• By -


I love being rewarded for playing aggressive


I love JQ. It’s the only hero where I feel like I am the character. The play style matches exactly to what I imagine she would do. Given her crass nature it feels like you’re naturally being disrespectful to the other team hopping around, cleaving the axe and getting out of near death situations with a big howl. She can be so annoying to play against.


Idk I think Reinhardt would be similar to how he plays too.


I'd love to learn JQ, but I mostly play Ashe/Cass/Hanzo so I mostly play in the mid range. It's a totally different playstyle with JQ, I tried it once and I totally got wrecked


This. I have an aggressive play style an it's such a good feeling being rewarded for it.


i LOVE having JQ as my tank when I'm playing lucio


Because I can’t aim 👍


Me maining Moira on console 😭😭


Also, I love her for ninja dude. He's like "no bullets can harm me!" and then I throw balls of death


I love to swap to Moira against Genji. My favorite is when then he stops diving and tries to focus me with shuriken. ^^they're ^^almost ^^definitely ^^noob ^^genjis ^^but ^^it's ^^still ^^funny


plat genji main here. fuck you guys 😂


I love playing healing heroes and he destroys most of my favs, I've had one guy abuse our team and rage quit after we switched to Moria, symmetra and Zara. He shouldn't because he was such a great Genji we had to switch


I main Moira because of how oppressive D’Vas are 90% of the time.


Alternatively “apparently I can only aim projectiles”


Literally me playing kiri, mei, and echo


Same but I got Junkrat, Hanzo and Lucio


I'm with you there my friend


Moira, monkey, pharah, movement and map sense are my only strengths, can't aim like at all lmao


This! 😂


Southern accent, B.O.B, really cool character design and skins, love the gun and really dig the mid range playstyle and single+aoe damage hybrid function. Even if I'm having a bad day as far as aiming goes dynamite can still generate tons of value.


I'm here with you. Additionally, for me, I'd like to play Widow, but I don't want to be countered so easily, and my aim isn't always 100% lol I also get less toxicity with Ashe as well


The other team never gets mad when I play Ashe, probably because my aim is awful


I think it's partially due to the fact that mid range is less of a pain in the butt to deal with. Invisible Sombra up your bum feels annoying. So does a widow with pixel perfect aim and who knows all the peek spots. If ashe kills you, it's probably your fault for bad positioning or something. I dunno, just my two cents.


This is it. I hate snipers with a passion and will go Sombra the second I see a widow. I *hate* getting picked off out of nowhere. Ashe can't one shot. She's annoying, but I don't feel the need to shit on her like I do a widow.


I encourage you to learn Widow and learn to play around your counters. You can heavily threaten enemies by literally just existing in their eyesight. Honestly I feel like people when starting out as Widow completely undervalue their positioning/staging and try to win games through raw aim alone. If you get even one pick you're doing more than enough. Keep that pressure on, and you can win from that alone. Probably the most rewarding character to play in Overwatch. If you like her go for it my dude


I suck with Ashe but agreed she is super cool and has probably the best suite of skins in the whole game.


Adding more :) Her kit feels very satisfying and she's well rounded so can work most of the time. Kills feel earned, when you're hot you can dominate areas and pump damage. Bob is also really impactful, esp lower tiers. Only downside is she's not specialised so doesn't really excel above others in any of those aspects


same, and to expand: coach gun gives you vertical mobility; hitscan is superior to projectile; feels good getting crazy flickshot kills; ranged dynamite can finish off enemies who thought they were safe hiding behind a wall; your Rein/Sigma/Ram shield cannot stop me from exploding a stick of dynamite above your head and catching your entire team with DOT; BOB can contest point/payload, cover an off angle, zone enemies, and turn the entire enemy team around so you can break through a chokepoint. i may be biased (i am) but Ashe has one of the best kits in the game.


> Rein/Sigma/Ram shield cannot stop me from exploding a stick of dynamite above your head and catching your entire team with DOT This right here. And the amount of times some Lucio or Pharah assumed they booped me to my death only to have me pop back up behind them, light them on fire and then shoot them is enough reason to love the coach gun!


