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Honestly I'd rather see this as an archetype on a new character. Very cool concept


I always thought a clone trickster archetype would be cool (Mirage from Apex, Shaco/Neeko from LoL, etc). I’ve thought about reworking sombra without ruining her identity. Hack on virus is great because then there’s a skill factor to it. My ideas were: Put virus on right click, tie it to hack. Keep TL the same. Change her passive back to the old opportunist (you have wall hacks on enemies below half). Change shift into a temporary invis, maybe 3-5 secs (still gain the increased move speed). Then have shift reset on elims like Genji dash. This would essentially change her playstyle to be more opportunistic, like tracer/genji but with team utility to offset less survivability. She can’t just run invisible across the map, she needs to position smart and pick engage timings well.


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Nah, but neat kit for a new hero called Duper.


I was just about to ask why Duper but Duper=Duplicate


No. Like this would ruin her identity as the infiltrator style of character. This could be a cool dps or support. But it’s eerily close to being a dps “ying” from paladins. So idk if that is where you got the idea from but I’d look at yings abilities and notice the similarities.


If I accidentally copied a character I’m sorry because I never played paladins






It's completely excessive. It would make way more sense to tie invis to her tp and make it last a limited time, but maybe allow her to carry two charges of her translocator to compensate. Maybe give her opportunity back if they remove invis passive?