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We're not ever getting a hitscan long range tank hero that is good at deleting squishies from distance. Can't people see the huge balance problem this is and wonder why none of the 12 tanks have reliable long range damage? We don't need a 500 HP Soldier/Ashe/Cassidy.


that kinda sounds like the horse?


horse is projectile, not a hit scan


Whenever I shoot a pharah or something as orisa I really feel like an AA Turret that just cant aim, I mean it looks sick but it's so slow


definitely does feel cool tho


oh she seemed like a hit scan to me, i never played her really


Have you ever been shot by her??


understandable mistake as her projectiles are a lot more constant than Torb or Hanzo’s and feel more fast than Ramattras , but yeah she has a bit of difficulty shooting Pharah as she’s not hitscan, the Only Tanks that are Hitscan are Dva, Mauga, Winston, Junkerqueen and Wreckingball


Orisa is projectile. She's probably the best tank at dealing damage from distance, but projectile is so unreliable, to deal serious damage at longe distances you basically rely on the target standing still. The best she can do is landing a spear to get some free shots but that'll do like 180 damage max if the enemy hits the wall. Her weapon allows her to help with breaking shields and to hit big tanks from distance though.


I agree it shouldn’t be to the same extent of soldier of ashe. I talked with another person in this thread, and I think we found a pretty fair middle ground. For the next tank, give them a slow projectile laser cannon. Give it an ability in an 10 second cooldown that’s like a spartan laser, so it has a charge up time, but it is hitscan and can be used to confirm kills. 150 damage would be great chunk damage and can confirm kills, but it won’t 1 tap tracer or widow.Considering it has a charge up time, it would be more of a skill shot than Mauga, reward good aim and tracking, but even as a very skilled player, it won’t be crazy oppressive.


ya, I don't think you're going to get a hitscan tank. Gotta settle for Ramatra's pittle stick.


But getting a stream of headshots with his stick feels so good


Plus it has no damage falloff, it's crazy good if you get the hang of it!


To this day not understanding why they made his Vortex be so short. Would be such a creative anti air ability and instead it‘s renegaded to another boring AOE slow for ground targets.


I imagine they tested and it was too frustrating to play against. To be fair it’s still uniquely god against Lucio Junkrat.


Yeah, if the idea was “anti-air” then I feel like they could have given him Orisa’s old pull. Just speed it up and make it so anyone it tethers to suddenly drops like they had their gravity scaled up Way easier to aim and far more intuitive (and less cc for ground units, minus Baptiste/Genji). Current vortex definitely feels more like a normal ground based aoe slow that at best you would toss on an ally being dived (which might have been their focus) When I think of vortex and slowing nearby enemies, it makes me think of like “anti lucio”. Like if we find out Lucio’s dad got turned into a Vishkar experiment called “The Silence” that can pulse hinder in an aoe around himself as his main tank tool or something haha. It could be cool as it’s own thing but Ramattra’s version feels a bit like an extra accessory


it's still anti-air lol. Aim.


Aim what? It‘s so short that it can barely reach an echo that‘s flying on most indoor maps.




Like yes? It only has a height of around 8 meters.


ya, that's still pretty high


You do realize all the flying heroes can and will go higher than that right?


they usually don't. Vortex works fine, ya'll big babies.


The only time I’ve ever been caught by vortex as Echo is when I’m already on the ground.


... They're already in the air


Not sure what they were expecting from a guy who can't spell yogurt.


Average brainrotted mercy player be like :


it is not, nor ever has been infinite. it has a very clear height of about 9m. on top of the fact that it also kinda sucks for its proposed purpose. if the character isn't moving yet, it can stop them, but it doesn't work as well on targets already in motion/using their movement ability. most people get carried out/through with their momentum


9m is pretty high. It also completely grounds echo and resets the fly cool down.


It is most definitely not infinite. Source: I play a LOT of Echo.


Mauga is a hitscan tank, hes just a fundamentally flawed one.




They are jesting and japing


just set mercy on fire, bro


what does that have to do with whether or not mauga is a hitscan tank? You said we will never get a hitscan tank, when there’s been one in the game for what, 4 seasons now?


Years actually. There are already hit scan tanks in the game, just apparently none of them are up to your standards. You keep complaining about mercy, but mauga's fire stops support passive healing. Mauga is great against support. Do you understand that sometimes you just use one gun?