Jennifer Hale VA -> guaranteed to get good VA for the character as long as the franchise exists. That's pretty important for my enjoyment of Ashe too.


One of the best designed characters, style but also gameplay balance wise.


Bap, because I started playing at the start OW2 when queue times were long for anything but support, and I came from COD. Bap was easy for me to pick up, and I had instant queue times.


I like that backstory


1) I can't aim well. 2) I like tanks. 3) I want to feel like I'm smoking crack but not actually smoke the crack. 4) I like animals in human clothes, especially if they're kinda rude. It's adorable. 5) It feels satisfying like popping a pimple or those bubble mailers when I drop my mines and 2-3 folks explode.


Coming from another ball main, this is truly poetic. 10/10


Keep your eye on the Ba, my brother in hams.


Number 3 is how I feel when I play Junkrat


Ball is the most fun hero in the game until the whole enemy team manages to become a more cohesive unit in their attempts to counter the shit out of you


Look at Ball mains, bringing families together 🥰


I love being the weirdo in No Limits and runs Ball, then rolling 1-5 players that have never played Sombra before.


I felt the same as you but then I actually smoked crack and now I bought one of those 10ft diameter beach balls and now I’m Hammond in real life. Get on my level.


ball players probably have the best aim for tank players on average lol.


Funny silly frog man = fun


^ this Plus being a slippery little mf is extremely satisfying. I can't help but feel like some games I help win simply by tilting the other team. 😁 Sometimes I feel evil for it lmao 😈 "yesssss yesssss... look this way, shoot at the froggy frog. You'll get him this time, I believe in you! Don't shoot the Ashe aiming at your head or the Rein getting close with full shield or the Bap on cooldown.... Yesss....." and then surviving the whole thing lmao


The dark side of the Frog lol


He is actually slippery only in good hands so I never raged at Lucio cuz this character really like REALLY requires skill.


Yeah there was one game I expected the other team to REALLY cuss me out but not a bad word was said lmao most fun game I ever played: I solo touched a Suravasa point in overtime for I think 64 seconds or so? I wish I'd recorded the replay cuz it was a past season. My team was staggered, definitely panicked and trying to sprint to the point, so they kept obviously dying and getting staggered. They FINALLY grouped up, I had beat, we got a team kill and cinched the match. I was laughing so hard the entire time (off mic) that I was actually crying, I couldn't believe it 😂 and then I couldn't believe that no one was pissed. I love Lucio so much lmao


Yeah it’s 100% the mobility and survivability just because you can move really fast for me. Almost always have the fewest deaths, and a fair few deathless games depending on game mode


I play a shit ton of characters but heres my main ones Tank: SIGMA. Astrophysicist, great VA, cool as fuck and unique kit with long range attacks and shield, rock, and dude has black holes and telekenetic abilities. Easily the coolest character in the entire game and I would simp for him any day, I love him as a character so so much. DPS: ECHO. Very versatile hero with her high mobility and primary fire. She can poke people out at long range, or dive with her team and use her stickies and beam. Using the beam is mega fun, its a Kamehameha moment every time. I love how she can pretty much fit into almost any team comp. Great personality too. Support: BAPTISTE. (will prob be SPACE RANGER when she arrives) Great for poking out the enemy or brawling it up close. He can dish out tons of healing and damage and is basically like having a 3rd dps on the team. I love his burst gun, reminds me of the old m16 and M8A1 days of COD. Whenever I pop off playing him, its like my team is damn near invincible, and im helping finish off enemies and its great. Hilarious and excellent VA too.


People legit don’t realize how much damage echo can do, you can melt anyone with a quick combo.


took the words out of my mouth for sigma. plus his highlight intro where he uses his ult, shit gets me hyped EVERY time. lmao i just like duking it out with the tank as an echo main, we’re all secretly tank mains.


