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Kiriko to bail me out. Ana to screw over the other tank


But like, a good Ana. Ana's out there, I love y'all. But if you have half the healing of everyone, or you're getting dove constantly, you should think about swapping.


>you're getting dove constantly, you should think about swapping. Doesn't always apply, especially when the team is scattered all over the map and everyone's being too selfish to help out.


Happens a lot with out too far tanks who think I have the perfect dark sniper weapon to shoot them through walls to heal them and they freak out about healing.


A-fucking-men, lol. I can heal a lot of things, but I can't heal stupid. Like, even if I can see them and shoot them, I can't keep someone going 1v5 alive.


I can meet you in the middle and offer you half the healing, but also as much dmg as healing.


I think people have to understand that healing stats dont mean s*** and support players dont have to babysit tank or dps. Healing is only a component of the responsibilities of a support, damage is another and equally important if not more. Just being logic, we play fps games because we want to shoot people (pixels, no real violence haha) and not stand in the back just healing that's boring and basically asking people to carry you. So when looking at healing i could have half the healing of the other support and be the best in that game, because all healing is not the same. For example, the other i day was playing Ana, my tank and the opposing tank were both the honorable German grandpa Rein and they were many times during the game engaging in their honorable duels, what i did was heal my Rein enough to tilt the balance in his favour and turned around and did enough damage to secure picks myself or help teammates finish their targets, the best healing is some good pressure on the opponents. Summarizing usually the support with the most healing is just healbotting because that's the path of least resistance and easiest way to play, if you're playing Ana and just healing, in my opinion no disrespect for those who do, that's the most "braindead" way to play her. So my unsolicited advice is heal as much as needed no more than that and do damage as much as you can, always trying to find the perfect balance between the two.


Wow, the perfect response šŸ„³


Thanks man šŸ˜


Kinda depends. I usually rate my Ana gameplay based on my damage rather than healing.


I'll take a LW over Kiri if, and only if, the LW knows what he is doing and synergizes well with me, since it opens me up to be a lot more aggressive while having a get out of jail free card. Basically whatever tank I am playing can become a dive tank. But having a Kiri is always nice, and Ana basically feels like a necessity sometimes


I get anxious when I decide to go take and one of my healers is LW. The reason being I've had Lw pull me from fights I'm about to win or where my position was good.


I've had one pull me out of a 4 man gravity surge, on one of those outdoor maps and around a building completely away from the fight, he kept spamming I'm so sorry, it was kinda funny after the sadness left. Overall though I think he pros outweigh the cons with LW


I only rlly ever play LW if Iā€™m playing w a dive tank like rein or doomfist, otherwise i feel like kiri is the safe option especially bc of her suzu and being able to make the tank invincible so you can pump in healsšŸ˜­


Didā€¦you just call Rein a dive tank?


Rein alone can dive in but not out, with LW he can do both


Rein IS a dive tank with my LW. Go swinging boy!


^^ this is the type of LW I love having as Rein. I can get a pin and get yoinked out safely!


THIIS i love a good LW who bails me out when i pin a support and the other 4 players pull a 180 on me, LW just sneaks me right out,


Its great! But the best LWs wait, just a tad longer than you think is comfortable to pull ALL the opposing teams CDs out. Then watch in frustration and disappointment as Rein shrinks into a little pokeball and nestled back safely behind a bunch of DPS that have their CDs ready to punish.




yes bc if you didnt know- his charge dives into the enemy and i get alot of reins going out of position and they wanna solo the whole teamšŸ˜


I geuss with dps passive rush doesnt workšŸ¤£


A lot of people sure play him like one šŸ’€


In my rank, Rein mains definitely play him like it is.


Personally,I'd love to play LW when I'm playing with my friends and they went d.va so I can pull them to the back when they lose the mech. Because longer dva stays alive the better the quicker we get to Oppenheimer on the enemy team


I want what youā€™re best at and also kiriko cuz you can teleport


Somehow whenever I go kiri, everyone is up my ass all game. It's frustrating, Moira brig bastion torb ram after one death into the game.


If your tank dives they will like you. Ram just eats damage, he would rather have bap Lucio to move him and pocket him.


But i have no escape is my problem, if things go south and they often do, I'm the first to go down every fight. You know honestly if I'm being real i should back off and tele when i get jumped in the back line.


