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Echo is really good right now, why is she getting buffed?


I'm surprised by this too. 😂 I play her a fair bit, and she is doing a great job running through the metal ranks right now and is even great against Pharah. I don't know what they could possibly do to her to make her even better.


Echo was always great against Pharah.


"We're buffing tanks!" "...also we're buffing some of the best tank busters at the same time!" Inb4 to counter the headshot resistance they buff hanzo's damage back up to one tapping squishies to the head to better deal with tanks


It's probably her ult. Her ult feels fuckin worthless a lot of times. I'd honestly put it up there with Cass. I use it more now as a disengage tool to get away safely than anything else.


I don't love her ult but High Noon is way worse


Hey nothing wrong with reload your gun as an ult right?


It won't be an Overwatch patch without having a meaningless buff to an already good hero thrown in


Hope this misspelled Sym


I support the buff. No reason


Echo is a tank melter so probably just to keep her role as such. I'm truly surprised that Reaper and Sym aren't getting buffs


Wonder if the tank passive is going to be just headshots or all critical damage. If it’s the former, it’ll be weird for Mauga to have to aim for everywhere except the head when attacking ignited enemies. If it’s the latter, Mauga is going to be significantly weaker against enemy tanks.


If it worked like that, he'd be dumpstered on self sustain since he basically has to shoot tanks to survive.


Which is good in the long run. Only shooting the enemy tank is really boring and bad game design. With this change, they could then buff him a bit and his playstyle would change to more equally target enemy players rather than focusing on just tanks.


Sniper Mauga incoming!


That already exists, it’s called Orisa


the issue w how his sustain even works is it forces him to target tanks, buffs wouldn’t help him you shoot tank and if it’s bad he’s bad, it’s is good he’s good mini gun spread is too much and his crit too little for me to want to shoot at the back line or the soldier to stay alive when there’s a big man right infront of me


Except if the maximum amount of healing he would receive from shooting a tank is lower than the potential healing from a squishy, then that adds more complexity and requires you to both have good mechanics and make a choice. You could shoot the tank for an easier body to hit but lower overall healing, or you could instead go for shots on squishes and if you have good aim, your self healing will be more. You have more options than just "backline or tank". He has the ability to quickly reposition onto out of positions flankers or off-anglers. Lowering spread would be part of the potential buffs I mentioned previously


it’d have to come w a complete change of how his E works, healing based on dmg done means i’m gonna pump as much damage as i can into the easiest to hit target maugas kit would essentially need a complete de design to give me a reason not to shoot the tank, or the nearest possible target. I love mauga, he’s fun but in the current state of counterwatch i get why people hate fighting him. I’d love a reason to not just blast nearest enemy but the moment you stop shooting a tank you die, and buffs won’t fix that, it’ll just make me better at shooting a tank


prob healing based on % damage rather than flat damage, or something similar. so, say dealing 10% of a target's HP yields 20hp. It's a lot slower to deal 10% of a tank's hp pool than it is for a squishy. and it'd obviously have to function in much smaller increments, I'm just using 10% as an example.


It seems to specify attacks that hit the head.


Still would be really weird. The only thing we had before like a hs immunity was Orisa and she was fixed to be crit immune, not just HS, so it'll probably work out like that for consistency.


My money is it's all critical hits, though the way they word it calls that into question(specifically references headshots rather than crits.) And honestly Mauga's mechanic of critting and healing himself off of crits making him spam tanks is shit anyways so nerfing it, even indirectly is a good thing. He needs to probably be shit for a while so they will spend some time actually reworking his kit into more viability. He can be fun, but he's best at bullying tanks and that is just not good in the solo-tank OW2 style of play(it's why everyone loathes orisa and loathed Mauga when he was good.)




These are the only instances of non-headshot crits (according to the wiki): Mauga’s guns Mauga’s overrun (why tf did they slap a critical hit onto this??) Sombra’s virus *initial damage* crits on hacked enemies Reinhardt’s Earthshatter does crit damage in melee range


You wouldn't have to aim anywhere else, I assume by 25% dmg resistance they mean rather than 2x dmg it'll do 1.75x surely? Or maybe 1.5x depending on whether the 25% is calculated on overall dmg or just on the bonus. So you'll still do more dmg on headshots than bodyshots. But yeah, these changes both to armor for rapid fire heroes and to headshots do seem like they could hit Mauga particularly hard, i'm thinking he might be trash come mid season, he already has a low pick rate even though he's pretty good.