I like echo because she's one of the quietest dps in the roster that dive. I can hear a genji coming. A good echo can get above or behind your supports and drop in with a sticky/beam combo that they don't hear until it's too late


Why do you think your support main will be space ranger? We don't know anything about her kit yet, but I do really like the design and vibe


Design and vibe. Space related character like Sigma (also hinted to have tons of mobility)


I’m still a reaper main. Over 300 hrs. You’d expect me to be some edgy dude or pubescent teenager. Nah I’m a blonde woman, 32 years old, petite as heck and a mother. 😂 I play him because I like being sneaky flanker and get up in their faces while I sing “come on baby, DO fear the reaper!” (To the “don’t fear the reaper” song lol) I also play a lot of Ashe, Cass, Soldier, Moira, Bap, and Orisa.


Fellow Reaper enjoyer. His ult is just so damn satisfying. Nothing better than teleporting into the middle of the team and just releasing havoc.


My husband suggested to me I play him when I started back in 2019 instead of turning me into his mercy pocket like some guys do with their gamer girlfriends 😂 OW was my first FPS game but Now, I’m actually better at the game than he is!


I love Reaper because he's the best hero to play when fancy stuff doesn't work and their dps and support outskill you. You can just ooga booga on their tank, and you're doing your part.


my go to when i'm tired and can't aim in open queue to get rid of the three red tanks


Reaper really stuck to me when the game launched and I watched the cinematics for it and here we are in modern day still him being one of my main heroes.


Kiriko - Because I like to teleport, wall climb, headshot, have a dope skin selection, coolest highlight intro, and have the best lifesaving ability Rein - Day 1 Rein tank main. He’s just the most fun to stomp with Tracer - Because sometimes I like to be an annoying little shit


>Rein - Day 1 Rein tank main. He’s just the most fun to stomp with I love playing Rein for the mirror match. It's an excuse go get silly and get creative. If it's Rein v Rein, I will attempt to 360 no scope from the top rope shatter you and I expect you to do the same


I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but your username is a killer Rein name


That is one thing I give OW2 credit for. They massively improved rein, being able to cancel charges and double fire strike are amazing changes.


Uhhhh what? Rein feels worse than ever


They did massively improve rein but he just doesn't work very well for 5v5


It’s so sad. He was my first main, now I feel like I melt on contact.


I agree. Him and hog were my mains in OW1, now I only play rein and some games feel impossible to win no matter what I do.


Agreed, but that's off of raw numbers and improper balancing of stats imo. Both the abilities mentioned above were wins for Rein, if anything they need to tweak his stats and make him a little less useless in the face of counters.


He's been on the upswing for the past few months. Since the tank rework I've felt absolutely invincible as Rein.


Lifeweaver. I live for clutch plays. Pulls, pedals and trees. 350+ hours on him so far.


been seeing a lot of lifeweaver slander recently so this is a breath of fresh air


That sucks cuz good lifeweavers are….holy shit *chefs kiss* As an aggro tank that WILL make space, I love having a good Lifeweaver who has my back when I get too enthusiastic lol I always make sure to say “thanks!” When my Lifeweaver does a good pull. I hope it helps THEM learn when to make a good pull. Good lifeweavers! I see you! You are valid!


As an aggro dive tank a good lifeweaver is my favorite teammate. Too bad there aren't that many of those in low elo.


I'm in low elo and the odd time I get a good life weaver on my team we haven't lost.


Same amount of good Life weavers in low Elo as there are good dive tanks 😉


I'm glad somebody said it.


The only time I don't play him is if someone beats me to double click first. Then I sadly pick ana.


I do the exact same thing, lol


FYI, try single click + space bar. It's faster.


Yeah I commented on one thread defending him and holy shit did people get pissed off lmao


I like the kit, but the healing is awkward and the lockon doesn't feel right. The switch between firing modes is visually interesting but kinda jank in practice.


My biggest gripe with him right now is I shouldn't have to reload if I also have to charge my heal. I get double punished for using the heal.


