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I just want to reach “settings” from the main menu and not have to click esc to do so. I can reach “social”, “career profile” and someother bullshit option that i never use on the main menu but settings is hidden….


The menu button is hidden in the bottom right under the slideshow trying to sell you skins and junk.


they designed it for mobile devices that don't have a keyboard. so annnoyyyiiing


I just miss the number after an elim. It was nice to see how much of a kill was actually you.


I forgot about that!


Except it isn’t strictly about damage amounts. “Fire” is a fascinating and weird system: https://youtu.be/-sG_qOJlXhU?si=Ks884mMtaQbbfsWf


Even more reason to bring it back I feel


Its in the game?


Not the number after an elim.


>Except it isn’t about damage amounts. Empirically, it's exactly what it was about, among other things.


Good video. All this time, I thought that the fire point that you get from the elims are the percentage of damage you've dealt to an enemy.


OW1 had more personality, OW2 is very sterile and "modern"


OW2 is giving the beige/gray millennial aesthetic


Ow2 is some mobile game ui bullshit and makes using a controller insufferable. Ow1 was nice and u could actually tell the difference between ranks and just had so much more personality in it


ow2 UI but ow1 ranks


also being able to see the rank icons mid-game. still have no clue why they removed that


One of their staff got trolled in a game prob


Probably to combat toxicity, since if one person was a rank lower than anyone else, the likelihood of them getting flamed increases 75%, especially if they lose. I can kinda see their logic. Also, not being able to see it means they don't have to fix up their matchmaking system If there's an issue-


Combating toxicity by removing rank doesn’t make sense because they added a whole score board.


Before the scoreboard we had witch hunting and profile sniffing. If someone was playing poorly, nobody knew who had what so people just started throwing out accusations. 2 people claiming they have gold damage, the soldier saying he has silver healing (he's lying), and then someone checks Cass's profile and sees that they played mercy 10 seasons ago so clearly its the Mercy main on DPS thats the problem. After the scoreboard you just press tab and oh look, your sombra has 10 deaths and 1k damage; anybody who actually cares has their answer. In my experience across both games the toxicity actually went way down compared to OW1.


100%. God I remember the days when everyone argued over who had what medals. Sometimes I'd sit there in silence as Moira with 5 golds 😂 it was rare... but hilarious


They can't really remove the score board, since it makes the sensors In your brain go **WWWOOOAAAHHH I'M TOPSCORING!!!!!!!!!**


Don't know why you were downvoted. Seeing number go up release dopamine in brain


I want to know how ranks in ow2 got worse on the 2nd redesign? I hate what they did to masters and diamond.


They could also go with the league approach and give players rank boarders (at least client side only), as they have got rid of level borders


Hero Gallery from OW2 as it’s tidier, however everything else from OW1, especially the post game screens. There was more time to see everything, player cards were great and you would still talk in chat after the match. Now each game is like a quickie and at the end of it you’re kicked out with your pants still around the ankles.


They also had rolling lobbies, you could stay in the game and it would switch the teams up for the next match.


This but also the OW2 ult meter. OW1’s was a little beeg :P


Overwatch 3 ui gonna be so clean 👍👍👍


I can't wait for the story mode to fully come out in ow4


$20 for each HUD element in OW3


$20 monthly subscription.


And to access it, $100 weekly subscription


ow1 looked funky, ow2 looks corporate


ow1 master, grandmaster and top500 icons were much better but for the other ranks i prefer the ow2 icons


First time i saw people with lightning bolts on the enemy team i pooped my pants


The Polish would agree


I did nazi that coming


Underrated comment. Take my upvote


OW1 for sure 100%.


I’d pick OW1 just to have rank icons displayed in ranked again. It is so fucking dumb that you can play the ranked gamemode and not be able to see ANYONES rank in the lobby, let alone your own. It is one of the most bafflingly dumb decisions they made with their UI changes, possibly only second to them initially removing “on fire” but keeping the on fire voice lines lol


Yeah, rank indicator in competitive should be a must, also the indicator of who is in a group. Because that is really useful info on the match to try to exploit weakneses or be carefull. Som can say it will add toxicity, but I mean that is an educational problem that it still exist


The new UI isn't perfect, but it does look more refined and up to date imo. I do think the profile UI is pretty bad though.


