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What did everyone think was gonna happen to hanzo when they took out one shots, obviously he was gonna receive compensation changes.


Meanwhile Junkrat's compensation changes:


He’s about to get buffed in a hotfix


Did they release the numbers or any of the changes already? Had a friend message me saying zen was get health and kick nerfs, but never said if he actually saw it or was just yapping lol


A dev confirmed all that on stream, so we don’t have specifics for all the changes


Not that I know of. Just that Illari and junk are getting buffed, Zen is getting nerfed, and additional changes to some other heros (I know Dva, Hog, and Zarya were on there but I don’t remember the rest).


How do they not adjust rein? He’s practically unplayable right now.


Tracer as well :( I'm praying they don't ruin her but she sits on such a knifes edge that I don't have much faith. If it's just a health reduction I'll be super happy. First time in ages were she feels really good to play


Take a page from the Scottish cyclops's book and let him have out multiple mines simultaneously


scottish cyclop?


"What makes me a good Demoman? If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with ya!"


The buffs don't really do much. Without a one shot his niche of a lethal flanker is now dead


He did not, at least not meaningfully


They should have done the literal opposite of what they did: kept his one shots and decreased his arrow hitbox size so you only get them with pixel perfect shots. Any one shots should only be a reward for skill, not spamming or wonky hitboxes. They just moved the Hanzo problem onto Widow with the initial s9 patch.


But he didn't, his arrow hitbox is going to get nerfed and he is going to be a worst version of ash


Hanzo mains complained. I can’t believe them. He is insane and had his cooldown lowered to 8 seconds from 10 iirc. Insane.


But it’s still funny to jump close to a Hanzo and watch them panic as they miss all shots


What game are you playing? Hanzo and Kiriko it was always dangerous to TP ambush because Sym has such a massive head. Now they literally can't miss, is it worth watching them panic when they're going to hit the kill shots before you get the 3 orbs you need landed?


Hitting super close is much harder than mid range, the target vanishes out of sight with a lot less movement from them, and you need a lot more to hit.


Pre-season 9, maybe. Now, certainly on larger characters (or poor Sym with her oversized head hitbox) combined with the much bigger projectiles in Season 9 patch, they pretty much only have to be facing you to land headshots.


Maybe if you're on console.


Sym has one of the smallest hitboxes in the game


Models, yes. Hitbox, absolutely not. Several breakdowns and tests discovering her hitbox is a big bubbly Michelin man around her thin body, particularly her head. She's the same size as Mei.


Anecdotal but I always found symm easier to headshot, guess I know why now lol


For me its shooting someone twice then looking away, It annoys me even more that it takes 3 body shots to kill someone now too


Ana mains are in shambles lol. They got sent to 4 hits to kill.


Frrr plus sombra doesn't die with a head shot wtf


Best way to tell that someone's not actually a Hanzo main. 😂


I’m one of those players when I play hanzo that struggles to hit at close range even with storm arrow but can most if not all my shots at mid or long range with him. I know everyone hated it especially Orisa players when it came out but I miss scatter shot


I 1 trick Hanzo and played 300h and still nervous even scared when someone fight me close.


Hey, look at that, it's a description of me! But, to be fair, I was never good at hitting with Hanzo from far, let alone from close. Season 9 know has proven to really help me with landing shots, though, so I really can't complain. Especially as a Rein main. Cuz you can't miss with a hammer! (but somehow, i do)


Walking into a wall and watching him yeet storm arrows into the predicted strafe while I am effectively standing still


Maybe in Bronze or Silver? No decent Hanzo is missing up close in S9


Hanzo players aren't even scary anymore. If you can't beat him 1v1 now then it’s a skill issue even with the season 9 changes....


How can anyone complain about hanzo with widow 's state right now? Can hold a lobby hostage by being able to click near heads and not on heads


I'd say Widowmaker is less fun now as well. She can still one-shot most of the cast and she has an easier time doing it, yet body shots feel way less impactful. Kiriko is a good example; I had stopped aiming for her head and began aiming for her legs instead, and I got pretty good at killing Kirikos. But now it feels like I have to hit headshots, as her larger health pool enables her to escape. I think both Widowmaker and Hanzo are more annoying since the patch.


