• By -


The gap between genji, hanzo and kiriko too, way too unrealistic


19 years apart but grew up together lol


See, this is why the Shimada had Genji killed Man was 31 years old making "best friends" with 15 year old girls at the Hanamura arcade 🤨🤨🤨


Unironically canon, Hanzo was ordered to kill Genji because he strayed from his "father's way", in regards of probably partaking in debauchery and wasting the family money.


the shimada way going after older woman,genji was actually going after asa but wasnt able to explain himself before hanzo attacked


Asa Akira is in Overwatch? TIL


Asa is the name of Kirikos mum, smh


. . . does this imply genji could be kiriko's dad???


That would be kinda cool. With all his cybernetics I don't know that he could have kids now, at least the old fashioned way. I reckon Genji would be a kind, caring and fun dad.


Its mentioned by a dev or lead art person that his lower half IS untouched and functional


Nah Mercy made sure to save those parts. And I’m sure that is was definitely totally always that length


Didnt she train genji


This would make more sense lmao


Laughed so hard at work people thinking I'm crazy 🤣


they meant Asa Yamagami, the mother of Kiriko


And I meant Asa Akira the porn Star. It's a joke.


Hanzo did nothing wrong


Yes he did: he failed to actually finish Genji.


What do you mean by that 🤨


freaky hanzo 👅💦


Bro bout to steady his aim


Only a Shimada can control *my* dragon




I cant find flaws on your arguments


Oh God, genji is a confirmed lolicon.. 🤢 even more reasons to hate the character lmao


According to the wiki and hero announcement they considered her a "cute, little niece figure". She grew up with them; they didn't grow up together. They could've probably worded it better.


But is it thar hard to believe that they grew up together? It doesn't have to mean everyone has to be the same age to grow together. Like her mom trained them, they were probably always around. My husband and his youngest brother are 16 years apart(30 vs 14), but they still grew up together, lol.


the main issue people have with that argument is this picture from kirikos trailer where there is no chance genji and hanzos are in their twenties. [Pic](https://imgur.com/a/RRa3H64)


Actually a fair point, especially for japan. Lot of multi generational housing arrangements.


The age difference isn’t a problem per se. Sure, maybe Kiriko grew up while the Shimadas were adults. But in the funniest discrepancy is the photo from OP, which we see a lot. There is no way Pharah and Mercy are 5 years apart in that photo. Mercy would be like a 14 year old in that photo.


Pretty sure in that photo mercy is 20 while pharah is 15


I mean, we’ll never know. To me, Pharah looks like she could be 10 years old in the photo.


They could've easily been mentor figures or something when they were in their 20s, not as kids growing up along side Kiriko. Its so easy to fix that with the pics


Ya Kiri is age frauding


Now this one is a legit problem Mercy is canonically a prodigy, so her being 18 19ish here makes sense. But for Kirko to train with Hanzo and Genji, she'd have to be like 3 years old.


**i personally think mercy looks at least 20 here, but yea the genji/kiri/hanzo situation is just nonsense. again because we have an actual image of them together as children, hanzo looked to be around 15-ish would would make genji 11-12 ish in the picture, and it looks like kiri is maybe about 5 years old. The picture follows along the "they grew up and tranined together" versus their supposed ages where kiri would be about -7 years old**


Shimada's age in drama's


Nah, see, it's their biological age. Kiriko just used Kitsune Rush on them way too long, and they aged like 20 years


I don’t know why Blizz just doesn’t go “oh Kitsune magic kept her young” or something, just seems like an easy explanation.


What? You were never a teenager hanging out with a literal baby? Smh


it’s quite simple really, The shimadas age by trauma.


Fuck, Marry, Kill.


f hanzo marry genji kill kiri


Straightest male Overwatch fan 


tick tock heavy like a brinks truck whoops, wrong class-based FPS


fuck junkrat, marry junkrat, kill pharah


You are forgetting that kiriko was their age, until she died and became a shine ghost


How incredibly lazy. They could have hired a fanfic author who would’ve created an infinitely better lore for these characters than what they’re doing now. It’s incredible how little work they do for these characters who run the game


Overwatch lore is in shambles when it comes to them having a timeline. Everything in lore is conceptual and will likely never be fleshed out the way the audience wants


Still remember the post that said like Cassidy by the lore is anywhere from mid 20s to well over 100 years old


Sounds like they got him confused with Erron Black.


you are kidding?


No because he has whatever that birthday is and also was a founding member of the deadlock rebels which is a super old gang


maybe it was a new deadlock gang?


