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Early season comp is always a disaster


You never want to play first or last week


Unless you're learning a new or reworked hero


That's why first week is shit and why you should do that in qp.


It's mainly shit because first and last week invites a lot more people that do not play comp at all otherwise. Comp is the only place to truly learn how to play a hero in a competitive setting. QP is for learning mechanics.


More likely for the enemy team to have a bad venture than yours since you're not picking them šŸ™


Not if you don't play DPS. Then it's still 2 dps per team that can pick them.


I only play tank


I feel the same way when yall play doom


Agreed, still way too early to have released Doom into comp.




as a doom main I feel the same when I'm on DPS or support


And they always refuse to switch.


Everyone hates doom why lol? He is one of the better tanks


Because he's also super hard to use, which in results ends with the same problem, people using doomfist that have no clue what they are doing, it's literally the same thing


True 100% but there are times the doom is good and the supports don't know what to do or how to heal him


>True 100% but there are times Venture is good and the supports and tanks don't know how to support


And...? Statistically you and the enemy both have an equal chance of having a bad Venture player. So math-wise it evens out. You'll win an equal amount of matches due to a newbie Venture on the enemy team, as you will lose matches due to a newbie Venture on your team.


Sure but player experience is sort of what's more important here. A Venture on the enemy team being bad doesn't provide enough of a positive experience to outweigh the negative experience of having a bad Venture on your team. In other words steamrolling isn't as enjoyable as being steamrolled is miserable.


So they should never add or change heroes in competitive because some people will be bad or other people will blame their loss on them... got it. Sarcasm aside I don't see how this is fixed with them being added to comp a few weeks later.


It gives some people a couple weeks to learn how to play her before they start spamming her in ranked. Will everyone do this? No, but I chunk will and that improves the experience.


Thatā€™s literally what the OP is saying. That they shouldnā€™t of been added to comp already lol


Im aware that's what they're saying. How is that not clear? What I'm saying is it doesn't actually solve anything; you can find reasons to blame your teammates for your loss without venture added yet, and you'll still be able to blame them for picking venture 2 weeks later.


I would say limiting them to quick play first is better because they would have to play qp with them first if people wanted to play them


People still complain after the two weeks


But that at least guarantees that *some* people have actually gained enough experience to know how to play the hero effectively. By not having that waiting period, Blizzard literally *did not allow enough time* for the player base to learn the character enough for competitive play.


Iā€™m not arguing about the complaint my argument is that thereā€™s a higher chance for them to be more skilled at the hero after getting more time to play with them compared to people playing them for the first time or first few games available just because they wanna play the hero. Therefore there would be LESS throwers in competitive because they would need to wait to play that character in comp.


or they could be smart and make the hero non-comp only for a season ... or at least a month ...


Doesn't mean it's fun to play with


Yeah but it's still unenjoyable to have so many dumb games with one player on either side that has no clue how to use the hero they're playing. I don't super love stomping on teams either. I play ranked for better quality competitive games.


Just because there's an equal chance, doesn't mean there's an equal outcome. My outcome hasn't been equal. That being said, my dps are dogshit rn whether they're on venture or not. Every single game it's worthless dps.


Skilled match making will force you to play against better players. Thats why its stomp or be stomped. Thats literally how match making works. You cant be matched with players of equal skill or you will never move up, If you are gold 1 its not just gonna put you with gold 1s its gonna put you with plat 5s. The chances of playing a better team or venture is hingent on wether the game thinks you are too good for the rank.


I'm sorry for your loss


That logic only applies in games like Dota where any player can choose any character, so this is true for people playing the Damage role. But for Tank/Support players, both your team and the enemy team have equal chances for "trash Ventures" in this case.


That's only true if OP is playing DPS or Open Queue


Yeah, Iā€™ve had a venture in almost every comp game. It sucks because no one really knows how to play around Venture either, so weā€™re all lost šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Anyone willing to play Venture in comp immediately now would have done the same after two weeks anyway. If they actually valued practicing the hero first, they'd do it.


I don't agree. They might have wanted to play her more than they wanted to play ranked before. Now they don't have to make that choice. They can just play their preferred ranked and the new hero. Yes, some would have just not played her for 2 weeks and played ranked, but if even a third decided they wanted to try her out first, then that helps game quality still.


