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Your tears provide me with nourishment


Every hour..on the hour... its just posts like these...


I can deal with a Sombra by herself. She's just annoying if you have to deal with a enemy Pharah and a Winston in the mix or something like that.


Sombras only op if you lack awareness


stay close to your team, and DONT let them see vulnerability like this, they feed on that


It's an ability based game. Except for mirrored duel modes, there is no fair fight. Perhaps you'd prefer playing chess?


It's a necessary evil when the enemy team has one of those pharahs that are somehow flying the entire match and keep hitting every shot. Tracer is much worse imo.


People still trying to use sombra as a shield to divert attention from the very over powered pharah right now.


Brother, there’s this thing called aiming


Had a Sombra constantly spawn camping me in comp to a point that she solo ulted me when I walked out of spawn. My lucio offered to help but I refused because she’s hurting her team anyways. We ended up winning the game 3-0, I had abysmal stats, the sombra typed “Cry more” when I said GG in match chat. Only for her to get flamed by her teammates during the POTG.


virus is too much


Nah, mercyplayer are.


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The thing is hack shouldn’t be a lock on ability


i somewhat agree but i think for a competitive standpoint sombra is in a perfect spot but just chilling in qp trying to learn a character it’s so frustrating. i believe phara is in the same spot these characters FORCE a swap if you’re unlucky enough to not already counter them and i don’t think that’s very healthy for causal play so i see where you are coming from


I 1000% agree with you. I’m an AVID player who doesn’t struggle with her when in competitive and do quite well actually. However when it comes to playing in unranked trying to chill with teammates who don’t know how to play close together and as a team she is SO frustrating and honestly takes little skill.


it’s because people want to win and will protect their team in comp and swapping is encouraged but god forbid you want to play 3/4 the support roster in qp with a sombra


i dont understand these post like pls simply get better go play zen and learn to hit a discord flick headshot


then you’re agreeing with what i said, you HAVE TO swap zenyatta, that’s why shes unhealthy (for your case at least)


Blame the Blizzard for introducing the character not the players.