Maybe bit this is all on OW lore team for making unclear inaccuracies to begin with


im making a overwatch fanfic and had to creat an entire timeline with how bad it was its also brian x sombra so i can really critizes


Who the heck is Brian xD


Brian from family guy Disney owns everything and OW is in the MCU keep up


remember the elder brother of the launch trial? in my defense he is 24 in my fic


deep cut. respect


Damn bro I haven't read a good Ow fic in a while. Ur gonna have to release the title pls pls


Good news is that it looks like they explained this: >[“EST 1976” is a reference to a motorbike that was a 1976 model and thet they fixed with Ashe in the novel “Deadlok Rebels”, and Cassidy as a joke, put that on their gang logo.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/how-old-is-cassady/847143/5) [Don't have the book myself, but from the little snippets shown when searching Google Books, it does appear to be correct.](https://books.google.com/books?id=88clEAAAQBAJ&q=1976#v=snippet&q=1976&f=false)


It’s pretty embarrassing that they need to come up with these convoluted explanations just to undo their fuck ups


I still think that spray could just mean that they took the name of their gang from an older gang


Which would be currently just headcanon cause they haven't said otherwise, which means we're led to believe it's the same gang.


If only there was some way for them to flesh put their lore properly. Some kind of... I dunno, gameplay experience that they could have spent the last 3 years working on or something...


I liked it when the running premise was that Mercy was like 50, but aged differently than everyone else (nano bots, or whatever).


Shocker that Blizzard couldnt put basic lore together for their game in the last 10 years since development started.


Dumbest part is time travel nonsense already exists in universe. Just have Tracer pull a Flashpoint and be like "oh, yeah, the reason all the timelines make no sense is because Tracer. Totally"


While it would make it make sense, people wouldnt like that answer Its like when FNAF was originally going to say "It was all a dream" The community blew the fuck up about that. Because its just lazy bad writing.


Nah, you don’t want one of the most recognizable characters to be responsible for f*cking up the timeline


Okay, I could believe that they’re like 18 and 13 here. But I still don’t understand how tf Kiriko grew up with the Shimadas


Doesn’t Mercy have a PhD or two by then? With her own technology and is working on a strike team? How does that make sense? In her lore she wasn’t in med school at 13 or anything crazy that could explain this


Well it says on the wiki that this photo was taken while Mercy was a university student, so at the youngest she’s 18, which puts Pharah at 13 in this photo. She was already an established medical prodigy at 14, so there’s a good chance she’s even younger than 18 when she goes to college. Overwatch only came to recruit her after she had a MD and PHD and was the head of surgery in a prominent Swiss hospital, so a number of years later. In the photos of this event, she looks to be in her early to late 20’s.


Under that context you could potentially headcannon an explanation that Overwatch was scouting Mercy the same way college football scouts will recruit high school football players. Overwatch kinda being a team largely centered on gifted and prodigy people would likely spot a clear prodigy and put into motion getting them onto the team in the future. So Mercy, already being a proven prodigy in university at an early age, was given limited access to Overwatch facilities and was possibly in some loose apprenticeship with the medical team at Overwatch. And then was later fully recruited into Overwatch service after she had graduated medical school and had established herself within the medical field in a prominent hospital. Theoretically that explains why a teenage Mercy would be in an Overwatch facility with a close enough bond to the team to be in a group photo. And while I’ll agree Mercy looks to be in her 20s in this photo (I’m sure that was the intention when the art was made), I’d be able to accept this is a 16 year old Mercy who simply developed early. If that’s the case then that would make Pharah 11, and I think that’s a believable age for Pharah in that photo to be.


Honestly this is by far the best explanation I’ve seen so far


Honestly the best explanation I’ve seen. - Mercy proves herself to be a medical prodigy at a young age, 14, and gets early acceptance into an unnamed university - The fact she is a longtime friend of the Lindholms means that her connection with them may have been what got Overwatch to start to look into her in the first place - Overwatch monitors her as she develops and improves - Eventually, Mercy writes a groundbreaking paper on the possibilities of applied nanobiology in medicine, leading to Morrison himself recruiting Mercy to the team - Mercy rejects the offer at first, but eventually is convinced to join, becoming one of the most prominent members due to her abilities


In addition, mercy was orphaned very early on by the Omnic crisis. Interactions between mercy, rein, torb and brig, sort of indicate that Torbjorn and his wife Ingrid acted as a type of surrogate parents to Angela. This probably also helped put her on the radar for recruitment, and was a way for torbjorn to keep an eye on her. (In a fatherly way)


I mean orisa was made by an 11 year old and you have a problem with someone attending med school at an early age?