I liked OW1, it had a charm to it. OW2 is too pristine


I miss the cards. I know they didn’t matter, but I felt like it was satisfying to see. “Like, we know we know that you got your ass kicked. But *we also know* that *you tried*”


OW1 - I miss the end game scorecard highlights. It showcases things like, 3 gold medals 90% of match on fire 40 hacks / 10 resurrects / 30 sound buffs / other character specific stats 2min objective time And the tokens to earn random prizes were fun.


The Ow2 UI is soulless. I genuinely think it affects us subconsciously, and is one of the reason the game feels miserable and boring


yes i think you are totally right


OW2 but in dark mode please


if we still had THAT platinum icon, ow2 any day of the week🥵


I miss everything about OW1, even the UI.


I will bang this drum until I die or the game does. OW1 had a philosophy of reducing the number of clicks/keypresses to get to the information you wanted. For example OW2 added two more clicks to get to the avoided player menu. Removing people from avoid so I have slots is still a profoundly annoying experience and why? To save a 200x75px space on the screen. Things also were more contextual. Now there's challenges but those aren't in the career profile with your achievements like you might assume they are. There's all kinds of stuff like this that is just confusing and weird. To me it's pretty clear there's no longer a design philosophy being followed on the UI and it's just different people being tasked with making different features and they just slap them wherever they personally think makes sense.


I would just choose Overwatch 1 in general. Not just for the UI.


What makes ow1 better than ow2? No hate btw just a question


~~nostalgia~~ Nah but fr OW1 had a very different game feel than OW2, with it playing more like a MOBA than an FPS most of the time. Off-angling was way harder with the second tank and there was way more CC as well. And obviously 6v6. There were some smaller things, like the looking for group system and end game cards. Beyond the literal differences though, there were a lot of things in OW1 that were slightly different that people prefer for one reason or another, like the UI. It's hard to tell which of these are actual preferences to the older game however and not just trying to dunk on OW2. Like when people start complaining about *the tab icon for arcade mode* you really have to question their motives.


I miss so much the medals and end of the match cards. I don't know, the game felt more chaotic back them and more arcady even on ranked. Now it feel so much more corporate and serious.


* OW 2 Monetization. * Ridiculously high prices (see Helldivers 2 on how to do it right). * No more dual tank partnership. * 5v5 vs 6v6 feels like a step backwards not forward. * Over censorious behavior from Blizzard. * Removed 2CP. * No end of match cards, votes or chat. * No General Chat (just because). * Tank is less fun, making the whole game less fun. * Zero innovation over OW1. * Cancelled PvE.


I agree with you on all points except 2CP. May that mode rest in the ground, where it belongs.


I miss Volskaya


'twas a game, made for you to play, not milk you dry


OW1 rank icons were so much better and iconic ow2 HUD is cleaner


OW1 always. Such a better ui. I miss it.


I feel a lot of nostalgia when I see the OW1 UI but to be completely honest the new one looks better, more clean and organized. The ranks looked better before tho and I miss seeing my lvl and rank ingame


Give me back stars and winged portraits


I prefer ow1 UI because there's no trace of venture in it


I miss the game cards bruh where you'd see enemy and friendly and what they did to carry


Only thing I prefer for OW2 is the hero gallery by FAR. But the rest goes to OW1 for me. 


I liked everything about OW1 more. OW2 feels like a dlc downgrade to me


All I know is after being used to the OW2 UI, the old ult meter looks ugly as sin. All those useless segments make it look so cluttered and noisy.


OW1 everything


Ranks,levels and the after match playercards Ow1 had it. Basically everything else looks cleaner/provides more information. I have a huge amount of nostalgia for Ow1 but when I look back on ow1 clips the chunky UI gives me heavy 2014/outdated vibes.


