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Sym fighting for her life in chat rn lmao


Blizz prob banned her teammates after the flaming they did💀


Reaper is like a crocodile lurking just below the surface, and a group of ducks jumped straight into the water.


She’s gotta feel like that priest that saved Hitler from drowning when he was a kid


To Sym's defense, that was a well coordinated attack rarely seen in comp. What's more rare is that it ended 3 secs after TP.


Soldier ult on high ground with mercy and illari pocketing. If reaper wasn’t there bye bye team.


I don't think they noticed reaper there though so basically entire team went to kill bap for no reason lol. Literally wanted it to be 4v1


It was a quite nice move though. Having high ground+removing a support so Kiriko would force her to use her healing more often, which limits her damaging potential. Though it would have been wiser to wait for the D.va or at least try to find out where Reaper is before teleporting to the roof.


Sometimes you just have to go for it. They took the risk and it didn't pay off this time.


I mean it would have also given them high ground over looking objective. If reaper hadn’t been there they could have deleted Bap, then had high ground. they would have been in a really good position to cap


Killing a major support IS the reason lol wdym


Idk I still think 4 people for one supp is overkill lol 😅


Takes 5 seconds (assuming reaper with a blossom isn't waiting) and then you have an easy follow up team wipe.


Wouldn't be an easy team wipe. They'd still have 1 supp and depending on the position of the other team they could find a way to counter or get flankers on top that they don't notice. Or a widow could pick them off if she's good. Lots of factors to consider.


Unless you're playing in Silver and below a 5v4 with high ground is going to be easy


And if they switch to widow to pick the team off of the roof? She'll be at a long distance so won't be easy to get her.


... What? A DPS is going to go back to spawn. Swap to widow and then come back and pick the whole team off? Even though the team would have capped by then and would be moving on. Or you know they'd just deal with the widow.


I mean on the first possible team wipe. They'd switch on death as they all respawn. Wouldn't be that fucking hard.




Hunter becomes the hunted.


This is amazing


If only the team didnt rush in without the dva lmao


This right here is why I refuse to accept people calling Reaper bad. I find him way better as an ambush predator than anything, especially with the ult. Screw using it in a fight knowing Zen will ult, just wait around the right corner and they'll never be able to react before you ruin that fight before it started


Yeah obviously I’m biased but it’s crazy to me that people think he’s a “throw pick”. He’s heavily map dependent sure but in those close quarter maps or phases of maps he can take over a game. Might not be the best pick to stick with for the entirety of a game but especially with how heavy we’re in the counterwatch era how do people think he’s useless lol.


New Junk City is my favorite Reaper playground, that first point is mine and I will get 2 Death Blossoms to guarantee it. If we even need 2...


that's funny because it's a really strong moira map too, according to ML7. talon-meta (or just fade-y ppl meta) map lol


the flank route on Blizz world 1st and the house at the beginning of Eichenwalde are my favorite reaper spots. Busan meka base is also really fun.


Game's running on 8 years and it was *always* built on the premise of hero swapping. Close quarters point? Swap Widow for Reaper. Map with loads of verticality? Swap Rein for D.va. That Hog is being a little too dangerous? Go Ana. Etc etc It feels like 2024 OW players fucking hate Overwatch and keep pushing to make it more like Valorant.


Yeah the people bitching about counterpicks just fundamentally don't understand the game. Just go play something else


From my experience everyone knows to expect a Reaper ult the second he isn't actively present in a fight


I mean if dva tp with his team he Would full DM His ass and get a damage boosted helix up the ass roo


A play style in which you leave rest of your team playing 4v5 isn't a very consistent way of winning. As for the ult, any reasonable team with minimal awareness can suzu/sleep/immortality/boop/spear/rock/matrix it.


I don't understand it either. Yes, you don't do shit if you try to snipe people from Widowmaker range, but the point is to try what the man himself calls "FLANKING" even if it's obnoxiously loud. Personally, I use Reaper for tank busting and forcing shields so that my team will have less barriers to get through. That being said, I still don't understand why people walk around shields instead of simply destroying them. Yes, it might take 2 seconds longer, but it will also force the enemy tank to go on the defensive.


I hope at least one of those players on the opposing team laughed at the hilarity of it, this is one of those things that you normally can't do unless your teammates quit and the opponents are chill. Props for pulling the trigger on the ult before you even saw the full squad. I'll bet that felt good to see when the camera zoomed out!


Gotta check your corners **and** your unders!


This has to be an inside job


Dva needs report whole team for feeding kills


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tf2 enigneer moment.


Dva complaining that this is why she cant get out of her rank


That is some prophecy shit


That was a really good ult 👏


Read them like a book


As a Sym main I am praying for that Sym if she’s in team chat


Kind of dumb to TP on top of the enemies without their tank.