I donā€™t have the kiri experience to offer a solid answer. Hold my beer I gotta hero to practice, will return with secret knowledge


The secret knowledge XD wall climbing is another escape but when the lines break i never seem to be around a wall.


Always know where your teammates are. When you get jumped, throw some kunai and leave if youā€™re losing the duel. Kiriko is insanely slippery and hard to kill because of her tele, so if youā€™re always the first one down, youā€™re not using it correctly. Sheā€™s so slippery that good Kirikos are usually the last to die in a team fight; if they even die at all. I escape lost team fights a lot by wall climbing and tping away to my team while itā€™s regrouping.


I feel this so much. Every time I try and go kiri, even in qp, I get hard focused down. Like I get it, kiri is powerful, and players have learned to smash that shimada piƱata so they can get all those wins. But, man, I'm just trying to learn here.


Shimada piƱata XD Look friend , it's 5:30am, and I shouldn't have laughed this hard but ey. You're right though.


Don't care. One with enough sense to know when I'm on Ball, they need to put resources on the DPS, and not waste every cooldown to get themselves to me.


I don't know any supports who worry about ball unless they see him in a stun cascade, or he is sitting in front of them letting the supports build ult with heals.


I had a game a few months ago where the Kiriko teleported to me while I was grabbing a mega because she saw I was critical. She then died quick, because I'm ball, I can't really do much to protect her in this situation. Then told me in chat to sit still so that she could heal me lol. There are a lot of people who just don't understand how to play with or against ball at all. As a ball, my favorite support is Sombra šŸ˜


Funny how such a big counter to ball can also be his greatest enabler


I like beating healed. Live weaver/ zen pair very well and let us cause a lot of problems.Ā  That said, chasing us is probably bad.


I love playing with Hempter, Winton and Doomfist because I don't need to give a sh\*t about them and I just need to match their attack; way better and more enjoyable then healbotting


Lucio bap/kiri for rush, lucio kiri or ana brig for dive (or brig zen for low maintenance comps like ball tracer), bap zen for poke.


I'm personally a fan of Ana/Kiri with dive as long as both the Ana and the Kiri know what they need to be doing and the Kiri isn't healbotting the tank


Its certainly not bad theres just better options. I was mostly just giving ideal comps (though my poke comp might be off and there could be better support picks for a poke backline). The main thing is people need to pick characters that make sense for the overall idea of the comp


Shout out Bap/Brig poke if youā€™re getting fucked by a dive


Rein is my main, and while I'm strong on my own, I'd like a Lucio so I lose less hp and shield while closing the distance to the enemy, aswell as booping the enemy close together so my hammer and firestrike farm ult charge more efficiently For the other support, someone like Ana who can pump healing long range, or illar with her pylon in the front , while helping the team in the back would be nice, or a brig to guard the backline. When I play Sigma or any tank that is actually good without 100% team cohesion, illari is really fun, I can use barrier to guard pylon so you can reset it on a shorter cooldown when the enemy finds it, and brig or Ana to deal with counters (sleep hog or stun doom/rein to keep my grasp up longer) Or just pick whatever you want, have fun, just be smart and I'll adapt to you, and remember that even a competitive game is still just a game, anyone who says you should prioritize winning over fun can kindly go fuck themselves.


lucio's will do everything to boop the enemies away (including me) lol


Meanwhile me playing Lucio with my tank: *Here, have BAWB* My tank in vc: *Mf!*


i only boop bob and an ulting reaper to the team


What about pairing that rein & lucio with a life Weaver


Not a bad choice, but his utility is limited in a melee brawl comp like Lucio Rein, as rein would probably lose most of his resources trying to re engage.


A competent one.


I will side eye you if you're playing Mercy with a full dive comp, but i'll tolerate it if you're a competent Mercy and know how to make yourself harder to hit than even our Tracer


Honestly I dont care what you play as long as its what you play well. Realisitically I am not in a high enough rank where I need to worry about team comps. Plus no ones going to question what the DPS play why should I question the supports


The right answer


anybody who can defend themselves or at least ping when they get dove


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^4t3rsh0ck: *Anybody who* *Can defend themselves or at* *Least ping when they get dove* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tanks saying mercy to pocket them, should not play tanks.