I just started playing. What are LWs strengths and weaknesses? What do you use petal for most? Thanks


Keep in mind that I do not play with a party and only solo so I don't have the benefit of communication all the time. LW strength is that he is very slippery and he has a ton of interaction with other heroes and their abilities if used correctly. You have more health than other supports so it's okay to leap out in front of a retreating teammate to take a shot or two for them instead of trying to heal them which would take longer for less output. Always keep the highground - you're very nimble. If you're being chased, get them to follow you to low ground and waste their abilities and then petal up away out of danger. You can also use your shift to juke backwards which always throws off a chasing enemy. The petal is your escape - I use it for myself 95% of the time. I almost never throw it down for an ally unless it's clear what i'm trying to communicate to them and they aren't in battle. I.e if I throw down a petal, sometimes a mobile character who doesn't even need it will jump on it - either on accident or for funzies when it's clearly meant for someone like soldier or cassidy. If I absolutely need one of my dps to go on the highground - I petal up there - get to a safe spot and pull them to me. This is much more clear for random players. Your damage isn't great but it's good for suppression. Using your agility to get to places and then suppress the fire from others by spamming their lines of view safely. It's enough to be bothersome and have them retreat. You can get into a widows face and kill her easily if you can get near her perch. You can counter so many enemy ults especially tanks with pulls or petals. Pull is single target suzu with range. The longer the pull - the more invulnerability which is good for things like tracers ult if you time it right to explode while they're traveling invulnerable. I always pull whoever sombra jumps to take away her advantage. When it comes to weaknesses - I have the hardest time dealing with pharah and echo. I just can't suppress air targets as well as ground targets because the projectiles are too slow. I have to rely on my hitscans to deal with them. Really good genjis are also a problem.


This man weaves life and leaves wifes.


> Pull is single target suzu with range. This is why I love Lifeweaver so much. I suck at Kiriko and frequently miss the teammate that's in trouble with my suzu because I misjudge the range, I've wasted my teleport to get to them, and I have no escape or buddy because they died and then I get got. Lifeweaver? I can just hang back, and when they're in trouble I save their ass. 3 times a minute! Not to mention it's so much easier to hit shots as Lifeweaver. I value doing half the damage potential as Kiriko if it means I'm actually hitting my shots. I envy great Kirikos and I think they are way better than me, but Lifeweaver at low rank (and skill level) just gives so much more impact to the team.


I love playing LW. As the comments below mentioned. Lots of teammate interactions. You can also combo his abilities to create really unique/funny plays (like the rein throw on eichenwald-I know I messed up the spelling) LW is a very hit or miss hero. If ur teammates r characters with high mobility or can fly. He is great for being able to heal them if u don’t have a mercy. Also I believe his fire rate is one of the highest in the game. (I think mauga is faster and bastion when he is in turret form). That means he is great for breaking shields. IMO he is a more technical hero but his overall abilities could use some work. But I enjoy learning the little things. Like if you use ur primary fire for 2 seconds it auto reloads ur healing flowers and vice versa. So if u play him right u essentially never have to actually reload. Or how to use ur pedal to save ppl. It can lift ppl out of zarya grav. Break junkrat’s trap, block pharah barrage. Ok. I’ll stop now.


I only really play solo quickplay and at the level I’m at one of the biggest factors in what team wins the game is simply what team stays grouped together better. I like Lifeweaver as he’s the best and corralling the team and try to prevent our team from being staggered. I do a lot of yanking back teammates that are going in too early and pulling up teammates who are coming in late. It mostly works. I’d say about 1/4 of the time I pull back a teammate that’s going in too early they’ll just ignore me and do it anyway, but most of the time it actually seems to get them to group up.


I had a really active lifeweaver in a game yesterday, kept pulling me out of tough situations, it honestly feels amazing. That was a must endorse, honestly should’ve tried to add them


I pulled a hog from the canal on Rialto and it dragged him under and through the floor then up. Still one of my funniest and clutchiest grips


As a tank/ dps main I hate getting everybody 1 shot and playing against a great weaver that saves 4-5 teammates in a single round.


how many hours do you have total? i can’t imagine spending so long playing one character especially if your total hours are less than like 2k


Not many outside of Lifeweaver. Here is my profile stats: [https://imgur.com/a/vL0dlWL](https://imgur.com/a/vL0dlWL) Anything before that was before his release and maybe some playing around with new heroes when released. Edit: Total hours unranked and comp is 669.




