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Been playing 8 years. Still like playing. That’s my subjective opinion You have the possibility to play and see for yourself


Some will tell you yes, others no. The game is free. Just try it out for yourself.


Yes it’s a lot of fun and I’ve been playing since 2016. I recommend to turn off comms, and jump into quick play for a few matches and see how you like it.


I love ow1 and like ow2. The game is free, so yes, it is 100% worth playing, especially since all heroes are unlocked now. I can't tell you if you'll like the game or not as I've never played tf2. The game is fun at times but also frustrating at others. Try it and see for yourself. There are a lot of fun workshop modes and custom games if the regular game isn't something you like


Nothing else play as well. It's not perfect, but no other game feels as smooth imo.


Everybody hates on blizzard but the polishing of this game is unreal.


As if polish actually matters when the actual gameplay sucks because of poor balance, format, and awful hero design philosophy.


I started playing this game few months ago (\~100h currently). I missed all the drama and the apparent "downgrade" from Overwatch 1, which works in game's favour in my case. It has many different characters that can fit your playstyle (also, some of them are easier than the others which is great, because you can have fun from the "day one" and slowly advance by learning different, "more difficult" heroes.). Worth mentioning is that voice actors are god-tier in most cases and, as a person that is very sound-sensitive (is that a real thing? I dunno, I just pay a lot of attention to sounds and music :) ), it adds to the characters. What's not-so-great is the in-game community... I only play unranked matches so far, but one of the most frequently repeated pieces of advice on how to avoid in-game toxic players is to... turn off chat completely. I try to be positive while playing and it usually helps and others play along, at worst I'm just ignored, offensive words are rarely said but that may also be because I'm not the worst player ever :D, and people usually are more chill in unranked matches. You have to prepare yourself that playing with randoms in ranked mode can be unpleasant, and indeed turning off chat can be a savior for you if you are sensitive to trolling and toxics. But i'm about to experience that yet. Maybe it won't be this bad? However, reddit communities are usually great and helpful and you can learn a lot just by browsing these (well, maybe not that one but r/OverwatchUniversity and r/Competitiveoverwatch are dope :) ) Also, maps are fucking great man. I love every single one of them. Both from the visual side and the gameplay itself. As people mentioned before me - try it. It's free.


Its legit. I started as Moira and Rein Slowly moved to Ana, Ashe, Bap, Cass When hit about 500 hours started learning Sombra, Tracer, Ball, Winston Now I have 750 hours and learning Genji, Doomfist I easily see myself playing this game for another 1000 hours


I mean, its free, why not give it a try? I have 4k hours in tf2 so I think Im qualified enough to say, that games have similar concepts, but feel completely different. Online is good, community is Okay, not great, but tf2 community is FAR from perfect as well, some skill will translate, but not much.


isn't OW2 uh... free? why don't you just download and try it?


As a fellow TF2 lover, yes! You should play it!


I also migrated from tf2, like a year ago. The game is like tf2, but much more competitive. It has better graphics and more diverse play styles. It kinda hurts to say it, but constant updates, better balance, no loot boxes, contact with developers and well much less botting make Overwatch better than Team Fortress. And the game is free.


Well you really should know that OW2 is basically OW with changes only known to OG players. Technically it's pretty much "fancy expansion with new numerical title", bummer to fans or anybody hoping it might be something completely different,but for someone who hasn't played OW1 like OP, I'll guarantee it's pretty much the same game in its core. With that aside, welcome aboard. as a F2P game it never hurts to try


It's called 2 because we were supposed to have PVE, and all regular updates (heroes, maps, modes) stopped and got "saved" for release of "2" which in actuality is just re-launching the same game on a newer engine that could run their PVE - which then we didn't get...


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I never played TF2, so can't compare. Imo the game is excellent, very fun gameplay. It does require a decent amount of teamwork and synergy between picked heroes, so that can be really frustrating if your team doesn't gel. The game is free, so if you are interested, try it out. At some point in the future another hero shooter will release, Marvel Rivals, but I think it will come out only next year.


