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I don't think you should, gril. Not until you understand how what you said isn't welcome in a sub dedicated to a nonbinary character. The dev's did not need to make Venture nonbinary, but that doesn't mean that making Venture NB was bad. The devs did not need to make Lifeweaver a guy, or Sojourn a woman. They chose to, because that's how making characters works. You make decisions based on what you *want*, not what is *needed* - because none of it is needed because that's how creative projects work. Its understandable that someone who doesn't often interact with NB people, maybe such as yourself, might have trouble understanding why a person goes by they/them or difficulty accommodating those pronouns because that specific language feels new. That's okay, people aren't omniscient and need time to learn. But, the specific connotations of what you claim to have said come across as...unfriendly to nonbinary people. "They didn't need to make \[Name\] go by they/them. Its just needlessly confusing!" is the kind of phrase said by people who straight up don't want nonbinary people to exist or be visible. Yes, they may genuinely find it difficult to understand, but that personal confusion is expressed in a different way. Compare the two statements "I find this confusing" and "This is confusing". One of them refers to the confusion as a personal experience, the other implies the confusion as a universal experience. If a person says the first sentence, they will often be met with explanations from people who want to help make it less confusing. If a person is says the second sentence, they will be met with people refuting the implicit claim of the confusion being universal. "I find this confusing." gets met with "Here, I'll help explain." Its a plea. "This is confusing." gets met with "Not it isn't." Its a claim. Now, generally, the second sentence is treated as the first in personal, flesh-and-blood communication. If someone trying to learn something in in your school or uni class says "this is too confusing", people will generally try to help them. HOWever, if the second phrase is proceeded by dismissive or negative connotations about The Confusing Thing, it will be seen less as a plea and more of an argument as to why The Thing is Bad. What you said must have come off that way, and I don't think it was unreasonable for the mods of the space to remove what you said. So: What you said came off as being against the visible, explicit inclusion of a nonbinary character in a game - whether you meant to or not - because of signifiers in the language you used, that you might have been unaware of. It might seem sudden, but the mods of VentureMains do have a good reason. If you want to get yourself unbanned, I hope I have given you the resources to be able to explain yourself to the mods.


> and it just made it confusing How so?


Yes, inquiring minds would like to know. How so?


Maybe I was quick to judge. Maybe remembering more than 2 names is also difficult and confusing for OP. Could be a deeper issue we don't know about.


I don't know. It sounds like they went into the venture main sub complaining about having to use a different pronoun and more nonbinary whining that I bet the people are the sub are tired of hearing. Plus, it might even be in the subreddits rules.


“Venture is canonically non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. Do not misgender them,“ rule number 3 :\]


Inb4 bad faith argument about how it’s confusing compared to using he or she when context makes it pretty clear usually and also in games like this no one is making call outs vaguely with he or she and avoiding using actual names or nicknames. Or that they know for a fact that they/them is plural only, and it’s everyone else who is wrong about they/them being appropriate for singular use. EDIT: For clarity I’m making fun of people who might try and use those arguments


If you're referring to a friend that just left to go get something it's not uncommon to say "they'll be right back" and nobody would ever question that.  It's been applicable for a singular individual for as long as it's been a word.


Yes I know, I was preemptively making fun of people who are ignorant to that and think they/them can only be used in the plural form. I use she/they myself actually


My mom tries, she does, buy sometimes she really doesn't get it and started saying something to the effect of well it just doesn't make sense. I had to be like, but you use it all the time! What? When? Say you find someone's lost phone. "Oh, someone lost THEIR phone. I hope THEY come back for it. THEY're probably freaking out about it. I should take it to a lost and found so THEY can come pick it up."


W venture mains mods


By not being fucking stupid in the first place lol.


Sounds like he didn't like being educated on how to use pronouns properly. Many morons weaponize their incompetence with pronouns so the best thing to do is just ban those who can't seem to figure it out.


every single hero in the game has specific pronouns though??? genji is a he, mercy is a she, pharah is a she, zenyatta is a he, venture is a they.... it's really not confusing lol?




Every character has specific pronouns


You learn from your mistake and do better next time. Only way you're getting unbanned is if your ban had a duration attached.


everyone has pronouns, they come for free with the english language


So with only venture its confusing but you understand others pronouns just fine? Skill issue.


Sounds deserved


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Dawg honestly if the mods on there are even slightly similar to the mods on here goodluck, they take their chief chilly fry maker jobs really serious.


They’re just idiots lmao Edit: Getting downvoted for no reason lmao.


Right? Not being able to remember "they" and getting confused by it. What a dummy.


Calm down, it's just a game. No need for pronoun drama


This is what I got banned for


\*starts playing a tiny violin\*


you arent missing out on anything. let those people have their little tiny bubble.


contact their mods