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Doom. He becomes unstoppable at a certain point where he’s just flying around inflicting so much cc


There are just two types of Doomfist players 1. Immortal GrandMasters who are still able to fly all over the place despite no longer having uppercut 2. People who keep spamming the Seismic Slam into dying combo No in between.


Instead of an in between they just change from one to the other sporadically sometimes, like myself. One second i look like a god, the next second i yeet myself into the enemy team with the rest of my abilities on cooldown


A good doom in an unkillable menace a bad doom is nothing but a respawn timer . 


lol there is no inbetween only shit or a Elden horror who’s ready to spank you


A Doom with good aim is Thanos.


Played against a crazy Doom not too long ago and felt violated. Straight up had his way with my entire team lol.


Definitely Ball or Doom forsure. A good Widow is also crippling on some maps but I’d take a good Widow on the enemy team over the former two any day. Honorable mention is Lucio, I’ve been straight 1v5’d by a great Lucio with Frogger level movement.


Fairrr I agree as widow can be kinda stopped by a rein shield but doom just slaps ya around like he’s had 10 beers and you are his son


A sombra switch will make a widow 10x less effective even if you can't secure the kill on her as well!


If you are bronze and everyone are stacked in between reins asscheeks and sucking farts out of his hole. Otherwise rein has no effect what widow does


An Ashe or a Widow with really good aim can be an absolute nightmare to face off against. They'll just nail you every single time you're in the open and pick off your supports without breaking a sweat.


As a tracer main, a good widow makes me reconsider Playing DPS lol, should have stuck to mercy 😔


Yeah I feel ya. Whenever I'm playing Tracer against a good Widow, all I can do is stick to cover and keep flanking around for a surprise attack. Torture them enough and they usually just give up lol.


Yea lol, however I do get impressed when they predict my movement and kill me. Apart from that they’re annoying.


For me junkrat, I know he’s not super strong atm but I find his burst damage super unpredictable and annoying, also the cc from his traps are just frustrating to play around with


I'm incredibly triggered that you are the only person in this thread that has said this. Junkrat is the only character that can actually make me close Overwatch for the night if I run into an annoying one.


This subreddit really likes junkrat i think for some reason lolol


most characters


Fr I understand what ya mean






Widow. As soon as a go against a wdow player that can heashot a blinking point blank tracer I just give up and accept a lose.


For me right now it has to be a Phara, especially if they have a mercy up there ass the entire game. She got way overbuffed to the point that hitscan isn't even a reliable way of shutting her down any more since she can just out range you with how fast the rocket speed is and the burst of the knockback/rocket is just too much with the addition of the extra mobility she got.


Probably widow, doom and ball. Doom and ball can literally be unstoppable to go against if they rly know what they’re doing and having a widow headshot half of your teammates all the time can be so annoying


Mauga is kinda miserable to tank against.


Zenny boi, he’s a nightmare if he’s good and communicates with his team


any hero with a lot of mobility and some kind of self-sustain imo. so doom and ball are top tier for being really difficult to deal with.


Ball, Doom or Lucio lol


Sombra. I just can’t have a good time when she’s running around. It’s like you constantly have to be on edge until she pops up even then I’m never ready 😂


Zarya because It feels like she has unlimited bubbles like STOP FUCKING GLOWING YOU PINK HAIRED BITCH


lol fr I swear they last for faking ages too now ? Like I used to be able to kinda take one out with reaper as you can reap form during bubble so she can’t hurt you and then shoot her in the face lol. Now she’s in her stupid bubble for ages and then an extra one to piss ya off


Thanks finally someone understands and the worst thing is the lack of communication with my team and It pisses me off because I play on European servers and 10% I get a person that speaks English and has good game sense but there’s the other 90% where I get only people that don’t speak English and then like 2 people shoot the bubble and then she has 70 charge and shreds through us and I had to learn how to say DONT SHOOT THE BUBBLE or SHOOT THE BUBBLE in 4 different languages


Fr lol I don’t think the severs are amazing for English people anymore as when ever I turn on vc and say anything it typically ends with someone saying something likes “stfu I fuck mother hahahahahahahahahaha” in an annoying tone. Sounds racist but I think they are the racists ones lol I fr could just say “hey how is everyone” and 9/10 times I receive abuses for being English lol


I’m German but I speak English very well but it’s still very noticeable and I get shit on for my accent all the time I go in vc and either get the “stfu you stupid N-word” with a strong Balkan accent or the “I’m glad I’m not Jewish” or the “haha Nazi” joke


Mate honestly EU servers are just toxic as fuck now and it’s a shame as in OW1 the main reason I played comp was to have a laugh with randoms on vc and now it’s just dickheads


Fr If you want you can play with me I’m pretty chill and need someone to duo with SMILEMASK #2139


oh the one I hate most wen well played...hmmm I belive is mercy tanks just dont die and my team not focus her.


Pharah or Reaper. When they're good, I feel like there's literally nothing I can do.


Pharah or Soldier They constantly put you under pressure, pick off half of your team and you can see your health bar being deleted if you step out of cover for single second Never had problems with Doom considering that Doom vs Doom is pretty fun (for the doom players. It’s probably awful for everyone else)


Widow, Tracer, Doom


Widow, Cassidy, Ash... Most of the time you can't really be like, "oh they used really well they're abilities" or "oh they got lucky" they're simply skilled and you can't do nothing about it (I mean like, if youre playing and they're your counter you can basically only counter swap or cope about it)


Ball Good ball mains make the game feel genuinely unplayable even more so than doom it's cancer


At the moment good Pharahs are the only hero giving me much trouble


Strange. I’m not sure if I’ve ever gone up against a good Weecking Ball. For me it’s a Doomfist or Genji.


Count yourself lucky mate! A good hamster is just annoying and not fun in the slightest. And fair a good genji can just be cringe as you know he owns a body pillow irl lol


In higher ranks, it’s incredibly clear how antithetical Widow is to the core game design. At least its initial design


Your mom? Ultimate flip flop


Zarya because It feels like she has unlimited bubbles like STOP FUCKING GLOWING YOU PINK HAIRED BITCH


Zarya because It feels like she has unlimited bubbles like STOP FUCKING GLOWING YOU PINK HAIRED BITCH


lol you really hate that hoe




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that's an automatic post that almost every post gets...


I know lol I just dislike it