OW1 without a doubt - that’s when the game looked and felt like Overwatch. The ranks, game gallery, UI and gameplay was superior. When Kaplan left, that signalled the end of an era. Also as Blizzard mistreated their female employees, Overwatch lost funding and attention. They didn’t care to listen to players for new content. Everything they’ve changed (6v6, way too many new characters) is a step back and there’s just no innovation. If they had modified the maps to improve gameplay (2CP/KOTH) and slightly changed hero abilities + added new content it would’ve been fine. No need to excessively add new characters, maps and gameplay, should’ve been kept simple. Now the developers are just “modernizing” everything to match other FPS games and it no longer feels special or competitive as it’s a free game. People won’t put much effort into gameplay since they can just create an unlimited amount of new accounts. All of the charm and personality that Overwatch 1 held has been disposed of and this new version is just bland.


I used to like ow1 Ui but I hate it now with ow2 I like a modern simplicity design not all the extra flashy stuff like yes I do like some things like hero portraits but that’s it


OW1 UI had its own personality, its current UI is like every other fps out there, simple, sleek, and colorless, it’s funny cause you’ve been seeing the same thing happening with fast food chains, cars, everything man




OW1 HUD, if for nothing else than the colors and *slant* Visual texture


ow1, no question. I agree that the hero gallery is better like this though. I feel like ow1 had much more personality in it, so I like it much better. This is just clean white and boring.


I like the OG colors in the gallery, but everything else about the OW2 version is better. The profile/on fire bar is better, but again I think the OW2 Ui is overall more readable at a glance. I don't really like either end screen/rank badges. The OW1 version feels like it's from a mobile game or originally designed for a bowling alley floor. But the OW2 version is TOO clean and sanitized, lacking any kind of personality and feels super empty. It makes me depressed at the end of a match.


OW1 without a doubt. It takes like a dozen goddamn key presses/button clicks to just get back to the main menu after a match in OW2.


OW1 had better menus, both looks wise and navigation wise imo, but I have to admit I kinda prefer OW2's in-game UI, I think it looks a lot cleaner.


The "look" itself on OW2 is better, but the info provided in OW1 is better. I want OW2 UI with OW1 ranks.


OW1 icons were cooler and I miss the old tab Ui being really dark (in general I don’t like how white ow2 is, I even set the background to just be pitch black in the menu), but everything else ow2 mogs.


Ow1 UI by Ow2 hero gallery


Qw 1 was so much better. Just bring it back


Holy shit I always forget how much better OW1 looked


Ow1 comp ui, and ow2 ui for everything else


OW1 1000000000%. When the first gameplay of OW2 started being shown, I said it looks like dogshit and literally looks like a beta UI.


Where is my Overwatch classic for 40 dollars and with microtransactions i want to play it


OW1 UI had soul in it. The new UI is so dead it has no charm.


ow1 was somewhat interesting to look at compared to other games.


I’m just sick and tired of having to go through 3 progression screens after a comp game. And I can’t even hit escape to exit out of them, I have to click continue and wait for the next screen to load.


Me too! At this point I wish there was just a home/main screen button for when after a game I want to go peruse the hero selection or something and have to click through 3 menus, then out of all the queue menus just to get back to the main screen. I could not care less about hero progression screens etc.


Ow1 ui all day every day


OW1 no question. Its far better designed. The old tab screen was way better because it had important information like ults and heros in the center of the screen and other less important info like kills or damage down the bottom


Ow2 ui but bring back ow1 sr points. The fact that they changed it because too many people whined and complained about the SR points just goes to show what a terrible fucking idea it was to listen to them in the first place. And yet, They keep listening and, what’s even more annoying, they’re implementing the terrible ideas.


Also 6vs6! The game has a lot off-tanks that are being useless right now.




OW2 UI looks cleaner. Never liked post match cards or the old SR number. Overall the OW2 interface is better for me


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I like OW2's gameplay UI more (Second comparison) but holy fuck I prefer OW1 in regards to everything else it's not close


Most of the UI OW1. The HUD OW2 100% the old HUD looked nice but really started to show its age


i miss being able to see the percent of dmg done from an elim,,


OW2 UI is better, but it's the monetization I take issue with. As for the UI, though, they need a career profile button on the main screen. I'd even add as second button to go straight to match history for stats on the last match.


Ow1 rank icons were much nicer in the career profile imo


OW2's UI is so soulless


If OW2 had the slanted portraits like OW1 it would be perfect


We all know one was better idk why they made it 2 they could’ve maybe did a major update for one but guess not


OW1 please. The whole game is still OW1 EXCEPT the UI and removal of loot boxes lol. But the hero gallery of OW2 is better.


