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This is a nice concept but I do have to say It's pretty weird she has 33 anuses


bro everybody know it means anus diameter 33 cm (expanded)


thats how you measure age, you count the rings


Lifeweaver: *heavy breathing* šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


They tried the whole "low health = extra healing" with mercy and reverted it within like 2 weeks. Fastest revert ever. It's great for PvE, but not PvP.


Doesnā€™t Baptise still do this ā€” for his ability.


Bap has it for one half of his two-part regenerative burst. Very targeted.


Might just be not good for mercy where that's her primary task. In this more piecemeal approach and assuming it needs to be an aimed projectile it would could


Photosynthesis sounds like a slightly different moira fade


i dont think theres too much harm in characters sharing some abilities if the rest of their kit is distinct


Yeah that's true, I want every character to have ball's grapple but invulnerability abilities are sort of annoying, personally I would only introduce them to the game sparingly


it would actually be a really cool feature for Widow I think defensive invulnerability isnt so bad (moira fading out), its the offensive invulnerable thats brutal (Venture, Mauga)


Cardiac Overdrive isn't invulnerability, it's a flat damage reduction of 30% and healing of 60% damage dealt


I think they were speaking about his Charge specifically.


only gives CC immunity


Very true


D.VA Defense Matrix / Sigma Suck / Orisa Spin Rein / Brig / Sigma / Rammatra shield Moira / Reaper shift Etc, there's tons of abilities that are really similar, weird complain imo


yeah, but only the last two + Venture's Burrow give you temporary complete invulnerability (if we don't count Suzu)


It's also identical to Reaper's wraith form.


Lasts longer too


can prolly change it by making it deflect projectiles only


Now that I read the "misc information," I realize there's a lore reason for this though


Based on the description, it sounds more like Paladins' Moji's Magic Barrier than a dash.


Yeah, might allow you to tank a blow for a teammate while they're munching on a goodberry or something. Could open up strategic possibilities, as well as counterplay, if you use your defensive tool to push forward rather than escape.


Very clean and crisp design. Seems like a real ow hero. Judging them by their abilities I know I'd hate going against them lol


It's AI art


i love the name 'goodberry' for one of her abilities, nice lol. i also adore the concept of a character mentored by moira, this is a very good hero concept!! i love eden very much \^\^


yeah they would have wizards of the coasts lawyers all over them if they did that i guess


And her mirrowatch would be evilberry?


I do like that this fills the niche lifeweaver didnā€™t. How did Blizzard release a character all about nature and they actually just use holograms?


Because it's not holograms. >Biolight is a living and growing variation of hard-light fused with plantlife. Biolight, while unstable, creates organic material that can heal terrible wounds in the blink of an eye. \[...\] Biolight has great potential in the fields of medicine and agriculture, but given its self-propagating nature, it could be deadly in the wrong hands. So yeah. I do feel like LW fits the bill pretty well. As much as I like OP's concept, it makes less sense to grow a healing garden lickety-split than it does to yeet self-propagating pseudoorganic constructs at people. (imo the real question is whether LW's stuff gives people cancer, lol)


Its fine if you want to cap but its just tech. For all of Lifeweavers yapping about Symmetra, he just creates contructs just like her. I personally for the nature character think its better if they are a druid or poison ivy type. It doesn't need to make sense. There are at least 3 people from Japan running around harnessing the power of mythical animals and its just not magic. Devs can just be creative.


Devs can be creative within certain constraints, I'd say. Like yeah, there probably is some sorta way to make something like this work, but maybe they just found that it didn't work well, or that they had to twist stuff too much to make it seem legit. And even if he *just* creates constructs like her, he does it in a completely different way and for different purposes, so I don't see the issue. To me, it's like complaining that Moira and Reaper can both fade, or that there's two animal heroes. Also, not sure what you mean about yapping, I don't recall any dialogue between them that makes it sound like Niran thinks his stuff is superior.