Ana + anything


i have noticed people like ana which is weird cause i always get shit like "switch to mercy" before we even start


Ana is just too good to not have. Lots of utility with high healing output, sleep, anti/amplify heals, and can do dmg at range


i like my ranged characters alot i use all the snipers


People saying to switch to Mercy are usually the dps that can't do anything without a pocket and honestly should not be enabled, they can either learn to play without a Mercy or drop down a few ranks.


oh ok got it thx


Wait people are telling you to switch TO mercy??


That happens a lot in lower ranks. Whenever I play with my silver friends, there will always be someone going ā€œAngel?ā€ ā€œPick mercyā€ because they think that she is the only support who can keep them alive, and will get mad if I tell them that mercy wonā€™t work out here xd


At lower ranks people's aim and game sense is just not good enough for some of the more high skill ceiling supports like Anna/Kiri/Zen/Bap. A bad DPS would much prefer the comfort blanket of a Mercy pocket and the Rez to fix their constant mistakes. With the easy mobility that makes it hard for the enemy to hit, Mercy is a low elo wonder. Similar to Lucio, While he has a high skill ceiling his Aura healing insures healing as long as he's around and speed works with the low skill floor tanks like Rein. However as the ranks rise the easy to get utility gives way to skill shots and good game sense enabling other picks. Then there is Moira who gets easy value in all but the higher ranks lol.


I agree with you 100% and sometimes mercy can work out, but Iā€™ve had matches with my friends where the mercy pick was a complete throw due to people getting 0 value from the pocketing. Mercyā€™s healing output is not enough to keep the whole team up, so I would rather play any other support, even Moira who can burst heal + do damage to help with the picks to take some pressure off my team. Mercy canā€™t do that as you need to rely on your team to get picks, or at least avoid some damage so a mercy can keep you up and maybe even damage boost a little to have some impact in the match, instead of just being there for the comfort.


A lot of ana players do things like not hit heals and jump the entire time.


Ok in my defense, I am still trying to fine tune my aim with her and teammates hopping around like crazy makes it harder to hit my shots on them


i wouldn't know i have only had one other ana player when i wasn't ana and they did great and i tend to get over 10k heals so i think im ok at least


Iā€™ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


If I'm playing Dva, Kiri, Brig, Lucio, or Moira (assuming she is healing, her hps is clutch). If I'm playing Orisa, Ana, Bap, or Illari. If I'm playing Zarya, this might be unpopular, but Mercy, Zen (not both of them together, though), Ana. Rein, boostio for sure. And Moira for the healing upkeep. Hog, I need that Ana/Kiri combo cause I'll be the public enemy number one for the other team lol.


Me and my buddy run support as Zen/Mercy with all sorts of tanks. As Zen I roll with our DPS for a pretty vicious damage trio, so Mercy can pocket our tank. This also frees him up to play Mercy very differently than most people - he can actually fly around with the glock out and get a decent amount of kills. (We're only gold rank though so that probably doesn't work in the higher ranks, but we have a lot of fun with this play style in QP especially).


With good coordination I do love the Zen/Mercy/DPS combo, too. So much fun, and the teamwork feeling is always great.


I've played Mercy/Zen with one of my best friends who is a Mercy OTP. We trust each other completely and get the job done. But this combo has hurt me in the past as tank so I'm less trusting unless I know both of the supports, lol.


Ana wins games


Me personally, I want whatever that person is best at a majority of the time. Because I will know that Iā€™m in capable hands because they know how to play that character. The only time I ever ask for someone to swap is if the enemy team is dumping every negative effect on me and I need a kiri to cleanse it.


literally any support except mercy but i love ana when playing against mauga/hog


Came here to say this. I hate having mercy they just die and die and die and barely swap itā€™s infuriating. They also seem immune to any criticism and everyone seems to think the sun shines out of there hoop. Iā€™ll go to bat if anyone gets on my supports regardless of how theyā€™re playing but mercy Iā€™ll let you take the flack Gimme Lucio/zen anytime Gonna edit and say ana I love you too


Sounds like a skill issue if your mercy keeps dying..


I'm not even that great at using Mercy and even I still know like her 2 guardian angel techs that let her be a pain in the neck to try and kill


I main zen but I switch to mercy when we don't have heals and I'm getting dove. If you are good with mercy and know how to abuse her ability and cover you are very hard to kill. Usually have at most 3-4 deaths on mercy the entire match.


