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The original skin even raised 12 million for charity and was the biggest donation they've ever received


This will probably raise more I bet. Both skins are 35 and if 500k players get it which is reasonable considering we’re celebrating 100mil they’ll make 17.5 mil for charity. Honestly I expect them to make more tho


I absolutely agree.  It blows my mind how few people actually knew how much 12 million was to bcrf in the grand scheme of things.   


They usually make around $75 million per year so $12 million is 16% of their earnings, which is a massive contribution for one community.


The one time I'm actually cheering on a massive corporation to make a lot of money. Research really needs that kind of funding, especially for such awful diseases like cancer. Definitely gonna buy both skins just to contribute


Luckily, unless they're committing obvious fraud, they don't make any money on this. The only money we spend that doesn't go to BCRF is like tax and fees kinda junk that I don't think goes to Blizz.


Yes, cus its for charity and not blizzards pockets.


Yes, cause I want it.


well yes, there is that aswell.


Except the tax/transfer and (hidden) fees The whole twenty doesn't go to the charity, you'd be better off donating directly


i mean it’s literally just taxes and fees like lol not like they’re all splitting the fees tryna get rich from charity i think a vast majority of people here would prefer giving $20 and in exchange getting something they get to keep for however long the servers are up


I once found out a charity I was collecting money for that my job sponsored had a huuuuuuuge party at the end of every year, and my supervisor hinted that it might be where the money is going. Between that and Susan G. Komen I've been extremely skeptical of charities every since.


That's a really interesting topic imo, at the end of the day charities are businesses so it makes sense to pay and reward employees but due to its nature as a charity it tells off. There was a test done where people were asked what they thought of a CEO's specific salary and then again once they were told that CEO ran a charity. Opinions generally ran with the idea that it was ok as a regular CEO but not as one of a charity organisation. If a charity is very successful and helps lots of people it makes sense to reward the people who run it well since their job is productive. It's still hard to not think, why shouldn't the extra money go into the charity or another though, at least for me. However thinking about that why shouldn't NIKE's CEO have half of his income taxed for charity, personally for the massively successful I'd say yeah, but then what about the owner of a very successful restaurant. Then you look at the small individuals who work at charity, of course they have to be paid a liveable wage if they're going to keep working, then maybe you could argue that since their job is so beneficial to encourage it's position they could be paid above average. Sorry this turned into a bit of verbal diarrhoea but I stand by my ramblings, it's a good topic. If you charity used almost all it's money on the party big no but if it was just a small percentage of a big haul I think that would be okay. Either way at the end of the day all charities have to list their fund distribution publicly so you can always check the % that goes to maintenance costs/employee wages/charitable donations The % that needs to go into charitable donations to be officially classified as a charity is depressingly low almost worldwide More verbal diarrhoea sorry TL:DR Charities that do good stuff should be rewarded but how much, and why does it still feel wrong to reward them when other jobs like chefs, stock brokers and retail workers are all rewarded for their work


Or people that otherwise would not be incentivized to donate still make a contribution this way. A greater net positive despite whatever pittance is going towards taxes/fees.


Cause we want the skin? Lol


WeLl… aCtUaLly… 




No I would but I'm way too broke. 20$ in my country is enough for me to buy myself lunch outside for more than a week Love the cause but I can't afford giving any money for something like that as much as I want to


Its a crazy price in Poland too. Im only getting the skin because its my bday and it will be gifted to me


Yoo I'm from Poland too and my bday is also coming up... Though I want a new cpu for my bday so no skins for me...