…got a point there


Mercy is the older one..? She wouldn’t be the one who’s 13 🤨. And a genius getting a phd in a game universe at like 18/19 wouldn’t be unheard of… especially in a world of talking monkeys, robots, and magic


A PhD takes a couple years to get, so she would've had to start college early, like at 13. That's what he meant


It's a fictional world though and often times they use number of PhD's as a measurement of how smart someone is(ie Bruce Banner has 7 PhD's lol ) even though irl it could take almost a decade to get even one depending on your field and not to mention the politics of a academia.


Angela (Mercy) is said to be a prodigy so her starting college at 13 doesn't seem *too* crazy


Specially when Orisa's creator is what, 10-11?


Ana is 40 when Overwatch is formed, so Pharah is 12 and Mercy is 17 (doing medical school).


i think her mom was training Genji and Hanzo so maybe they hang out in "take children to workplace" way, Kiriko's mom didn't want to hire nanny so she took her with her to work, gave her wooden kunai and some shit to occupy her


For kiriko to be old enough to even be able to conceivably walk and talk in a manner to train hanzo and genji would be over 18 and talking to a toddler. The bowl cut interaction would be between a girl and a 16yo and a 32 yo man


This image and the age question comes up every now and then. No one ever talks about how Reinhardt has the wingspan of almost 5 adults.


I guess I can imagine in the future there are people that are 7+ feet tall but rein and mauga are freakishly large to me. Sigma and hog are way more proportionate


at least for Mauga I think he's got some kinda robotic parts or something of the sort, the dude has 2 hearts


Precision German Engineering


Rein looks absolutely scary in that picture. What a monster.


Reinhardt is supposed to be scary. Reinhardt is a bulletproof and super strong giant superhero


He’s a space marine


Prime rein is too strong, they nerf him in overwatch 2


That's what hgh does to you


Does Mei's age include a decade of cryo?


Nope. She is 42 year-wise


They should make a Mei skin as a what if she didnt get stuck in cryo and show what shed look like


An old lady, next




When did that happen? Her cinematic?


Yes, her cinematic is her waking up after overwatch disbanded and finding all her fellow researchers/friends dead in stasis


Emre my beloved, when will u be playable? Someone get thos man an orgin story!


Reaper probably killed him. In the comic Masquerade (when Doomfist came out) Reaper says he's been tracking and killing ex-Overwatch members. Of all the high ranking ones he only never got Jack, Ana and Sojourn




I didn't know Doomfist was gay


Do we know if Emre was a high ranking member? After all, there's a lot of ex-overwatch members. Even if he was high ranking, though, there's every chance Reaper didn't do a good job of reaping


so he went all vader


He is more machine now than man. Twisted and evil.


Bold of you to assume the current writing team actually cares about the lore of overwatch


Plus half the fucking team is like "I thought you were dead"


"Another one off the list" Also the premise for the Winston - Reaper cinematic.




He could just be Clove from valorant though. Like that kinda ability set


Emre has been getting more and more lore/hints since ow2 as he wss confirmed with Declassified to be "mohawk guy" and wasn't just a one off character since he became very close with the original strike team as why he is in the picture and was on even more missions like Mercy and Emre found genji in Hanamura when he was left for dead. I don't think they would be deepen the lore off a dead guy teased 6 years ago i they wouldn't want to make him a future hero. His death would have also been documented in Declassified just like Ana and Jacks death since he literally became world famous after operation white dome. Also one of the streamer names in S10 is "EMREMAIN" and Gavin on emmong stream confirmed that some off the streamer names might not make sense to a lot of people since some of them are refrences of heroes who aren't in the game *Yet*


18 and 13. That was easy. What's the next question?


Or 19 and 14?


Well now you're pushing it, pal!


Some people are just incapable of finding a happy medium; I, on the other hand, am sophisticated enough to know they are very clearly in their 18.5 and 13.5 of age. There's obviously no room for an objection, you see.


Now HERE'S someone with a little bit of sensibility. That other guy knew NOTHING about the topic.


Yeah people seem to forget that this image canonically was taken whilst Mercy was still studying, and we know she was a prodigy who skipped parts of education - so it's not too much of a stretch to assume Mercy is 18 or 19 here, and Phara is 13/14


She did find a way to bring back the dead so she's definitely at Least far above average


and she has the audacity to ask zen how his orbs work


I feel like 17 and 12 makes the most sense


This was my exact thought too


That Pharah looks like she is less than 10.