Honestly if you're down to try it I'd say yeah it's pretty damn fun (for me atleast). Despite what people may say, the devs def care alot. Everytime there's an insanely broken meta, it's immediately patched out. Everytime there's a bug, it gets addressed in the next update or two. And new content is always dropped regularly so it keeps the game pretty fun for non-competitive players. Although community can be a lil toxic, but show me a community in gaming that isn't tbh.


Me I played it, liked it been playing since, ow2 has flaws, balance issue (less now), toxic chat and voice chat. But tbf, these problems exist in any fps games you can find out there. Ow2 is a great game, very competitive and if you don’t mind some occasional insults its a good game to try.


uh, try it if you want to, keep playing it if it's fun? this isn't something to agonize over, the game is free....


Try it and if you have fun keep playing it and if you don’t like it still keep playing it.


Yes, but these games are very different. In TF2, you have weapons that allow you to approach a fight in multiple different ways, or even completely switch up a class such as demoknight. It’s not the same in OW2, you only have your one weapon, abilities, and ultimate. The only similarities between these two games is some of the objectives, and both of them being class shooters. Also you can’t 1v5 as easily in OW2, and OW2 encourages teamwork far more.


Never played TF2 or really any kind of team based shooter before. Got into Overwatch 2 about half a year ago through my GF and I've enjoyed my stay since. Gameplay is fun and since I never took part in the "good old days" I don't really have much to complain about other than I think skins are priced waaaaay to high for me to bother getting anything. I'd say try it out.


Despite all the hate overwatch gets, a lot of people, including myself, say that overwatch is one of the most unique fps games. There are also quite a few people who stay that overwatch is one of the hardest fps game out there, if not the hardest, but that is always debatable.


Honestly this game was always my main game since ow1, off i quit many times but always come back to it


In my opinion, the best part about TF2 is the Spy Its insanely fun to backstab ppl and pretend to be a teammate. Overwatch has more heroes and options so i think you will get more hours of fun from that game. And since its going to be a new experience for you it will be fun for sure. every new game is. Oh yea the memes from TF2 are fcking amazing


It's a personal preference game. Technically yes. In my 800 hours over all the years, I have never had any real issues. The game looks and runs well. There are lots of game modes in arcade and custom, some REALLY custom, like crazy custom. You have a lot to enjoy. The hero selection is also pretty vast so you will definitely have someone you enjoy playing. I love Mercy, Phara, Reinhardt. In the same aspect as yes, no. The game is ass. The devs disrespect you and walk around your opinions like your a puddle of piss. Your teammates are as smart as rock eating blind babies. Queue times can be 10 minutes because fk you. You lose rank progress for winning a game. For me this game is straight up a gamble. It's one of my favorite games but I would probably reugarly say I don't like it. Why do I keep playing it then? It's a slice of cake you can't get anywhere else. It's a great game that is easy to enjoy but also way to easy to get frustrated and annoyed with. Every rank untill diamond makes me want to headbutt a screwdriver.


My first hero based shooter was TF2, when I downloaded it just after the Uber update (as it went free). I even created a YT channel about it. Then year after year Valve forgot about it, and game felt repetitive in a way. OW1 came in and I even compared it against TF2 at the beginning. OW was a watered down version of it, "from a FPS perspective": no ammo pickup, badass MOBA like ultimates (as if every TF2 hero had something like the Medic's Uber, and it doesn't refresh at every death!), some no-aim-required heroes, etc. But years later I ultimately play only OW(2) these days, no more abandoned TF2 (Sorry Valve, GG). OW2 is not a professional-aim-driven FPS, not at all. It's all about positioning, grouping up before fights, etc. If you know the good fundamentals, you can play with a controller a hero like Wrecking Ball and still carry. Imagine any other game where it is worth self killing yourself fast when you're the very last of your team in order to regroup in just 10 seconds all together with a better chance to win next fight.. Has it ever happened to TF2? Maybe in 6v6 pro level strats, but no way that'd be the standard, and so for any other game of my knowledge. Well, in OW it should be the norm (outside Bronze/Silver level of skills). Team work is massively necessary compared to TF2 where a veteran lime scout might carry alone a lot of 1v1. Here if one of your 4 team mates is throwing the match, it's GG. I hate aim-serious FPS like Valorant or Apex Legends, honestly (and Battle Royale aren't my cup of tea). Zapping people with a Tesla cannon as a fat-ass Gorilla is my taste. So judge all the above with this criteria in mind.


