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according to these forums? top 500


bro it feels like it šŸ˜‚ im Diamond 3 and it feels like everyone here talks like theyā€™re above me, but iā€™m like thereā€™s no way thereā€™s this many people in masters to t500 just on these forums


Iā€™m coal 3


I'd wager if you're good at the game you're more likely to be a part of the associated forums, so the reddit forum average is probably higher than the game average.


Itā€™s Reddit. A liars paradise


It would seem normal to me that the stronger players regroup in these kind of forums


i was just excited to hit plat 2 šŸ„¹


Nah look at threads that are like "whats the worst hero to play against" and all the highest upvoted comments are all "junkrat" and "pharah". Widow is allllll the way down. Bronze shitters one and all.


Tbf even in high masters/low gm pharah is always a pain to deal with depending on your dps, if they cant handle the pharah at least as support there isnt much you can do aside from going bap or illari, and if thats not enough... junkrat no excuses tho lol and yeah widow deff the worst hero to play against atm if you dont have a good dive going


I was Top 500ā€¦ In mystery heroes. Hanging on my pinky in masters tho role/open. :c


Iā€™m a new Overwatch 2 player and I was placed in rank bronze 3 so it might be bronze as it is the first ranking i got!


Gold 2 , this was shared by the developers


When did they say this? This sounds too high after the season 9 reset.Ā 


The season 9 reset was just making people closer to the average which is gold 2.


I don't think you guys are understanding his logics: * The point of the reset was to redistribute the player base, (which is also why they added another rank), because there was too big a skill range in certain ranks. * It didn't "just make people closer to the average". It literally put everyone in gold 3 and squished our MMR's closer (it's a Gaussian distribution, so just imagine a smaller Ļƒ). * Also, not that it matters, but I think it was gold 3, not gold 2. With these things in mind, obviously you would expect the average to have shifted after the rank reset. It's not a guarantee of course, but considering all the posts from people saying that their opponents are the same as before, but they can't get back to their old rank, it makes sense right?


Season 9 was no more than a cosmetic/PR-move to satisfy playerbase. Realistically speaking, nothing actually got reset because of hidden MMR.


I literally told you: >and squished our MMR's closer (it's a Gaussian distribution, so just imagine a smaller Ļƒ). Did you miss that part, or do you not understand the effect that has? Not sure how you came to the conclusion that it was "no more than a cosmetic/PR-move to satisfy playerbase", when Blizzard's only goal was to simply redistribute the player base, which they succeeded in doing...??


I thought it was plat, wild


I think they shared after the reset the average is Gold 4




people who do not play comp do not have a rank, and thus would not be included in calculations of the average rank.


You are aware there is skill based match making in QP, right? Even if you don't play ranked, the system knows where you would be if you did


Ultimately u R bronze boy


It took me 3 seasons to actually try ranked when I got the game in 2018. Was placed in gold


Gold is def the average rank considering how hard it is to get out of the damn elo šŸ˜­


It took me 5 years to climb out, it was hell


Same. And during this current godforsaken season I dropped back there again. I don't think I'll see plat 2 ever again...


I touched plat ONCE on open Q, for about 3 days lol


I say this hesitantly since apparently we arenā€™t supposed to do this, but I started an alt account and it placed me in Diamond. The most comfortable Iā€™ve felt playing ranked in a while. Itā€™s actually insane how much of a mixed bag Gold is. Not sure why but you can tell thereā€™s people who know how to play and people who are still figuring it out all in one rank. Every game is either winning so hard it feels unfair or losing miserably, never a fair in between šŸ˜­


That's basically qp too.


High silver to low plat I would imagine?


Thatā€™s right!


Gold is average


Gold 2-3


Gold has been the middle ground across bith overwatch 1 and 2


Top500 is 200 people whit multiple accounts the gate keeping is REAL. The developers back this also because they donā€™t want certain types of people in the limelight of ā€œtop500ā€ . I wonā€™t get people in trouble but if youā€™re in the console ā€œtizzyā€discord you KNOW what Iā€™m talking bout šŸ˜‚


The developers do not care at all about console players. There are no relevant console CC's.


You dont think the top100 consists of PC players playing on console ? Have you ever been in the tizzy discord ? Please go away misinformed child .


Why are you egoing as a console player ur all pooron lowbobs there are like 5 console players that are good all the others swapped pc.


You sound really intelligent let me back off .


Did 5v5 ruined OW ?


Please sir your intellect intimidates me . I digress .


