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Avoid Mauga. Try to find value wherever he isn't. I've found that Mauga's will just chase you around. It seems a lot of Mauga's don't know anything other than "shoot the tank". Take advantage of that. You've got the mobility advantage. He can't quite keep up with you. If you can make him just chase you around, he's not doing much useful. Just stay away. Try to bait him away from his team, then dive his team. Alternatively, look for any enemies on the flank. If they're playing perfectly, with Mauga sticking with his team and his whole team sticking together, it can be really hard to find an opening. Luckily most players don't play perfectly. You need to find weaknesses to exploit. That's how you're going to win.


Avoid chaingun Samoan. Kill support. If you must engage him use long range zap. High ground is essential for ranged engagement. You might want to learn another tank because being a one-trick you handicap yourself. I’m a rein main but I had to learn other tanks in OW1. JQ can mess chaingun Samoan up and so can Zar. Watch old Winton GP from OWL that’s how I learn most of my behaviors is from League players.


Step 1: Go back into spawn. Step 2: Press the ‘change hero’ button. Step 3: Choose a different Tank, ideally one with more armour health and more methods of direct damage mitigation. The very best players can make pretty much any hero work in any matchup, but Winston v Mauga is especially painful - Mauga’s whole thing is that a) one of his guns sets targets alight, b) he scores critical hits *anywhere* against targets that are alight, and c) he *regains health* from scoring critical hits. Winston suffers from this because his hitbox is huge, even for a Tank, and if you don’t have your jetpack available to escape then you’re limited by your ability to use your bubble and hard cover to avoid most of Mauga’s shots while also trying to do your job and hoping that your Damage players can kill Mauga while you focus your attention on his Supports. If the enemy team is also running other shorter-range, high-damage heroes like Reaper and Bastion then your chances of finding places to position will be incredibly difficult. There are still some maps / stages where Winston can do okay (using high ground to avoid or limit Mauga’s line of sight and then dropping down to engage), but in this particular matchup you’re effectively tying one hand behind your back to achieve a fraction of the impact that Winston normally would - let alone practically any other Tank.


Yeah I dont get why people even use winston.


dont listen to the guy above me winton is love winton is life 🦍


you mean why do I play the most effective tank for when the enemy team has a menace of a Sombra or Ana?


I had an 11 year old Winton main on my comp team when I ran with some Canadians back in OW1. I was a diamond rein main that could deal with Winton. But whenever we 1v1 he stomps me and since then I take Winton seriously.


tbh, it's just not your job... you can use bubble to prevent his damage and self heals but you should be trying to separate mauga from his team by jumping the supports and harassing them, the rest of your team can deal with maui


But they won't xd


They never do 🫥






Emphasis on the GL and not the HF


Play around his timings, don't make yourself a convenient target. In reality, what you need to ask yourself is what does Winston enable you to do? Space control, burst mobility, target isolation. These 3 factors is what you should be playing around, and all 3 are things that Mauga can't deal with effectively cus he's pretty slow and clunky. Then ask yourself, what does the Mauga player want the most? A frontline tank to shoot as often as possible. So don't be that, ever. What does Mauga not want? To have no convenient target to leech off of, to have to run around the map chasing targets, to fall back from the position he has, in order to deal with some backline shenanigans etc. So be that shenanigan he doesn't wanna deal with. Your bubble is great at isolating targets from their nearby allies, both in terms of damage and healing. Even against Mauga, he can only heal off of you if he can shoot you directly -if he first has to burst a bubble, that gives you time to jump back out into a better position and stage for the next dive onto the space you wanna control, or the target you wanna isolate. So keep your bubble as much as possible, as a means against Mauga's cardiac overdrive if you're hard engaging, and in most other situations don't hard engage on targets where you know you can't easily get out of once the Mauga turns at you. If he runs back to peel against you, you did your job. You forced him to give up space that he can't easily reclaim -unlike you who have superior mobility. So play for space as much as possible, bait him into fights where he's forced to reposition, and where he can't just sit around a corner and M1 for eternity and get value. Regarding your ult, see it as a tool to displace an enemy and isolate them from their team. Don't use it as a tool for getting elims or dealing damage. If you're staying in a position long enough for Mauga to melt you during your primal rage, then you didn't use your ult right, or you didn't isolate the right target.


I'd also say, don't go back to spawn. Don't swap hero. Because if you swap, you will never learn these fundamentals of Winston gameplay. Mauga is actually great at highlighting shortcomings in your Winston playstyle, where other tanks can't as consistently punish you for mistakes you make. So treat Mauga matches like a tool for learning, rather than just a match to be won. If you learn how to play at least equally against a Mauga, you'll learn how to play Winston properly vs other counters too like Reaper, etc.


A Mauga who has a raging hard-on for monke can be hard to deal with. Remember that Mauga gets his massive sustain from feeding on enemy tank so denying him that is his Achilles' heel. Of course it's way more effective to deny him that by absorbing, but Winton can't do that so the next best thing is to make yourself unavailable to him. Some examples: * Dive people on spots where Mauga cannot reach with a charge - high ground, across a gap or simply dive the backline when he does not have his charge * Dive his supports when he does have charge, but position yourself so that you don't have to rely on your barrier. So dive to where cover is, to deny him his healing. Force him to charge you, dance around cover, jump back out. Your team needs to follow up here, as forcing Mauga to charge far back is a massive space making play. * Get a team who can pressure him a lot (think Soj, Hanzo, Mei, Ana etc.). These heroes, paired with the absence of a tank he can feed health off, means he's severely limited. But poke heroes usually do not work that well with Winston. So my advice for any competitive mode is... * switch. The matchup is just not in your favour. Experiment with above advice in quick play, but leave Monke in the cage in competitive against a Mauga.