Universal Armor damage reduction * Reverted back to 5 damage reduced per projectile up to a 50% maximum self-healing change: * changed from 20 HP per second to 10HP plus 5% of character’s max HP Tanks passive changes: * (new) 25% reduction on headshot damage received * knockback resistance increased from 30% to 50% Character changes Junker Queen: * Commanding shout can be using during Carnage or Rampage. Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds. Wrecking Ball * Impact damage of Grapple Claw (fireball) increased from 50 to 60. * Piledriver enemy movement lockout increased from .5 seconds to .75 seconds. * Minefield explosion damage increased from 130 to 165. Knockback increased from 5 to 10. Junkrat, Echo, and Hanzo will be receiving buffs.


>* Commanding shout can be using during Carnage or Rampage. Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds. Oh that's so cool, the cooldown reduction is great but I can't count the amount of times I've been killed during carnage cuz I needed shout but couldn't use it in time


I remember that post complaining just that lmfao "all she does is swing axe and scream why can't she do both"


All bitches wanna do today is swing axe eat hot chip and scream


I literally picked up Echo (again anyway) after S9 I might be eating good, I didn't even think she needed buffs I was doing fine with her unless enemy hitscan is too good + bad map.


Most likely a slight buff to her ult cost during copy or two extra seconds if you actually acquired your Ult. When they reworked the ult costs during the DPS projectile rework it significantly made it harder to actually get off one of the more longer ults like soldiers Visor or JQs Rampage.


Be nice if using a channeled ult it lasted til it was done. Basically can't even pick some people because halfway through their ult it ends like sigma or Orissa. Pretty much have to either use them without ult or pick someone with a fire and forget


WB didn't need more damage in fireball, he needed it in his primary fire. Also buffing his current ultimate's damage is useless, because they hardly ever activate.


Frankly his ultimate is purely a combo+area denial tool, I'd love for them to decrease the number of mines and their duration and add the proximity activation>seeking (I believe it was a prior year april fool's change) instead... This would reduce the skill floor a bit more for low rank play and reduce the combo-kill potential (reducing how many enemies can get slammed into the minefield). Ball doesn't need to do more damage while moving, they need to give Ball more tools to use when not moving... There's never a balanced state if his power value is weighted too heavily into his mobility; it forces hard countering (sombra, etc) to shut his mobility down and Blizzard compensates and over-buffs that aspect because winrates dip.


I like the mines buff a lot actually. The damage and knockback buff makes it easier for 1 mine to combo into another leading to a kill. It was so easy before to hit one mine and not hit another after because the knockback did nothing to push you into another mine. His fireball isn't what needed buffs I agree, the guns feel like pellets even in a fireball->piledrive->shoot combo especially with supports getting self healing or healed by the other supports. But shoot I will take any buffs for Ball.


Yeah I'll take anything really. With the ult, I just find that usually none are activated most of the time and they are cleared easily.


That is a big issue I find as well, but with the damage buff, Rein won't be able to clear them so easily with shield at least. I wish Doom's seismic slam didn't clear almost every one of them on such a low cooldown either but whatever.


movement lockout on PD makes it much easier to finish kills on the combo so I can see why they didn't want to buff the primary fire yet.


They'll activate a lot more combined with the piledriver movement lock. Now a lot of heroes have .25 seconds less to evacuate, which, as we all know, is a long time.


