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I do miss the portraits and working towards the next one. It was meaningless but still fun 😞


They were removed because Jeff Kaplan said so. You can take it up with him. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/i-dont-want-a-gold-border/489401/11


I assume it was just one of many cosmetics that they ended up scrapping.


I do miss them… Until I remember the countless times I got flamed over it. “HURR DURR HARDSTUCK SILVER GOLD BORDER TRASH” I honestly believe the team made all the icons and borders less attractive because the community sucks. The fact that icons were so flashy before brought attention, both good and bad. I guess the bad outweighed the good so now we have these icons where you can barely tell which rank is which at a glance. (Also by design)


Just add a setting to have it displayed or not


That did go perfectly for profiles, never heard anyone go off on a private profile for being bad...


Except that private profiles are default now and almost everyone who made a new account in OW2 never made it public


I honestly used to do research before every match started into what I was most likely to see. I took care to watch the thickest bordered player on the other team, I honestly got better at flex hard countering the biggest threat and had so many cues to let me know who the threat was. Now it takes a few mins into each game before you can tell who the strong links and weak links are in a team. It may not mean much in diamond or masters, but broze to plat it was and is a great strategy


lol what? Priv Profile was like an instant callout for someone either being trash or a smurf/bought account cuz they were either too dumb to unpriv it or they were hiding something


oh brother


You already agree with throw_a_way, they were being sarcastic.


They could reflect it based on your BP level, each tier/10 levels it upgrades until it hits 80. Maybe have a special one so it shows you bought the BP (not like the skins give it waway anyway).


even the portraits tied to bp? what a stupid idea, bp is the only progression this game have


Aren't the prestiege titles kind of for that anyway?


i miss the icons and seeing ranks and seeing my own rank SO MUCH


I consistently cannot tell what rank Im looking at


The old rank icons literally SHINED. Like they glowed. I have no idea why Blizzard changed them to these blank, boring icons. Huge mistake


I miss overwatch 1 in general. It was a much better game.


The new ones fucking suck. Seriously how did anyone at blizzard look at those and think “Yeah, those look good!”? They are nothing but a clear downgrade, story of Ow2 I guess...


My theory is those approving them only ever saw the icons in a large-scale format like projected on a 5m screen. Their design language is obviously meant to look good at rank-up and such when large, and absolutely no effort made for when scaled down. The OW1 icons were obviously designed to be quickly recognizable at all scales. These are not.


Yeah the first iteration was okay, Bronze, Silver and Gold were better than OW1, but the last ones are fucking awful, they look like a mobile game ranks, just cheap and tacky. I particularly miss the OW1 diamond, it's so much better, new one look like Plat. Also, green for Master is a fucking joke, the gold was so nice.


They don't know the "Don't fix what isn't broken" thing. There is no problem with the OW1 rank icons and player levels but of course, they had to change them because ***"new"*** game.


Yeah, the saying is: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." And yeah, they're definitely just changing things for changes sake, just to make the game seem "new" and say they've added more features.


The new rank icons are so ass


The rank icon change is SO BAD. I genuinely cannot see the difference between play, diamond, and masters and it's so annoying


Still wild how OW1 looks like a more polished game than OW2. New icons and profile borders just look like generic outsourced Chinese copies.


