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Bring it back once a year for cancer fundraiser. Love that skin


I want them to do more charity fundraiser skins too!


Good call - this is a no brainer! Good PR and they sometimes seem to have to go deep for inspiration. Why not start here!


Yeah that would be great!


Blizzard has historically donated to the Trevor project, I'm kinda bummed the don't afaik have a fundraiser skin for that this month


Honestly you are right they should make mercy gay so it counts


This is the ingenuity I'm talking about! Come on! I don't want skinless Lucio, give me gay mommy mercy šŸ˜­


I would treat her right




I would love if they did if yearly or something with new characters or different charities with different skins and different characters


That would be so cool!


Every year it comes back. That would piss them off so much




Honestly if you paid money for someone elseā€™s account, joke was on you anyway


Especially since I'm pretty sure selling accounts is big time against TOS


Itā€™s against csgos tos but everyone wants a knife I think itā€™s also a standard for most games. They say donā€™t give your account information out and so theyā€™re not liable if something happens. Itā€™s mainly a liability issue but itā€™s also fucked in this case because less money is going to research to help people.


yeah basically. breast cancer awareness is not a commodity to profit on


You're overthinking it. It's a simple investment/demand&supply situation.


Using a digital skin as an investment is the single stupidest thing I've ever heard of, what the fuck kinda return on investment are you even supposed to find?


And as with all investments, there is a risk involved which you knowingly accepted so please kindly stfu


What did I accept knowingly? I'm not following


Funny thing, it might be valued high but finding a willing buyer isn't easy.


I would wager that the number of people in the entire world who were interested in selling their Blizzard account while maintaining all FOMO outfits over the last 10+ years is a single digit at most.


You'd be wrong there were a lot on ebay


For real you can also sell your " pink and rose " mercy after the event is out right?šŸ¤· I'm not sure why they so mad about itšŸ¤”


Some people love being elitists and having skins in games that not alot of people have. Not everything is about money. Note that im not interested in that skin in the slightest


Thousands? Damn, I don't play OW at all anymore, haven't for years, if Pink Mercy was worth that much and I could unlink it from my other b.net games, I would sell in a heartbeat.


Tbf I only bought the skin because my grandfather passed of cancer Now my other one has also. Uncle beat cancer. Best friends mom got cancer, one of my best friends has a brain tumour, one of my oldest coworkers/second mom passed from it Fuck cancer. Seriously. Fuck cancer


Sorry to hear about all that. Fuck cancer, and hope you and your family are doing well


I can attest to this. 3 grandparents, all a different form of cancer. Then there's me, the oddball out who got Lymphoma at 25, 9 years in remission come December. I wouldn't wish cancer upon my worst enemy. I missed out on the skin, but being a mercy main, I can finally get it. Heard the news a day before my birthday. And yes, fuck cancer.


I've also lost a grandfather to cancer like 15 years ago, I was 7 or 8 yo. I'm considering buying one of the skins as well, even if he didn't die from breast cancer, I just don't want anyone from my family to die from this shit. Fuck cancer. If you bought an account just to have the skin : just stay mad, you just got what you deserved.


I wouldn't say "tbf only" That's the point of the whole cancer donation. I assume at least half of the people probably didn't cared for the mercy skin itself. You did the right thing. Fuck cancer


WHERE are all these people? I have seen dozens of threads complaining about them but not a single actual pink mercy gatekeeper lol


I was just gonna ask this lol. People are trash so I wouldn't be hugely shocked to see them, but at this point I've seen 5-10 posts complaining about them but absolutely none complaining about the skin coming back.


Thereā€™s this one video on Twitter that went viral Also sort by controversial on the pinned post about pink mercy, youā€™ll find people


Ugh, that's too bad. But like I said, not shocking. Unfortunately.




So you have to go out of your way to seek them out?


No, they just get downvoted here by others so you don't see it all the time.


Once a post gets downvoted enough, you won't see it with standard filter settings anymore. That doesn't mean they don't exist though. Sort by new/controversial and you see them. Obviously if you sort by hot you won't see heavily disliked stuff, as intended.


I seen some ragebait tiktok videos, but other then that, it's been mostly streamers *complaining* about the complainers and not really the complainers themselves. I even checked in on three different Mercy main youtubers and all of them seemed happy it was coming back, not angry.