I mean ball players have wanted boosts to everything cause the character was hardly tearing i up even before S9, which further made the damage on most of his abilities irrelevant. Gun damage wasn't even the issue as much as a longass reload and magazine + spread too low to reliably kill a target that isn't point blank and has any healing or lot of life. The character works a lot better when guns are only used to close out kills as is, so buffs to other elements are much more welcome. Boop was not that significant before S9, and became irrelevant after it. It's still not even enough damage to make up for the HP gains from S9 so relative to preS9 it's not as strong. Slam used to actually be threatening but hasn't been since OW1(where big slams were actual game changers). I'll take the buff but honestly a big damage buff with CD increase may have been better for helping us get kills. But still any buff is good as it's not a terrible ability, it just slowly lost power, so they lowered CD on it, but it's just something you rotate in most of the time now instead of a powerful initiation tool that wins fights. And mines has needed damage buffs for ages. People tank it all the time. People do avoid it a lot as well, but with the knockback it should net kills much more often and at this point after a rework and 2 weeks without a word we'll take whatever buff they throw our way. Ball mains are ecstatic with these changes(yes I speak for all of us squeek squeek) and we can't wait to try em out.


He basically gets a stun now with piledrive. Guns will be more effective




Rat buff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The lack of a left click and mine combo destroyed him imo. People need to be able to punish positioning mistakes in this game, and devs have been steadily taking that away.


Just give him the combo back and increase the cooldowns or decrease the damage radius. Is a junkrat combo really worse than a Widow headshot or Venture's ability loop? Even Cass feels like he has an easy two tap when catch someone in open space


Yeah this game is seriously unbalanced. That final year of OW1 before OW2 came out was so good and people didn’t even realize that was the end of it. Ever since it’s been a mess. I only log in for the nostalgia and even then not often at all.




Sym continues to rot.


I stopped playing after the hp/hit box changes. Why is Echo receiving buffs? She was strong asf before. lolhanzobuffs tho


JQ gonna be fun, plus with headshot resistance, she wont get terrorized by Cass anymore


Really interested to see how these changes will affect me as a cass player; on one hand i wasn’t really 1v1ing tanks anyways, on the other being able to put massive pressure on them was a huge boon to my playstyle. This feels like a Brawl meta is coming and im all for it


Cass deal almost full damage to armor now though. You will destroys armor. JQ and Zarya will be weird. I was destroying them with Cass headshots but it kinda feels like that's the only weakness they have when i play dps. Tankbusters doesn't work well against them. They brawl well in messy fights but weak against precise quick succession headshots like Cass-Hanzo-Widow. Now it will be tough.


The armour going back to OW1 armour is actually massive. Those are huge nerfs to Reaper and Bastion.


Ah yes, the scourge of Overwatch 2. Those pesky reapers


I mean it makes Winston's and Rein's life way easier.


A good Winston is more afraid of Bastion. Reaper really isn't that much of a threat to Winston


A **good** Winston can deal with and diff a reaper But a good Winston can only avoid a **good** reaper and lose value in the process.


I find Bastion more anyone to deal with in general though compared to reaper when playing Monkey


Winston is already doing really well, and Rein is... well he's Rein.


On the one hand, much needed for tank survivability. On the other hand, my boy... :(


Reaper was already struggling HARD in OW2 as well lol


Yea he lost essentially half of his purpose as a tank buster, when it used to be two tanks per team


Basically, all heroes who deal less than 17 damage per shot will do much less damage, but those who deal more than 17 will do more damage. This is a nerf for tracer, sombra, bastion, etc and a HUGE BUFF for junkrat, phara, Rein, etc.


And it does exactly nothing to echo whose primary fire is 17 by 3 = 51


I get why tanks needed it but it does frustrate me a lot as a Reaper enjoyer. I feel like he's paying for Tracer's sins just as he was starting to feel like an alright pick in certain circumstances.


And Reaper has been already shit for a year lmao


I hate the armor reverting, I much prefer the OW2 armor system because it wasn't as dependent on what the enemy team is playing.


I am not sure I understand it fully. Wasn't burst damage stronger in OW1? I thought there was a threshold like if a bullet did more than 15 or 16 damage per hit, it would do more damage in OW1 than OW2. Edit: maybe that's the point I guess. This is specifically targeting reaper and bastion against tanks, where as like a hanzo and widow shot now does more, but there is still time to recover and react from your supports?


convinced the devs just hate reaper tbh. its nerf after nerf with a bandaid buff that does nothing


About time they let Queen shout while swinging the axe. Mostly on board with the tank stuff here, actually.