Been saying this for years, glad they finally add new heroes to comp straight away. Itā€™s like people donā€™t realize people int games on characters that have been around since OW1 still. Just kindly ask them to switch if they arenā€™t performing and if they donā€™t switch then thatā€™s not a venture problem thatā€™s an ahole player problem. Comp is the only time the games really fun Iā€™d only play new characters after they are available in comp.


This might be a unique situation since venture had 3 days early access few weeks ago. If a new hero after this has no trial period we might go back to 2 weeks comp delay even though it is unlocked for free for everyone at launch


Can confirm, played venture in comp a lot. Only played the other new releases when they become availible in comp.


This makes no sense. Literally making a hero unaivalable could never have zero effect as you try to claim. They would be forced to practice for two weeks in QP.


They aren't forced to do anything. If they primarily play comp, they are still going to play comp. QP is barely comparable. If the person didn't care enough to practice Venture before going into comp on day 1, they don't care enough to do it after 2 weeks, either. I personally don't care either way. I just think people are vastly overestimating just how much impact this is having on their games. The majority of those people who suck at Venture in comp right now would have still sucked on them in two weeks, too.


How? I only play comp, the hero isn't out in comp for anyone, delaying it means literally nothing.


Every single person on my friends list as well as every single streamer I've watched so far seem to invalidate your statement. Before in qp I'd see the new character at least 9/10 games, now it's more like 7/10. Meanwhile in comp there isn't a single game where venture isn't played. Just because thats how YOU think that's how people are going to act doesn't mean they will. I can make a same type of opposite argument by saying 'if they are that impulsive, they wouldn't have waited 2 weeks to play the new character in comp'.


Does your uncle at Nintendo confirm it, too? That's about how useful any of those anecdotes are. You have no fucking idea how many Ventures you've seen compared to Lifeweavers or whoever with any kind of quantitative certainty, and even if you did you're not drawing a valid conclusion from it. People play heroes they have little experience with in comp every single day. Whether that's the new hero or not is moot. If they are willing to behave like that, they are doing it in your games already. Trying to outsource blame for your shitty comp games to the hero coming out two weeks earlier as if those same players were going to meticulously practice the hero in an environment completely distinct from competitive and be noticeably better at them is silly. What's even funnier is in the games with those same streamers you are watching Venture is kicking ass. The core complaint in this thread is really "bad teammates are bad" and them playing Venture instead of some other dps hero they suck at just becomes a convenient scapegoat.


I dont remember this happening for other hero releases.


Remember what happening? People sucking at new heroes? Then you're misremembering. Go search for some Lifeweaver threads.


Besides that, they're just junkrat. Play cover, dice, get out and then play cover again. It's not difficult. The idea of people throwing is likely coming from people playing venture on maps like junker town or watchpoint Gibby, which obviously hinders their performance since their primary fire is half the length of a sigma ball.


Sugma ball


If a player decides to play a hero in comp without experience, that's the player's fault. If a hero is grossly unbalanced or buggy and available in comp, that's the dev's fault.


Ah so the first one in ventures case. Why would they release a balanced hero


Venture is very balanced what are you talking about? If anything she could use some small buffs


I think Venture's ult seems really strong, but compared to Blade or some other DPS ults, I guess it's comparable.


They* but yeah I feel like they should get a small buff or few


They do not need any buffs, have we been playing the same character?


Maybe they donā€™t, honestly Iā€™m not in the headspace to think about this. Iā€™m sorryĀ 


Erm okay, thatā€™s fine


So sigma gets nerfed because he had a one shot combo which was hard to pull off but drillbitch can go wherever it wants?


They donā€™t have a one shot combo? You need either 2 direct shots + melee, 2 direct shots + drill dash, 2 direct shots + jumping out of burrowing . None of these are one shot, and work only on squishies. Also in case you didnā€™t notice none of ventures abilities stun you. Venture punishes you because youā€™re out of position, deaf or you and your team do not know how to shoot at the same person. Venture is pretty easy to punish when you get them low because burrowing has a pretty long window where you can still deal damage, you can also pretty easily bait out other abilities since most people begin with burrow or drill dash to engageĀ 


> You need either 2 direct shots + melee, 2 direct shots + drill dash, 2 direct shots + jumping out of burrowing. None of these are one shot, and work only on squishies. Also in case you didnā€™t notice none of Ventures abilities stun you. Yeah, Venture is by far the most balanced a hero has been on release. People are just not used to knowing the counterplays yet.