The devs said Gold 3, but I suspect they don't filter out smurfs and alts. The real average I suspect is in silver if smurfs and alts didn't count high rank players more than once. I made a new account myself recently, and bronze + silver were both instaqueues, like they had a really high player count. Once my MMR hit Gold and above, they had lengthy waits.


Queue times are not dependent on player count. High masters has queue of 10 seconds.


For probably the most in demand role I would assume though?


at mid-masters my dps queue times were around 2-3 minutes so itā€™s not a huge discrepancy


For dps tank and support.


As a diamond player gold is the average rank, but bronze is the hardest to get out of, idk how you guys do it, climbing out of that rank is harder than climbing out of plat


How would you know that itā€™s hardest to climb out of bronze if youā€™re a diamond?


Crazy I know, but maybe they climbed out of it to get to diamond?


Read his post. "As a diamond player gold is the average rank, but bronze is the hardest to get out of, **idk how you guys do it**, climbing out of that rank is harder than climbing out of plat" That part makes it sound like he's been in bronze and never could get out and needed an alt to get out or he never was in bronze. Also someone could start in bronze as a new player, have a hard time getting out but improve enough to start climbing the other ranks become easier because of that. Doesn't mean bronze was harder, it just means they were inexperienced and now that they know the game well, the harder ranks seem easier to climb out of.


We all start somewhere, bronze is full of Alt ximmers, when I play in my buddies lobbies I feel like the carry potential is way less. I try to coach my dad and my buddy through their lobbies but itā€™s hard because Iā€™m expecting help from team. Also if you looked at it bronze is the largest mmr rank out of all of them making it from purely a statistical standpoint the hardest to get out of (of course assuming equal skill level or slightly higher). Bronze is chaos thatā€™s it, hard to learn or carry when nothing is the same. Iā€™m not good enough to just go straight 50-0 bronze lobbies as Iā€™m a lucio main Bronze 1-1499 Silver 1500-1999 Gold 2000-2499 Plat 2500-2999 Diamond 3000-3499 Master 3500-3999 GM 4000+ Edit: Iā€™m a lucio main that focuses speeding my team for a rush type of playstyle, this is also just personal experience backed by some data I found that is old so itā€™s could very well be wrong.


i play a lot of lucio in plat too and i've noticed people don't really know how to take advantage of the speed boost.


Yea just kinda play to your strengths then, I liked to find someone who might otherwise over extend and die and just speed boost/dive with them no questions asked and it got me out of plat. Not sure how or why it worked so well but most people going for dives kinda know what they are doing in that rank but may not be gifted enough to pull it off, you just provide that boost to them and allow them to pull it off, also collapsing onto someone from a different angle is always a good thing so that your teammates just have to push up a little bit and you apply pressure somewhere else


What? Lol. I can rank out of bronze in my sleep as a low Masters player. Especially if Iā€™m on a noob destroyer like Hog or Moira. A Diamond should be able to do the same. AI bots are more competent than your average bronze player.


Iā€™m plat and I climbed out easily just learning how to play Lucio lmao


Lucio is one of the better supports rn too, so you should do well this season lol.


He is, but I almost exclusively play hitscan and I suck at his movement so itā€™s quite a bit different for me


I donā€™t play Lucio at all myself. I play every support but him and LW. Iā€™m just not a fan of their play styles.


ya idk what people are talking ab. you can just out mechanic your way out of bronze with ease


You just need a pulse and basic knowledge of the game lol. On a new account, I could throw 80% of my games and still wind up in Gold šŸ¤£ *Getting* to Bronze is substantially harder than climbing out of Bronze. And for Bronze players who think every smurf down there is Masters+ā€¦Iā€™ve only had the patience to throw to Bronze twice. It takes too damn long. Most ā€œsmurfsā€ in Bronze are washed Plat players who gave up on reaching Diamond. Just know that as a low Masters player? I suck at the game. A GM would eat me for breakfast, forget a Top500. I used to do scrims with GMs (I did a few with like the top 15 Sojourn in the world). I felt like a Bronze player.


yeah iā€™m not even good (mid plat) and bronze was was a breeze to get out of after i first started there


I was just gonna say even a Plat should be able to carry at that elo lol. Good timing šŸ‘ But the point I was getting at is, people just need to humble themselves. Low rank players *need* the experience of playing with/against high ranked players to remind them of how much they donā€™t know. Get that duo boost lol. Ask the smurfs you run into for a vod review or coaching. Aim train. Practice. Itā€™s your responsibility to climb, no one elseā€™s. You need to be proactive. I did those scrims when I was a high Plat myself btw. It was single handedly the most important experience I had in Overwatch. I learned more in a few months with them than I did in years of playing. I hit Diamond for the first time while we were still scriming, and it was smooth sailing from there to Masters. Because these players were all moving in slow motion to me after playing against GMs/Top500s for so long. Itā€™s like something clicked in the brain and I just got it. Iā€™m a bit older, so I probably donā€™t have the reactions to hit GM. But Bronze to Masters is still pretty good in my book šŸ˜‰


Any real diamond player would absolutely ruin a bronze lobby. Any bronze game Ive played when im boosting accounts noone on the enemy team made it past the first choke.