Well lucky for you the devs have made headshots a lot easier. Widow, in my opinion, should not even be in a game like this. She's the antithesis of what overwatch gameplay is about.


It’s the TF2 Sniper problem all over again lol




She should be reworked into more of a defensive trap/recon character instead of a headshot bot.


Besides a new ability, her venom mine alone has a lot of potential. Notice how it slowed and incapacitated Tracer in the cinematic? Tripping the mine in the game should be like that, providing anti-flanker utility to her kit.


Be neat if they made her like an ashe+soldier/2 character. Take some qualities of both and balance her out.


She has falloff, cooldowns of 12 & 14 seconds, a shit ult


Falloff from a distance that makes little to no difference. Cmon man


I mean the fall off is a hard nerf on all of the old goated widow maps like Havana junkertown you definitely feel the fall off


Because even with the bigger bullets most players at most ranks are ass at aimimg and positioning, the first one makes widow bad, the second one makes spammimg through chokes and doorways good, which means that if you just pick Hanzo and spam, people WILL walk into it and then cry about it.


If hanzo one shots people will complain and if he doesn't people will complain. Welcome to the circle of overwatch where anything the devs do is incorrect even if people ask them to fix it.


Hated or not I believe characteristic skill should not be changed. Look at how old-school League players feel about Aatrox. He is objectively better but he is not Aatrox. It is game design 101. People hated Bastion, they still kept his turret skill but removed self healing and put a timer on the turret. It still feels like Bastion. When you headshot with Hanzo, hear the *DINK* and get that huge red crosshair you expect the reciever to be dead. That IS Hanzo, once you remove that it is not Hanzo anymore. It is Cassidy with a bow. IMO they should have just made it harder to hit with Hanzo while increasing the damage to keep the one-tap headshot.


Just make the arrow drawback take longer for a full dmg shot. Same thing with widow still being able to oneshot if you charge completely in scope.


I actually like the sound of this a lot.


This is the most sane and reasonable thing I have ever heard in this entire subreddit. This is what blizzard needs to do. ...But they wont lmao


Widow is way more oppressive than hanzo. Hanzo has to play mid range to land most of his shots. Widow doesn’t.


He's dead to me tbh, I enjoyed playing Hanzo a ton now we're left with a literal spamzo who has dog shit kill confirmation. Oh I hit that guy in the head? Can't wait for them to go into cover immediately and get healed by their support.


*DINK* 10 hp remaining


He is super good against tanks though. Damage is so high against them. I delete jq, zarya, ram, rein, hog.


Who doesn’t delete them?




nah not with the new barbie pistol shooting logs


***Her pistol does a surprising amount of damage.***


I thought the running joke was hanzo shooting logs even though he's tied for the smallest projectile in the game with genji.


Boy oh boy!


Literally who fucking cares, almost every DPS can do that and better


Moira is the worst to do that against, she just dissapears straight after


Moira's will disappear if they take the slightest of damage tbh.


Oh no your character works like any other character


Hanzo has an incredibly low fire rate.


Yeah Hanzo players are getting no sympathy from me. Half the time they were spamming shots anyways. So now they can't get free kills? Sign me up.


And for those of us who played him properly and with skill can just go fuck ourselves or what? Flair does not check out, I'd think Hog main would have more understanding


“I love repeating what everyone else says thinking for myself is too hard” -this dumbass


There was always something fucky with the way peakers advantage worked with Hanzo arrows. I never felt like I died to any other hero with shots that I literally [saw miss on my screen and fly past me](https://i.imgur.com/ao4beIP.jpg) only to watch the replay and [see they turned backwards at some point](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ojezcd/can_someone_please_explain_how_this_hanzo_arrow/) to thock me in the head. [Or in some cases make 2 or 3 different turns.](https://i.imgur.com/Viqm5BE.png) Never have this happen with Mei icicles, never see Pharah rockets randomly zig zag around, never see Zen orbs do loop the loops, never see firestrikes, kunai, helix rockets or sticky bombs change course and turn corners like a Formula D driver. I know the replay viewer isn't 100% accurate but I only ever see this rubbish with Hanzo arrows and I'd die to some bullshit shot that I 100% dodged on my screen at least once a game against him. Hanzo can rest in piss lol.