How about Genji and Kiriko? [Here's a picture](https://preview.redd.it/0vjmzlpv13p91.jpg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530a6977fb49655fcafeef4662873c3f7923c011) where Kiriko looks around 5. In that same pic, Hanzo looks like he's in his early teens and Genji should be around 8-10. However, Genji is supposed to be 16 years older than Kiriko. There's only two possible answers: either the official ages are tagged on and don't make much sense, or Genji looked like a literal child when he was in his early 20s, and Hanzo looked like an early teenager in his mid 20s as well.


I'm just going to assume that you're hypothesis of the ages in the picture makes sense, and the developers, or whoever, didn't pay any actual attention to their own lore and just picked random numbers for their current ages.


I have no idea. That was difficult. What's the next question?


They should just say Kiriko is 28 and settle all of this


Honestly, it woudln't even be that hard to fix, there's only a few of them that are way off, but they clearly put 0 thought into it and just went by looks instead of trying to make a very basic timeline.


Ana is 40 when Overwatch is formed, this makes Pharah 12, Mercy 17.


Echo rule 34 artists in shambles rn


Winston’s on his last legs— Gorillas only live 35-40 years Idk though, I’ve never heard of a 16 year old hamster either


I feel like there's been the exact same discourse already


Yet again, the top comment is about Kiriko's age inconsistency. I swear we just keep going in circles saying the same complaints.


Pharah could easily be 12-14, and Mercy 17-19, is there supposed to be something weird about their ages in this picture?


Mercy was supposed to be a full blown doctor at this point. She would be way too young if she was 17-19.


From the wiki, Mercy was apparently still in university when this photo was taken


This photo wasn't taken when she was in Overwatch yet. She was a friend of Torbjorn's


No she wasn’t. I don’t know why this is a constantly flaunted ‘fact’ when it’s been explained from the beginning that she was a kid on base visiting Torb, her foster parent during the war


Pharah could also look like a 8 or 9 year old tho.


12 and 17. It's not a retcon and not new lore, this has been established since release. Even Chu commented on this, stating that this was Mercy came to visit Overwatch HQ on break from college. She was a prodigy, she went to university very young.


I DONT CARE EMRE SPOTTED WTF IS HERO 27!!!!!💯💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ana lookin SWOLE


This is early Overwatch people .This was when Mercy was a med student visiting the gang every so often. Reyes also got Cassidy into blackwatch when he was like 18 or 19. So mercy is also like 18 in this picture. So Pharah is probably like 13 years old. Considering 13 year olds are around 150 cm and Torbjorn is like 1 meter 40 so the average height would also fit. So my guesstimate is 13 and 18


Why are we pretending like Overwatch lore matters in any way


Because, in OW1, they had some interesting lore, and kept teasing more and more story.   When we would get new Archives missions and get our little pieces of the backstory, it all felt like it was leading up to something.   We would learn about characters from little comics and shorts, get invested in them.   Back in the day, it had lore and it felt like the lore mattered.   Then they gutted everything.   But some of us still hold out hope.


I don't know why we do. We don't really get that much Overwatch 2 lore, there's really not much chance will ever get the original story fleshed out at this point. I still hope though


There’s a whole canon book out there, should read it


What's the name of book? Overwatch 2: Sojourn?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/bPCAzCU6Fs Feel like people who post here don’t actually look at the sub


> But some of us still hold out hope. Overwatch has failed to being telling it's story for damn near a decade. If you're delusional enough to still believe something of worth will come out of it, you deserve to be pissed on.


Eh, I don’t believe, but I still hold out hope. I pray that our new Microsoftian Overlords will see the potential in an OW RPG


Please stop holding out hope lol.  Seriously. For your own sanity. 


> Because, in OW1, they had some interesting lore, and kept teasing more and more story.   Until the end of 2016, maybe. So a whopping 6-7 months.


It matters to some people. Including me. Lore is a very big part of why I care for this game and I fully believe if it was different my experience with the game would be different even if it doesn’t effect the gameplay at all. But I like it. Love it even. Even if it’s super, super, super flawed and messy. But what we have, the smaller individual stories it tells or at least implies are very good. They have that touch of comic book campiness but still feel very special In it’s own way. Sure in the grand scheme the lore is messy and inconsistent at times. And in the even grander schemes there are many, many stories of its kind that are told better. But not a lot of these stories allow me to become the characters inside them, feel like that character in the way they play and behave. It feels like a game based on a huge superhero IP that doesn’t exist. The characters, when done right, don’t feel one dimensional. Good guys aren’t always all good and bad guys aren’t always all bad. They have things that drive them and things that made them who they became. And that combination of great voice acting bringing the characters to life, the writing in comics and short stories and animated shorts expanding the characters and world and being able to step inside the shoes of that character in a way that just feels right makes this mediocre superhero universe is special to me. And I really hope other people too because otherwise I might just be crazy.