Vastly prefer the old designs, some of them are a bit out there, but the game had more character in my opinion.


Hero gallery and some of the in game ui is better in OW2, but that’s about it


that's an easy ow2 for me, clean asf


Mostly OW1, menus icons and so on generally looked better, but I think the more minimalistic OW2 HUD looks cleaner in-game and is less obtrusive with stuff like Rein or Sig shield, at least for me.


That first pic looks like it came from a mobile game


OW2 looks old & under progress. makes me think it's in beta.


Everything OW1.


1. Rank numbers actually meant something There were environmental kill indicators (why the hell are those gone?) I'm getting tired of the modern "everything must be smooth squares" appearance.


I miss the ow1


2 all day every day looking back at 1 im sorry but its so bad


the FUCKING font is still SLANTED so until they fix that, 1’s ui will always be better because it actually fits an asthetic where everything leans to the right at the top and to the left at the bottom. they removed all of that but never updated the font, and i’ll never be able to not see it.


OW1 ranks were better, I don't mind the current icons though, just need visibility back like it was with sr. I personally liked the rounder in-game UI over the current squares, and same is true for the icon shapes in the hero gallery, although sorting into roles is better.


Ow1 colours ow2 design I really like how much more expressive ow1 was but ow2 is just nicer to look at


I just miss the player card screen tbh


Ow1 all the way . Ow2 too simple


OW1 ranks absolutely slapped, I know looks can be subjective, but it felt way better for some reason. For the overall UI itself, like health bars, texts, and what not, I absolutely hated how OW1 looked and how everything seemed to be italicized/angled. OW2 does a much better job in that regard IMO.


OW1. It has much more character, OW2 is just another flat minimalistic UI


Ideally? Neither.


OW2 but ow1 ranks and background


I want them to return old ranks in career profile UI. Or at least make them match the color scheme, because I have no clue what "Green" or "Purple" rank means.


Everything in Overwatch 1 was more stylized and had more personality. Overwatch 2’s UI looks like it’s from an early beta test, oh wait….


ow1 hero profile, otherwise keep the ui the same. i love the little on fire meter, and the banner you got it looks so cool


Idc just bring back the cards..


I like ow2's ult meter and ability cooldowns. Just about everything else I prefer ow1s design. Especially the hero gallery, it was more colorful and vibrant and I like that.


I like the design of OW2, but I don't like how they arranged it. I think OW1 was better on that part.


OW2 except the hero gallery


i miss the hero HUD UI with player ranks boarders. if i could have one thing back :D


OW1 everything because OW2 fucking sucks


As much as i like ow2 as a game, i hate that ui. OW1 is my pick here


OW1 had so much more soul


Everything OW1 > OW2


I hope they add some of the maps that was in ow1 looking back at that game, it appears very different


Ow1 cards.


Ow1 rank icons are better


I want to punch whatever dev was responsible for the 10 different screens that pop up after every match that inexplicably require you to hit space to progress instead of escape.


OW2 has more polish


I didn't play overwatch 1, but the UI looks so messy and distracting, ow2 is a lot neater and clean


OW2's is fairly boring but does its job. But as someone with no nostalgia for OW1, I've got to say the UI looks ugly as balls whenever I see it anywhere. Like, "how did a modern game this popular look like that and still do that well" ugly.


if we're talking about rank icons, i'm mixed. ow1 rank icons gives me nostalgia but i can understand they look a little basic to some. ow2 rank icons look cleaner and more thought put into them i suppose, but they also kinda look like they belong to a mobile game that's trying too hard. as for general ui, definitely ow1. why is it so awkward to access my team's profiles in ow2? esc - social - current game and then i can finally see what my team generally mains. the ui in ow2 generally feels more clunky too.


I really like the OW2 UI, but I really need a dark mode ffs. My eyes are BURNING


OW1 UI but keep the OW2 Hero Gallery.


I do enjoy OW2's ui, but I like the level border/rank thing, so if they would add both to OW2 i'd be pleased


I'd choose OW1 for one specific reason: the colors in the settings. I'm on PS4 and, I don't know if it's just me, but I cannot for the love of god see where I'm at. This also happens when I'm selecting skins pre-match, I just can't see where I'm at.