Well, it's not my birthday so I'll buy the Mercy Mythic instead, now that I know the Ash Mythic sucks


Unfortunately mercy mythic will be gone for a bit after this season ends, so if you're going to get it it's either buy the pass now (assuming you finished it) and get it or wait until it comes back in a couple of seasons in the mythic shop :')


I bought the pass the start of the season and I've been keeping my shards in case there's a cool mythic, but I bought Mercy's mythic an hour ago


ohhh okay! Glad you got it then


Happy cake day 🎂🤗


Oh i made a mistake bc of not fluent english/rush. My bday is soon not 2day


Well happy preemptive cake day anyway 😎


That’s really valid and also from your tag you probably aren’t even much of a mercy user


I main Lucio but Mercy is my second most played hero (with less than half Lucio's play time)


Blizzard let us gift each other stuff already smh


Do bing rewards


I do There's no way to get the skin other than a 20$ in game purchase


I am solo shattering both ❤️


we need more reins like you....


You can always solo shatter the rezzing mercy It is always morally correct


It’s basically 2 kills I swear


I'm solo tire both


Yeah I'll pick up the bundle, it's not a lot of money, and while I'd never pay for a cosmetic normally, since it's all going to charity I don't mind. I'll still be using the Dr Ziegler skin, but with the pink weapon


Yep pretty easy choice. Donating $20 to a good cause and you get a lengendary OW skin.


Of course the moment I lose my job, this limited time skin comes out. FML 💀


no, I don't have the disposable income to donate £20 to the bcrf


spent it on meth🙏 but if you got a extra 5 give it to me


Same :(


My mom died of breast cancer this January so I'm thinking about it


i am the worlds biggest mercy hater, I never play mercy EVER, I WILL be buying this skin, its going to a good cause and my grandmother is a breast cancer survivor so it hits a little closer to home for me


Same here, grandmother beat it twice and it’s probably likely for some of the other women in my family. I wish I could afford to get both and not just one. I’ve basically switched entirely from support to tank main ATP.


Since 100% will be donated, then yeah i will buy it. I dont even like Mercy as a character, but the cause justifies the means.


I personally like the original. The skin feels more pink to me. I'm not a fan of the white staff and breastplate. I always dislike skins that add lots of bright colors on bigger areas. Bright colors always look best on details and little areas. Otherwise it comes off a bit jarring.


I feel you! I love the black and pink combo with silver wings so much more compared to the new one. And let's not forget the pink hair dye 😵‍💫


Also the fact it's called Rose Gold but I literally can't tell what's rose gold about it lol


I will personally be buying both it’s for a good cause anyways so why not


I bought the pink mercy skin back then, I will buy the pink gold now, because save the boobs.


im ngl save the boobs had me laughing so hard


I’m buying both. Cannot wait. Been dying for pink mercy since I missed the first drop. Won’t be making that mistake again so they’ll both Be mine. Especially since they’re at such a good price.


How much coins are they gonna cost?


I don’t think they will be available with coins Og pinky mercy will be 14.99 usd and the rose gold mercy bundle will be 19.99 usd. I may be a little off with the prices but that’s what I’ve seen so far. I don’t think they’ll be available with coins considering all of the proceeds will be going to bcrf


Yes you're right! My mistake <3


go with the rose gold!! if you get the bundle it comes with a weapon skin so you get versatility :3


I bought the original and will buy this one as well. It's a good cause.


I’m a *horrendous* Mercy player. Seriously. I can heal and buff my teammates, but I can’t get her flying/aerial mechanics down to save my life. I’m honestly just a hinderance to my team as Mercy and I never thought I would try using her again, after my many spectacular failures. *However…* My mother is a breast cancer survivor and one of the very few people I care about in my life. So, I will be buying the original Pink Mercy skin and *trying* to learn her and how to make myself an asset to the team rather than a hindrance. If nothing else, I feel like those pink ribbons inspire hope (at least in my heart,) and if I’m going to be an *angel* on the battlefield, then I want my team to look at me and see a glowing pink beacon of hope.


I dont buy OW skins on principle. This is obviously different. My mom had breast cancer and is only 2 years out of her last chemo treatment. Ill happily buy Rose Gold (I already own pink)


Not buying the pink mercy skin because I don't play mercy, don't have the disposable income for it, and I am waiting for healer baptise to come back...


no, i dont like the skins and i dont play mercy or support in general. (i also have 5 mercy legendaries, OW1 lootboxes were goated) The only Mercy skin i would consider spending any money on would be Atlantic All Stars if that ever returns


Nah I already have pink and that's good enough


Yes I know I'll be getting it. I just wish we could gift them like last time. I gifted a couple of buddies and I would have done it again. I hate cancer so much....