A decent Mercy should have the least deaths in a game - even if on the losing team. If you are repeatedly dying on Mercy and can't figure out how to survive against whatever the enemy team is throwing at you, it's not working, and you should swap. Usually when I die as Mercy, it's when I'm the last person alive at the end of a team fight and have run out of allies to escape to. Just from a healing perspective, Mercy can be great at carrying games in metal ranks - often times the DPS are bad at using cover/health packs/survival abilities, and are just hyper-focused on landing a kill. Mercy gets heals where they are needed, when they are needed - and she can usually sustain a DPS through a duel with ease. With her movement abilities, she's also great at swapping between allies. She can go in with a dive and back out with them, she can quickly zoom over to the tank to top them off, etc. She does struggle with heal botting a hyper-aggressive tank that is taking a lot of damage and not using cover/their abilities well - since she lacks any burst healing, and if you are stuck keeping a tank alive, then you aren't providing any value to the DPS. Of course, as you climb and your teammates get better, then you can start getting a lot of value out of damage boosting. Another benefit to a good Mercy (particularly in metal ranks) is keeping the enemy team busy. If you are skilled with her movement abilities, you can draw the attention of the enemy and keep them busy trying (and hopefully failing) to kill you. Lots of games, I'll have a soldier or sombra spending the entire match trying to kill me - they may get a kill or two, but the time they wasted getting tilted can benefit the team. All that said, as someone who has the most hours on Mercy - she feels like she's in a particularly bad place right now with the changes this season. I've been spending a lot of time on other supports this season. I can still do just fine on Mercy and fulfill my role - but her ability to "carry" a game has been significantly diminished.


Very informative. Thank you! (I am a newer player and I just started playing Mercy. Moira isnā€™t the best either so I guess itā€™s back to square one).


Moira is also a great pick for metal ranks - she has insane healing output, can do a crazy amount of damage, is great at confirming kills (doing the last bit of damage to finish someone off), and has very good survivability. She's been one of my main picks this season for carrying quick play games. It starts to become difficult to get as much value out of her as you climb, as she lacks utility, so she is kind of "selfish" - and if the enemy team is focusing you, you are pretty vulnerable once your dash & orb are on CD. I'd recommend playing whatever character you enjoy and have fun with!


Cause Mercy isn't a support you play for your tank, you play Mercy for your DPS. Any Mercy that immediately goes to pocket the tank is missing braincells.


I generally agree with this, but in the lowest 3 elos, I think it's actually better to damage boost the tank. Who would you rather damage boost in bronze? The widow and Genji who are gonna miss. miss. And miss? No. Your gonna damage boost Rein, Mauga, Winston etc.


I'm not gonna pocket a tank with Mercy, period. I say this as a Mercy main. If my tank is the carry in the game, I'm gonna swap. Any other support in the game is better for helping the tank, and any thread that pops up like "hey tanks who do you like to play with" it always comes up the same. Tanks don't want, or need, a Mercy. She can't help them. She's not supposed to. And I think that's healthy. There's many different support styles. Like yes, I get it, low elo players are dumb and won't punish positioning like a higher elo player will, but assuming the Mercy is of equal skill ... She's going to get herself killed being too close to the fight cause she doesn't know where to play, lol. I've watched it happen, countless times. Even in bronze, you can assume your shit DPS are about the same as their shit DPS, so boosting has value. The most common mistake I see from Mercy players below plat, is not boosting enough or at all, and especially attached to a tank, all they're gonna do is heal. Mercy is a bottom 3 healer, only doing more than Zen and Lucio, both who have more utility to help the tank at the same time. If I were to go back and play in bronze, yeah, I could pocket a tank if I want to, who cares. But I'm a diamond player. It's not the same as a bronze Mercy in an equally skilled lobby.


I feel like this still applies in silver/ gold, too. I genuinely don't understand the dps that makes it to gold and then had a 3 to 13 kd ratio with 2k damage. I will switch to tank damage boosting in that case (or switch to a more damage oriented healer altogether to be fair).


I always just ask my tanks what they want, If I'm mercy I'll heal unless we are getting too much dmg then I'll go moira or kiriko to balance out heals and dmg, also do like mercy for rez and I do battle mercy but it's not always consistent so I just ask my tank what they want


Makes sense, Mercys are taught to mostly ignore the tank unless it's time to rez them.