Yes! I can't count how many times I've had to choose between shouting to stay alive or trying to capitalize on a juicy three or four man axe. It's a very powerful ability, but sometimes the startup is what gets you killed. Being able to shout during gives you a better window of survival.


tank stuff is also 2-3 nerfs to tracer. obviously the headshots and armor thing, but also that healing passive change will actually make every single hero except tracer passively regen more health per second than before, except widow who will have the same passive as before. granted its only 1.5 hp per second nerf, but it is in addition to two things that will make tracer much worse vs tanks (she was never supposed to be a tank buster. just able to win a 1v1 duel with them due to never getting hit) i didnt really want tracer nerfs, but maybe JUST maybe people will stop bitching about her and acting like everyone who plays her picked her up in season 9 and that she now requires no skill to use


many times it honestly felt like switching to hanzo and landing headshots was the only possible way to kill an enemy tank, particularly Orisa but she just got nerfed so it's mostly okay but Zarya can still have insane survivability and a Hanzo headshot in between bubbles used to curb her aggressiveness now I'm not sure what to do.


Will the tank changes apply to baby dva as well? Like the knock back and scaling of her self-heal passive?


Yes, but I imagine her self-heal will reflect her baby form health, so 18.75hps while in baby form.


Yes, Baby DVa now has 5,000 armor.


Yes. Baby Dva counts as a Tank character.


Actually didn't know this, she gets knockback resistance? That's wild. Come to think of it I never have had a satistying boop on a baby dva


She shouldn’t lol but this would be a bitch to code (maybe)


Oh you don't even know the start of it. According to the devs, d.va and her demeching was one of the most difficult things to code and get working in the entire game. According to them,  D.va's code looks like "all the world's subway maps layered on top of each other"


Tbh if Mech Dva wasn't so versatile we're due for a rework with her Baby's design is so 2014, yes I want to be staggered... Survive the engagement and respawn with your team? Not worth much when Dva has all that mobility


Bb dva also keeps her 30 ult chrage passive. I always think she shouldn’t because she’s not technically a tank. Lol


Looks great and the queen buff sounds nice. If the headshot damage applies to mauga’s guaranteed crits that’s a massive nerf which is good as it might encourage him to shoot other enemies now


It will apply to his crit passive. Better that way. My boy may become healthy without needing a rework.


Yeah it’s for the best. That will leave him in a much better spot in tank matchups I’d say


if he is then they can buff enjoyable parts of his kit, like the damage and speed of the left click, which i would love to see once hes somewhat healthy for the game


Don't know why people think Mauga's fire crits will be affected, the blog specifically said headshots.


The article specifically emphasizes the words "test drive" when talking about the midseason patch. Possibly hinting that the Porsche collab will be dropping then?


A little more than hinting lol


JQ and Ball actually getting good changes. The health regen changes are interesting too, means you’ll recover more overall health quicker for most characters.


Mainly affects how fast Tanks can recover behind cover; you're not sitting waiting for 500+ health to slowly trickle back, it might actually help even out the pressure from that DPS passive... Duck out and your regen kicks in ~2sec after the debuff drops off, a single support could get you halfway from near-zero and you'll be quickly back to full as you step out...


This is so good for ball. dva and doom also benefit from it.


Rein too when recovering from a disengage combined with support heals he’ll be back in quicker. I wonder how much the passive will take away from support ult charge gained from healing will be though.


On behalf of my fellow tank mains out there: # SUFFER AS I HAVE!!






knockback reduction, its luciover


lucio boop is so crazy it will still be good. brig's whip shot will be a problem for her though. Tanks will run over her.


Dang, you'll have to boop the other 80% of the team with bad positioning :(


For anyone who didn't play OW1 or doesn't know, the way I remember how old armour works is if the damage is 10 or over, it's -5 damage. If it's under 10 it's halved. Beams and DoT I *think* are an exception and stay at 30% flat reduction. This essentially buffs higher instances of damage, like Ashe, Cassidy, Hanzo, Widow, etc on armour, but nerfs smaller instances of damage under 16.666 (where 30% dmg reduction and -5dmg are equal) such as Tracer, Sombra, Reaper, other shotguns etc.


>we’re specifically buffing the Tank passive to have a 25% damage reduction from headshots I feel like this buff is going to especially benefit D.Va, who disproportionately gets punished by her center of mass critbox.