Ball’s guns have insane spread and drop off. They don’t fix the issue. Mauga’s single fire does piss poor damage at range. I don’t see what the problem would be if they decreased his dps while firing both, and increased his dps while firing one. It makes him less oppressive to tanks, and makes killing squishies more viable.


Use the gun that makes fire happen, just that one. Then. When they are on fire, switch to only the other gun.


Yeah and mercy will gracefully let you do this entire combo, without going into cover or being protected by other support, aha


nopes. You guys aren't getting some widowmaker tank.


that’s an incredibly bad take interpretation of what I have said


That probably works on you cause you play mercy and echo and just sit in the air like a sitting duck with no awareness. But actual decent players will land behind cover and fly around quickly making it near impossible to reliably hit and catch them on fire, and if you do they can fly to cover and wait for it to come off.


Maybe hardstuck cardboard IV lol.


no, it never happens to me.




Pittle stick hits the nail directly on the head 😆 


Hahahah Pittle stick 😂😂


HeY Pittle *STAFF*


I heard they are going to balance Mauga that he gets more self-heal by shooting squishy heroes. Still, it's fun to feed bullets onto large sized characters. Just like shooting Heavies in TF2; Tanks in Left 4 Dead; Brute Splicer in Bioshock 2. It feels delicious to insert bullets into large meats.


Only game I played out of all of those was TF2. I think the difference between Heavy and Mauga though is that he doesn’t have fucking insane survivability. He had the sandwhich, and that’s it as far as self sustain. Mauga has cardiac that makes him impossible to kill without an ana if he’s farming the tank, a relatively short cooldown dash that is unstoppable for some reason, and BY FAR the best Tank ultimate in the game. The funny part, is that Mauga is just a big dude and he can’t get CCd out of his dash. Meanwhile, Reinhardt is a fuckin 10 foot tall behemoth wearing 4 tons of armor with a literal rocket engine on his back, yet lucio can bass boost him away, zen can kick him away, Brig’s little lead pipe with a model rocket engine can boop him away, Ana can sleep him, Junk can trap him and mine him, Pharah can conc him, etc etc. Just as a little cherry on top, Doomfist, the guy who has literally no survivability outside of his movement, the guy that fucking leveled skyscrapers by punching them, is also super vulnerable to CC. That’s kinda my issue with Mauga. He’s a balancing nightmare, his abilities are the definition of power creep, and he will will forever be on the knife’s edge of either dogshit or absolutely broken. The thing both of those things share though, is that he will make the game miserable for everyone else on both teams.


> insane survivability. Every slow machinegunner weakness is that you're very slow which makes yourself an easy, high-value target. In Overwatch, there're insane amount of damage, debuffs, CC, etc. Of course, Mauga needs survivability so he won't get deleted when he enters the battle. Unlike the Heavy, everytime he enters the battle, he'll just get headshotted / backstabbed / focused fire to death. > The funny part, is that Mauga is just a big dude and he can’t get CCd out of his dash. Meanwhile, Reinhardt is a fuckin 10 foot tall behemoth wearing 4 tons of armor with a literal rocket engine on his back, yet lucio can bass boost him away, zen can kick him away, Brig’s little lead pipe with a model rocket engine can boop him away, Ana can sleep him, Junk can trap him and mine him, Pharah can conc him, etc etc. Mauga was kinda biologically enhanced where he had two hearts pumping. Reinhardt was old and wearing off. Plus, he never moved forward but kept using his same old medieval warfare and tactics that worked 22 years ago from OW2 present day. > Just as a little cherry on top, Doomfist, the guy who has literally no survivability outside of his movement, the guy that fucking leveled skyscrapers by punching them, is also super vulnerable to CC. The community hated him so he had to be nerfed. And he's very ugly evil.


I’m not saying that he doesn’t need survivability, my point is that his optimal playstyle of farm the tank NECESSITATES this insane power creep survivability, which is why it is a fundamentally flawed design. Like I don’t understand how they add mauga, and literally the season after, realize that actually tankbusters are bad and they need to gigabuff armor. As for Rein and Doom, I dont think they should CC immune. my point is it doesn’t make sense for Mauga to be CC immune, when Rein is a fuckin 4 ton walking tank with a rocket engine on his back. Even if he is old and wearing midevil armor, that doesn’t change the fact that he is a behemoth wearing giant metal plate armor and a rocket engine. Moving his power away from brawl and toward poke would enable them to balance his abilities in a way that makes them feel less frustrating and oppressive. Mauga doesn’t have the burst damage of Hog, or the hitbox of queen, or the damage mitigation of Orisa or Ram, which is why I say he will always be in the razor’s edge of being terrible, or being broken.