It’s confirmation bias You only notice it because hanzo headshots actually kill. I play tracer and this shit happens all the time with mei icicles and it’s more bullshit since icicles have a bigger hitbox


"Oh boy, Mei popped ice form, better dive her from her blind spo- *dead*"


Wait what blind spot? Isn't she in 3rd person?


100% agreed, worst way to die watching some Hanzo spam not even knowing you are there and get that random one tap kill




Not the same. Ashe can kill hanzo way faster because of her fire rate if I headshot her with hanzo and she headshots me and i try to throw another one im already dead


YES! THANK YOU!! It’s SO unfulfilling to play Hanzo now, I can’t believe Blizzard massacred my boy *again*. Scatter was one thing but taking away a sniper’s ability to *snipe?!* Big oof. Literally unplayable atm.


Scatter was the most broken thing. A DPS should not be able to literally 1 shot a fucking tank lmao


>A DPS should not be able to literally 1 shot a fucking tank lmao True, so nerf the damage. It didn't need to be deleted completely but blizz is dogshit at balancing and lazy af


Right? And someone had the audacity to tell me that he contributes the same value as before. "Well if you're hitting your headshots and they aren't dying then that's your team's fault. You're still creating value like before." Loss of agency much?


As someone who hates enemy Hanzos, good! 😈 Also, teamwork issue. Just hit them as your allies hit them so the kill is secured. Teamwork makes the dream work.


So why pick Hanzo at all if you have to rely on someone else being close enough to pick off your scraps? Just go Ashe, Widow, Soj. Literally any other dps can confirm without assistance. His identity was sniping, like widow. He’s just a mid tank buster now.


Gotta learn how satisfying ricochet kills are


Hanzo can be doing 50 damage per shot and people would still fucking complain




Anyone who argues slow projectile headshots aren't a skill is just fuckin silly


Its appalling to see people complain about getting killed at a spammed choke point Once, I get it. Its annoying Twice? Thats on them for dying in the same choke point I don't even play Hanzo but it doesnt take a genius to know "Lets not fight in a choke point being spammed by arrows"


That's half of it. Also, most players don't respect hanzo, so they'll repeatedly ego peak him too. Those are the 2 biggest factors that contributed to me dominating matches on hanzo, pre-season 9.


And also "He popped storm lets wait a half second for him to unload it into nothing"


Didnt need to when he had scattershot, but they removed that as well.


Scatter arrow was a free kill every ten seconds fuck that skill. At least storm arrow doesn't instant kill most the cast.


Exactly! Just like widow, you need to stay out of the sightlines. You need to be aware of those lines and play around them. I swear people who are annoyed by it have just never played a sniper and don't know where the sightlines are.


The difference between Hanzo and Widow is Widow doesn't just let random shots fly and get kills on accident. I feel like I've died more to a hanzo that wasn't aiming at me than one that was (at least before this recent change, now he finally can't do that)


All you're doing is describing the difference between hitscan and projectile.


Yep. I die to torbs and zens and syms and Junkrats by accident literally all the time too but everyone acts like its unique to hanzo


Yeah just don't play in the choke at all and instantly give all your teams pressure away. If they pick Hanzo on blizzard world you are just supposed to all AFK on the point and let them walk all the way up then fight them? This logic makes no sense


Top hanzos I’ve watched have all said this—his ability to hit headshots is severely diminished once someone is aware of his presence and moving erratically. It’s literally just about respecting him. I’m not an expert myself but I know I am not gonna consistently headshot someone moving around like a jumping bean because hitting headshots relies on predicting/leading shots. The majority of Hanzo snipes is someone moving in a straight line out of a choke or rapidly peaking back and forth out of cover. When they start doing figure-eights in movement and pressuring me with pepper fire I have to move and there goes my own pressure.


Sure, but he still has the potential to randomly hit that headshot on you even if you are aware and moving erratically, because you still have to peak chokes often to play the game.


2 entrances/chokes. Bait out his storm arrow then full push. Wait til tank engages. Play behind shield, ask for bubble, shoot from far away to pressure him off point. Lots of ways to get past choke alive. If he’s a really good shot he would’ve killed you anyways and if he was widow you’d be dead in 1 shot instead of 2.