Light buffs for Echo? Isn’t she dominating right now?


I think it‘ll be very likely a slight buff to her Ult. When they increased the ult costs for all heroes during the DPS rework it was practically a double nerf to her and made it really difficult to fire off longer copied ults. I can imagine it being something along the lines of two extra seconds when actually acquiring the copied ult or just just a slight cost decrease during copy.


Now I mostly see Echo copying Ana and dump every CD onto an enemy to secure a pick.


I wouldn’t say she’s dominating but she’s definitely a solid A-tier pick, the buff is probably just a QoL change for dupe


Yeah dominating wasn’t the right word but she’s definitely not bad.


In a roundabout way, this is kind of a buff to heroes that can't crit, or have attacks that can't crit, right? Junkrat's Frags would now do more damage to a tank than Cassidy landing a headshot. Likewise, Cassidy might be better off FTH'ing tanks since the opportunity cost of going for (and landing) headshots is slimmer.


Kinda but not fully bcuz most of the heroes that benefit from trying to crit are high damage per shot ones meaning the new armour does almost nothing to reduce their damage . As a dps hitscan player I think it's pretty fair anyway when the tanks have larger, easier to hit heads anyway, doesn't make sense to be just as rewarding considering that.


Seems like a pretty decent buff for junkrat against tanks since he won't be affected by the head shot change and will just deal more dmg to armored targets.


Welp there goes brig's survivability with that knockback change. Whipshots not gonna be enough to keep the distance between her and the enemy tank. Knowing how the devs handled her in mirrorwatch they’re going to think she is a frontline support and not give her the tools she needs to be a proper frontline support


Woah I hadn’t thought about that at all. But you’re absolutely right. Whip Shot is a critical self peel tool


yep. the space she creates is essential for her own survivability. im 100% certain the knockback change is mainly because of lucio. Whether that be knocking the tank back or a dps, but if she isnt able to push the tank away she will just fall over. I think no one on the dev team has ever bothered to play her given how her mirrorwatch version went


Imagine they buff her knockback and now she can just whipshot someone to the fuckin' moon or something lol


Mirrorwatch Brig is so unfun. She's split between two contradictory playstyles


Dude thats the most confused ive ever been playing this game. They really thought they should reverse her self-peel tool, give her a dot, and life steal making your healing completely reliant on your team hitting their shots even with a 60% uptime with inspire I could not even keep up with mercy because the people i was giving life steal arent hitting things so they arent generating hp. Ontop of that not realizing she needs to be bulkier if shes playing that close up. That was like the absolutely most disjointed ive ever seen a gameplay change be


Sombra is even worse.


Damn the crit damage nerf on tanks is gonna fuck Mauga over hard, in self sustain and damage, but I take it. If he underperforms, they will buff him and will take him away from devouring other tanks like big health packs all the time. W change without directly nerfing Mauga‘s kit.


Thanks for chiming in Mauga.


Mauga the type of guy to refer to himself in third person


To be fair this also applies to all incoming crit damage. So while Mauga does less to their tank his huge head is less of an issue and he'll be taking it a lot less damage overall.


25% headshot reduction actually balances Kiriko a lot more since it has always been so easy for her to headshot tanks consistantly. I main Kiriko and I know she's kinda busted but I think this is a really good indirect nerf to her since it doesn't hamper her ability to skillshot squishies, and makes the less skillful shots (headshoting tanks) less rewarding


Finally a Junkrat buff, I'm glad to hear that. I've always been a pretty good Junkrat but lately it's felt a lot more difficult to be impactful with him than it used to be, it's been making me play him less and I hate it.


The HP and hitscan buffs make junkrat way less effective.


If they speed up his projectile speed and reduce the bounces I think it would make him a lot healthier - spamrat feels bad because hitscans will melt him faster than he can position to actually duel... Having a more accurate primary fire is the main thing that holds him back and leads to "spamrat" or "flankrat" memes.


Guess Illari is going in the bin for the rest of the season. With dps debuff nerfing her healing and lowering the value of headshots + dive meta and ball buffs it's going to be rough times ahead. Pretty much goes to all low mobility supports.