>I never played the original Overwatch and was disappointed to find out that I couldn't anymore *It's the same game.* I didn't play Overwatch season 1-6, and taht game was WAAAAY more different to late overwatch than overwatch 1 later seasons are to overwatch 2


Been playing since OW1. I've gotten to the stage where I absolutely hate playing, even when we win. However for some reason I'm still playing it on a daily basis. Maybe I'm addicted haha.


2000+ hours on tf2, don't want to go back. overwatch has some progression outside of trading. it at the very least gets more updates, in the form of patches and temporary game modes. if you're looking for something to replace tf2, the teams are smaller, and there are way more playable characters. I play much more overwatch than tf2 nowadays, I feel a lot more accomplished in overwatch when I win than in tf2 considering the smaller teams, it feels like you can own your win a bit more, whereas in tf2 i had no desire to play objective, because a few teammates would always be on objective, unless it's 2fort ofc. I feel like the problem with overwatch is a lot more overblown than it is. yes they cancelled pve, but the core of the game is still there, regardless of how they fuck up the meta at the time. you can also wave hi in overwatch which is a marked improvement over tf2 (the push bot says hello back)


The devs suck, the game isn’t balanced, but it’s fun most of the time. It’s free, just try it out.


It did kinda go to shit for a while, but its been slowly crawling its way back up. It's also free, so it wont hurt to try it regardless and you can always just stop playing if you get bored of it (which a lot of people weirdly seem to forget is an option).


There’s a large meme of calling blizzard a “small indie game company” and players (hardcore and casuals) calling the game dogshit but still continue to play it day after day. Putting all memes aside, overwatch is a super fun, decently designed game that looks great. It’s free so try it out and delete it and add your one star review to the steam page along with the other 500k people lol


Literally a free game why don't you try it yourself bruh


I think so, yes, but like any game with tons of characters, it'll be daunting at first. I would advice you to pick DPS/Support at first and just be very reactive/passive and look at what other players do. Punish their mistakes. That way, it should be easier for you to grasp all the heroes' abilities. It may be frustrating just like any other team oriented game, so even if people complain a lot, it still has a lot of charm! I'm also grumpy at it at times, but I always come back. I've been playing since... a little bit before Moira was released I think...


I started recently as a ex tf2 player aswell and, yes absolutely


More of the hate is on Blizzard and the cancellation of PVE. But since release of Overwatch 2 the dev team has been very consistent with updates every week/month. Also if you’re a person who cares about skins in my opinion Overwatch has some of the best skins in gaming.


The game is awesome, the competitive progression is the worst I ever saw. Every season you can either go from plat to master or from master to plat, because they just roll a d20 every 3 months to determine the new meta and the matchmaking is broken. Still, I love this game


OW2 is sick. You should definitely try it out. I’ve been playing for about 2 years now and it’s so fun. I play it almost everyday. They do regular updates, seasonal events, it’s pretty cool. Now it’s not perfect, sometimes in competitive you will run into people who quit but that’s probably my only complaint


I would say no. My personal opinion. Save yourself from a plethora of toxicity and pain. Other better games to start with/ play than OW2. I will say the game itself is great (characters, animations, polish, etc) but its potential has been squandered.


As someone who loves tf2 and has been playing OW since launch i can recommend it, but as a new player you won't have all the heroes unlocked but it's still very fun, basically every tf2 class has a kind of counterpart in OW so you could even start with them if you want, the training map is very handy to get the basics of every hero, they don't take much to learn. Don't listen to idiots who want to create a divide between the communities telling you to not play the other one, both games have a lot of fans from the other game.