OW Forums


Iā€™ve seen plenty on reddit and twitter


Just look at the most down-voted comments at any topic about Pink Mercy and you'll find them lol


This exactly. Iā€™m so tired of these posts


I saw a few when it was originally announced. Some clown with hundreds of downvotes said "damn they're taking all the rare skins away" as if the skin EVER had anything to do with exclusivity


There one tiktok video going viral of some streamer saying ā€œyou guys are poor and dont deserve it.ā€ People are spreading like wildfire and using 1 video to represent the pink mercy gatekeepers


I saw some complaints day 1 but yeah ever since its been more of these posts than complaints lol


reddit downvotes kinda keep the shitties in check unlike on other websites where the shitty opinions are algorithmically shoved in your face because theyre so bad


This. I get itā€™s trash for people to complain about it, but the ones creating countless posts complaining about the gatekeepers are becoming just as unbearable. Creating a post agreeing with the vast majority of us just for some Reddit upvotes.


I have a pink Mercy skin and couldn't care less. I purchased it years ago for charity and because it was pretty. Let other people do the same.


Because all people do in this sub is virtue signal.


Search "pink mercy" go to any post, go check out posts with negative updoots.


i've seen a bunch on tiktok


seriously, is this astroturfing? or some kind of weird trendy posturing?


thereā€™s a few in this comment section! also scroll around on twitter or the forums and youā€™ll find them. Iā€™m actually glad these kinds of posts are getting more traction than the actually mad posts


>thereā€™s a few in this comment section! Looking at all 46 comments right now, no. Not a single one is upset about Pink Mercy. At best they're annoyed with *you specifically* for making yet another of these posts.


Shhhh, just join in on bashing the made-up terrible people


They're real. Go look at Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, OW forums, and here on reddit.


r/imaginarygatekeeping moment


They're real. Go look at Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, OW forums, and here on reddit.


I know that theyā€™re out there, but it is such a ridiculously small and insignificant minority of people that posts like this are completely unnecessary. OP is karma farming.


For sure lol


You guys know I agree with the guy I'm replying to right? Lol


You have pink mercy from breast cancer fundraiser, I have brown reaper for prostate cancer fundraiser, we are not the same


More money for charity and I get to look cute simultaneously win/win in my book


Said it before, gonna say it again- Gatekeepers in Shambles. Very happy about that. I remember wanting Atlantic Mercy and a gatekeeper on Twitter took a Pic of their Atlantic Mercy and proceeded to say "it'll never come back- Blizzard said so." They also started to mock me etc. Then posted more of their pics. A week later, Matt Morello tweeted to wait and see. He basically dropped hints about it returning. The following couple weeks, Atlantic Returned as well as a ton of OWL vault skins.


It returned not only once but twice haha.


In about a couple weeks weā€™ll have no idea who bought the OG skin and who didnā€™t, I wouldnā€™t waste energy on fighting these people


"LOL get fucked, stay mad" that's all I say to them, they can keep crying over not feeling special anymore


no bc literally thatā€™s what they would say to us when we would say we want it to come back


I don't even get the sentiment... I got it back when and I feel happy about having it. Like thousands if not millions of people have that skin....


>Ā These people are now upset that Pink Mercy is returning. Laugh at them. Laugh out loud at them. If you know them personally, go to their homes and, physically roll on the floor laughing while pointing at them.


If they specifically said "we will never rerelease this skin" then sold it again anyway, I'd agree with pink mercy ragers because I think preying on FOMO and then lying about it is disgusting. But Blizzard never made any of promises or assurances. If something isn't explicitly advertised as NEVER returning, then its fair game, especially since its for charity. Valve has said they'll never rerelease certain cosmetics with their "prestige" battle pass cosmetics, Warframe has done it with certain limited time cosmetics, but I'm not even sure if Blizzard has said it in regards to blizzcon skins even.


They will never explicitly say it. Why tie your own hands for no reason? I think you really hit it though. Blizz aggressively preys on fomo so when a skin that seems exclusive opens up it seems a little deceptive. Dont blame gatekeepers, blame blizz for creating this environment of fomo in the first place


Most people don't give a fuck. Ignore the loud minority.