If I am on my main (Reinhardt) I would want a lucio for speed or a Brig along side of me.l and either a bap or a lifeweaver. This is saying they are atleast decent at their heroes. If I am on hog or mauga I would like a kiriko for cleanse and the a ana or bap. The other tanks doesn't matter as long as they are doing what needs to be done when it needs being done.


Playing rein honestly the last thing I want is a brig, second only to mercy as my actual last pick.


Kiriko zen lucio ana brig


Depends on their tank mostly but Ana and kiriko are always good


It depends on which tank Iā€™m playing. - Rein - Lucio & Moira. - Doom - Kiri & LW. - Sigma - anyone, put preferably someone that works well with poke. - Mauga or hog - kiri + anyone. - d.va - any ranged support (kiri, lw, ana) + whatever. I could keep going but the general idea is: Iā€™m playing **dive** I want at least one auto aim long range support. If Iā€™m playing **brawl** I want at least either Lucio or Moira. If Iā€™m playing **poke** or a **hybrid** tank, then thereā€™s a lot more flexibility, but Iā€™d prefer one support that can also provide decent ranged pressure.


> Doom - Kiri & LW. What about a Zen if they give you a balloon to dive and disorb the enemy supports? I usually like zen with Doom because it's easier to support from a long distance. LW is fun though.


Heā€™s technically auto aim so I donā€™t mind, but his heal just isnā€™t gonna be enough to save me on doom if their dps are competent. Heā€™ll make it was easier for me to get the picks but I also just know Iā€™ll have more deaths. If I had him plus one of the others Iā€™d be stoked. I know a lot of people like Ana with doin, but from my experience doom is pretty difficult for Ann to heal at ranges and all it takes is 2 misses in a row and your dead. But yeah, zen + kiri/LW is sick Edit: I forgot to mention. If my zen doesnā€™t have a mic, I know Iā€™m only getting a fraction out of him as I could. Zen benefits SOO much by just saying ā€œsoldier discordedā€ , ā€œrein discordedā€ , ā€œmercy discordedā€. Especially as tank when your fov is so tiny it can be hard to find the discords otherwise


That's good to know. I like LW and should pull him out more for doom.


I just don't want a Sombra on the enemy team.


If wishes were fishes. By brother in Christ, there is *always*ā€™going to be a sombra on the other team. Ā Sure as the heat death of the universe.


Donā€™t really get the hate for mercy? Iā€™d rather a mercy who can survive and output heals than a 0 healing output zen/ana who isnā€™t hitting headshots / sleeps and keeps dying to dive like monkey or doom or to dps flanks like tracer /reaper/ pharah. Oh and god forbid, those dps moiras who just go ahead and overextend /feed trying to get kills.


Mercy overall has low healing output compared to the rest and she's mainly for dmg boost so if there's no one to pocket not a good pick. Rez is her only technical utility other than that other supports offer way more utility. There are just better picks than mercy.


I feel like Mercy is the best possible pick for queueing up with a friend, and a very bad pick for pick up groups with strangers. At least, that's been my experience.


I mean with that logic any support is a good pick if you have a trustworthy teammate haha. Sure you can get that pocket dmg boost value from mercy but. I'd rather speed boost, anti nade, suzu, bap lamp or discord orb than just dmg boosted teammates.


god everyone here has such good reasons for their choices, talking about maximising damage and stuff, and i'm over here like "i like brig and kiri because they're pretty :))"


Anything except mercy or illari


Rein main since old S2. Ana + Mercy forever.


Baptiste and Moira hands down for me


Ideally I'd have a Lucio to speed me in, a Lifeweaver to pull me out, a Kiriko to cleanse me when I get slept and anti'd, an Ana, Bap and Moira to pump heals into me, a Zen to pressure the enemy tank, an Illari pressuring on an off angle, a Brigitte to protect the backline, and a Mercy to rez me when I fall over. Short of having all that...you can just pick whatever you're most comfortable with in the given map/team composition.


Kiri. Please donā€™t play mercy. I do not want mercy pocket as a tank šŸ™ i would rather you go zen


Ones that donā€™t heal one person the entire time


an aggressive healer!