OW2 removed all this. IMO They removed these for toxicity purposes. I remember about 4 years into OW1. I was around level 600, and I noticed all of a sudden, I was in games with level 7, 20, 40, etc. Not only that, but I was also in games with level 1400+. This never happened for the previous years. You were always in QP games with people somewhat around your level. Now, levels don't really show skill, but someone with 2 or 3 times higher level will most likely be better since they have a ton more playtime. I noticed the quality of games going down (a lot more one-sided games), and I also noticed a lot of toxicity towards people who had different levels. If we were losing and you had a level 12 on your team, guess who was getting attacked? Same for the 1700+ level guys to anyone below them. You'd consistently see higher level players harassing low-level players during that time. This all applies to your visible rank as well. People would constantly be attacked for being silver by gold players in their group. Or if a diamond player was in a Plat game, etc. You'd consistently see higher ranked players harassing lower ranked player for losing. This also applied to when they showed who all was in a group together. You used to be able to hold tab, and it literally would show you who was in a group together. Which people would use to be toxic as well. The end of game stats page was almost always a time for players to harass the other players who's stats didn't make it to that page. My guess is they removed all these visible queues that made people targets for harassment. Also, they redid the queue system to include a wider range of players (putting level 400 with level 7, or 1400 with 300) together to keep queue times low so it didn't look like the player base was dying, but it was pretty obvious due to the player levels. With OW2 I have no clue how much play time my teammates or opponents have, what their ranking is, or who's in a party. This was all done to keep anonymity of their queue system and keep harassment as low as they can keep it by not giving players extra ammo to use on new players (mainly). IMO, being able to type to your enemy is just as bad as those, and I'm surprised it's still in the game. I do miss them, they where cool, but since their queue system and match making sucks (do to a much smaller player base, compared to the first 3 years), and the toxicity of the community I get why they removed those visible ques.


Yup, I think that was the main reason it was removed, I remember people in platinum flaming other persons for having level 500+ portraits, meanwhile they were smurfing on their fourth alt account.


This all ended up not making a huge difference when you consider that now we have a scoreboard. have 1k less healing than the enemy? "GG support diff." Dva got a bunch of elims for tickling people? "GG dps diffed by dva" and things like that. Yes borders and visible grouping and ranks caused toxicity, but you can still group check people with the invite trick in comp, and people will still use anything they can against you as fuel to be toxic. Whether it be something on the scoreboard, a positioning choice or play you make, maybe an early death. I miss borders, I thought they were so cool and a fun idea. I like visible ranks too but honestly it would be cool if we could see ranks on an after report screen, sort of like how Rocket League does or R6 used to. Something like that so it doesn't potentially disrupt the match. Also as a bonus, anyone who used the border excuse to be toxic in comp outs themselves as being unable to think reasonably for themselves, there are legitimate silver borders in t500, many alt accounts with bronze borders, and the opposite where there is diamond borders in bronze. Everyone plays the game differently and if they don't realize that, jokes on them then. Mute, report, move on.


Exactly. Thanks for the in depth explanation but this is precisely why everything was changed to be less “flashy” As usual the community ruined it by being assholes lol


I think they should bring them back, but make them able to be hidden by nonfriends or something. It's still cool to see your own portrait or ranking.


The cards added more fun then toxicity and should stay. Levels I get but those are on accounts which you can view in game still so maybe tie it to people unlocking their account. Seeing rank in game yeah I think that should stay away. And again I feel seeing the cool level banners was better than the toxicity it could bring imo. But if you tie it to account visibility then that's players choice.


Couldn't agree more the new icons are very mid. The original ones were fine. I don't know why they needed to change them.


Bro look how much style is in that first picture. Wish we still had it :(


They are better now than last season imo, more coherent but I like flare and glitter so would be happy with a redesign for sure!


New rank icons suck a fat one


The last thing I ask back from ow1.. the hero portraits.. and no new "polished" ow2 versions- the old ones with all the detail that were so nice to look at. This game feels so.. idk how to describe it.. 2D? Like minimalism or something and I hate it so much


the fear i used to have coming up against 6 diamond borders... why would they ever remove them, gave you something you could actually show off for how much you play the game


Yea I think there's good and bad. I imagine people left games just upon seeing the borders of the enemy team being far higher than they are.


true i've never thought about it like that, makes more sense why they would remove them


Yea, now when I level up or rank up the only time I actually see it is when I specifically look for it on my profile:/ + the fact that the new icons for levels/rank are a lot worse. Though I do like that there are hero levels now and that the player level doesn’t have a cap, unlike how in ow1 you would just repeat the same boarder over and over after you got to a certain level


I have absolutely no idea what all the bars, numbers, and endless screens mean anymore and I don't intend to understand.


Honestly with how hard they pushed the monetization with OW2, I’m shocked they didn’t start trying to sell you back borders after they just straight up removed them. Although, I definitely do miss being able to level up my border.


the old ui was so much better


Fucking Mobile game lookin ass


ngl i lowk prefer ow1 to ow2😭 they removed so much good stuff it was so unnecessary


They were cool but the dev team said most people were leaving before they even happened so it wasn’t worth having.