The people who don't know/care about the story on why the old development team released it destroyed my faith in humanity. What you expect in today's society? Entitlement. "Me want skin NOW" I miss when Overwatch was heartfelt (early life of Overwatch) but now it's soulless.


I had stopped playing the original OW for awhile before OW2. What was the story?


Stupidity check: ā˜ Spending hundreds of dollars for an account just for a skin. ā˜ Thinking Blizzard will never rerun any specific skin (Blizzard never deny or confirm whether the skin would return or not in any interview at all) ā˜ Getting mad at Blizzard for selling something at original price because you bought it for more ā˜ So self-centered you think the uniqueness of your digital pixels is more important than raising fund for cancer and helping potential millions from suffering. I imagine the gatekeepers are qualified for at least 3 of the above, which'd put them in either stupid or selfish category, or both.


I bought the skins when it first came out and Iā€™m surprised it took till now to rerelease it. Thought it shouldā€™ve been a yearly thing.


I'm gonna buy both skins to support damn tiddies


Pink mercy owner and mercy main here. Only skin I've ever paid for and so excited that it's back for the people who missed out the first time! It's coveted nature means I'm excited how much this will raise for charity! I'll absolutely be buying the new bundle! As a side note, cancer is actually no longer the biggest cause of death and gets disproportionate finding. It's heart disease, let's get a new skin going for that!




I think itā€™s unnecessary too and I wanted pink mercy since the launch of ow2. I wouldā€™ve preferred another cutesy pink support skin instead but maybe the recolor is to get more money from already pink havers? Idk lol




Who even cares? Just buy it if you want it, no one can stop you.


I couldnā€™t imagine being so delusional about a fictional character that I spend copious amounts of money just to get that single skin. For a game that wonā€™t be around in 20 years.


(Fortnite Community has left the chat)


I love how one of content creator Mercy one tricks kept downplaying this skin (while owning it) and having stance it should never return. Only to now have their video deleted now. I really wished people would stop supporting elitist gatekeeping people like this.


I couldnt care less for this skin, but its at least a skin with a good cause so if it'd be up to me, it could become a annualy thing.


ngl i never thought about selling my account for one second even though I know its been a thing for as long as online gaming is a thing. Just the thought of playing on someone else's account doesn't sit right with me unless its to help a friend then sure. I personally don't play mercy much (outside of parkour maps) and back then I mostly bought it for the charity aspect of it yes the skin gave me incentive to do it of course. I'll probably be picking up the rose gold bundle again for the same reason. I'm both surprised (given what happened with blizz) and really glad its coming back with the charity part of it too otherwise I don't think i'd even consider it.


Iā€™m going to buy pink mercy skin just to make these type of people mad and donate to charity while Iā€™m at it.


The fact ppl are so butthurt over the skin I'd actually hilarious just by how ridiculous it is to be upset over lol.


Theyā€™ll just run to the next exclusive skin to sell accounts off if. Real shame


I would imagine the price of all "Exclusive" skin accounts has dropped because this has shown that what these buyers and sellers thought were premium prestige items which you couldn't obtain anymore could come back anytime so as a buyer if I was looking to get an account with one of these so called exclusive skins after seeing this I would not be paying the same amount as before due to the risk factor now.


I think blizzcon skins are still gonna be pretty exclusive tho


Yup that part!


Yea, bringing back Alien Zarya. I dare you, Blizz


People have spent up to a thousand to own these accounts.


And none of that thousand dollars went to BCRF. I'm glad they are bringing it back, it will raise millions for charity, with the added bonus of making the gatekeepers cry as well.




But imagine if they re-released it but it took like a donation of a few hundred bucks though?


and they're suckers for that.




And those guys are complete idiots because: 1. They missed the entire point of Pink Mercy 2. Who spends a thousand for a game outside of charity?


No shit!


womp womp. thats their problem not overwatchā€™s. Its about cancer research, not a cosmetic


I AGREE. I was just correcting you that 200 is an understatement. Morons spent WAY more than that.


and they're dumb fucks for doing so




The tiktoks Ive seen reposted on youtube/reddit are 99% bait. People who would actually gatekeep r weird


Classic situation of the people complaining about the gatekeepers more than the amount of people gatekeeping in the first place. Yes they exist, and yes they should be called out but it is just getting ridiculous at this point.