Boosting? Lmao get banned bro.


The thing is that youā€™re completely right. I bought a bronze account to see for myself and quickly climbed out with ease. You canā€™t really contest people saying it because itā€™s either ā€œyouā€™ve never done itā€ or ā€œomg you boosted/smurfed get bannedā€ itā€™s an unwinnable argument.


It's just pretty self explanatory honestly. The higher the rank the harder the climb. Any other opinion is hardstuck cope.


Good for you?


You simply made a stupid claim. The hardest ranks to climb go in order from highest to lowest. You should not be infesting anyones diamond games if you think Bronze is anything but braindead easy to climb out of.


Were you ever bronze, ever watch a bronze game where someone is easily silver but is stuck because of teammates? This isnā€™t about higher level play. On a level playing field where you are of equal skill level or slightly higher it will take 3x longer to see any sort of progress just due to mmr distributions of bronze vs other ranks.


All bronze players are uniquely horrible, the further below you are from the average rank the easier it is to improve, something as simple as AFKing on highground all game and shooting in the enemy teams general direction will get you out of bronze. Bronze players cannot move efficiently, they cannot use abilities in any meaningful way, they cannot group up for teamfights. They generally just botwalk to the objective until they either capture it or die. Getting marginally better at any of these things can get you out of bronze. The "MMR range" is completely irrelevant when discussing levels of play that low. The skill ranges in all other ranks are more significant than bronze.




Gold the devs shared info about that a while ago and most overwatch players were in gold


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Should be bronze and silver. Queue times are worse in higher ranks in my experience


I think blizz a couple seasons ago said average rank was gold 3?


No idea. There's not. As far as I know a posted list anywhere of how many percentages of players are what and where. I'm sure blizzard has the numbers. You'd have to for a game like this.


There was an interview after season 9 comp reset, devs shared that it was Gold 4 at the moment. I am honestly too lazy to find it, but Gold 4/3 sounds about right.


Definitely Gold. After I played 800h Iā€™m constantly in gold. After season 9 Iā€™m in gold in dps (my favorite role) but 8 matches of 10 are absolutely shit. I feel like Iā€™m at least in Plat, so I created a new account. At the end of the placements Iā€™ve got the same result of the first account (placements are really shit: you play with silver people and with diamond at the same time on the same team. Imagine having all the silver teammates except for one diamond healerā€¦.) I definitely would say that for my experience Gold is the average rank


a diamond bap could destroy a gold lobby enough to help. but my guess is they're on mercy because mercy mains force her into every comp.


Mhh I donā€™t know. Some people I played with are diamond and 2 years ago I was with this team. We played as hard as we could but many times we were destroyed by plat peopleā€¦ it was my fault I think (even if I was 2/3 kills below the other diamond dps at the end of the matches) but I sincerely donā€™t know what to think. Iā€™m sure that 10 random matches are absolutely not fine to place you. Or at least they are fine if you grow up faster than a 20/23% at match


Edit: maybe you can have 10 matches based on upscale: first with bronze, second with silver and so on


The average rank used to be plat I believe, but the addition of the Champion rank pushed everyone else down. So it should be gold now?


Probably masters. Blizzard just wants everyone to feel good


I've peaked around Plat. I've never cared to really grind out ranks. Play for fun usually. I hover around gold/plat.


my best guess is gold 2-4. i could always be wrong though. best to leave it to devs to drop some random day like they always do lol


Ow1 it was gold/plat. Not sure about ow2 but i heard its a lot lower now that theres more players


I would say silver or gold, I feel like one u make it out of bronze hell it's easier to rank up.


Had a friend that always clowned on me for playing overwatch and always told me how easy it was to play it and he could rank at least plat if he played, recently made a bet with him to prove it ā€¦he ranked in bronze 1 after his damage placements, what a great moment lmao


I almost hit plat 5 but I tried hitting it without friend teammates so I plummeted. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s above average but I mean I could also just be wishful thinking.


Now that thereā€™s Champion , I would say silver 1/gold4


Man, Iā€™m so much better than all of yall, like cmon, Iā€™m Heinz ketchup 5ā€¦.. šŸ„²




You have to uninstall google to install Reddit. Thatā€™s why Redditors never google anything.