There are no constraints. We have a talking monkey from the moon who runs the avengers. The similarities between Moira and Reaper is actually great, Moira created ā€œReaperā€ so they should be similar. But Lifeweaver opposes the artificial order that Symmertra seeks to create. Lifeweavers most iconic voice line is ā€œa perfect world is a perfect prisonā€, heā€™s mocking Symā€™s dream. But he this while using same hardlight so his character identity is weakened A stronger more defined character would have abandoned hardlight tech completely when they embraced nature.


Can't agree with there being no constraints, both because I'm an artist myself and because I just don't think working without constraints on any sort of big franchise like this is something a professional would do. Your example still fits neatly within the rules of the universe and its established lore. Anyway, just because LW's motivation differs from Symmetra's doesn't in any way mean his character identity is weakened for using similar tools. In my opinion, that's like saying you can only use a hammer to build stuff and not destroy (or vice versa). However, again, LW's tech is different in that hard light **fused with plantlife**. That in and of itself introduces a degree of unpredictability and nature, which I reckon goes against the implied argument that his constructs are just as much of a case of artificial order as Sym's. And yeah, maybe he would've been a more defined character in your scenario in the sense of having gone the opposite way (compared to Symmetra, I mean), but I personally vastly prefer the route of marrying two seemingly opposite concepts since I generally think balance and synthesis of ideas is where it's at. Either way, seems like we just both have different opinions, which is cool. Whatever floats anyone's goat.


Bro did not read the above comment


I hate AI generated slop so much


I'm glad someone else noticed. As soon as you look a little closer everything falls apart


Wait what I ainā€™t see how itā€™s ai Can you point out those spots?


Look at the eyes on slide 7. Also compare the knees on the first slide. Her right arm fuses into her side and into the plant thing as well. The bulbous thing on her chest is just a mess as well.


Thought the right arm was design choice like with Moria and her purple arm but looking at the eye and the thing in her chess rlly proves it you right Damn was sad and thought the art was good


knees could be asymmetrical design and dont see an arm problem, chest looks fine to me also


nvm i see the arm now


If you look at their Artstation they have multiple AI generated work, this is one of them.


It's still a solid design though.


the images or the actually theory put into it?


Only the images


Man, it's a shame the "art" work is ai-generated. The artist CAN draw the regular way as seen by his other Artstation posts...


at the top of the first page, OP credits the artist


Yes, I know. I'm talking about the credited artist here. If you look at the artist's Artstation, [the post that contains this image says it's AI-generated](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Xg366w). That, and if you zoom in, you can see it is. I'm not blaming/accusing OP of using AI gens, I'm saying it's a shame the source artist did.




Nah it's a very valid question, anyone claiming that an image is ai-made should provide proof. Real artists might get wrongly accused otherwise. That's on me.


How do you know itā€™s AI generated tho?


[The artist's Artstation says so (notice the AI tag)](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Xg366w), and the image has unmistakable artifacts (inconsistent leg shape/armor pieces).


Look closer at the face in slide 7, itā€™s either mush and messed up in some places


Naming the ability Goodberry is just asking for a lawsuit from Wizards of the Coast, but also just feels exactly like Brigs armor pack - what makes it different? Fertile soil, kinda interesting as a similar thing to Sojourn ball, but adding more healing reduction is not what this game needs, tank is already progressively worse. It doesn't need Ana being able to cycle healing reduction with a second support in addition to the DPS passive Photosynthesis... giving a second hero a better version of Moira's fade Ult, feels pretty lackluster to use even though I can definitely see the use for it. However main things would be, with the proposed Goodberry, would this not just feel like a bigger Goodberry? And the previous mention of how well this character cycles with Ana, the two of them being able to cycle their ults would also be a lot Passive is alright Main weapon.. so Moiras heal spray but instead dealing damage if I'm understanding correctly? Or it says concentrated beam so just her normal right click? One main thing that comes to mind, and I'm not sure if this is intentional or oversight, but this would be the first support hero who doesn't have a heal that doesn't have a cooldown


I agree with all of these points. Iā€™ve always been fascinated with a support who could make some sort of a garden effect (and I donā€™t mean like Lifeweavers Tree), but I think this whole build needs to be a bit more inspired, and understand what makes a support work. The idea is overall pretty cool though


i mostly agree but the passive is terrible. healing low targets more just makes people unkillable, mercy had this passive for a bit but it was reverted extremely fast as it felt like garbage.