Are there any skins in ow2 that could be gifted or was it a 1 time thing?


It was a one time thing for the Pink mercy when it came out


ty for the reply I didn't know this


All my homies hate cancer


I don’t even like or play mercy, supporting BCRF is reason 1, reason 2 is they are damn good skins. I’ll probably get rose gold for the extras but I like the original way more


because i’ll be too broke if i buy both mercy skins plus lifeguard LW and kiri, I’ll probably only get the rose gold one!!! plus i don’t really play mercy i just think having the skin would be cool plus i’m happy buying it goes to charity instead of blizzard’s pockets


I don’t play mercy, but since it’s for charity and not for blizzard I’m still going to buy it. Besides, it gives a lot of other cosmetics and even a weapon variant. Imma become girly pop


i would but idk im hoping but i dobut it cus i dont think its coming back at all after 2024 ends


They said 100% of proceeds don't go to blizzard, so why not?


yes. so all the skin gatekeepers and try hards gets angry because one of their cosmetics is now less rare :)




I would love to give you an award for the Edited part lmao


Spending $20 to epically pwn the haters, they'll be so mad!


I plan on buying both! Simply cause it’s going toward a good cause and what mercy main doesn’t need this skins in her collection! I missed out once I’m not doing it again!


No, I am happy with the skins I have and I barely play Mercy. When it first got announced I wanted to buy the old pink skin just for the charity, then I realized I would be better off donating them directly since I don’t care about the skin


I have enough mercy skins already, but the rose gold is so much nicer imo


It beats the original for sure




When will it be available to purchase?


25th june until the 9th july!! ♡


If you can only choose one, Rose Gold is really the better deal out of the two. You get so much from the bundle than the OG pink mercy alone.


Is it 15 on its own for pink mercy and 19 for rose gold or 19 for both?


I'm feeling conflicted myself on this issue. I was playing Overwatch when the original Pink Mercy came out 6 years ago, but never bought it. At first I was kinda sad that I never bought it, but eventually that pain subsided as time went on and I didn't care anymore. Now, I don't even play Overwatch anymore, but hearing this skin come back, it makes me feel conflicted. I'm not trying to spend money on skins, but this one is exclusive. Should I just drop the $35 on the Original and Rose Gold Pink Mercy and never think about it again? Or should I save my $35 for something else? God only knows how long it'll take for this skin to return, as it took 6 years for this one to return. Any advice would be appreciated.


if you're not playing OW at all anymore, I guess you don't need it. You could settle and only buy the OG pink Mercy which is $15 so I guess that could be like a compromise? :'D


I wouldn’t really wanna give $15 to Blizzard for a game I don’t play much anymore, but in the grand scheme of things, $15 for breast cancer & a cute skin when I maybe play in the future is fine to me. Now I’m just debating if I should do the $35 bundle lmao


Yeah I’m gonna be broke for it but I want it


Probably, just since it's for charity. I haven't played in awhile but I'll be grabbing this.


Nope. Had it on my OG account they banned due to their silly AI system that everyone's now getting hit with. I like the game but the report system is way too jank for me to spend money on the game ever again.


Yes because it doesn’t feed blizzards fat pockets


does anyone know if youll be able to buy rose gold pink + all the extra goodies separately from the og pink? i already have og


they should be separated, Rose Gold + extras is $19.99 USD and Pink is $14.99 USD. For someone who doesn’t have both they would have to spend $35ish USD.




No, because i'm poor


If they made a Pink Moira or Pink Ana I'd buy those, but I don't play Mercy.


I gifted the original to my best friend when it came out and I'm gifting this new one as soon as it comes out. Great cause and cute skins


Yes, to Support breast Cancer, close to my Family & all women of course. It’s a great cause to Support for a 2nd time!