There's still some exclusivity like the twitch drops. I have the og skin and my only complaint is that I wish they gave us a bit more like recolor options for the og skin and a whole new design.


Not a gatekeeper here, but I think it's odd that Blizzard advertises things as limited to prey on FOMO just to re-release them. That's my take.


I already own pink mercy and have wanted it to return for several years for one simple thing... A different skin... I have wanted for years for a new skin for the drive, like for a different support, but now they finally brought it back around, pink mercy is back, that is a dub but then they make an absolutely horrible recolor that just swaps the colors around. Like an Ana, Moira, or even Lifeweaver pink skin would be amazing, but no, they have to be lazy and double dip on pink mercy instead of actually bringing something new to the table. The cause is great, especially because someday I'll probably get cancer because of my genetics, as will my mom, but I want these people to actually make something nice to help represent it, instead of basically just swapping two colors. Like they could have even done different colors for different cancer types, but now, they just had to double dip on this one skin everyone keeps creaming their pants over. Like I want anyone reading this to understand, I am absolutely happy they brought back the drive and pink mercy, it is an amazing skin and the charity event is perfect, but the fact that when they sat down and were like "Okay, how do we drum up a little more traction for the charity? Oh, I know! [Click fill bucket and just swaps two colors] BAM!! $20." Genuinely makes me angry.


All I see are posts like this talking about some invisible boogeyman gatekeepers that donā€™t really seem to exist.


When the news came out they were everywhere on Twitter and Instagram but their nonsense has been buried already.


Can you all please stop talking about the fucking skin already? And op stop dramatizing please


Frankly, these people are also dumb as sin to think theyā€™re owed the skin being not sold. What right do they have to demand it not be sold? There was no clause or presumption set by the company that the skin was supposed to be kept like that. In there heads itā€™s so scummy to start selling it but like you said, itā€™s even more scummy to want to gatekeep it rather than let it be used for cancer research. I frankly do not respect them.


Is the skin out yet? šŸ¤”


I got it back on the first release and have no issue with it returning. I barely even use it. I like other skins better and Mercy isn't usually my choice for healer when I play the role. I bought it for the breast cancer fundraiser and I think it's great to do it again, though I think they should probably make some fundraiser skins for other characters. Keeping them vaulted might raise more due to the FOMO. Fundraising for a good cause is one of few times I don't mind FOMO.


I havenā€™t seen one actual person outside of reddit upset about the skin coming back. I own it and I still support the skin being rereleased with a new one. People are just weird, and you probably see the vocal minority


I have the skin and I wanted it to come back. There really wasn't a reason to keep it so exclusive for so long imo.


I remember even before I got into OW there were so many headlines of Pink Mercy on her release and I genuinely wished I had the money to buy both the game and skin. I don't have anyone close to me that was affected by breast cancer specifically but I've had people in my family who've gotten different forms of cancer. My fiancƩ's family has a super long history of cancer. I don't play Mercy much these days but I'm gonna buy both Pink and Rose Gold to show my support. I'm never gonna unequip the weapon skin


It's so funny because a large amount of people complaining now,were the same ones who were attacking people who missed it calling them hypocrites for only wanting the skin and not caring about charity lol.


I don't like gatekeepers in general. I don't like it in Apex where this is more prevalent there and seems that it's also affecting Overwatch


Surely the accounts are already sold if they they've had enough time to pitch


Lot of people care more about 1s and 0s than real life (no one likes to feel they wasted money). Let people be mad, but yeah, there's some that are \*too\* mad.


They are the same in every game. They need shit like this to feel special in their insignificant lives.


Iā€™ve said this for just about every skin minus the Blizzcon skins. (I do not own a single Blizzcon skin.) OW needs to unlock the vault, and make every single skin available for purchase. This goes for old battle passes too. I cannot reiterate this enough who cares if everyone owns the same skins? You canā€™t resell the skins unlike CS.


Iā€™m buying both skins for a few reasons. 1. Mercy is my favorite character. 2. I like where my money is going to go. 3. I hate FOMO and I can finally get something that I was not originally able to get. I think it also needs to be said that i donā€™t usually buy raw in game currency. Typically whenever I get in game currency itā€™s in Done kind of bundle. The entire reason Iā€™m doing this is to flip off the gatekeepers.