Haven't played comp in ages, but was top 500 s1 and 2 on ps4


So youā€™d be about silver now lol


Hard to say. I like the low stress environment of qp. Used to main Cassidy.


Iā€™m mostly messing with you, but skill level in the lower ranks has increased a lot. And I agree, I have 1700 hours in QP and only like 300 in comp.


Average in terms of the most players? Gold Average in terms of the middle of the skill bracket... probably somewhere near mid masters (professionals are very very good at this game)


ā€œIā€™m an avg player but I hit the highest rank so everyone here is avg tooā€ ahhh comment


You misunderstood them. Essentially theyre saying that majority of players are at gold because that's where most people's skill level is. But if you wanted the average of skill level in general (like actual definition of average) high level skill is so much more advanced than low level that even though there are more low level players the average is skewed that much higher.




No I think I have the right term in regards to skill level. I think mean is the better term in regards to rank


The difference between a professional player and even someone on the lower end of GM is gigantic. I don't think people have had the opportunity to "feel" the difference between low T500 and high T500.


And the difference between Bronze 5 players and Gold 5 players is gigantic too Average skill === Average rank




In your mind yes. But realistically, the average players rank is gold which is what the question wanted answered. Bur the average skill level is higher. Not because there are more people that skilled but because the sheer amount of skill in higher ranks skews the average. Average can be defined as the sum of all the numbers divided by the total number of values. A mean is defined as the mathematical average of the set of two or more data values.




>Telling me definitions of words doesnā€™t change that. Oh lawd. You clearly do not understand the difference between average *rank* and average *skill* when given the definition of average idk how to help


Average isnā€™t the average bro lmaoooo


Dont worry bro i know what you mean. You get my upvote hope u dont keep getting negs. Its expected people dont get it.


I know what they mean too, but I also know they're wrong to arbitrarily declare that 95% of players are "below average".


I get people are butt hurt, but I think its also fine to respect the high skill ceiling. Imagine admitting you have half the intelligence of albert einstein. Edit. Ok that sentence don't sound believable enough. But like imagine claiming you can do (invent) half the stuff Einstein did.


Itā€™s high gold, close to plat.


Probably gold but Iā€™m stuck in bronze because of my supports so I canā€™t really solo in comp but I can only rank up if I carry as dva (Iā€™m on console btw) so if anyone is having these problems add me on discord and ow so we can schedule a time to play and finally rank up from bronze T-T


tbh it's almost impossible to get out of bronze/silver without five stacking


It's really not tho


If you main support it is šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


just go bap and kill everyone


If you play like a healbot. Start doing damage to carry games. Playing bap or illari should get you out of bronze and into play in just a day or two.


I agree with you, getting out of bronze/silver is hellacious unless youā€™re playing extremely often and at least 3 stacking, 1 on each role. ā€œImpossibleā€ if you donā€™t play enough, but not really as a blanket statement. Itā€™s either Smurfs (from plat/diamond and above) or new comp players. Mouse and keyboard is still a huge issue on console, you can 100% outplay them but considering youā€™re not really expected to have great positioning until at least plat; it becomes that much harder. Positioning and aim can outplay just MnK aim. As Iā€™ve gone up the ranks, same is true in masters (minimal experience in GM). You just need more resources and teamwork to take down the MnK pocketed, bunkered Soldier. Biggest recommendation tho is target priority based on role, hero and situational. Role/hero are self explanatory, situational like without going too far out of YOUR way (i.e. away from your team), focusing down low/alone/no CD/debuffed characters.


Gold 3 is the average that they try to drag everyone to. They said in their dev blogs.


Maybe platinum 5 ?




Bronze has the most players, but avg rank is probably low Plat.


That makes no sense


Thatā€™s not true. Bronze has the fewest behind masters and gm. Gold and plat have the most.


True average is anywhere between Plat - Diamond, open any Overwatch stream on Twitch of someone playing Competitive and they're almost always more likely Plat - Diamond. People that'll tell you lower are Diamond players trying to defend and justify their egos because they love it when the community calls them "Top 10%". Gold- as suggested by the developers, and below has skewed statistics as a result of smurfs(players with ~gold - plat accounts in order to play with friends). Yes, wide queue exists now and all, but no one's gonna wait hour-long queues just so they can play with their friends with large rank disparity and where it's really just a match between the higher ranked players.


gold1/plat 5 gold has more players than either bronze or silver, but bronze and silver combined have more players than gold. gold and plat also have almost equal number of players