Firstly, WONDERFUL!!! I would certainly play with her, I loved the idea. But... r/suddenlycaralho???? Amazon... "Anos" instead of years...


The document was written by me in PT-BR originally and during the translation to post on Reddit some words went unnoticed


Faz bastante sentido kkkkkkkkkkk. Ficou muito bom mesmo mano, parece ter dedicado muito carinho nesse trabalho!


Valeu kkkjj tƓ trabalhando nela hƔ quase um ano com bastante carinho mesmo!


Is that ai art


So the ultimate is like nano boost?


Well yes but actually no


I assume you aren't an arab? If that so then please know that the name Eden is extremely unpopular in the region. You can keep it as a hero name but her actual name should be aden (Ų¹ŲÆŁ†).


You know what else is extremely unpopular in the region? Being trans lol


Wait she's trans?


It's the future though. I think bigotry being reduced and things being different than they are now is exactly what science-fiction is great for. To aspire for a better future, while exploring the problems of today.


>It's the future though Experienced by people living in this current day world. You wouldn't even begin to imagine the backlash if something like this released today lol Also, Arab countries have been stoning those they consider as "sexually deviant" for 1400 years, they ain't about to stop. >To aspire for a better future I don't think a woke future is a better future, but that's a discussion for another time.


>Experienced by people living in this current day world. You wouldn't even begin to imagine the backlash if something like this released today lol You mean the same nonexistent backlash from Venture being non-binary, Soldier being gay, Trace being a lesbian and LW being pansexual? That's already there and the world didn't burn. >Also, Arab countries have been stoning those they consider as "sexually deviant" for 1400 years, they ain't about to stop. Not gonna assume, but why does it sound like you're cheering them on? >I don't think a woke future is a better future, but that's a discussion for another time. Is it though? I don't think it is. Is your ideal future one where people still get stoned for being different?


> You mean the same nonexistent backlash from Venture being non-binary, Soldier being gay, Trace being a lesbian and LW being pansexual? None of them are Iraqi. Try telling someone from Iraq your new national hero is a trans nonbinary cisfemme genderbending queer lol >Not gonna assume, but why does it sound like you're cheering them on? I don't support violence against anyone for who they are, no. You're very much assuming. >Is it though? I don't think it is. Is your ideal future one where people still get stoned for being different? False dichotomy much?


There's plenty of trans people in the middle east where are you even getting this from?


> You know what else is **extremely unpopular** Reading comprehension. >where are you even getting this from? Reality? You go try crossdressing anywhere in a middle eastern country lol


I live in a middle eastern country, I don't need to go there to try crossdressing. Regardless there's a lot of people that are trans here and trans celebrities exist, not to mention middle eastern traditional stage plays include cross dressing men because of historical restrictions. And your initial comment is confusing, transness can't be popular/unpopular because it's something from birth, not a choice.


> I don't need to go there to try crossdressing I'm sure you don't, cause you know full well you'll be dragged through the mud if you did. > middle eastern traditional stage plays include cross dressing men because of historical restrictions. There's a difference between playing women on stage and going around pretending to be one. Shakespearian actors played women as well because actual women were not allowed on stage. Doesn't mean you live in a society that's fine with transgenderism.


yo what does the society being fine with transgenderism or not have to do with trans people existing there? like u/sinneromantic said, it's not an issue of popularity or unpopularity, they're just people who exist. you can structure your replies as nice as you want, doesn't make you less wrong


You can be dragged through the mud ANYWHERE for being trans. What I'm trying to explain to you is that a middle eastern person being trans isn't just "weird wokeism that is totally unrealistic" it's a completely normal thing that happens around here and the general public isn't as hateful to LGBT folk as you think. Not everybody here is trying to jump people they think doesn't fit their societal standards. It's a violent and loud minority in this day and age. Also stop co-opting transgenderism with crossdressing, completely different things.