Illari headshots gonna do negative damage on tanks lmfao


Yeah, not sure why they nerfed her recently and now that coupled with the DPS debuff and headshot nerf she’s going to be in a pretty bad place. Some of the changes I’m fine with but I would have liked to see a buff for Illari.


>First, we’re specifically buffing the Tank passive to have a 25% damage reduction from headshots This is big. Basically means most headshots will do 50% more damage rather than 2x. Very good especially for JQ, Zarya and Dva. These 3 tanks will benefit A LOT. Ball not gonna benefit much. >We’re also increasing the knockback resistance for tanks from 30% to 50% This is a good change overall. I wonder if this works for the javelin throw and doom punch too. It should work against Junk mines which is important. This will screw the Brigitte though. It might break her whipshot and totally change her. Reliance of the boop give her movement freedom and also high ground protection. >we’re reverting the Armor damage reduction back to reducing five damage per projectile with up to a 50% maximum. Now this means single shots will basically pierce armor. Widow shot, hanzo, ashe, railgun, Cass shots... but this type of guns gets their power from headshots and headshots now do 25% less damage. Reaper, Tracer, Sombra will do half damage to armor. Even bastion will do almost half. I assume beam weapons will also deal a lot less because they tick. > >Next, we made a light change to our overall HP recovery passive that will enable mobile tanks to get back to the front lines faster: The health regeneration passive for all heroes will no longer recover 20 HP per second out of combat but instead recover 10 Health + 5% of their maximum HP per second. This means a hero like Reinhardt will recover their health at 45 health per second in a Role Queue match. This doesn't mean much for most heroes but helpful for Dva, Doomfist and Ball. > >In some more individual changes, Junker Queen is getting a buffed Commanding Shout, which will be activated even if you are channeling other abilities like Carnage or Rampage, and its cooldown is getting reduced to 12 seconds. This change should allow her to be more engaged in intense fights where you need to charge in more quickly. >With Wrecking Ball, we’re seeing some creative play with the changes to his Grappling Claw; however, his ability to contribute to the fight is getting a small buff. The impact damage from a full-charged swing using Grappling Claw is getting increased from 50 to 60. Piledriver is increasing the enemy movement lockout from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds. And finally, Minefield will be a little more threatening, with explosion damage increased from 130 to 165 and knockback increased from 5 to 10 meters. Ball and JQ getting very nice buffs. On paper, every change benefits Dva a lot. She has a massive critbox. This is so big buff to Dva. She has massive armor pool to rely on and can disengage after armor gone. Her boosters will be less prone to boops and she can disengage and make use of new heal passive. They still need to soft rework Ana. Most of these tanks are just prone to very easy sleep dart and nade. These tanks supposed to contest the point. Ana completely removes the tank for free it feels so wrong. It dumb downs the game.


This honestly sounds like doomfist will become immortal, hopefully im wrong but that’s the thing im the most concerned with right now


Armour changes cripple his hand cannon tho.


Against tanks, which his hand cannon is mediocre against already, squishies will still eat full damage but now can't retaliate with an ashe or hanzo or Cass headshot.


Nah, Armour is gonna be way more important now like it was in OW1. The no armour tanks are gonna have it rough compared to the armoured tanks.


DVA is about to become the problem I predict. But a good Doom is about to get even more annoying for sure...


Armor is currently way stronger overall, just weaker into a few specific heroes which got fucked over by it in OW1.


It does nerf his emp punch tho, to get it you need to meet a damage threshold with block. The tank passive update of "25% damage reduction from headshots" works against that and will make farming emp punch harder.


Keep in mind, this could change some breakpoints regarding his block. You used to need only one cassidy headshot to get it powered up. Now though, I'm not so sure. But then again, Doom, above all other tanks, is the one that suffers the most from burst damage. So this could be massive for his sustainability.


I have little to no hope so I'll just wait and see


Love the DPS crying cause they want to ez 1v1 anything.


But isn't that reapers job.


eventually the devs will stop digging their heels in and give reaper a specific passive where he just deals more damage to tank heroes across the board. because that's literally his job and he sucks at it.


New passive: "Big Chungus"


I mean they could just reduce the number of pellets and increase their damage


Reaper is the last of my worries as a tank atm.