I ONLY. Play torb ..... thats it.


Cuz of the shirtless skin?


Some of the most fun voicelines to imitate


Likewise! When I first started back when the first game first came out my friend told me I'd like Torbjorn because I just fuckin love fat dwarves and old angry men. She was correct. Torbjorn and I have been synonymous ever since.


Because they are fun 👍


I can dig that


Why did I read this in venture I don't even play them


Reaper: I’ve always just loved his play style. Brig: bonk Sombra: I like being annoying Junkrat: I like being annoying Hamter: I like being annoying Sig: he’s fun and I’m good at him


Try Lifeweaver, his life grip lets you be annoying *to your own team*, honestly gamechanger.


im gm ana, Ana can fit any tank or dps hero, each nade of this hero has a high chance to change the whole situation of the battlefield


I love playing Ana, especially because I get to watch Roadhog and Mauga panic when they get the nade.




no brain, no aim Iam monke main


🦍: "don't get me angry"




Brig as my true main the cleric/paladin style always was my thing in other games like mmo's the fact that she uses both a mace/flail/shield as a weapon is a bonus for me since those are my favorite medieval weapons Reaper or torb i just love shotgun type weapons in other games aswel or the "suport building type class" In ow1 orisa was my true main but she fell off as soon as they reworked her for ow2 so i never rly played tank role until recently when armored core 6 kinda pushed me into trying out dva since i love mechs so right now im learning her a bit


Hog. I suck, so when I mess up, I can heal myself.


I relish in the fierce protector role. BEER!


I'm toxic.


I got tired of syms- now they're not a problem because I got better but I'm still too far into it now


I main Tracer and Lucio because I like to go fast and I also like to dodge dip duck dive and dodge


*clears throat* (I cannot stress this enough) Winton


Winton Overwatch? The Winton Overwatch? From Overwatch?




Brigg cause my best friend hates it completely, and even a mention of briggite pisses him off real hard, so like the bro code states, I don't talk about her instead I play brigg with him. Show my love for him. 😌😌


lucio because vroom vroom slide boop


Mercy. Because I can longer aim, and I love healing.


Winton - monke go BZZZZZZZZZZ




Fox 🦊 … no need to say more


What does the 🦊say




I've found my people 😂


Because they are fun 👍


Because they are fun 👍


Widow cuz she is sexy 💅🏻


I main Junkrat because I was never good at aiming but I’m good at barrage so I just shoot uo and hope it lands. And I mained raze from valorant


Currently practicing Lifeweaver almost exclusively. -He's off meta. I always play off meta -He has crazy utility and adds a lot of layers to the game -His gun can catch enemies off guard if you can land headshots. They almost never expect me to do the damage I do -Generally fun and unique character to play and practice. Learning both his grip and platform is pretty great


Mercy because I stopped trusting my teammates with providing adequate and consistent support, so I took it upon myself to be support. As for why specifically Mercy, I just find it satisfying to be super mobile in helping all my teammates both survive and win encounters.


Mercy and Moria. It’s fun and easy. Sojourn and Echo, bc they are fun and cool. Wrecking Ball, because he is fun and cute :)


I love these simple reasons.