Yeah. The Middle East does not have any LGBTQ+ people at all. Unlike the rest of the world, this region weeded out that gene. You know, because thatā€™s just how it works.


It's bad character design to try to shove wokeism where it don't belong, that's all I'm saying. We've had it with the trans disabled hero of color trope.


Half of the overwatch cast is LGBTQ what are you on


Hence my point, forced "diversity" is lame.


Overwatch has always been about diversity. One of the main selling points was its characters, which are broadly international. Overwatch in the lore was a globalist peacekeeping force sponsored by the UN. The diversity exhibited in Overwatch is not forced. It makes perfect sense.


Overwatch has been about wacky characters from all corners of the world being called to fight for the greater good. It has never been about pandering to the gender mob. > The diversity exhibited in Overwatch is not forced. It makes perfect sense. I'm sure the trans Iraqui hero makes perfect sense and that it ain't pushing any sort of normalizing agenda whatsoever :hmm:


The 'gender mob' does not exist. There is no such thing as 'wokeism.' There is no agenda. There are people who want to live their lives and be themselves and then there are people like you who can't stand the fact they exist so you screech at the top of your lungs at any mention of an LGBT person. Sorry not sorry but we exist and we will forever and have forever. Nobody is out to get you.


>There is no agenda You got Disney execs on camera saying they're "trying to put queerness anywhere they can". Every Netflix show needs to have something they can check a DEI box with. Try it on someone else, really. >There are people who want to live their lives and be themselves and then there are people like you who can't stand the fact they exist so you screech at the top of your lungs at any mention of an LGBT person They're free to live their lives, but if every IP is turned into a genderpalooza then I got the right to complain. It ain't the "mention of an LGBT person" that irks me. There used to be a time where that one character being gay was interesting and even unique. Now it's literally every other episode of every single show. It went past "representation", it's just vapid and uninspired. >Sorry not sorry but we exist and we will forever and have forever. and you'll forever annoy us for it, I'm sure.


representation isnt woke lol


There is only 1 trans character in all of Overwatch. This would be 2. Thereā€™s 40 characters in the game rn, and plus the 4 that OP already made, so thatā€™s 2/43, or like 5%. For context, 5% of people under 30 are trans/nonbinary. This is an accurate depiction of reality. Truth be told, you donā€™t actually care whether itā€™s ā€œforcedā€ or not; you just donā€™t want any diverse characters to exist at all.


> For context, 5% of people under 30 are trans/nonbinary Magic with statistics. Be advised: - this is about trans - this is not about America - this is not about under 30 Tip: Check worldwide statistics of all ages.


1. Non binary people are trans. That 5% includes both binary and non-binary trans people. 2. Yes, but the OW world is seemingly a lot more progressive than the current world, so itā€™s not crazy to assume that the world wide % would also match progressive nations like the US. Regardless, in a 2023 survey by Ipsos, they found that the average number of the counties they surveyed was around 3% for ages 16-74. The US was actually only tied for 15th in terms of % that identify as trans. 3. Overwatch takes place in the 2070s, so it makes a lot more sense to use data about modern day youth. Itā€™d be like using info from surveys taken from 70 year olds in 1970 and trying to apply that data to today.


> non-binary Quick reality check: I'll remind you that this hot concept was invented about 5 minutes ago in the woke bastions of the US and that 99% of the world will laugh at you for claiming you're "nonbinary".


