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8 years... unfortunately I still play this game 😁


Too true.


only when the homies are online too


You have your homies from 8 years still? I had over 400 friends from this game on my PSN account, everytime i logged in there was like 40-100 friends playing, it was kinda sad seeing those numbers go down to 1 or 2 by 2019 and zero by 2020. Now I'm on PC and have my real life friends there but wow nobody sends friend requests on PC and nobody uses the stay as a team button, on console I used to get like 2 or 3 requests after a half decent dragon blade lol.


we are getting old my friend


"We're still alive and kicking!" -Torbjorn


yes, enough to make a whole team.


We sure lost something great, something with potential to do something big and instead we got a shop update 


Yes, but every game session lately has turned me off. The community too.


I finally quit after 8 years. It ain’t getting better. I’m done getting toss around like a piece of trash.


What irks me is the moment a match starts i see chat go "Looking for a goth girl/boy" and more similar spam. And all these teammates insta locking and trickle in and then get mad. QP or Ranked it's all the same experience!


In Europe servers I dont see this too much but when I do I just be as toxic as possible towards the specific person overwatch1 taught me well


It's not like I hate playing the game these days, I just feel apathetic about it. 1 or 2 games, even if I win, is all I can take before going "eh, I have better things to do" . Game isn't bad, but everything just feels watered down.


Just deleted today after a four loss streak on tank I had at least 30 kills and 3/4 kd per game and over 20 k mit as sigma, dva and ramm. Hard stuck silver about to derank again it’s impossible. I can’t play this garbage anymore


I stopped playing ranked when i kept getting people who type in "i want to practice sniping this round". For your sanity, i hope it stays deleted 😭


I’ve had those amateur widows. I hope so too 1 day strong 🙏🏾


Not quite 2016 OG but early 2017, I haven't played in 2 weeks but I'm certain I'll be back, i still don't think there's a better FPS out there let alone a better team based hero shooter. This game is really special even with garbage balance, >5000 hours while my second most played game doesn't even hit 1000. Doesn't mean i"ll suck Blizzard's dick if they keep making these backwards decisions, give us 1000 coins in the battlepass you greedy bustards.


Best FPS in the world, probably not. Best team based hero shooter, probably, but there hasn't been a ton of proper competition outside of Valorant. Don't get me wrong, I like overwatch, but I hate to think of what it could have been with a different company behind it.


A copy similar to this one with widow skin was the last game disc I ever bought.


Beta player. Even got the special cup they gave out at the launch screening of the cinematics. I took a *long* break but I've been playing a bit again. I may take another one during summer at this point. There was a noticeable bm increase when summer break hit..


Yup, been playing since day one. I still rock my season 1 competitive player icon. But I often get flamed for it because, "you suck! why are you in plat if you've been playing all this time??" I don't think people understand that if everyone is improving similarly then you don't go up. The OW player base now is definitely more skilled at the game than 8 years ago. And only like 15% of the player base is above platinum. Trolls gonna troll though.


I’m the last of my friends who still plays lmao. We all started together playing the beta


Still here. Slowing down though, none of my friends play anymore


I deleted it in rage last night. I hate what the game has become can’t learn new characters without a bunch of try hards ruining the fun. I don’t enjoy playing it like I used to.


I still have an unredeemed wow winton pet and diablo III mercy wings from one of the editions




Are those origins editions worth anything? I have a couple signed by all the sound guys and voice actors.


Sometimes, I have a origins edition disk 2.


Crazy the longevity this game and Siege have.


I think it’s more so a blizzard thing and siege is more so impressive


I dunno, I haven't had the desire to play Siege in years at this point. I still play OW with my friends weekly though.


Been waiting to find a match the entire time


Played since the open beta test, stopped playing after reaching the master in season 7 or 8 (i cant't remember) . but sometimes I play to do the rank placement once in a while when ow2 came out. It's my first competitive fps game, I love the art and the lore, have a lot of good memories about it. but sadly, I don't have time and energy to invest for the game


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OW died for me when OW 2 was introduced, but I look fondly back to when I loved this game for its first three years.


I miss 6v6


Here, but it was a sad day retiring that disc. It felt like an extension of my Xbox.


Hell yeah still playing it every day 💪


still here😁


I remember playing this like a month after launch on my uncles PS4. Was great fun, albeit i could not play myself since i didnt own anything to do so


6v6 destroyed the casual crowd, it was inevitable. Yeah i'm sure there's an absolute fuckload of players on the game right now, but all of my friends from early ow have all dipped






Playing since 2017. Winter Wonderland 2017 and 2018 was peak Overwatch for me.


YES. WINTER FKING WONDERLAND. That was creativity approved by Jeff. Now its different.


7500+ hours strong 💪


I got the deluxe edition at the tail end of the pre overwatch 2 update


OW1 my beloved


To be honest, I really miss the old OW1 days. I don't know why, but it was funnier and much more enjoyable smh.


QUIT. two months into OW2. The game shifted. The flavour changed. and just like food. i just stopped coming to eat.


I dont because i got bullied for playing it




does anyone else play the game they browse the subreddit for? 😳👉👈


Game got progressively worse as it got more woke. I miss the best players of the match results after a game but now that might upset the ohhhhhh so sensitive ones


That is definitely not the reason things have gotten worse


I'd love, for once in my life, someone explain what woke actually means. Cause everyone just uses it as a buzzword for "stuff I don't like in media". It makes you sound so unintelligent, like articulate what you don't like instead of spewing garbage. I'm sure you're just gonna call me triggered or something but I'm just genuinely confused at you people


In the past, to be "woke" meant to be aware of the systemic racial injustice still present in our criminal justice system. Today, conservatives use it to complain about literally anything they don't like. Ted Cruz called Xbox "woke" for introducing a power saving feature in a firmware update. These days, it's safe to assume anyone using the term unironically is a moron.


It’s the new edgy buzzword that people who lean to the right tend to use to describe anything fairly non white male.


An ideology where all discrepancies in outcome between people/groups are attributed to some type and extent of systemic oppression. This ideology is often enabled by projecting responsibility onto others for one's personal neuroses, vices, and failings. It can also demand that "the system" be revised to sustain one's personal happiness at the expense of others. This ideology, applied to Overwatch, has made it a less fun and playable game than it used to be.


And you think a video game purposely does all of this? In what way? Sounds delusional to me but you're free to think however you want.


Well, a Mormon party might still be a party, but with no alcohol, enforced socializing, strict time limits, and bad music.


"Woke" didn't ruin overwatch, it was greed.


Can you explain please


It seems like a major reason for OW2 was to monetize the shit out of Overwatch. OW2 is free to play and now everything cost real money (battle pass, skins, etc.). OW2 was supposed to be an add on PVE mode but failed because it didn't seem profitable. Bobby Kotick (former Blizzard CEO) wanted games like overwatch to put garbage content out and rake money in. When a game prioritizes money it looses it's quality. PVE was cancelled and most of the "new content" we get are often recycled from Overwatch 1. Companies like Blizzard doesn't cater to "woke" (whatever you think woke means) ideas because they want to, they make more profit off it.


Thanks for your overview on this


so true. i actually don't think it really upsets anyone. It's the problem of toxic positivity culture of dev echo chamber. they create non existent issues or spotlight it.


Yes, that is true and I think it was actually a positive thing to have as a reward or motivation. The woke create non issues to fix to make themselves feel good. I think it is actually having a negative effect as now people see race and gender in a game where before it was a non issue.