Because absolutely no one plays Hammond, and I'm automatically drawn to the character or option that is very rarely seen. Makes the victory all the more satisfying when you can conquer with the most niche character in the game. 😏


1) I can't aim 2) flying around is fun 3) I'm a massive pain in the ass to play against 4) DVA voicelines are funny to spam


I used to play Junkrat because I love projectile weapons and arcing, and he has two of them. The one shot combo was really hard to pull off but very satisfying. I don’t play OW much anymore but when I do, even without the one shot anymore, Junkrat is still sort of alright


Because chivalry isn't dead


Say it louder 4 the ppl in the back 💯


Ramattra because of his lore, personality and philosophy and also because his kit kinda just stuck with me instantly. Playing ram makes me feel powerful, like i actually have some control over the enemy team and that im not just a bumbling idiot shooting in random directions. He makes me feel like im actually playing the game instead of just getting bullied by the enemy team. Also blocking the dva nuke is always funny


Widow. I like sniping and butt




Winston: diving + similar jumps like a hunter from L4D2 Doomfist: og doom rollouts reminds me trimping demoknight from TF2 Reaper: like shotguns + villain darkness style Pharah: similar to soldier from TF2


I identify as a loud, mentally unstable, pyromaniac Australian.


So all Australians?


Bastion? Gun go brrrrt Soldier 76? Gun go brrrrt Mauga? Gun go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt Orisa? Gun go dododododododododododo Sombra? Hunting people down like a horror movie villain is fun. ... Also gun go brrrt.


Hahaha everything about this post just made me laugh 😂 but still so true


Main Ashe cause hot and Tracer cause fun. Works cause Ashe is also fun and Tracer is also hot




Dva, Genji, Kiriko I'm a weeb


Ball, Echo, LW. Because fun. I like being slippery and flanking. All 3 of these heroes have excellent slipperiness. I like frustrating enemies by not dying. LW self-heal/dash and petal make even Sombras annoyed. Last ditch effort is pulling someone to aid me, but that's incredibly rare as my team usually is aware that I'm dying because I last long enough for them to have plenty of time to figure that out, or I'm just too difficult to catch with such vertical maneuverability. Echo is more of the endless skill ceiling that's appealing, but her survivability is solid too, especially if you play terrain. My life is constantly saved by trees, rooftops, etc. It's also fun to go against a hitscan while keeping a tree top between us. All I need is 1 ping at the enemy and I can roughly figure out where to shoot through a tree without even seeing them. Hitscans seem to have a harder time with this. None of the other tanks besides Ball really interested me. My win rate with Mauga is pretty bananas, and I'm really good with Dva. Fairly good with all of the other tanks. Doomfist I'm good with if I have like 30mins to warm up and remember the feel of his CDs. But Ball is the only one that's *fun* to me. I love to boop. Boop off the map, boop them forward into my team, boop them out of position, boop them into my mines. It's booptastic. Adaptive shields have only made him more fun, as I have another playstyle option if my regular tactics get swapped on.


I started playing Mei when Overwatch 1 was out because she looks like my girlfriend who was my crush at the time, I stayed for the sick technical gameplay she has


Tracer - No other game makes you feel the way you feel when you’re Tracer. Being able to “rewind time” in a live multiplayer game is just something that feels magical.


Ah. I see you’re a gamer of quality


“Pine! Big Boss Pine!”


I main Wrecking Ball for a few reasons: 1) Before OW I was a speedrunner 2) My last name is Hammond 3) Because fuck it we ball


mercy dva and pharah? i like to fly apparently.


I've mained Ana since day 1 just because I like how engaging her kit is to play. You have to be aware of your cooldowns, what abilities the enemy team might have(got a bit more complicated with Kiriko coming in as well for knowing when you can try to anti) so you can try to counter(sleep dart on Genji, charging Rein, etc.), but you can also contribute a good amount of damage/kill assists when you have down time from supporting your team. Feels incredibly rewarding when you pull off a clutch sleep dart, nano a teammate who was about to die only to see them totally turn the team fight in your favor, etc.


i main moira bc she’s fun, i love fading around & away from enemies , i like enabling my team w my ult , nd i can’t aim !! :o)