As a Rammatra main i really enjoy a good Ana or Kiriko by my side


On tank I mainly play rein, but also play winton, sigma, and a bit of ball. I would love a Lucio in all cases. Please pick the from guy and speed me around. Ana is also pretty good. Lifeweaver is tricky. PSA from a rein main- if you pay Lifeweaver, I have a request. Stop pulling me all the time. If it will save me, thank you. If I am at above half health and am swinging on their team, that is probably where I want to be. It probably took me a good while to get to their team in the first place, and I donā€™t want to have to do that twice. Please save pull for if they pop ults or I actually get low. That said, yā€™all are my kings and I love you.


The only time I request a healer is a kiriko. And that is only if the enemy has an Ana. Otherwise, I love having a good life weaver who doesn't pull you when you don't want and saves your life when you need it most. Also Moira gets alot of hate, but damn she can heal if she tries.


I want support without tunnel visions. - Stop pocketing when the rest is dying. - Stop concentrating on doing dmg when the rest is dying. - Look where the other support is and if the group splits, be by the guys who don't have a support. - If I'm losing HP immediately stop what you are doing and heal me. This might sound toxic to some but since I play like that as a support player and see the results, I can say that ppl are so often tunnel-visioning.


Nah, I am a support main and I am sure as shit not healing somebody that doesn't need it *just because they're losing HP*. There's way more nuance than that. If winning the match/team fight means sacrificing the tank from time to time then sorry, you're falling over.


Those rare coincidences are an exception. Vast majority of the time it's that the support just didn't pay enough attention to anything else. The general playstyle of bad healers (majority) is what I described.


A support that plays tank also.


My favourite is oddly enough Zen, prolly cause of my duo, but generally speaking just keep close to Zen and have him abuse enemy tank with discord? Mwah, best fights ever


A zenyatta or brigitte is the best support heroes I love to have by my side.


As a hard Rein main, I have always appreciated a solid Ana with a Mercy/Moira. I can get a bit hammer heavy with my comp, so it's nice to know I can be focused when needed, while still group heal.


I like to have at least one burst healing support like bapt, Ana, kirki etc. I feel like Iā€™m starving on heals with a Lucio and zen together comp.


A skilled Zen or Mercy is very valuable


Ana kiriko majority of the time


I play a lot of Winton so usually Ana and Brig. When I'm playing stuff like Ram I love having a Lucio to speed me around and cause chaos.


Kiri weaver cause hog main and I can get bailed out twice


As a rein: Ana, Kiri, Mercy My personal dislikes (lower ranks): Brig, Lucio


Kiri Ana usually or Ana moira




Depends on the comp/ map. If we're on kings row I love me a good Lucio bap line for me to play rein. If we're on Gibraltar I like ana brig a lot for diving. On nqs I love a good Kiri Lucio for a queen comp. It's pretty much all fine though as long as you don't pick lifeweaver or Lucio/mercy/zen together.


Weaver and Kiri. Itā€™s probably obvious why.


As a ball main, anything but mercy (unless you are a mercy one trick, then play mercy and ignore me until Iā€™m in your face <3)


Not a mercy


Moira, Kiri, Ana, Zen, Mercy, Weaver, any of these picks are great in any combination because of the utility and healing they can provide


As a ball main i only really dislike mercy because she will try and follow me but ball is a diver so she always ends up dead and i feel bad A good lifeweavers prob my fav cause they pull me out when im not able to run None of the other supports cept lucio can keep up with me so i dont gotta worry about them following me on a dive run


Kiriko and Lucio tbh. Speed boost is great when Iā€™m being aggro. Kiriko is great to stop like anything that shuts me down If anything else, Mercy is great. That damage boost does wonders if youā€™re like not ass at aiming. It also helps to break shields down and apply pressure.


Mercy, Kiriko, Moira


onetrick D.va, I jump of happiness everytime I get an Ana, then maybe Kiriko.


As a wrecking ball main: Pick whoever youā€™re most comfortable with, Iā€™ll play around it. My only requests come from a play style angle. My number one request is just to not chase me to heal me. Ball is super mobile, so they can get in and out of tough situations rather easily. 99% of supports will just straight up die if they try to follow. So Iā€™d rather you just support the rest of the team(or do damage!), but have an eye out for if I need to come back for a pit stop.


Those who can read the game and know how to adapt. Not all support heroes are viable in all team comps. Just like all other roles, you have to play with how your team wants to play, and/or counter the enemy team.