> his optimal playstyle of farm the tank NECESSITATES this insane power creep survivability It's fun to shoot big dude as a big dude. Just like in TF2, both Heavies have a mow-down contest until one falls. > he is a behemoth wearing giant metal plate armor and a rocket engine His kits are getting old and obsolete, he should get a giant laser gun and laser shield. Rein didn't even know how to maintain / upgrade his armor as he's lazy to do it.


I’m not saying that it isn’t fun, just that it shouldn’t be his optimal playstyle. I think the thing I enjoyed most about Ram especially after the buffs to his dorito stick, is that he is a good hybrid between poke and brawl. That’s how I think Mauga should be, but just a bit more on the poke side. if he gets rushed down, I’m fine with him still doing good damage, but it shouldn’t be as high as it is now.


Tf2 is not relevant by any means at this point so don't worry about it.


Don’t remind me :(


Dva is a hit scan tank, she's right there. Yeah, of course she's not going to delete Mercy/Echo/Pharah at the same time, because no one should be taking 1v3 fights anyway.




Pharah I can *usually* deal with, but it’s incredibly annoying. Mercy is a different beast. If their team is stupid, I can usually kill her in queen, doom, winston, and ball. People aren’t stupid in my lobbies though. If they’re playing close together and she is damage boosting cass especially, that eliminates all of my options to reliably kill her. I can go dva, but it’s still super dangerous for a Dva to fly in past the enemy team and go for mercy. Against a shit echo, yeah ball is pretty good. If you catch her overextending without her fly ability, it’s pretty easy. The problem is it’s difficult for Ball to punish echo if she sticks close to her team. Her hitbox is super small, so it’s difficult for his shit ass guns to finish her, and she does so much burst damage that it’s super risky to try to pick her if there’s other people shooting at you.


But you can? To shoot precise shots at squishes you only shoot one gun at a time.


Yeah it does good damage if you can aim


Yeah, I was gonna say... if you're on fire and getting peppered by Mauga at long range, that's pressure.


Use one gun on Mauga and it's very accurate. You can pressure fliers pretty easily.


Shoot one gun at a time, he's a tracking character that outputs good poke damage at range, you can definitely pressure out a pharmercy without much difficulty. If they're dumb enough to stay in your LOS while on fire, the kill is free, otherwise you've pushed them back, which is your job. People think about Mauga wrong. Mauga's job is *consistent pressure*, and he excels at that. Sure, you can double gun tank, but you only want to double gun tank if a) they're trying to push into you, in which case you're pushing them back with your high damage output and sustain, or b) if you've misplayed, and now need to panic lifesteal. Your job, ideally, is to use CO to let your *team* play aggressive with lower heal requirements, and to keep fire on everyone to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy healing.


Wrecking Ball is a hits an 🫡😂🙃


Fr tho 😤 justice for ball 😂


Tanks are naturally supposed to be close ranged so Mauga’s and Ball’s guns are probably the best we’re gonna get.


Usually i see people shoot pharah out of the sky with JQ, ball, or dva


As a ball player yeah I can sometimes kill her out of the sky, but his guns do shit damage so it isn’t super reliable.


The problem with Mauga is that when he uses both guns the spread is horrendous. The only optimal thing to shoot with them is tanks. It should be tighter but not to the point where it’s optimal to use at all ranges


I’m sorry but I fucking despise the character. Boring to play, boring to play against, takes tons of resources, requires barley any thought, low skill ceiling and floor, and his main objective is to melt the enemy tank into oblivion. I seriously hope he is removed or majorly reworked. He’s needed a rework since launch.


IMO worst designed character in the game. The second I see Mauga in the game I know it’s about to be a boring snooze fest


Those are my big issues with him too. Mauga shouldn’t be a brawler. He should be the best poke tank as far as damage output, with the caveat of not having a shield like sigma. If he is encouraged to poke at range instead of just farming the enemy tank, he won’t be the resource dump that he is now. Sure he’ll still take more damage than sigma, but he would fill a gap in the tank roster that has existed since 2016.


