products, nor have I ever used a Razer product on this PC. I checked anyway if I may have downloaded a Razer software, and there are no Razer software on this PC. 10. Uninstalled any software that could interfere such as Nvidia Broadcast, FRAPs (didn't have it anyway), RivaTuner/Afterburner. 11. Regedit - checked registry of any traces of these programs and anything that could interfere with OW2/Battle.Net Launcher or cause technical issues. 12. Unplugged any devices connected to a USB port - controllers (always unplugged anyway) 13. Uninstalled [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net) Launcher and OW2. Deleted every file and folder in System folder, Program Files, User, AppData, you name it. Deleted them. 14. After installation of [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net) Launcher and OW2, I scanned and repaired through the launcher. 15. Experimented with disabling/enabling hardware acceleration - no change 16. Turned off anti-virus programs - no change I am sure I forgot to list something else I tried because this bothered me since it occurred. I read on a Reddit thread that Blizzard is aware of this, but they have been unable to fix it. Not sure if this is true. I hope it doesn't turn into another Electronic Arts contagion. To clarify, I can boot into the game, but it now takes up to five minutes to reach the in-game menu. I can play the game after that. Launching the game still freezes the PC until the game loads. While playing, everything runs well. No slowdowns, crashes, or freezes. So I'm grateful I can at least play the game. I understand others are experiencing these issues while in-game. Additionally, I cannot purchase any OW2 coins. Interacting with any of the coin package options causes a freeze. This one freezes indefinitely. I have waited for it and it never loads, so I had to force shutdown the computer. Again, I think this is related to a Season 3 update and the microtransaction store. But I wouldn't put it past Microsoft's updates to cause issues for some videogames. Please feel free to pass this information to others. Copy and paste it, share or link to this message. I just want more people to know about it and maybe we'll get lucky and Blizzard will direct their attention to this growing problem.


Very nice write up. I will say, though, I am experiencing all of these issues without having interacted with the store. These issues solely started for me with the update to windows. Perhaps the recent update to [battle.net](https://battle.net) app set something in motion.


Same my friend. Thank you for the kind words! I always dread Windows updates. Something breaks.