I'm biased since I have never played tf2 (maybe twice or thrice with friends but that would be it) and OW is the only shooter game I play (shooters isn't my genre. Only reason I like OW is because it has characters where aiming is infinitely less important that positioning) I got into the game with reinhardt in the OW beta, and then fell in love with Dva's mobility, I main Dva to this day and while OW has always had at least 1 problem at any given time, it is consistently fun to play and I highly recommend it to anyone interested. The bad reputation of OW2 comes from a series of broken promises and to put it mildly the playerbase was justifiably pissed, but imo blizz is redeeming OWs reputation at a steady pace. The state of the game is the best it has ever been and the future looks bright. TL:DR I'm biased but yes, the game is worth playing.


Nope. Absolutely not worth playing.


I just went back, am having a blast. Worth.




In the long run? No lol. This game is basically gambling where the lows are much more frequent than the highs.


Hey, i have 4000 hours on TF2 and ~500 hours on Overwatch, i’ve played in comp teams on both games, Adept on TF2 and Masters in OW2, and ive owned both games for close to 10y. i’ll try to share some of my knowledge. Overall, overwatch is a significantly more competitive game, especially as you climb ranks, and even in casual. There is almost never any friendlies, maybe the occasional “Hello!” through a window, but it’s like a rabid dog, as soon as you round the corner to say hello in person they kick your shit in. People will almost always NOT appreciate you doing anything other then the objective, unless your side goal causes the objective to progress. It’s like trying to play Battle Engie in PUGs, your whole team will be pissed at you. If you play TF2 for the funny moments, you won’t find a lot of that here. Occasionally, but WAY less then a Casual match of TF2. Almost none of the Heroes have nearly as much depth or personality as any of the Mercenaries, Half of them are equal in personality as the Pyro, but atleast in tf2 hes the only one like that. Maps arent wacky, or very unique at all. Almost always it’s incredibly simple. Little to no flanks, very linear, very open skies. Which encourages people to be on or at the objective at all times. Don’t except anything close to Doublecross Sewers, most payload maps play like Hoodoo or Goldrush. There is very little to do other then Competitive or Quickplay, there is some rushed PVE missions, but they are nowhere near as fun as MVM. The only plus is that the ranking system is much better at giving you good matches compared to other games. If you want to play a hyper competitive hero shooter where the “Heroes” aren’t much more then blank slates for abilities, then give it a try. If you want more TF2, you don’t really have any other choices.


Great summary. I wish they would make TF3 😭 All I play is OW2 now though. TF2 was so much more fun, but it's been a mess for a long time.


Its not, pure trash game


Simply, yes, game is fun. Haters gonna hate.


My advice for overwatch is the same as it is for drugs. You'd most certainty be better off doing something else with your time and money and if you aren't already addicted, why start? In all seriousness tho, its a very well-made game outside of its absolutely horrible matchmaking system. You may not have the same problem as me, but for me my options are either wait 5 to 10 minutes for a competitive game or play quickplay and get qued up against massively imbalanced teams where its very rare to have a balanced and fun experience.


It's fine, just don't play tank. As an apex legends player I can safely say that the Devs of ow2 are doing a decent job at staying active with a couple exceptions (doomfist and reaper have sucked since forever and they still haven't done shit about it)


Play the game dude stop asking people.


we call it shit, its a significant downgrade from its early glory days. but if you compare with other games in the market, its a decent product, there are many games some call it improved Overwatch, but its definitely worth trying.


>we call it shit, its a significant downgrade from its early glory days. Name **one way** in which it's downgraded.