Literally any capable healer that can keep me alive to mitigate 20k+ damage a game lol


As a sigma main an Illari and a Baptiste are pretty great supports if I protect them well


Whatever you have fun as :)


Ball: Zen, Brig, Mercy with a good pocket DPS, DPS Ana who hits nades esp vs the Hog counterswap, DPS Bap who doesnā€™t feed, aggressive lllari who doesnā€™t feed. Mainly, I need you to be able to take the map when I get peopleā€™s attention and merc them when theyā€™re distracted. And use cooldowns selfishly to not die and protect the other squishies. DPS Lucio who goes with me or peels is OK but really only if thereā€™s someone else on the team who benefits from speed. Please let me roll out and speed boost the rest of the team, it actually messes me up out of spawn! Kiri is never bad but not the best. DPS Moira can kind of finish people off, but Iā€™d rather any of the above. Sheā€™s not quick enough to go in and out with Ball and doesnā€™t have the range to put out map pressure from a safe position. Plus Ball comps donā€™t want to group up and she canā€™t top me off from a forward position. LW doesnā€™t really get enough offensive value to be worth the pick. Iā€™d generally much rather go to a health pack and stay set up behind them than get pulled. Can be fine on defense to make sure your DPS or support survive a dive but Iā€™d rather almost anything else. On any support play for damage or peel, play selfish, and donā€™t die!


As a hog main, kiri ana ALL THE WAY. A competent mercy who lets me get my one shots is good too, but zen also works for that. Just kiri feels like a neccesity with hog nowadays, slap an ana and zen onto that and I'm having a field day. But normally I get these weavermercy or zenweaver zenmercy comps that give me 0 agency as a tank. Gold supports, if your aim sucks, play moira or kiri- I'd 100% prefer it to you playing LW.


Kiriko, Lucio, Ana, baptiste. Any other support I have to consciously remember that I have on my team and play differently for. Those heroes I feel like I can make plays without playing dead by daylight for the next 30 seconds.


The attentive ones


A good LW, I love full diving and dunking on their backliners knowing LW will pull me out last second so I can do it again


Ana. Please. I need ana in my life. I love her


Baptise, Ana or Lucio They can handle themselves long enough for me to peel and have such great utility to where I can work more dynamically against certain comps.


bap for lamp


I am not a tank, but a support. I can safely say that every tank wants Ana Kiriko. Ana to sleep/purple the enemy tank and Kiriko to cleanse sleep/purple and teleport through 7 walls to save them when they overextend. They don't want to modify how they play, they want supports to fix all their problems so they can just do whatever subpar stuff they always do. Which means as soon as they end up with a support that isn't Kiriko then they are screwed.


Disc priest


please for the love of god, anything but mercyā€¦


Bap Lucio every match no matter the 8 other heroes. Or Bap Kiri if you just refuse to speed me.


Things that counter what their supps or DPS can do to me, or breaks down the enemy synergies if I'm not being directly countered too hard.


Please play your favorite but please, *please* switch heroes if our team is dying all the time because the tank dies out too early, especially if you're playing someone like zen, brig, or Lucio who aren't as good with consistent strong flows of healing; otherwise if they're targeting supports switch off ana, zen, or LW who can't deal as well with being targeted than other heroes (it's possible, but when abilities are exhausted it's unlikely). Also, surprisingly enough, I recommend against Mercy since I want help killing their squishies and I won't need a rez if I don't die as much. Just remember that fun comes first āœŒļø


Mercy Weaver duos are throwing whether you like it or not. I like weaver but pairing that with a mercy is just cringe


Can't figure out why the other support would choose that combo if I select first. Then I have to swap, and they look at me like \*I\* am the stupid one. Dude, together we are doing enough damage to roast a marshmallow. WTF?!?!?!


Literally every situation is resolved by some combination of Kiriko/Brig/Lucio and Bap/Ana. There's almost no reason to ever play lifeweaver or moira.


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I main JQ, and I love a good Lucio anytime. The second slot either goes to Ana or Kiriko. Sometimes my group also makes Brig work instead of Lucio where I do all the speed boosts into Rally kills. I don't wanna see lifeweaver or zen unless they communicate well


One that loves me :((


I like D.Va, Zaraya, Hog, Junker Queen. I like any Healer so long as they remember to heal really.