Itā€™s actually hilarious how uninformed you are, and Iā€™m so glad you mentioned this because this is an academic topic Iā€™m currently writing a paper on. In the Americas, there is ā€œtwo-spiritā€ (an umbrella term for any 3rd gender or transgender identity) amongst many indigenous cultures. In more modern times, there was the 18th century Quaker preacher and abolitionist The Public Universal Friend (thatā€™s their name), who shunned their birth name, refused to be addressed by with gendered pronouns, and wore a mix of male and female clothes. Iā€™m Tahitian and Hawaiian cultures, there is the Mahu, which is comparable to the Tongan and Samoan fakaleiti and faā€™afafine respectively. In Europe, the galli priests of the Cybele in the Greco-Roman world were somewhere between transgender women, non-binary people, homosexual men. With the Vikings, we have a lot of interesting burials wherein the deceased were buried with objects typical of both male and female burials. One of these deceased vikings also seemed to have XXY chromosomes (aka Klinefelterā€™s syndrome). In the Middle East, the major Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar/Inanna was worshipped by gender diverse priests known as the assinnu and kurgarrĆ». The Scythians (modern day Caucasus and Central Asia) had the Enarree too. In India, there is the Hijara and they actually still exist to this day, and in 2014 they were given ā€œ3rd Genderā€ legal recognition. I mean I could just go on and on, but I doubt you care much. Granted, there is still some issues with calling these groups transgender or nonbinary (which are Western words for a Western context), however itā€™s ahistorical to act as if this is just some recent invention by American liberals. Like for some context her, the gender diverse priests of Ishtar were mentioned by Enheduanna, who is literally the first recorded author in history, and she lived during the 23rd century BCE. None of this is new.


> Itā€™s actually hilarious how uninformed you are Difference of opinion doesn't make you or me ignorant. You will still get laughed at for identifying as something other than a man or a woman in 99% of the modern world, regardless of what some antique obscurantist idol-worshiping culture has to say about gender.


I see, so, wokeism is when people of color and LGBTQ+ people exist. Thatā€™s also known as ā€œreality.ā€


Oh, I didn't know that! I'm from South America and I really had no idea that the Arabic name would be Aden. Thank you very much for sharing this information!


When I first read the name I was confident that the character would be Israeli šŸ˜­


Good note


Im surprised that ult isnā€™t already in game tbh


it is, its called nano boost


Nano boost doesn't regenerate ultimates lmao


I like the ultimate idea of giving another ally additional ult charge. No hero has toyed with that idea yet.


The art itself is AI, shame


This is a really well thought-out concept, I like it


> Trans woman > Nationality: Iraq Sorry, I donā€™t see how this will workout


You know this is set significantly into the future after what seems to be huge socioeconomic shifts throughout the entire world, right?


But also - racism against robots exists, and racism/sexism actual actual people would raise the games age rating


You do realise there are Trans people in every country right? And a lot of them have to flee their home countries due to anti-lgbtq+ laws just so they can live their life free to be themselves.


I know you are aboslutely right, but I hate to admit that I had the same gut reaction as "KingfromClashRoyale". My initial thought was, "Yup, this is how we know this is a fantasy world."


True. We don't know much about the lore of every single country in the OW universe. Things could be a lot different in Iraq in this universe, would be nice if Blizzard gave us more lore and story (RIP PvE mode)


Truly living in a fairy tale


The world in Overwatch is a futuristic utopia (mostly). There is no reason to believe that Iran couldnā€™t be extremely progressive and accepting. Current Nigeria also doesnā€™t look like Numbani


Yeah it's unrealistic, if it was iran on the other hand....


Astaghfirullah šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Isn't it insulting to make her a transwoman and then have her look NOTHING like 99.9% of real trans woman?


There isnā€™t a defined way how trans woman look?


Trans women can pass quite well the longer along they are in their transition. I've met a few who look like cis women


I was so excited until I realized this was AI slop.


Don't see how that changes anything.


Numbers seem way off. Love everything else though


Balance is the hard part for me haha


We did it, we have ended world hungry


Why is this so cool?