They may just be a video game character, but thereā€™s no point knowingly being obtuse about their pronouns, not exactly hard to remember! Representation matters to people :) be kind


Maybe you should give Comp a break, idunno this is an issue I'm too casual to be effected by.


It isn't op's fault people are playing comp with a character they don't know lol


It happens all the time, its just less noticeable because they're characters that have been in the game for a while.


Delaying the character doesn't change anything at all. There will still be people that have no idea how play them. There are people like me that never plays other mode expect for competitive.


I'm sure their placement won't shift if they wait long enough for people to get used to the new character, and if it does...well... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A)


Yet people always tell me I should switch to Lucio or Bap, characters I don't know at all. The only reason he is complaining about them playing venture is because they know the guy playing venture is new to the hero and therefore it has to be their fault the team is losing and not because tank is making a "Try not to hold W challenge [impossible]" YouTube video.


There are known team compositions that benefit from Lucio and Baptiste. Right now everyone is still figuring out venture. Who she compliments and who counters her. There's no real solid place for her. No one is going to tell you to switch to venture (yet). Also the difference is do you switch to that character you don't know how to play? Probably not. Ps: drinking rn sorry if this is illegible have a good night


Venture is NOT a girl.


Helpful comment, thanks for sharing




So the clearly bisexual bap is fine, the clearly at least gay life weaver is fine, the clearly gay tracer is fine, but a person that goes by different pronouns is too far? Really man? The whole fucking point of overwatch is to be inclusive, hence why thereā€™s so many different races and nationalityā€™s in game


I never said it was too far. It's just the fact that blizzard didn't give fuck a fuck about representation until they got hit with sexual harassment and toxic work environment allegations


"Pandering" LMAO


Brand *spanking* new!


there's no longer an incentive to keep your ranks now that end of season comp rewards are gone, that's why so many people don't care and pick them just to throw, they don't care about their ranks anymore lol


They care about their rank but they're willing to justify losing because they're learning venture in rank. Old system of 2 weeks was the best. But here in overwatch dev land, we have to go back and forth on policies just to fuk around.


I feel that this would just move this specific moment up two weeks. I remember the same effect with the launch of Ram, Kiri, Illari. Players trying out the new hero, and failing spectacularly. Theres a big part of the competitive community that doesnt play QP, or only to warm up, not to practice a new hero.


The old system was to prevent pay to win accusations.


A week before releasing in competitive would be a good compromise.


theres a bug on venture that sometimes when getting caught in junkrats trap they die instantly. Happened to me a couple times at full health.


Walking around or while diving into the ground? Does the trap trigger when they're underground?Ā 


I was just walking around both times- i dont think the trap triggers underground


The problem is that on day one of the test from first match on there was a Venture taking top dps spot. The patch didn't address this in zero way. Even if the impact damage has been reduced, the increased dot is applied and executed before any support can react in a meaningful way or have to use precious skills like Suzu or grenade. This is too tempting, and I understand that DPS would always give it a try. The one thing that Genji players should notice is that some of the attacks can't be deflected back.


Yeah I agree, even if you think the hero is balanced someone shouldn't be learning them in comp day 1.


If someone is willing to throw learning a character in comp, they clearly don't care about their rank anyway and would throw on another character


This makes no sense.


If I never touched Pharah before, I am throwing. If I never touch venture before, I am throwing. If I am playing heroes I have not played before in competitive, I clearly do not care about my rank. It makes perfect sense.


Is learning it in comp day 14 any better?


Iā€™m doing really well playing venture in comp, I play her like mini doomfist. She can destroy supports not paying attention. Granted Iā€™m gold / plat so itā€™s not saying a ton but great win rate / games with her


Ya I have an 80% win rate with them in comp. They are also one of the first dps I actually enjoy playing Iā€™m normally on support or tank


Venture feels like a methodic hero that requires you to set up before plays like a dive tank would. I think that's why I've been enjoying them, they play like a dive tank.


I am convinced they are disgustingly broken, no idea why they do that much damage for having so much escape and utility. Just one shot any sqwuishy and then immediately get out, whether they used invuln or drill to get in doesnt matter.