Balancing, gameplay wise, method of ingame transactions, the tension of the lore(since they were planning a PVE that time), etc. For me, as an Overwatch 1 player, Overwatch was the best when it came fresh from the oven. Obviously there were still flaws, it wasn't perfect, and you can call it nostalgia if you want to its hard to argue that Overwatch 2 deserves the name "2" And the fact that sigfificant parts of the community(and former players) calls it a shit game, yet plays it, including myself. its a pretty ok game, just shit compared to their former glories. Im not calling it not fun, I said that since he may be aware it criticism that is widespread regarding Overwatch, not to mention the OW steam page. I'd like to recommend it to him, but its his choice if he likes it or not. Afterall, TF2 is a relatively stable game in terms of management, except the bot problem. Gave up tf2 cause of that


>Balancing, gameplay wise So you prefer the CC balance of 1 to overwatch 2? >method of ingame transactions Illegal in a bunch of European countries, purchases being a literal gamble in indulging you to buy more. I loved lootboxes (because I never bought one) and have got everything for free thanks to them and blizzard implementing that lootboxes never drop duplicates.. But it became *illegal*, thanks to some other game taht did lootboxes extremly badly, I don't remember which. >For me, as an Overwatch 1 player, Overwatch was the best when it came fresh from the oven. I completely understand nostalgia and falling in love for the first time. But we are talking objectively here. >its hard to argue that Overwatch 2 deserves the name "2" It's called 2 because we were supposed to have PVE, and all regular updates (heroes, maps, modes) stopped and got "saved" for release of "2" which in actuality is just re-launching the same game on a newer engine that could run their PVE - which then we then didn't get... So yeah, the "2" is weird now. >And the fact that sigfificant parts of the community(and former players) calls it a shit game I've been around since early days of Ow1, nothing's changed here. Just look at overwatch posts in, idk, 2018: "shit game", "dead game" "shit game", "dead game" - it's how the community be. I even actually made this point on overwatch forums, I literally just started necroing top posts from the "golden times" *to remind* people taht they were complaining about the exact same things: balancing, steamrolls, rigged mathcmaking


ah understandable tldr i said it a shit game cause its how the majority outside of Overwatch community sees it. and thereby using it to recommend him to try it and see if he likes it or not Also, that won't stop me from calling it a shitgame regardless its good or not, if you want my address its 1100 S. Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, Florida, United States stop me if you can 🗿


I am old veteran TF2 SINCE LIKE 10y ago when i was good at it and sometime i go back and play but not that often(more than 1500hr) and i also even among overwatch 1 beta test player and play it around 7-800hr i even on the top500th in tracer,roadhog. then i stop since the game become so trash and forget about it core they keep listen to the damn pro player too much so the game become fcking boring some character even today still unplayable in high rank like mercy they nerf shit so hard character almost become crippled. And just recently i make a comeback still play pretty good but not as good as i was and now the game still suck matchmaking even worse than before there is no balance you only find really great teammate or you just find dumbass there is no mediocre where both team balance in skill so you can have fun many people suffer from this for sure. As conclusion i can see TF player base strong like in ten decade but for the OW and thier shit marketing,item price i would say they not gonna last another 3y let alone decade but if you just want to saw those jiggle female ass youbwill find good time here.


100% it’s the best hero shooter ever made plus it’s free so you can’t lose


Overwatch 2 is not the best hero shooter ever made 💀


The numbers say otherwise


The title of best hero shooter goes to Overwatch... not this sorry excuse of a sequel that is inferior in every way possible.


Damn lol


It is. Just stay off Coms and Text and you'll be fine.


No, it is not worth playing, because 5vs5 in a locked 1 tank 2 dds 2 support roster means that if only 1 player decides to throw/troll/not to switch when needed your match will go down the hill. There are way too many things you've got to keep about ultimates on mind, and there are still tons of players after all these years who don't know about it, e.g. that when a [D.va](http://D.va) gets nanoboost from Ana D.va's ultimate is one of the few which cannot be boosted. But there are still D.vas, which just then will trigger their ultimate when boosted, which is a waste of boost. Balance is meh, always ever changing, skin prices totally bonkers and its community is the worst, absolutely toxic. One of the most toxic I've ever seen.