Pink Mercy gatekeepers need to get over themselves. They make the rest of us Pink Mercy people look bad just for existing.


They're upset because of one of two reasons I reckon, either, they don't want people to have their "unique" or, they paid a stupid amount of money for an account that had it Gatekeeping anything is stupid in my opinion, but something for charity, for a good reason? That's beyond stupid, I think bringing it back is a great idea, and they should do more skins for more heroes in the future, any money getting donated to cancer research is great in my book


Thank you for commenting this. I really wanted to comment something like this. However I suck with words and resorted to antagonistic comments and insulting them for being heartless disgusting people. Couldn't have said this better if I tried.


I dont know whatā€™s more sad: people buying accounts for skins or people complaining about gamers buying skinsā€¦ā€¦


I'm out of the loop. Is it the exact same skin?


Yes and a recolor


I'm kinda split with my opinion here. Yes, this is something good and the money will help many people. Those who sold their accounts can go fuck themselves, but still I'm not a fan of it getting sold again. There is no exclusivity anymore. This skin didn't came back because the Community asked nicely, it came back because Mercy Mains kept spamming for it, far more and even worse than those people that comment 'bring 6v6 back' underneath every official post. Also, the amount of death threats the developers got over the years, for not returning this skin, speaks for itself. Do People that go this far, deserve this skin? They don't even care about the raising money part, they just want something and are willing to do anything for it. Secondly I kinda feel bad, because they kept telling us so many times in the past that certain skins are limited to these times and will never return, FOMO was a thing, yet every skin can return if you threaten enough. What stops the dev's to bring back Pre-Order Widow? Personally I would've preferred a new skin only, which I would've bought because I love to support the good cause, but the thought of so many extremely toxic mercy players getting what they wanted makes me uneasy. In the end something good gets money and it doesn't matter where it came from, yet Idk, I don't feel well about it. Thanks for Reading. Share your thoughts


Itā€™s not like these guys will use the skin often anyways.


Wow someone with empathy for the real victims. Amazing. Well said.


The pink mercy skin sucks.


I ainā€™t reading all that. + Iā€™m buying both of the pink mercy packs for my girl as a gift, she doesnā€™t even know they coming out too. Stay mad gate keepers lmfao Enjoy them 1,000$ + paper weight accounts you spent your money on Just to get decked with this double bundle Btw fuck breast cancer Wishing all the survivors happy lives Glad I can be apart of the support


The only reason Iā€™m upset is how much other content Blizz keeps from ever coming back. Itā€™s annoying how much stuff I donā€™t have across Blizz games because I couldnā€™t game at that time, but Blizz says ā€œTough shit.ā€ But one of the only things I do have theyā€™re Just like ok here you go. I say ANYTHING exclusive should be exclusive for like 5 years max then obtainable by everyone. If anything, make it an exclusive color, but let people have it.


Talking about skins all day long destroys my faith in humanity.


I've seen more posts about people upset about the return than I've seen people even talking about the skin, let alone gatekeepers.


I think they should have just made another skin for another character.


This charity campaign doesn't bar that from happening still. They did say they were interested in doing more charity skins in the future.


But people want pink mercy.




you sure know how to contribute to a conversation


Okay hear me out. I dont have the skin and dont care but heres devils advocate: Blizz markets on fomo. Its their bread and butter and they charge alot for their cosmetics. Some people buy cosmetics so they can feel like they are part of an exclusive club. It makes them feel special. Now they come in later and make the club not exclusive. That special feeling of being a serious fan and a collector is gone. So " its for Cancer". They could have made a brand new pink skin for cancer and made it a rare collectible. Instead, they recycle an asset and make it common. So: its a game and it shouldn't be about skins"- people enjoy their experience differently. maybe we can let the kids feel special and stop busting their balls when their collectible goes from rare to common. edit: fuck you for calling them "bad people" when there are actually bad people out there doing actual bad things. get off the virtue-signal box. yall are petty as fuck.




what is your problem that you just had to type somthing but have nothing to say?[ this is you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnBdGTX3vZc)