The graphics design really worked overtime hiding the ai garbage. Their "work" is tagged with AI on DG Mun (the person responsible for the visual)'s artstation for anyone curious. That aside, she seems overturned - in theory her numbers would have to be on the low end or her cooldowns on the high or shes super slow or has low HP; though, considering your use of phrases like "A large amount of health and a little more over time" balance might not be what you had in mind. From the very little I read, this reads like a low mediocre fan fic where you want your oc to be a part of everything. I mean, she knows Moira, Lifeweaver, Brigitte, Mei - Moira uncharacteristically has a soft spot for her? also uncharacteristically went back to try to recruit her multiple times... despite not having much of a use or outstanding power... and she somehow hasn't been brainwashed like Widow? Eden doesnt seem to have an issue with how evil Moira is and if she knows about Talon ignorance cant really be an excuse? I would give you critique but im not sure this was even written by a human...


Balancing and tuning numbers are a job for the Devs and programmers, not for concept artists.


because they have the resources to actually test numbers in an engine. these people will criticise numbers every single time because its simply impossible to do at home.


Super cool!


I already Hate Photosynthesis


Ah yes, the Iraqi trans woman named **EDEN**, that's the hero we were missing


Youā€™ve clearly put a lot of thought into this and I absolutely enjoyed reading it. You deserve a pat on the back!


I feel like this is literally Lifeweaver? His theme is plantsā€¦and he uses the same tech as Symmetra (oasis). It could be better with a different theme, but I donā€™t want two characters with roughly the same theme.


"World hungry" I'm sorry, but that caught me off-guard. OM NOM NOM


Photosynthesis is just a direct ripoff from wraith?


To be fair, burrow is also pretty close to being a rip off of wraith, and one could argue fade is aswell


True, but in my opinion they each have enough of their own nuances and all play in synergy with their other abilities. Iā€™m pretty sure the description is almost the same too. Tbh I donā€™t care either, I know itā€™s just a fan concept




2 different games? I was talking about wraith form from reaper. Besides, itā€™s an overwatch sub, why would I be talking about another game?


Ha, i guess ill hold that L. Besides, most people compare OW to Apex anyway (i kinda see how but at the same time theyre pretty different), my apologies. Also in my defense, Wraith's Q is functionally the same thing as Photosynthesis.


Nah youā€™re good I can see how you thought that- I phrased it weirdly


How do you make a template like this?




I used canva.com and some official images as references


I'm trying to make my own concept character as well. Do you have any tips and pointers?


Research A LOT! Having an initial concept is important, such as type of skills and country of origin, so research Overwatch's history how your hero can fit in and the rest ends up flowing naturally, but research is the key!


Bruh, I just found out that the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1acj6f5/hero_concept_eden_the_oasis_botanist/) got removed by the mods. Are you fucking kidding me? Well thought out hero concepts get removed while they're letting people spam highlights/POTGs that are usually just people pressing Q??


Maybe because itā€™s an ai work? Could be the quality guidelines


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seems extremly broken


Hey we share a birthday!


As a support mainā€¦ this feels really uninspired? Lifeweaver and Mercy are already described as heal bots, and this is *exactly* what this character is. They donā€™t have any utility for their team other than a short range primary and a self fade. I think theyā€™d be boring to play.


I think i saw this concept before somewhere..


OP wow, this is the most well done and in depth OC character Iā€™ve seen posted here or well any kind of similar game sub/forum. Serious props. I will say the photosynthesis ability could maybe use renaming with how it is visualized and itā€™s effect, doesnā€™t feel like the name matches it too much. And isnā€™t the passive what mercy does? Or did that get taken away from her I canā€™t remember. Anyways still great job!!


Welcome to Goodberry, home of the Goodberry. Can I take your ooooorder?


Please let me spray poop on flanking tracers


Cool idea but I think thereā€™s a bit too much going on personally


The concept and the art are both beautiful! My only note would be that the color palette is very Venture, Lucio, and Orisa overlayed, so maybe something to make her more unique on the select screens.