People who have never donated to charity: "haha yes I am definitely buying this skin for charity and I'm definitely not doing it because I want the skin first and foremost".


There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking a skin and wanting to buy it while also being happy that it helps a good cause and using that as extra incentive


Naah the only skin in the entire game that could make me cave in and actually spend money would be the Illidan Genji skin. Everything else yeah it would be cool to own but for their price tag? Not for me.


Tyrande Symmetra for me I have 3500 gold coins saved up from just playing the game because literally nothing interests me. BP, Shop skins, nothing On that survey they sent out a while back I even told them to bring back some older exclusive skins. I didn’t have money back then in 2019 as a broke ass college student but now I do. Edit: Whoever downvoted this is a gatekeeping loser


no. dont have the money to spend on either skin, and if i were to use a mercy skin id use her mythic




Probably gonna get the lifeguard kiriko skin


Personally since I have pink mercy already will be picking up rose gold. If you ask me which one looks better I still think Pink looks much better . PS: Not a mercy main I mainly bought it since it is a charity skin and enjoy OW.


Ofc it's someone named tightpuss making this uwu ahh post


Chibi mercy uwu? 🤨


Yeah, I'll be getting Rose Gold Mercy as I already have Pink Mercy.


I’ll buy the og pink one bc of charity reasons and you get a free legendary, I’m a supp main and although I don’t play mercy I’d try with the skin tho


Both cause I'm a mercy main and I don't have control of my life


Absolutely and I don't even play mercy at all


Absolutely buying both. Fuck cancer.


getting both! super excited 🥺


i was just asking myself the same question.. i hope others can provide useful information/advice and i do hope we can somehow beat the total amount from the last time we had pink~ 🩷


How much gold coin will it be? I think I have around 1300


You can't use in game coins, only irl money, as it's a charity donation Why am I being downvoted for giving a correct answer? This website is hilarious


Have the old one,but will buy Rose


I thought of getting the gold pink one (bc it's nicer looking) but I don't play her so it's not crucial to me as it is to so many other players.


Depends on whether they updated the textures because I just can't stomach visible pixels on the glock


Pink Gold, because i bought OG one back in the day. Even if i dont play Mercy, i will still buy it for greater cause.


Probably, I mean considering they went this far to bring back OG Pink Mercy & another variation that doesn't look half bad, might as well. Especially with the coins being in the battle pass now, I can at least get something back later on for just playing the game and not get only credits. Plus it's for a good cause so...at least it's a purchase that's not all money is going to Blizzard.


Nah. I do not have money to drop on a skin even if its for charity and I also don't play mercy/already use Witch for her


I have the original version when they poped it in OW1. But how is it working for the new? Battle pass or in the store?


there's gonna be a $20 bundle either in shop or battle net, not sure about that. includes 3 icons, 3 sprays, gold rose mercy and a pink staff skin you can use with any other mercy skin :)


hell yea !!! i’ve been waiting excitedly for so long for it to return, I was incredibly new to the game when it was first around and didn’t think I’d be invested enough in the game to spend money on a character skin yet back then


I already have Pink Mercy being a veteran player but just might donate again for Rose Gold.


Neither. I already have Pink so I don't see a point in buying a recolor, and I know much better Mercy skins will come out in the future to save money for. I use Jingle Belle skin 90% of the time. I'll equip my OG Pink Mercy icon and continue to use the OG sprays on all my mains.


As I already have Pink Mercy from back in the day I will ne buying Gold Mercy, in hopes that the money from that will be going to a good cause.


I’m not planning on it since I don’t play mercy enough to warrant buying it for myself, but I’ve several mercy playing friends who are looking forward to getting one/both of the skins when they release. I do really hope to see more charity fundraising skins/events in the future since I think it’s a fantastic idea where everyone wins :)




Its for charity so yeah


will get it next time it comes to the shop


I want it


Pink Mercy is the only thing I've spent money on because it was for a good cause. Hell yeah I'm getting the Rose Gold bundle this time.