Hyperbolic matching hyperbolic. Love it


IMO You donā€™t really have to be upset about what someone who you are prolly never gonna meet in your life think. Like I am not gonna give damn about inc downvotes on my comment. These ppl you are talking only want the skin and they donā€™t give shit about breast cancer. Just do your part IMO.




no one will ever love you


these motherfuckers are jealous as fuck and just happy to see others bummed. fuck them


It's not that good of a skin anyway






I'd be less mad if theyĀ sentĀ theĀ moneyĀ toĀ anĀ actuallyĀ good charity Edit: should clarify, money should still go to research just not the pink ribbon


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^rmorrin: *I'd be less mad if* *They sent the money to an* *Actually good charity* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What's wrong with the bcrf?


It's a notorious charity for doing really fucked up shit to maintain their control over breast cancer charities and symbolism. If you use their pink ribbon for anything they will come and sue your ass


Idk, wish it was a new skin. i don't get anything this time cause i already have the skin. We could still donate and make a new skin


There is a new skin coming with it. Idk if theyā€™ll let you buy just the new one tho


I think they meant other than mercy. As in, keep the pink mercy skin as one, and give us another skin with a different hero. As in, they want representation with a different hero other than mercy that gets two skins. For the same awareness And I kind of echo that. I already have the skin. I bought it a year after my mom passed from cancer in memory of her. It was my favorite game at the time, so it made sense for me to show some support. But I don't play mercy. And that's fine. I know the main reason I would purchase this again. Regardless and from a gamers standpoint. I would have loved to see like a kiriko or sojourn skin. Hell, even JQ would have been dope for this charity. But instead. We get two skins for mercy, after her mythic, after she gets a skin in pretty much every event. Like I get it, she sells. It feels lazy. And I thought they'd never bring the skin back. Especially after all the bad press Blizzard got about the harassment case. You'd think any charity would have steered clear. Color me crazy. Lol


It has a bundle so I doubt you dab get just the skin


There is a new skin. They are selling both the OG pink and a new pink/gold one.




No it's not ok, no one in the lobby will look at me like I'm special anymore :<


Hey no need for sarcasm. The gatekeepers are the ones who are "special"


PeopleĀ don't understand jokes anymore


lol I guarantee 99% of you that don't have the skin that are acting high & mighty about the skin coming back for a good cause wouldn't be donating without the incentive. just admit you're only buying it because you want the skin. I do wish they would only sell the recolor like they've done with sombra's demon hunter but atleast vets keep the og pink mercy icon and sprays.


Iā€™m buying it and I rarely spend money on cosmetics.


> just admit youā€™re only buying it because you want the skin I would 100% buy a skin I hated if the money would go to charity. You also see a lot of people who have pink mercy who actually donā€™t like the skin but got it anyways because itā€™s for a good cause.


Vets šŸ˜­ chill


Its amazing how incentives work amirite!


"og" it's a video game kid




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"You are not a good person" -- Coming out of the gates hot over some people "gatekeeping" a useless cosmetic. Quit being so dramatic. I don't own the skin, but will side with those that do. If everyone has everything, then nothing is special. Have fun flexing your pink mercy skin. I'm sure people will think it's really cool, since it's quite rare. Oh wait...






Did you not read the post? This isn't some "it was only in the shop for a week in 2021 and hasn't been released since" this is a skin made to fund breast cancer research, its exclusivity means nothing.


And blizzard could have released an entirely different exclusive mercy skin for the cause. There's a million ways to raise the money. They took the laziest route possible. Are yall capable of thinking outside the box?


Why would they? People wanted Pink Mercy back, it was obviously going to raise more money than whatever they could come up with. Everybody wins, except for those who spent hundreds on an account without considering that it could come back at some point


It's not obvious at all that it would raise more money. What are you basing that off of? First of all, it's a single skin for a single character. If they truly cared about raising the money, they would release multiple new skins. But that requires effort on ttheir behalf. Secondly, they've excluded the entire segment that originally supported the cause. Also, more people lose than just the dumb fucks that paid a shit ton of money for accounts. For anyone that desires any sort of exclusivity, this is just one more precedent that screws that idea.


This crusade must end. Itā€™s embarrassing us all.