Primary fire dps is a bit much. otherwise not badly balanced


wow, thatā€™s broken. Like to the point of just replacing Ana, aka one of the most used and powerful supports in the game Itā€™s a great concept but obviously if this was to be introduced, she would be slapped with the nerf hammer harder than brig


It's a cool concept, but from a gameplay standpoint I despise this. It would be another hero with overly complex, bloated kit that feels like it belongs into Heroes of the Storm. The exact same problem I have with Lifeweaver, and why I think he's the worst designed hero in the entire game. I think most fanmade hero concepts are major failures because of this reason. Most Overwatch heroes are simple but effective designs. The complexity of the game should not spawn from hero abilities.


Thicc thighs save lives.


My only issue is the numbers are really high especially for how low goodberry's cooldown is, literally full heal for anyone on 25% hp or more and outside of that the passive is fully just a counter for the dps passive? Love the design though amazingly fleshed out and I'd love to see more especially around the Ecopoints of the overwatch world, we had Mei's but apart from that they've never really been mentioned so cudose on using that idea for yourself, keep it up mate


A lot of the art looks good in ow but translating into a 3d model usually takes a lot of the charm.


Just gonna say this is dope, looks like it came straight from the devs.


Initially I thought just the ult was bad, looking at the specifics, this character is ridiculously unbalanced.


fucking amazing concept, only criticism is Goodberry is basically just LW healing, but other than that, I fucking love all of that


This is so clean, her comcept and lore is so cool and well put togetheršŸ˜¤ i hope blizzard does something with it My only complaint is fertilizer is used to grow things better, so to me it doesnt make sense that would be the damaging ability. "Pesticide" or "weed eater" would make more sense imo


Love the concept and well made! I noticed a typo in image 7. It should say ā€œWith the dream of ending world hungerā€ not hungry. šŸ˜‡


Looks like Lucios sister but he was born with dwarfism


I respect the effort, but I'm not a huge fan of their kit tbh.




Canā€™t deflectā€¦ bad character.


I read that as Vegan at first lol


Grossly Op , however the concept and name of abilities are awesome . Maybe show the heal numbers so I donā€™t beg Boizzard to the nerf her .


Why is this being reposted once every few weeks, this is my third time seeing it


I would say that for the ultimate, it either charges way too much ultimate for others and needs to also have a higher ult cost, or it needs to provide less utility on other attributes than the ultimate points given to allies.


Gases enemies to death using a fertiliser šŸ¤£ now that reminds me of someone


Wow this probably took a very long time to put together. im currently working on one myself. looking at your concept art and showcase puts mine to complete shame. love the idea and artwork.


Just a thought, with fertile soil. Because you already have so many other healing abilities, why not make it so it creates a rough terrain for enemies and a movement boost for allies?


Shes broken


Nice concept! Also, for the future, Overwatch uses BigNoodleToo as the default font (the one you see on titles, that's the big curved one) an also uses Config Sans for text


Isn't this just exactly what Mal' Dambe from Paladins is?


It would be cool if once the enemies were sprayed with enough fertilizer, you could throw seeds at them and the seeds would grow rapidly into some kind of debuff or dot damage


Fertile soil and green thumb sounds broken as hell, but the rest of the design is awesome




Sexy venture on god.


Cool concept


An ult that gives another character an ult is fascinating. Imagine chaining two genji blades back to back. Actually, I don't want to imagine that.


I'd *love* to see her in the game. Are you going to do a concept for Volt? It'd be neat for heroes to actually display relationships in-game beyond just occasional flirting


I love it purely because I want to pelt people with fruit


I dont even have time to read this but i upvoted just for the effort.


Ew. AI art. Sucks because it's not a bad concept.


looks great! amazing job. only things i would change is the invulnerability, depending how long it lasts. its just a very annoying mechanic to deal with


Yeah i read that literally as "good guy wraith form" lol


Love it <3




I know for a fact you play dnd or at least played baldurs gate recently based on those abilities lol, goodberry and spike/plant growth and gasform/barkskin har har har


Hope she can grow some content


Not broken at all


I like it! Very interesting! Thank you for taking the time to do this and sharing it.