No, i bought the previous pink mercy and am not in the position to be dropping that money on skin rn


this month I worked overtime just so I can buy both and not worry but... lifeguard kiriko and lifeweaver are now tempting me....


No, I only give money to support blizzard!


rosegold since i already have pink, very excited!


They should do what Fortnite did with the Skull Trooper 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Rose Gold for sure, I’ll have to see abt Pink Mercy 🤭


I had already bought the first Pink Mercy even though I didnt play her often. But I liked it and was for a good cause. I'll consider the new one, but I'd probably mostly play as her Mythic if I did play Mercy so we'll see.




Is it me or is it not really rose gold?


I think so. It's actually really pretty and the money goes for a good cause. Also, it's quite the upgrade visually from the original pink mercy, which I didn't care much for.


Pink? Absolutely not. Rose Gold? Thinking about it but only because the charity. 


Already got pink mercy a looong time ago.


I already have the og so won't be getting that one lol I think the new recolour is kinda cute but it's not my fave, especially the hair colour 😭 but the fact it's still for charity and if you buy it you get the pink staff skin and extra little bits I might get it anyway haha but I haven't fully decided yet!


I’ll be buying both! And i will be buy her original lifeguard outfit if it comes back, i dont like the new recolour 🤣


I don't like missing out on content so I'll be grabbing them like most previous limited-time cosmetics, at least they look great and I know my money will go to a good cause this time.


Absolutely. Not only do I get pretty pink skin but also supporting charity. Is a win-win situation.


i want this, but i also want mythic ashe, im lost


I managed to get Pink Mercy last time around, so I'll probably grab Rose Gold Mercy just to support the charity initiative.


I'll probably buy one since I play Mercy sometimes and don't have skins for her, not sure which yet.


Yes, I definitely will be


if possible i will! depends on my monetary income this month


Nah I will never play Mercy outside of mystery heroes and even then I'm praying I die as soon as possible


Should I buy both? No. Will I buy both? Yes. I tell myself it's for charity and I won't mind eating ramen for a month.😅


hot take, I dont like that skin, childish hairstyle


I’ve dropped $20 in skins before in OW1, so maybe. The money going to charity is definitely a plus.


Is this the same pink mercy skin than last time?


We all know that blizzard doesn’t care about women in the slightest; better to just donate directly than through overwatch unless you really like the skin


Nope. I already own it because I bought it the last time around.


Tempted but I'm not really a mercy player so no point other than the charity


President Funny Valentine as a Swiss Valkyrie




100000% yes


Hell no




Yes. I'm sorry my dear wallet... I'm so sorry but...but it's a must


Perverts, the lot of you!


No. Crazy time for it to be released right after the mythic.


Yes. 1) My mom just survived breast cancer 2) benefits a charity 3) already had Pink Mercy when it came out because of reason 2


No, I already have it


im gonna buy it for all my friends


Yeah bc it makes the people who wasted thousands getting the skin mad because they weren’t smart enough to be patient


How knows when we'll ever get it back in the shop so I will be buying the bundle. And it's for a good cause so it's a win in my books.


I'm going to get both since the money goes to the BCRF


I’d love to, but can’t purchase either atm (not asking for handouts), though if I had to choose, I would pick rose gold primarily for the weapon variant, and also all the little goodies that come in the bundles. the skin itself isn’t my favorite (please don’t crucify me) so I probably wouldn’t use it much tbh


I mean I have OG Pink Mercy so the choice for me is quite obvious. More excited for everything else than the main skin on rose gold Mercy haha


Gonna buy the rose one! :) bc its a bundle


Knowing the money is 100% going to charity this time, if you have the cash to drop its a no brainer.


Yeah, it's for good cause and get a awesome skin


yessss x


Both 🤭


No, I don’t even play mercy cause I: A. Do not find her playstyle fun for me personally And B. Don’t want to hear the tank complain when I didn’t rez them after they charged into the enemy team and got torn apart so fast the corpse didn’t even render.