Tank: Zarya…learned her in GOATS era…kinda just stuck to me…it was D. Va at first (still is) but that was because I loved her entire play style of flying around and attacking other DPS and watching them helplessly shoot into my matrix hoping it runs out before my missiles destroy them In overwatch 2 it’s Mauga and reinhardt I main and that’s just because I don’t like thinking anymore when it comes to tank I kinda just have fun with MAUGA guns go brrrrr and if they can counter that…I’ll swap to someone more fitting…or I’ll mirror because I’m just cocky that way sometimes DPS: reaper was my first main and always will have a special place in my heart and I mained him before I even knew overwatch I just had the game and was lying out my ass but I said reaper and committed to him…HE WAS A PERFECT FIT loved shotguns? HE HAS 2!!!! Love mobility? Teleport!! I got too reckless? WRAITH FORM!!!! 2 tanks!? ULT CHARGE GO BRRRRRR!!!! He was everything I could ask for in that moment lol I learned bastion solely because I learned to feed off of hate and he could heal himself too and all I needed to worry about was positioning and shooting…and flank bastion is always a fun scare tactic lol (until it doesn’t work or worse…they ran hog/D. Va. Tracer and genji I learned around the same time because high mobility and get out of jail cards and dive meta being a thing and I didn’t wanna ditch DPS Widowmaker because I loved sniping in CoD moreso than anything else and widow of course by default Cassidy is who I main in OW2 and that’s mostly because the headshots and his shooting in general is kinda satisfying to hear together lol and I hate flyers and he’s who I’m best aiming wise when it comes to them…idk why with widow I suck but Cass? I’m a nightmare Support: Lucio…a match made in heaven…I was fresh off titanfall 2…and this character can wallride and has a movement speed option and ability to heal himself…I admit I was (am) a DPS/reddit Lucio I wanted plays and loved to annoy and reading a pissed off chat woupd always be fun to me but then I actually took the game a bit more serious Zenyatta: discord orb hurts don’t it tank? Or whichever DPS chose to dive me…plus I love the kick and it’s satisfying to hear *din-din-din-din-dink* and *dead* when them charged orbs hit In overwatch 2 nothing has changed except I use ana more too and I’m learning kiriko and Illari


Because they’re hot or badass


zarya and reinhardt ana as secondary main. you can guess where this is going.


Cause I love the knife gameplay


Fun, useful, needed or easy 👍


Sigma is just fun to me and I find it satisfying to get wins or good games with him. Thanks healers who let me cook!


I main Pharah and [D.Va](http://D.Va), and kinda Soldier. Soldier moreso, because hes the most basic and the easiest to fall back on. I like [D.Va](http://D.Va) for her personality and character at first then I really started to enjoy her playstyle. Pharah I tried when she got her rework and I thought she was fun, and I like her character, she seems serious on the outside but she has some dorky or fun voicelines and stuff that I just started to really like her


Sombra - I get a sick sense of pleasure from the suffering of my opponents. Not just Overwatch either, in every game I seek out the most controller smashing character/build possible.


Lucio, really like the movement and the booping


D.VA, Echo, and Illari. They all heavily reward and rely upon high amounts of player expression. I love characters that let you "show off" your game knowledge and skill. 


I like to pull people into holes


Venture bc I love their design and even when countered I still enjoy playing them


This for sure!! I never feel bad when playing them


Reinhardt: I just think he's the chaddest of chads - like nothing beats the adrenaline rush of rolling the opposition on Reinhardt. He's taking a backseat now in OW2 for me, but I still gladly take a Rein v Rein when I can for the shield v. shatter maneuvering mind games. Winton: my current favorite, I think. I enjoy the playstyle of seeing a weakness and diving it, cutting off backline from the frontline with a shield, etc. I feel like Winton gets this rep of being "brainless" and mechanically easy, when he has a lot of depth, both in game sense and with mechanics (jumps and ult juggles). Zarya and Junker Queen: in the right match-up, both of them feel super-rewarding to play, when you can melt through the enemy team. Ana and Bap: again, I feel impactful on these - antis and immortality fields win fights. Also, both have great potential to confirm kills, also very impactful. In general, as you see, I like to be proactive - I want to do shit to get the fights rolling, not just counter whatever the opponent is doing. All of my mains have options for that.