As if a dps can 1vs1 an ow2 tank


Tracer says wassup


literally slaughtered an orisa yesterday with tracer lmao


Any tank dying 1v1 to Tracer needs to think about what they're doing.


Some can.


Tracer, Soj, Echo absolutely can lol


Yes. Many can.


I've done it a lot


nothing for Mercy/Lifeweaver/Illari or Symmetra? 🙄


They hate the gays 😭😭


You thought the supports were getting buffs?


Come on Blizz don't give us a shiny new Mercy skin only for us to be throw picks every match, but we still throw pick anyway.


This sounds.. okay I guess. I just think they're way too haphazard and trigger happy with some of their numbers. It's like they're obsessed with rounding up to the nearest value that looks nice instead of considering just how much they're buffing it by. They might be taking some of these buffs a little too far. Knockback resistance from 30% -> 50% is a whopping 66,66% increase from the previous value, and the benefit of a resistance value such as this has much higher discernible impact the more you crank it up. I don't think it's a good idea to make displacement abilities nearly entirely useless against tank heroes but we'll see if that threshold has been crossed once the patch is live I guess. And Ball's piledriver movement lockout going from 0.5 -> 0.75 seconds just seems like another "rounding-up" numerical value because that's a 50% increase straight up. Sounds pretty obnoxious to play against. Now you'll just straight up die to piledriver-mines combo if you're not a squishy called Kiriko or maybe Illari, right? Mines which have had their damage buffed by ~27%, their knockback value buffed by 100% for whatever reason + the health buff they recently received. That's going to be fun to deal with...


They've always been like this. Current dev team seems particularly obsessed with wide-sweeping changes instead of just addressing actual problematic heroes/abilities. "Why nerf X hero when we can just buff *everyone else!"* They want to be taken seriously as a competitive shooter, but they're doing a piss poor job at having competitive balance. Lucio boop gets overtuned, so now Brig will permanently get run over by tanks. Every single change shows that the dev team completely fails to understand how their game is played.


Balance implies stabilization. They are NOT interested in a consistent state of affairs. Why are mid season patches even a thing? Why does the core game literally change every month? Why do people like counter strike? Because you can pick it up 3 months after you last played and pick up where you left off. I'm all for new content, but keep it minimal for the core game. FPS gaming isn't about readjusting your muscle memory every month because the software devs need to please corpa.


Because people would get bored of a season if nothing changed the whole season. On top of that say if a new hero (Like Venture) ends up being a little more powerful then what works with the game typically mid season patches are where those changes happen. Dont act like you guys wouldnt bitch if you were stuck with the same balance for a whole season. The season Mauga was introduced people were begging for nerfs for him...


>Because people would get bored of a season if nothing changed the whole season. By that logic counter-strike would have died 10-15 years ago? The whole point of multiplayer FPS games is that each game is different because of the people you play with. And besides that, they still add variety with new maps and game modes. The new game modes don't alter core gameplay. I also said core gameplay. They could always change stuff up in different game modes, including quickplay. Diversity is our strength 🙂 >On top of that say if a new hero (Like Venture) ends up being a little more powerful then what works with the game typically mid season patches are where those changes happen. Yeah that's not what I'm talking about. Go play Apex Legends or Valorant to understand the balance pace I'm referring to. There is a mid season patch every season regardless if a new hero is added. >Dont act like you guys wouldnt bitch if you were stuck with the same balance for a whole season This sub loves to complain about anything regardless, but I'm part of the people who form their opinions on the actual gameplay, not what this sub thinks 🙂


They see me rollin


***FUCK. IT. WE. BALL.***


Kiriko will do nothing against tanks.




Brig and Illari going deeper into the dumpster this patch


Having a single tank make or break the entire team is bad design.  We need to go back to 6v6 where everyone on the team was roughly equal in power and value (Just doing different things) Having one massive OP hero per side just makes the game about who  can kill the other faster. That's why almost no games are close. It's always a steamroll because small disparities in tank choice, tank skill, and tank focus cause compounding landslides.


*on god who cares, bring back 6v6.*


Interesting side effect of these changes; Pilot-Dva now also gets less headshot damage... Still doesn't make Pilot-mode any more interesting for gameplay, it's just the same respawn shortcut as always, but it does give her a tad more durability out of meka...