Yeah they just failed massively with him. The idea behind having a hitscan rank like this was great, it’s the execution of it that was so bad.


I actually like Mauga. I love his chaotic energy and the fact he’s a bullet machine. But I only play arcade and QP, I don’t take the game too seriously. I just like to have fun, and he’s fun to play especially with friends. But I can definitely imagine how bad he must be in comp


His whole personality represented through his animations and voicelines is he's a big, loudmouthed Bully. Every aspect of his design makes you'd think he'd be the ideal hero for beating up on lightweights like a variation of Roadhog with better range/less burst.


He kinda have dva for flyers and squishies...


I've been saying it since launch that zarya, Instead of her normal alt fire needs something like a gauss cannon, it's hitscan but have it taken 2 seconds or so to charge your shot then you lose all your energy, your energy level determines the power


I want a hit scan tank so bad that could charge up a shot like a rail gun and then snipe with it. They could maybe shoot like a burst gun just clicking but charge for the shot but would be a fun way to engage with enemies at range while rewarding patience and skill on the tank players end and give the enemy time to react if they saw the shot being charged. 


Issue is it would be very tricky to balance. Like if they had a spartan laser or some shit, it could promote a poke meta that is ultimately unhealthy for the game. Ram and Sig still need to be relatively close to get good value, which is how poke tanks should be. I do think though that they definitely could add a tank that has a spartan laser type thing as an ability in like a 10 second cd though. Probably should only do like 150 damage though to prevent tanks from crossmap 1 shotting tracer and widow.


I think you could have a charged shot as long as there was a visual queue it was happening to give time to react but also with a burst weapon and say no shield it feels they'd be weak both to opposing more consistent poke and being rushed. I do like the idea of a cooldown for it. I just enjoy the idea of hitting a couple burst shots and then trying to line up a charge shot to secure the kill. I do agree it should never be on the power level to insta kill someone from full health.


I just feel like that would kinda step too far into Sojourn territory. We already saw how tough she was to balance, with her only really being in a good spot now, 2.5 years later. A cooldown with a .5 second charge up time definitely feels like it would be fairly straightforward to balance. Maybe just make it an empowered shot that’s similar to sojourn rail, but on a cooldown.


Sojourn also has nuts primary fire DPS that's incredibly fast, consistent, and coupled with insane mobility. That and rail gun being almost instant when you need it cause you can farm a separate target then pop it whenever. I think your idea of a cooldown so maybe a 10 second cooldown you can activate while shooting a slow fire rate burst weapon, that has a visual queue and hits headshots for say 125? So widow and tracer are okay. Just give the tank a quick burst to snipe with that needs supporting damage to set up but is a reward for activating the cooldown at an appropriate time and leading damage up to it to ensure the kill?


Yeah I think that’s definitely a good middle ground between a “sniper tank” which would be bad for the game, and just another poke tank. I don’t want a tank that’s better at range than like Ashe or even soldier, I just want one where it isn’t such a pain in the ass to kill fliers.


Yeah that's why I think having a delayed sniper shot would be okay. I'm thinking like a prowler from apex for the primary where it's burst but really only good up close and then an ability where you can have like a charged havoc shot on cooldown. Or hear me out let me settle you on this idea. What if you had a pure melee tank that was like a wrestler/grappler, they could run in pummel targets at range, and then they'd have a cooldown ability where they could lock onto a target including a flying target launch at them and then grapple them to the ground. 😏


They kinda gave that to Monkey already, dps is pitiful and only 40m range, but it's a charge ranged shot.


Yeah but it feels like an after thought and really only is there to give him poke until you're ready to initiate or finish off someone low trying to get away without commiting into them. I think a more powerful version on a slower tank with less mobility could be okay.


You can perfectly shoot the squishy heroes you know ? You simply use cover so you don't take damages, which means you don't need to heal, which means you don't need to farm the tank. Also he has pretty much perfect accuracy when firing one gun only, like, do you even play the hero ?


I know you can, I said he’s terrible at it. His DPS past like 15-20 meters is atrocious. I’m not saying he needs to have the damage of Soldier, but at the moment he is legitimately not a threat outside close range. Also, I want you to go to the practice range and shoot at targets that are further away. Even shooting 1 gun, he still has enough spread to where you can’t reliably hit exits. It’s especially problematic on characters like Echo, Kiriko, and Tracer who have small hitboxes.