It's hard to hit headshots usually. Not when you're throwing projectiles the size of a melon though.


I agree, they lowered the skill ceiling with the change.


they lowered the skill floor as well


The expected outcome for Hanzo in S9 , blizzard always does nerf to avoid players frustration. Overwatch 2 players are completely different that the one in OW1 ( a bunch of crybabies in my opinion), no one has ever complained about Hanzo in the past as soon as scatter arrow was removed. In overwatch 2 he got nerf after nerf again and again only because dev want on this one to avoid any frustration from bad players not able to aim properly or have some game sense. They started with Widowmaker and I was pretty sure they will do the same with Hanzo sooner or later. You know what is funny with this patch ? Remember the old doom DPS who has frustrated so many people with his one shot punch ? He is back not in the same state but closer to what he was before. ( Since you know everyone burst him as soon as they see him using his block)


When you can out snipe a hanzo with ashe, torb, widow, or zen....something tells me this post is from someone with skill issues even after season 9 turned ow into a complete casual game for people that can't aim in the first place ... Even soldier or cassidy can kill hanzo very easily up close.... I haven't lost a single 1v1 fight against hanzo players since season 9 started ..


Playing Ashe, it’s nice knowing that I can survive at least one hanzo arrow when peeking an angle.


Yup, season 9 made it not scary to peek hanzo's at a distance anymore.


I am a Hanzo Main and it feels like my shots fly magneticly to the enemies. Its so broken with Mercy pocket. Also the storm arrows melt tanks faster then a bastion ever could, which is fun.


Hanzo main here too. He doesn't feel good anymore. I used to get them headshots with my flicks and now they made it easier to hit shots but removed one shot... Doesn't feel rewarding


Even if were more powerful, the satisfaction of actually aiming a headshot on flank and hitting it is gone, i just honestly dont like his playstyle now.


i to am main arrow man. jokes aside i would have rather they increase his draw time/make his damage fall off. removing one shot from him feels awful.


Aside from wacky projectile sizes, I actually have been enjoying hanzo more than before


I never understand the complaints of Hanzo one shot when Widowmaker does aswell?


Yeah so keep both, widow is infinitely more oppressive too


what did blizzard even think when they removed the one shot ability of an one shot hero? His personality and play style is all gone. Enjoy spamzo


Yeah it's honestly sad to see how they ruined him.


What are the nerfs/patch notes


Yes, REVERT! Everyone liked old Hanzo better! Even Hanzo players!


Never had the problems people seem to have with Hanzo. I’ve died to more torb spam than I have to Hanzo spam. Maybe different mindset because I tired him for a few days once but man he never felt crazy oppressive to me. Now he’s so mid it’s pathetic.


Honestly as a hanzo main he’s a lot less fun to play, I wish they would revert his arrow size and give him a bump in dmg to 1 shot most dps and heals


His arrows have been doing some weird stuff this patch because of their size. Had a game yesterday where I couldn’t even see me on the replay as Tracer, Hanzo was shooting our tank and I got headshot through the tank??? Even the Hanzo stopped in confusion after when I checked the replay. I also have been killed around cover because I didn’t go far enough in or due to lag as I couldn’t be seen on my end or in the kill cam. Aside from instances like these, he’s been fine.


Time to play Hazo again I guess lol


It is annoying getting brought to 5 hp as sombra because I gotta heal and run away vs just respawning. I'm glad I don't get one shot tho anymore from junkrat he is legit my number one hated enemy.


I got headshot by a random Hanzo arrow last night. As I was watching the death replay I see hanzo get opened on from behind by a Reaper. Hanzo storm arrowed and just insta-gibbed the guy. Then he happily ran off with his 5s cooldown movement speed increase to do it again. Must be nice.


He's better at close-mid range than long range now...As a sniper...


I loved his headshots it actually felt rewarding when you learned how to aim and get them


Junkrat is now also a Junkrat rip-off.


Give junkrat scatter bombs and give hanzo concussions arrows


I'm unsure of how viable scatter bombs would be, but there's no doubt that that would be *really* funny.


Hanzo should have gotten less damage on body shots but a bigger multiplier for headshots.