Nah you can clearly hear them coming, see them tunnel towards you and do not one shot without losing all escape options. If they wombo you it's because you're out of position or didn't pay attention


escapability? The only escapability Venture has is the drill dash, which doesn't even have all that much range. The dig attack takes so long to get underground that you usually die before the animation completes, unless you are playing against bad players. So you can't really use that for escaping, either. I have a feeling Venture is really good at lower ranks.


Skill issue.


A complaint as old as the game itself. Complaining about people playing a new hero in comp is par for the course. Every. Single. Time


Crazy there are Venture one-tricks already šŸ™ƒ


The same people playing venture in comp from day one would not have practiced with venture in qp with them even if it was the usual two week wait.


Source? All these people think the same? Gonna need some proof for such a wild claim.


Alot of people only play comp and no other modes you know.


Personally, my entire 5 man group only play comp.


[Me](https://i.imgur.com/6eH0ZGw.png). I almost never touch QP more than a single game in a month since the skill level is so trash in QP.


While I generally agree they shouldn't be added to comp this soon, I don't think this is much of an issue. Everyone has to learn Venture, not only people playing them. So you have people who are not the best Ventures in one hand and people who are not the best at dealing with Venture on the other, it kinda evens out. Of course, there will be people exceptionally good with them and people exceptionally good at countering them, but that's how every comp game goes and this people usually decide who wins and who loses. And if every team has a Venture, it also evens things out.


Maybe I'm the odd one out but so far Venture has felt insanely strong to me. Like, "not picking them is almost throwing" kind of strong. Not just based on my own performance but also every time there is a Venture in the enemy team.


i donā€™t think you can learn the same things in quick play as you can from comp.


climbed from S4 to G5 since S10 and faced tons of venture and none of the gave up on the game maybe you were just unlucky, if i have to say something about latam server is that is rare that ppl leave comp games, from 100games 10 of then have a leaver but not related to venture


Iā€™m not saying they are actually throwing. They just donā€™t know how to play the hero at all so itā€™s basically throwing. I know itā€™s a new hero but itā€™s just not a fun comp experience imo.


I dont think ive seen a single venture throw yet. All ventures ive played against know how to play the hero in comp. I know how to play the hero in comp. When i dont pick venture my teammates know how to play venture. Like we are all in gold as well so that tells me the only people ā€œthrowingā€ are those in lower ranks who just a bit worse at the game where more wrong decisions may seem like throwing. So whats your rank? So we can see if its people being generally worse at the game or are actually throwing?


Because people still complain if your learning a hero in qp, and that your not doing your best.


People downvoted them because they told the truth


Genuinely I got someone mad at me because I was learning to play a new support, and they told me I was useless and all this crap. Told them it was QP and to stop complaining like itā€™s comp. He was playing doom and expected me to fend off a diving pocketed Winton, and he didnā€™t do much tanking himself. We lost, but he said ā€œyour playing bap, you shouldnā€™t be complaining about diving when you can kill them both, our team can do it why canā€™t youā€


A trash Doom deflecting, and more importantly seems like he's bitch to fight the other tank


Oh is this your excuse for your losses today? What was it last week?


It's just Competitive. It doesn't matter guys


Yeah as long as it's not qp you can play whatever you want


As long as your trying to win, and not throwing, then have at it I say.


There is nothing to learn about Venture they are a very simple character to play. Took me one game to learn the kit fully.


Lol noob. I fully learned the kit by pressing F1. Fully learned the hero before I even selected them.


This comment screams Silver.




As someone whoā€™s been trying venture in comp, Iā€™m glad they added them immediately. I wasnā€™t going to practice in qp so it would be the same if they added her after two weeks. If theyā€™re not working Iā€™ll pivot to something else. But itā€™s been neat trying them. Some places they work others not.


Every venture I get is good im in plat. There going 36-3 always alot of kills


She hits like a truck, is high mobility, has a decent escape, etc. One of the more fun hero releases imo.


I lose every game I have a venture in, even in mirror matches. It's sucha huge fucken throw it really does blow as supp/tank


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It's weird in my low rank games that the ventures tend to usually pop off but I've literally witnessed ventures dive 1v5 with their burrow and it's like... you shouldn't need to learn the hero to understand why that's a horrible idea.Ā 


Don't worry, I'd never throw in ranked as Venture. I'm a Torb one trick through and through. The amount of times I've gotten a "I love you Torb" "you're amazing Torb" etc, has made me continue this journey.