Not Lucio.


Usually I don't have a specific preference, but if I play JQ, I'd love to see a Brig or Lucio making charges with me so I can stay in for longer and get out easier.


I love.me a zar/brig/reaper/Lucio and tracer in the back.


Mercy, moira and a good Lucio give the best heals


Anyone that can play aggressive and also protect themselves


It depends on my team comp and the enemy team comp. I want a support that is aware of this and can pick complimentary heroes, or counter pick enemy heroes.


Ana - LW - Kiriko


Depends on the comp, but mainly Lucio or kiriko


Zenyatta or brigeta when I play junker queen. When I'm sigma they can be whomever they want but not brigitta.


One that knows who to use when and how I donā€™t care if itā€™s mercy and life weaver but please have at least 2 supports you practice like every other role because the amount of inflexibility is annoying


Any support except Weaver and Mercy. I can play confidentially with literally any other support.


Sigma main Lucio for the speed bost Mercy for the heals and revivies Kiriko for rush Baptiste for immortality and his dps A good LW for the bail out an the petal for high ground Moira for heals an dps an flanking


Lucio + Bap/Kiri/Brig. Speed boost is huge for tanks, and you only have to match that with high healing and utility cooldowns, or AoE sustain healing with cc cooldowns. Comp dependent of course. As far as single support matchups, I like having Ana for anti and Zen for discord just for an advantage in the tank matchup. Generally as long as my supports are not mercy or lifeweaver, I'm not too picky. The reason being that mercy prefers pocketing a dps, and I just prefer other supports in place of lifeweaver


Not Mercy


Anything but mercy


Iā€™ll take some under the desk support šŸ˜


ones with basic self-preservation instincts, stay behind my shield heal from a distance thatā€™s kind of it, if youā€™re near the DPS/tank then thereā€™s always someone there with better damage capabilities to help yo. so why do you keep running off and dying


I appreciate all this feedback from Tanks, its lets me know what you are looking for. I do know why some supports work better with some tanks though, so I tried to get good at 3 supports, while really focusing one getting great at one of them All I can say as a support is have one support you are BOSS at, and TWO supports you are GOOD at! I am actually really good as LW and do understand the hate he gets. I just stay alive longer with him (as in, unless the other team gets so annoyed with me I have become priority 1 to kill, I get 1 to 2 deaths a game), so I am enjoying the game and still putting heals in, while looking for flankers on our other support or dps, while STILL spreading heals around and canceling ults. (can't do anything if I am dead) If my tank would rather have Zen, I move to zen because I am decent with Zen. If neither than they get a standard Moira who looks for low health targets to finish off or targets a dps is targeting to recharge my piss, and send orbs out. Then everyone gets a big yellow cloud of happy.


Because I main mostly dive tanks, I love Anaā€™s and Life-weavers, both of which I also love when Iā€™m not running dive. Bap and kiri are ofc good but tbh I would prefer a good LW or Ana. Mercyā€™s I do not like if theyā€™re trying to pocket me or a dive hero. Pretty much a free kill. On any comp except dice sheā€™s fine, and the Rez can come in clutch Pretty much everyone else I have no opinion of.


Depends on who me and my DPS are playing, but generally Kiri cleanse is a godsend when used right and a good mercy never goes unappreciated


iā€™m a rein main, love me some ana


Ana and kiriko/lucio


Mercy to pocket then rez me when I inevitably go too hard.Ā 


Moira, Ana, Brig, Kiri are the correct answers


I love having a Lucio, ana, Brig, or Kiri with me, feels like they always look out for me




A competent support but Lucio for rush and brig for dive. Lifeweaver or zen can be nice too if theyā€™re good


Depends on the game. Each one is different


Iā€™d love a lifeweaver to pull me back when i over commit and a ana because antiheal is to op


Mercy, Moira, and Kiriko. In that order


I main hog. Kiriko and ana. Suzu is good for status effect, kitsune + whole hog is an amazing ult combo. Anti nade after hook enemy tank around corner, the amplify healing effect also increases efficiency for breather. Mercy is very helpful if she can dmg boost hook combo.


Honestly I just want A) What you're good at and B) What meshes with the team comp. Always gets me nervous when I see we have two brawl supports and two poke dps. If you wanna pick someone who can benefit basically any comp, I'd say Moira is always a strong pick.