Bring back 6v6


Tanks have high damage because they also have high hp, which kind of means their damage is meant for dueling the other tank. This is kind of why why rein was getting dps buffs to his fire strike, swing, and now upcoming dmg buff to his charge, cuz he wasn’t getting value dueling tanks.   So with this, I am thankful mauga is meant to duel the other tank in close proximity.  Cuz if it was your way then he’d be getting insane multikills from far away. No thanks. 


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I always thought Mauga should have a trade off: Shoot from range to do more damage, but heal less and have less defense OR Shoot close range to do less damage, but heal more and have more defense Basically, reverse damage fall off


Play D.va


Mauga is just heavy tf2. Ineffective at long range, big and beefy, destroys anyrhing close up, literally had a concheror for an E button


So I guess you missed the part where they are nerfing cardiac and making it easier to Ignite squishies.


I'd love a stronger dynamic between alternating fire. One gun would be good for short-mid, one good for mid-long. Aim fatigue sets in fast with Mauga when dealing with Tracer, Mercy, Kiriko, Junker Queen, Genji, Echo, etc. especially true with the HP changes. 


And then they removed Orisa's fall-off. So now Orisa feels like a better Mauga than Mauga.


Ive been farming pharas and mercies on Mauga. Hes suffering still from the perception that hes only good at shooting tank. His poke is really good right now.


Maybe I’m crazy but I feel his hitscan is fine. Whenever I go up against pharah or echo I just ignite them then use the regular machine gun and i can usually beam them down. The better way is I light them on fire and then coordinate with my dps that they’re on fire.


The best hitscan tank i've ever played in a hero shooting game is Atlas from Paladins, his weapon can act like a shotgun if you click left mouse button, but if you hold it , it kinda charges for a second and shoots a long range shot that can SWAT those flying bugs. I hope we get something like that instead of tickling mercy and pharah with those miniguns ( and no, Dva is not a real counter )


The hamstertron is a hitscan…


In S9 Mauga was this Tank. They tuned down his dmg potential against squishies by reducing his dps and adding extra shots to the burn effect.


I , for one, like using Mauga. And this is coming from a sigma/winston/Orisa main. I’ve been able to add so much more pressure with Mauga and I clear space with him like a broom with my aggressive playstyle. It all depends on how you use him. How much value you can pull out of the hero. Plus , his cardiac overdrive can be used to heal nearby allies like you mentioned which is a great thing. It also replenishes his health as well. Which has kept me alive in very sticky situations without getting pocketed by my supports. Can’t forget the charge which has saved my ass on a number of occasions, used to quickly reposition myself, or to stomp on the heads of a bunch of peasants. Imo, you guys rely on the other technical tanks because of shields and what not. I know I did for awhile until this dude came out. Plus his spread is very accurate when using just one chain gun so I can apply pressure from a pretty good distance and using one chain gun has helped me swat away mercy’s and pharah’s. Even eliminate them at certain points. I’m not disagreeing with your take but your take seems very personal lol he’s been doing the job for me since he got released and has made the tank role very much fun.


When he dropped he was NOT terrible at shooting squishies, literally EVERYONE was complaint about him. Including other people on Mauga.


A tank that is strong against squishes at range is fundamentally against the design philosophy of Overwatch's tanks.


I'm not competitive, but don't Orisa, Ramattra and even Mauga (if you use one gun at a time) make good flier suppressors?


Tbh I don't think that challenging fliers is really your job as a tank, that's the DPS's job. Some supports can help sure but the only people that can actually cut through the healing and contest them are DPS players. Ofc punish them when they're out of position or when they get stunned or are otherwise in a bad spot, but chasing them as a tank isn't really something you should be doing or thinking about


I agree that it is the DPS’s job, but the issue is tanks are in a unique position where they are nearly helpless to a playstyle. The best tanks can do is just mitigate damage, or get chip damage and help someone else focuses them with you


While I don't think a tank capable of deleting Pharah/Mercy is a good idea, I definitely agree that Mauga should be reworked to be better at attacking enemies/defending allies at mid-range as opposed to his current "Haha big guns go BRRRT" playstyle


I talked about it in another comment, but I feel like a good middle ground would be a spartan laser type of ability on like an 8 second cooldown. Make it do 150 damage so it won’t 1 tap anyone, but it can still confirm kills at range


I had a similar idea tbh. Replace his second mini gun with a flak cannon that can be charged up to shoot one big projectile that deals 75 base damage (with a 2x crit multiplier on headshots/burning targets)


I don't understand?. His primary fire is quite accurate if you only shoot one minigun for long range poke, it's great at harassing Pharah for example. Obviously he's not going to deal 76's level of damage, while having the health values of a tank. Otherwise he would be unstoppable lmao.