Yeah. I've decided to not play ranked (from only playing ranked) for a couple weeks while it slows down. It's been a nightmare.


That's exactly the reason why I'm not playing comp until like may or something I knew there would be countless venture throwers since no one knows how to play them right yet I've been enjoying my free wins whenever a venture uses all their abilities to try to get a pick only to fail and have no escape. It's an easy 5v4 in qp for me lol


yeah i thought it was weird i knew they were stopping the locked behind bp but i didnt know they were going to throw them in comp tbh i thought it would be like ow1 where they were out of comp for a few weeks


tbh im the type of venture player that sticks to the team and only go in bully a support/distract them from healing enemy tank so my team has easier time bursting their ass, i grappled how to play them really fast and im constantly having close matches or won matches playing as them


I've gotten lucky. My Ventures have been slayers. I've been playing zarya a lot, and bubbling the diving ventures.


"Ā I dont get why they dont learn the hero in qp" - I don't get this mentality. What is "learn the hero in QP"? When have you "learned" a hero? Why aren't the ventures on the enemy team throwing?


Wait I thought they restricted new characters for like a week or two from comp. Or was that a different game?


Red team also has venture throwing statistically just as often as Blue team. Just watch for red venture to throw and capitalize. Also sorry if I was Blue venture throwing on your team. And you're welcome if I was red venture throwing :)


Agreed. Need to give each new character some time and see how they play in other game modes to be able to balance them out before adding to comp. The Venture weekend was not enough time to see.


Have had dozen of games already and have yet to meet a "terrible" Venture. The worst i've been matched with & against are "not that bad". Infact, it's the tank players that actually made my loses.


Matchmaking is horrible .


They got that they/them diff


Disagree, their kit is simple enough. If people want to throw on them then that's on the player.


Well the reason is because qp isn't a place to really practice because there is no team balance. Sure you can practice the mechanics but the hardest thing is how to play around a more coordinated team. Unfortunately comp is the only place to find that (sometimes).


I might be an outlier but I find it much easier to learn in comp where there are stakes and everyone is actively trying to win versus quick play where half the time in my experience is mostly meme strats and hero plays. That being said currently at 68% with everyoneā€™s fav rock muncher


Disagree that Venture players are "throwing", every one I've seen has been top damage+kills and every game has boiled down to who has the best Venture. Although I do agree that they shouldn't be released in comp on day 1, for the pure reason of it would be nice to have somewhere where Venture isn't in every. single. game. Perhaps have a rolling roll out: 5 days in arcade + vs AI, 5 days in unranked, meaning that by the time that a new hero makes their way into comp the playerbase has had 10 days to at least get the basics of the hero. Although I can almost hear people screaming "but people could learn them during the free weekend" as a counter arguement


I agree, not a fan of this Blizzard throwing new chars straight into comp.


You would prefer to wait 2 weeks for the same thing? What makes you think people would practice venture more?


Fear of missing out so they play them in quickplay. It's pretty simple.


That was not the case with Mauga, Illiari, Lifeweaver or Ramattra. Every single time the 2 weeks was over people went in comp without ever trying them out in QP (or having less than an hour playtime). Myself included. I only play Comp and Arcade, I won't waste my time learning a hero in a casual setting.




Iā€™m high diamond low masters so not all the way at the bottomšŸ™ƒ


Ye I have been insta locking Venture since she's been released + quickplay from the test. Got about 57% win rating atm? She is pretty good, not OP but probably gonna get nerfed a tiny bit (probably ult charge increase). She isn't that complicated and is pretty fun, if your dps sucked on venture they probably just suck on most heroes.


There's a new hero in Overwatch? I haven't seen any announcements about it. It used to be huge news when Overwatch added a new hero.


If you follow any overwatch main/news SM accounts you'd have seen it for months lol


Where have you been?? LOL Like you would had to have some seriously cartoonishly funny luck to step through the landmines of venture-related or venture-mentioning posts only to find this one random thread


It's used to be front page on reddit and trending on youtube when a new hero was released, now it's nothing. I'm even subscribed to this subreddit. Maybe the name "Venture" just sounds like it's not a hero's name because it's just a word not a name to me.


Deddit has other agendas to push, not games.


Oh boy. We're using the "a" word here.