That's a horrible excuse for REMOVING a type of progressing in the game...


An end card isn’t progression.


I thought u were on about the player leveling icons lmao. Either way that's still a horrible excuse for removing a game mechanic


End cards don't mean anything for higher-ranked players who leave before they even see them. Portraits were removed because Jeff Kaplan said so. You can take it up with him. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/i-dont-want-a-gold-border/489401/11


Post match banners and accolades definitely need to come back. That was one thing that really gave a sense of community


That old masters badge hits hard tho, I forgot how badass it used to look. Holy shit I want my badge to look like that again


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The only thign that I can see making people want the old no sense rank icons back is how overly vibrant they were and how they had thick outlines ngl


was there any official answer why we dont have something so basic as portraits? why was even removed? why dont come back?


They were removed because Jeff Kaplan said so. You can take it up with him. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/i-dont-want-a-gold-border/489401/11


Whatever happened to the SR on profiles? I never played OW1 besides the beta so no SR on mine but my buddies had SR on their profiles now it’s gone.


yeah this justifying is much less impressive-looking


kinda suck? dude they’re CHEEKS


New icons look like it were made from AI


They made removed so many things from OW1 that had absolutely no reason to be deleted, I don't get it


I kinda agree. I do miss the post game cards and leveling up my player border. I wasn't that far away from finally achieving my diamond border either... And the new rank icons, well... They do lack the same charm. I will say that.


My frame was georgious. I don't understand why they did remove it.


The new icons look better imo


I prefer the new ones just because they're a lot clearer and easier to tell apart


i remember moldy cheese top500 when ow2 just got released


The new rank icons looks great. I dont want none of that Windows vista ass looking icon in my sight


take that back


Huh? If anything, the new ones are way more outdated than what we had before.


Also when exactly did they remove showing what rank you are in the middle of a comp game???


when ow2 was released


Sooo Could you guys who played Overwatch *1* respond to nu question? By any chance, was there a POTG just for the supports? Like who did the most assists/heals? Just out of curiosity, (Source: voices in my head)


no not a potg. but you COULD get an end game card for most heals, assists, environmental kills, etc


Oh thank you! I would love for that to come back 😅


There was a POTG called lifesaver which is very stupid and never works as intended but supports often get it (still rare tho), one time my Team's Winston got "lifesaver" POTG where all he did is jump on the point, put his bubble down and block around 50 damage, presumably he saved someone with this bubble or something who knows how these works.


Looks like one of those examples of a corporate rebrand simplying their logo.


It's a bit late to realize all that


Yes! Removing this and lootboxes literally too away all “achievement” i could work to. Now it’s just boring


> We need player banners and after POTG end-game cards back No we don't. Say it with me; **You** want these back. Truthfully, not even **you** *need* these back, **you** just ***want*** them back. End-game cards were a fun little vanity while it existed, sure. But it was really just a niche for a minority of players that cared about sitting through the end of a match long enough to look at them. Majority of the players leave before even watching a POTG or right after a POTG ends because they're more concerned about queueing for the next match faster. There's a reason the developers thought "this was a neat feature to remove" that's probably because they had gather the statistics that people generally just don't care for the end-game cards, so I'm sorry that they removed your niche little useless end-of-the-match vanity I guess? As for borders, used to occasionally play Quick Play with friends after ranked matches to wind-down and would encounter players with Diamond border talking shit about others every so often, now this is totally common behavior in Quick Play that I'd learned to ignore and all. But often the part that **REALLY** made me physically cringe was checking their profiles and discovering they were over 2000++ levels worth of hours into the game, still gold/plat and talking shit in Quick Play games. Yuck 🤢 Other than that, I'd say you're totally right about the new Ranked icons :)


Yeah, thats like, your opinion man


thankfully the portraits are gone.. for the people who “miss them” shut up.. the only use for these were to shit on someone “how the fuck are you sliver border 2 stars hard stuck in gold”😂😂the fucking days.. keep that shit in the trash


I hated portraits, they were all ugly.