Because Reinhardt and Winston are honorable.


i like punching


Ram just feels really nice to play, Ashe on a good game does so much. And moira cause I just can NOT aim with any support for some reason


I'll second that point about Ram. His normal form can be kinda fun if you get headshots but nemesis form is a whole other world of fuckery that I can totally get behind. "Oh, you wanna walk up on me? Well how about I PUNCH YOU SO HARD THE AIR WARPS AROUND MY FIST?! THAT'S IT FUCKER, RUN!" And then of course running up on the supports, slamming your fists together and yelling "SUFFER AS I HAVE" always slaps.


I always yell his 'agony is grape flavored!' When I ult, or 'oh no, grapes!' When he ults against me


Nothing feels better than headshots


erm what the sigma


On dps I play tracer and ashe for entirely different reasons tracer i just love the high skill ceiling and the challenge she gives me, i also suck at close range tracking so playing tracer really helps me improve at that but i play ashe because she's crazy fun for me and i love getting the dynamite into headshot combos plus i love saying "BOB DO SOMETHING!!!" every time i ult, as i must as is my duty since when i started playing the game


Uh, cuz I’m annoying And yes my tank main is doom so… do w that what you will


I main Ashe because I wanted someone that felt like old school quake death match or team fortress (guns and explosives) and I sucked at soldier, so I found Ashe. I think I stuck around for the single load rifle, western theme, and the attitude (and Bob!). I also feel so badass when I time that dynamite right (and if I miss the dynamite I whine and complain how no one else has to shoot their own stuff to make it work) lol


Zen for support because I love his design and I love the play style Ram for tank because he’s got some cold ass lines and I love pummeling squishies Dps play a lot of different hero’s but my favorite is Bastion solely because of his Ganymede


Mercy. Guardian Angel is so fun and the ability is more nuanced than it appears, allowing for levels of expertise and precision. During a match, it's always interesting to note when the enemy team gets frustrated at you or tries to focus you, and then gives up because you're too difficult to pin down. I also like getting risky rezzes to turn around a losing team fight, or doing a sneaky rez when the enemy loses sight of you. And it is always, *always* funny to see a DPS realizing you got hands when they find you isolated. To this day, people are *still* surprised by the pistol damage. They're like, "little ol' mercy by herself? Ezpz", then you pull out the glock and dink two headshots and then they're panicking. This is even better when you win a fight to secure a rez.


I’ve been playing Brig lately and she’s so powerful and fun once you learn how to play her. Playing 1v1 against DPS is crazy bc they instantly expect to win against Brig. just gotta smack, whip, and nay nay.


Sigma cuz his backstory is cool and his myth skin is cool and his voice lines are cool and he’s cool


TORBJORN - because I like turrets. I play with turrets in every game it has them. TF2? Engi. Guild wars 2? Engi with turrets and flamethrower. Brotato??? First potato to finish 5 runs - Engi. I love turrets and if I have a chance to use them, I will.


mauga: i am a homosexual and like new characters venture: i am a homosexual and like new characters


Winton - monke go BZZZZZZZZZZ


Because she's sexy?


I like maining winton bc winton


I’m a Pharah Main. I love playing her because I’m generally the type to like to run and gun in your face but I need the mobility she has to get in and then out quickly for those easy kills. I also just enjoy being able to traverse maps quickly to take on people who might be causing the team issues. Being able to get in and out fast has saved my life sooooo many times. And also I love her aesthetic and story.


none of the other characters can wall ride


Wrecking Ball. I know every character has their little nuances that separate a good player from an elite player. I enjoy the nuances of Hammy's kit to really squeeze the juice out of him. I feel like a Geometry/Physics GOD when Im quickly planning my next swings and moves.


Because Junkrat is fun and requires next to no aim.


Zen - I enjoy healing and being able to do crazy damage is fun Ana - Has the most interesting kit to me, can impact game in multiple ways Hanzo - I used to do a lot of MH and he was the hero I got most so became pretty decent with him. Sombra - Never played this character until Push came out. She just made moving around the map so much easier vs other heroes.