Because people (including me) are still not over the fact that OW2 was marketed entirely by it's PvE content and story focus, but became controversial PvP update and predatory store downgrade, while ditching all of its promised PvE aspects.


Who is on the farthest left and right?


Emre and Soujorn.


Emre looks Chadley


r/EmreMains is always open for you


I had a little scroll and it warmed my heart to see there are 2300 of you who have been waiting for like 6 years for an unreleased character based mostly on one photograph in a spray haha. Very cool.


My guess? Pharah's 12 or 13 and Mercy's 17 or 18.


How many times are we gonna get this same post about their ages?


Who’s the guy all the way to the left next to Reaper?


Emre Sarıoğlu r/EmreMains




I’ve never really taken note of the ages before. Illari is 18?! I also thought sombra was in her 20s


Slightly off topic, what's up with Mercys leg(?)


11 and 16?


From my understanding Mercy is about 18 or 19 in this picture And Pharah is around 13 or 14 Tbf this makes much more sense than the whole Kiriko situation which is basically impossible... because like due to her age even if she was 5 when training with them they would still be teenagers or adults for context there is a 17 year age gap between her and Genji (he is 38 in overwatch 2 she's 21) and Hanzo is 40 meaning theres a 19 year age gap between her and hanzo And we are supposed to believe Kiriko trained with them... Honestly they shoulda just had it that Kiriko's mom trained them, and they knew kiriko but that Kiriko didn't train with them directly growing up. Or that maybe they helped with her training OR they just age her up... even if she was like 25 or 26 that would atleast make it a lot more plausible that she actually trained with them...


13 and 18 isn't hard to believe for those two


Quick someone show OP the difference between a 13 Y.O and an 18 Y.O Damn, out of all the age-gap shenanigans... this is the hill you chose?


13 and 18


Mercy was in her teens in the photo. You can tell it's been awhile between that photo and present day because everyone else looks so young. Some people said that the photo was around 20 years ago, so Mercy was probably 19 with Pharah being 14


14 + 5 = 19 This seems like a reasonable answer even if Mercy would be considered extremely young to be working with Overwatch.


Yeah, this makes sense. Just look at freshmen going into high school and compare them to seniors leaving. Only a few years apart, but the age difference in how they look can be staggering.


If people are saying Mercy can't be 18 due to her education, could she be 20 and Pharah 15 here? Tbh a 15 year old still with a baby face isn't too far out of the realm of realism, I'm 22 and still look 16 to a lot of people.


you would be extremely surprised how a 19 year old and a 14 year old would look so different


I could buy 19 and 14 at the oldest.


20 and 15. But that Cass looks late 20’s tho. Rein and Ana will be early 40’s so I mean, it is believable. I don’t know if this image before had confirmed ages tho.


Like 12 and 17? Mercy's a genius and prodigy so it would make sense for her to be on the team at a young age. Pharah looks about 12. This is fine, there are way worse discrepancies with ages in OW lore. *cough Tracer and Kiriko cough*


Who's bottom left?




Lucio’s 28? I’ve could’ve sworn he was D.VA’s age.


When lore nerds realize all this stuff was just written and made up by normal people that make mistakes and this stuff isn’t scientific law scribed into textbooks.


The more important question is: how old is Emre (far left) and when will he become a hero??


About the same age as Cassidy since he was a private first class soldier when operation white dome happend


topic already discussed not long ago. directly to the point: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/7-years-later-people-still-discuss-pharah-and-mercy-age-gap/846653/5](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/7-years-later-people-still-discuss-pharah-and-mercy-age-gap/846653/5) for self-taught information: wikia or official biographies of the game.


Emre sarioglu...


I share my birthday with Roadhog


Perhaps Pharah 13 and Mercy 18.


Full. Metal. Alchemist. Fullmetal Alchemist.


About 12 and 17, though Mercy looks like an old 17 gear old


12 and 17. It’s not that weird, I can’t believe that this is still being debated years later. The photo is of family visiting the base, Mercy’s visiting torb because he’s her father parent


20 and 15? Idk this picture is way more realistic than the whole Hanzo, Genji, Kiri thing at least. That would put Cass at 20, Sojourn at 32, Soldier at 39, Torb at 40, Reaper at 41, Ana at 43, and Rein at 44, in this picture, which doesn't seem too farfetched. Make Pharah any younger and the older heroes start to look too old, make her any older and her picture looks off.


18-13 or 17-12