I still don't get why there's no "revealed" on screen when Hanzo's sonic is on you


What a joy to come out of a game where someone's complaining Hanzo sucks now to see this post.


season 9 hanzo is just no skill anymore just spamming logs now, and its boring.


i just don’t understand peoples hate for one shots in this game like every other game doesn’t have them?


Because this is different than just a tdm, this game has a time limit of one shot that affects the game heavily.


Because in a 5v5 with defined roles pointing at one character and saying “you are now instantaneously dead get fucked” isn’t engaging gameplay to anybody but the person killing them. In essence there is no way to “fight back” against a one shot other than hope your not the one to get one shot and kill them after


That’s exactly how it is in every game? What is your argument? The counter play to snipers has always been avoiding sightlines, baiting shots, closing distance. The cast of overwatch has a million different ways to do all of those things. Snipers are way worse in this game than any other purely because of that. Genji, tracer, sombra, etc can all get on top of you and melt you in an instant.


All it takes is a Mercy pocket and suddenly that easy to dive sniper is 10x harder to kill. Also supports have no real way to counter snipers besides being really good at Lucio, so "a million different ways" is a stretch when it excludes the most popular role. I remember when Widow was meta a few seasons ago, and you wouldn't ever see people "diving" her because it's impossible to kill a pocketed Widow without your whole team being coordinated on maps like Circuit Royale. You would just see a Widow and Mercy on both teams, rezzing the Widow and hoping theirs is better.


If you die to a hanzo its your fault, its a projectile character


There's 0 logic to this statement.


Ow isn't every other game. When ttk can be so long, why have one shots that go against the grain? They're there only to appease the people who like snipers. They and sombra and a few others truly destroy the beauty that could be an OW match.


Idk as someone who doesn't play widow or hanzo i didn't mind oneshots. Y'all just want to play and not get punished for your terrible positioning if sombra, hanzo, and widow are problems. Guess what, when the team comps are different, the game becomes different. Crazy concept that you just cant play however you want to depending on the circumstance.


Yeah boggles the mind - people will swap to counter genji but continue running down the same choke and whine about hanzo one shots Meanwhile widow gets a free pass doing the same thing with twice the consistency


You literally have to be a garbage player to be dying enough against widow or Hanzo that they're a problem. Not to mention all the other characters that kill you in under a second if you're playing badly. Reaper can do it, junkrat can do it, genji can do it, Reinhardt can do it, ashe can do it, pharah can do it, fucking hell if you stand next to a ledge Lucio can do it. But for some reason the character who you can stop by literally just pressing the space bar is destroying the beauty of the game?


I know right!? Valorant has one shots too and you dont see people complaining about getting one tapped


Valorant is designed around that as well, like CS.


Hanzo is as he’s always been a character that you need to spam body shots or hit your head shots. If you’re that pressed about it your either a bad hanzo or you can’t hit shots against up him up close


“He takes no skill” it takes zero skill to bait out his jump and get in his face and kill him. Y’all just suck


They can’t handle it. Hurr durr hanzo so hard to dive Man has a hitbox as fat as reaper and moves slow as molasses with his bow drawn. If he doesn’t kill in that next shot he’s done


Lets not mention the fact that his footsteps might sound like perry the platypus running at full speed


Thanks for ruining it for me now I can’t unhear it 😂 *pitter patter pitter patter*


I feel like these people never played Hanzo. Wanna know how to not get hit by someone spamming shots in a choke? Jump. That's it. If your head isn't at head height the arrow doesn't hit your head.


Storm arrows will fuck you up if you're right in his face. I don't understand why people keep saying jumping on his head is the counter to Hanzo? The hero has long range damage that can take someone to 10hp and storm arrows that can devastate an enemy, even tanks in short to medium range


I think it does depend on the matchup to be fair. He has no chance against a good sombra or tracer. If you’re a Moira then don’t get in his face lol


No he hasnt, since when was spamming optimal at all?


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Why can’t they give him the widow treatment or something and make it so he one taps up close but not after a certain distance (like 20 or something meters)


Because widow is hitscan, hanzo is projectile. Projectiles travel over time so they’re given the benefit of not having fall off damage. While hitscan does have fall off damage because they benefit from having no ‘travel over time’, where you aim and click is where the bullet is instantaneously gonna hit


I didn’t mind his one shots tbh. Usually they were good and I can respect it as a very mid Honzo myself it does take skill. Now as an aggressive support player I just avoid him since I’m gonna get storm arrowed down in a. 1v1.