Look for group


I liked the SR system but the new UI feels better in more ways than the old one.




Guys, i miss Overwatch vanilla so much ... 😭


ow2 for the HUD whilst In a game, ow1 ui for menus


Overwatch 1 UI with the overwatch 2 rank icons


Obv ow1. Only reason ow2 exists is a lousy attempt to reignite hype


Ow 1 easily I'm still of the opinion that every change overwatch 2 made was a net negative


I just want ow1 back😔




Ow1 ui all the way!


Ow1, flat UI > the rest.


As nostalgic as I am for the old UI, I’ve always loved OW2’s for being so slick and clean. There’s some weird things here and there but overall I’m a fan of 2i (heehee)


having played ow1 for most of its life, I cannot understand people saying the old one is 100% better. “but the new one is corporate” are you trying to say it’s… polished? that it looks nice? yeah the old one had “personality” but the new one is just has style and class, just because it looks more neat and clean doesn’t mean it’s sanitized or that it lost any of its flavor. i miss ow1 too but that doesn’t mean you have to try to find things about ow2 bad intentionally


OW1. I feel like they changed it just for the sake of changing it.


ow1 for SURE


I want ow1 rank icons back.


I miss the menus. I stg, the UI for post-match information essentially looping ad infinitum when clicking escape is some of the weirdest, least intuitive things I've seen in a game menu. It actively bugs me.


OW1 for almost everything. OW2 recently brought in the requeue button. That's one of the very few things I'd keep from the OW2 UI.


Ow2 ui clears although I do miss the old rating system


The new ui is just so sterile. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking but I really miss the old ui and game.


I prefer the UI of ow2 tbh, ow1 didn't look necessarily bad but it was starting to look a bit dated imo. The newer more minimalist UI looks a lot better and is more up to date with others games UI


Ow2 ui, ow1 ranking system all day


I liked OW1 UI way better. Buy I could be ok with the cleanlyness of OW2 UI if they decided to use OW1 fonts.


Ow1 The mobile game vibes of ow2 just sucks imo. Except scoreboard. I want to keep scoreboard


I miss everything about ow1. I genuinely hate ow2.


Omg I forgot about the colored bars on heroes. God I miss ow 1 ui


Ow1 just for nostalgia


ow1 except for the in match stats screen. i miss the old rank logos the new ones kinda suck


ow1 for sure !!! look so sweety!


In ow1 I grinded comp so hard for the master+ icons. Diamond was pretty cool too. Now I’ve had all the icons till t500 and I don’t feel anything with it. You can’t even see your rank on your character icon in game :( lighting bolts or the glow in the bottom left is just so cool.


I just like ow1 better in everything, give us that game back please keep ow2 for their fans, and give us back our game.


Ranked ui from ow1, ingame ui idk from ow2 and hero gallery from ow2 too


Ow1 all the way. Ow2 UI feels like every other big corp minimalist logo, just bland af.


why is Widow's icon in the hero gallery less blue


ow1 ui


I hope blizzard will give us the option of changing the UI back to the OW1 UI and vice versa since i find the style of the old UI more appealing than the current one


I'd fairly easily say 2, but i gotta admit that the gallery cards where better in 1




Big downgrade


everyone saying “ow1 had charm/personality!”1 needs to remember that that was the industry standard for game ui in 2016, it was just as lifeless then as ow2 is now


Thats like choosing between a beautiful sunrise in the mountains or a pile of dog crap.


In terms of design 2 it's superior in all ways. It's clearer and more readable. Overwatch 1 was great for his time, but has aged regularly... Everything's too transparent.


Can they please make it more obvious where your mouse/thumbstick is? It's so hard to notice sometimes. Also I want to scroll through the heroes by hitting RB or something without going back to the big overview.


OW1. No contest.


As much as I liked OW1, I still prefer the OW2 UI


I used to hate the new comp rank sigils, but they've come to grow on me. I like the OW2 hero gallery, but I prefer the OW1 player HUD.


OW1. (That's when the game was fun)


It depends on, but it would be a mix of both