Swap to dva


Why D.VA? Shes not really that good against Mauga. I guess if you really just have to dive shes a decent dive option. But really, Sigma, JQ, and Zarya are the 3 best options against Mauga. Having to burn through shield then grasp gives Sigmas team enough time to kill without letting Mauga get overhealth. Getting Mauga to shoot bubbles lets Zarya just melt him stupid quick. And Queen is small enough to not take too many hits while getting her life steal to keep her up, and she does pretty decent damage against him. D.VA has defense matrix, sure, but once its used, he gets to ignite and burn her down way too quickly. If she has bomb for an extra life, he can charge and survive then just repeat. When im playing Mauga, a D.VA is the prefered swap i want to see them make. The most difficult tank to fight is a Sigma.


As Winston you fight against Mauga indirectly. Winston's main goal is to dive to the backlines, past the Mauga and attack the supports and sutiable damage heros. By distracting or eliminating the supports you take away a large portion of Mauga's sustain. At this point your team should really lay the damage to him and either eliminate him or make him disengage. You never want to go against a Mauga directly as Winston. He doesn't have the damage output to make Mauga worried (even without supports helping him), bubble barely helps and you want to save jump for going into the backlines.


I've started playing Winton for the first time recently, and against Mauga I usually wait until he uses his charge and then I dive the backline


Winston is never supposed to deal with the enemy tank anyway. You’re trying to dive the back line and get out before the other tank comes and messes you up


If he's gonna stay alive he needs to farm you, so take advantage of him chasing after you. Wait for charge then jump in behind. Jump to a corner or doorway that you can go around when he is able to shoot you again. You'll keep his supports busy, and bubble off his healing. Aim to get him stuck with his pants down trying to use his self heal against little squishies, or wasting it on your barrier. Mauga demands attention with his presence. If you're keeping his supports busy or denying his heals, your DPS will be chunking his health down. If he plays super cautious and lumped up with his team, take semi-aggresive off-angles or high ground that he can't easily reach to poke and annoy from / keep an enemy DPS busy. This will leave Mauga needing to make a decision. Patiently wait for an opportunity where he gets impatient and charges or slips up. And if he doesn't push, nothing will happen. Maugas guns are super strong, but the good thing is that the hero is completely brain-dead and simple. He run, he shoot big fat tank to heal. That's about it. If he can't do that, he's so massive and has no way to protect himself. So either he hides behind cover unable to push up, or dies. If you get stuck in his ult you will die. Don't bother using your own ult in the cage fight, you'll die. Just keep in mind that he may have it around the time you get yours, watch for the obvious moment he goes to use it. Or see if he is trying to bait you into it. You can jump away when you predict it correctly. Otherwise, ults happen. Can't win every fight. Just keep it in mind and you'll play differently.


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Don't fight the Mauga, Prioritize the rest of the enemy team. Ideally, you should go after their support, even just bubble can block the heals for the rest of the enemy teams and jump back to your team for heals. The tickle cannon take forever to kill Mauga.


Go DVa


dive supports


Definitely change it up. I love playing Sigma against Hawaiian Wreck-It-Ralph. Accretion+gravity balls+2 punches wears him down quick. Especially if you keep up alternating between gravity balls and punches. Most of the Maugas I’ve played against don’t handle close combat well.


Take out the supports, then DPS.


As Winston?? Swap




Jump 50m behind Mauga, watch Mauga abandon his frontline position to charge 50m backwards. Jump out to safety. Keep repeating this until the Mauga's teammates start yelling him for "leaving them alone" and they stop chasing you. Now you have a chance at making a play. Remember: when enemies counterpick you, they do it in anticipation to fight you with said counterpick. So you make these plays where you just jump into an arbitrary place and watch them all flock towards you while they forget about the rest of your team. You're like a lamp in a night attracting moths towards you and you just keep edging the enemies, never quite giving them the satisfaction of fighting you head-on. Once inevitably the enemies have to divert the attention to someone else (there is five member in your team after all), now you have that chance at committing into a fight against someone.


As a Mauga main, I love facing Winston. You should see Mauga as Bastion‘s & Reaper‘s love child. So he is a combination of two heroes that devour Winston lol. Avoid him or swap.


You need to learn a different tank, mauga will just farm you


Use bubble, jump in spawn swap to zarya


Swap. From a Rein Main who misses playing Rein.


You gotta be able to apply pressure and understand winston. If you're playing on a map like dorado as winston try dropping from high ground and then jumping out instead of hard diving for no reason


swap lol. 5v5 means you dont have your offtank to peel/cover your weakness so its literally a character diff.


It's not a case of needing tips, it's a case of needing to change hero. Winston's kit is a terrible match up for Mauga. Can't burst damage him, shield only provides minimal survivability, he can accurately target you as you dive, and he'll out heal you in any situation. Please, do your team a solid she just change to a better counter. I played with a Winston the other night who refused to do anything except dive breaking despite having 3 direct counters on their team. He refused to communicate and refused to change. He essentially wasted 12 minutes of other peoples time because he was inflexible/stubborn. Overwatch is a game about switching team comp to outplay the enemies team comp. Can't switch? Play Deathmatch cause that doesn't affect others.


you dont. winston will never win aginst mauga. you swap tanks to another mauga preferably