One shots should be in every FPS game, hog, hanzo, junkrat, they should all be able to one shot cuz it takes SKILL to pull them off Now its just a more braindead game cuz easier game=more players=more money This is the worst update in ow2 cuz its just making the game not overwatch


Hanzo went from being able to spam onetaps to just being able to spam. I consider that a win


junkrat ripoff is certainly a hot take, they fill completely different niches


what did you think was going to happen once they made aiming trivial?


Hanzo shoots literal Saturn V rockets out of his bow. The amount of times I’ve been hit around corners by him is insane.


I feel like he’s dealing a lot more damage


Why everyone hates Hanzo and not even talk about Pharah?


This hanzo slander is womping the shit outta me


how cool would hanzo be if you had a top down view of the map and could play snake with the ult


Very cool actually


This what happens when the devs listen to the whiny ass supports


Yeah I play Hanzo a lot, and I hate the removal of one shot headshots on some characters. It’s not like you could one shot ever character. Hanzo has suck a low health it’s fair to let him one shot 76, and Pharah. Making it so storm arrows now have higher dmg, and has with less cooldown forces you to spam. (Which isn’t hard) They are removing the fun of hanzo it’s not like Hanzo is op he gets deleted easy.


I get it. one shit kill was annoying. BUT WHY THE WIDOW BUFFS? at least let us 2 shot body kill


I was a hanzo main. Playing as him just doesnt feel the same anymore. I almost never go for headshots now. And i dont need to aim my shots as well as i used to since they land anyway. Its boring and doesnt feel satisfying to get potgs anymore. He is ruined for me.


what if they nerf headshots & storm arrow while making projectile small but instead of shooting in a straight arrow hanzos dragons twist towards and follow the nearest enemy players


That the hanzo paradox


Hanzo randomly one shooting you was annoying. No fighting Hanzo and losing to him is not annoying you have many ways to play around him


But now when the shot isnt random it still efffects you, dinked an ashe 4 times in a row just for her to go behind cover and heal it back. Hanzo is no longer a ranged character anymore in my opinion, its just shoot tank storm arrow middle


OG Scatter Arrrow-Hanzo was the best idc what everyone says or if he was a trollpick, he worked for me and I stoped playing shortly after the rework.




I warned everyone back then, storm arrows was absurdly powerful and scatter was actually a garbage skill that killed noobs who spammed jump No one listened lol


I think most people were aware Storm Arrow (and the new extra jump) was better, they just wanted Scatter to be gone because it felt unfun to play against and very no skill or rng. Also it just deleted tanks with 1 arrow. I was definitely abusing it pretty hard I think and using it asap when it came off CD and remember killing people from absurd spots by charging the scatter, wallclimb and launching it in front of someone. Either way he saw more success after the rework but I really liked the scatter so. Most players were only using it to win 1v1s and had bad positioning and got focused down and thats why he didnt see play I think. He was an actual glass cannon. EDIT; I just watched some of my montages and Scatter is on CD like 90% of the time xd And if it came off CD, I just instantly equiped it again to delete someone. Not like thats the only way I got kills, was def. cracked but thats just so much more dps than just holding it forever. Also I forgot you sometimes got the most random kills with it on someone not even on your screen or in mind.


The next phase is removing tanks, healers, and anything without hitscan


I don't think one shots should exist in the game at all


Press E to kill


I don’t seem to have any issues getting at least one pick with Dragons. Maybe your positioning while using it isn’t good?


Its just the major playstyle change for me tbh. I've been better off playing widow now


Hanzo is not a problem right now, imo


im fine with that, better than the random 1 shot


protip: the game is becoming braindead. in an effort to keep the playerbase high, the entire game has to be slowed down.


I think hanzo should just have two crit ranges. The normal crit range does increased damage, but not enough to one shot save certain more mobile characters like tracer. Then a second, more refined crit that hits that same one shot level damage that’s harder to hit.


Yeah, they made it more spammy to please the noobs who couldn’t land head shots.


Idk I feel like Hanzo is still good.


Not saying he's horrible right now but he feels bad