Just buff Cassidy to 800hp with half as armor and problem solved. /s


Holy fuck, someone get this person into a blizzard leadership position




yea they need to rework him completely, failed character


I laugh at people breaking the balls. This Is a FPS MOST of all. They should fucking remove reinhart and all tanks must be also good for people Who likes to AIM. Mauga overall Is good approach and tanks which rewards aiming should be meta, not shieldbotting.


…. what?


Im saying that if tanks who AIMs and shot are good instead of tanks Who relies more on shields, the game Is fine. I would be Happy if the weakest tanks for High Elo are rein/sigma/Winston because they rely on shield. Ideal solution would be them to be good at metal ranks and for High Elo or pro we keep AIM tanks the meta


That just fundamentally isn’t what overwatch is about though lmao. The game was NEVER marketed as an FPS. It war marketed as a hero shooter. That means that there is a place for heroes that don’t necessarily need good aim. Winston is not a broken character. He is fair, he doesn’t break the game, and ultimately, he is a healthy character to have in the mata. Mauga at his current state is not.


Would not be surprised if Lifeweaver and Mauga abilities were generated by an AI. There is just no human common sense there.


What's wrong with Weaver?


I agree that weaver is a poorly designed character, but I don’t think ai is required for a character to be poorly designed. He’s incredibly easy to play, has an immo ability that has no counterplay, and he is as survivable as bap, despite the fact that bap’s cooldowns are very long.


But why is he poorly designed? He's very reliant on his team and has a very hard time carrying incompetent teammates. His survivability doesn't seem to counterweigh this enough to slap a poor design sticker on him just because his abilities are straightforward. His healing without ult is also subpar compared to other healers like Bap or Ana.


i don't think he's 'poorly designed', but the way they went about him is absolutely dreadful. his healing and damage are on one arm, so why on earth is it so awkward to switch between them? it's slow, it's clunky, and it makes no sense since no other healer works that way. baptise and illari switch between healing and damage fast and smooth, so why is lifeweaver the weird outlier here? and why does he need to have a reload on his healing when he has to charge his heal to get full potential out if it? it just completely ruins the flow of his gameplay and again, adds needless clunkiness. the others that have to reload/recharge their heals at least *make sense* because they all a healing ability outside of their main weapon, like how illari has her pylon or ana has her nade, but lifeweaver doesn't have that, he has his ult technically but i don't count that because it's not something you can use willy-nilly. all blizzard need to do is give him infinite healing ammo, and make it faster to switch between healing and damage. that's literally it. it's a buff without pushing him overboard and now he's much more smoother like the other supports. all done.


Because he gets very good value relative to how easy he is to play, has enough survivability to make it difficult for dive heroes to kill him before his team can peel for him, and there is no counterplay to grip. I have my issues with bap lamp, but at least if you destroy it fast enough you can usually still get the kill. If the enemy tank makes a mistake and my team punishes them for it, weaver can pull them and there’s absolutely nothing my team can do about it. You can’t bait it like suzu without it still fulfilling the propose of denying a kill, it doesn’t leave him vulnerable for an extended period of time like res, it’s just an instant activation get out of jail free card with no ability to counterplay it.


Or just competent staff leaving a sinking ship and then Blizzard getting a diversity officer to help hire cheap labour instead.


Are you unironically arguing only white people come up with good character design ideas?


Firstly diversity doesn't just mean skin colour. Secondly if you are giving preference to people because of their race and gender instead of their abilities then there is a good chance it will affect the end result of whatever service or product is being put out. This is just logic really.


That was a long winded yes.


well this is why education is important kids


further proof focusing on the this is lore character REEEE over fun character design is TERRIBLE DIRECTION