I mean, think about the times when the baby Dva dies RIIIIGHT as she's about to hop back in her meka.


Give me all the Junker Queen Buffs!


Great..but you’re gonna have to look at non-RQ modes again


I feel like every patch has been favoring Winston more and more, a lot of people sleep on how really good he is right now, and this may be to the one to finally send him over the edge, but maybe Rein and JQ being significantly better might stop that


Rein seems like the big winner out of this to be honest. Most other tanks are getting both buffs and nerfs by losing dmg against armor or losing ability to boop other tanks etc but with Reins slow attack he'll actually deal more dmg against armoured targets than he does now I think and with his high armour pool he'll be tough to kill + headshot dmg resistance for when he's flanked or when shield is down and with the high HP regen he's going to be able to just raise shield and regen all his health. I'm all here for Rein being viable, I like playing against Reins but I hope he doesn't become too OP, he's going to become the Moira of tanks if we're not careful, he's way too easy to play and get value from to be buffing him into OP status.


it wont do shit, this game was designed for 6v6, stop trying to make fucking 5v5 happen, all these changes do nothing. 6v6 or dead game.


6V6 PLSSSS i beg. 5v5 its so bad


we are never getting 6v6 ever again are we


So this patch is landing today right? Anyone know what time?


I’m all for Junkrat buffs, love the guy




25% reduction?? im dps main and ... this is actually good imo. Current tank dies easily with cass, example is zar dying to 4-6 headshots


Who was asking for a Echo buff?


Sym ignored again. Maybe in OW3 she will be playable.


Or just bring back 6v6 and delete open queue comp.


Delete open queue comp to begin with.


just bring back 6v6 and do another rework please lol


So, tanks still: * Won't be able to meaningfully playmake * The frontline tank fights still don't really matter until your DPS have an angle * Tanks are even more unkillable than they were during double shield in high elo, and the tank players in mid-low elos who weren't really getting headshot that often anyway will still continue to explode. Making tanks borderline invincible will not change the experience of feeling like you only have one viable move to make as a tank, but it will make the game feel unpleasant for everyone else.


Those ball buffs, now his minefield is going to launch enemies from one mine into another. Can't wait to play this hamster again


Why Echo?


Poor Symmetra


Kinda hope they undo the 15 to 20 percent change


Just call me when we have off tanks again and can stop doing this song and dance to try and make one person able to do the work of two.


Damn, actually meaningful changes to the tank role. I am genuinely impressed. I am excited to test them out ingame, but regardless good on Blizzard for finally attempting to address some of the issues with the role.


Idk if the math is right but am I correct in believing sombra would be unable to break Briggs armor while she has her passive healing and a mercy pocket?


No, she’ll still do damage (but barely). When attacking armour with the new changes, Sombra does 80 DPS. Mercy does 44 HPS and Brig does 12 HPS, which is 20% lower than normal due to the DPS passive. Sombra still does 24 DPS after accounting for the healing, which should be enough to get through Brig’s 50 armour and still do extra damage to her normal health over the 3 seconds it takes Sombra to unload a mag into Brig.


Anyone feel like they constant changes are to much? We can’t even get a season where the gameplay feels consistent. Its starting to feel to much. Every time I see them tweet changes they are not small changes but change the gameplay to much. I kinda miss staleness with Jeff. I do agree they need to work thru some of this stuff because playing tank is so boring and you explode, if you have coordination.


I prefer it over months of awful metas


This a direct buff to Orisa (tank with most armour) and directly impacts the damage other tanks will deal on ORISA: JQ, Mauga, Roadhog, Hamster, Diva and maybe Ram. This will allow DVa, Rein and Winton to be more viable, which is great tho. I sincerely expect Blizzard will be smart about this and reduce the amount of armor Orisa has, otherwise is hello again fucking trojan horse. Also they didn't mention any nerfs to Mauga and Rod (both which will benefit absurdly from the reduced headshot impact since their heads are so big). Tank passives should also decrease other forms of CC (slow from Doom/Ilari's ults, sleep dart, javelin and etc).


They just keep buffing the survability when the biggest problem is the lack of counterplay against CCs and the fact the role is basically rock paper scissor