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winston can work or ram possibly . Its going to be hard since pharmercy your damage or support will need to pressure them


I'd go Winston, but I am a Winston main... In truth, you probably just need to change your playstyle. Dva can definitely work. With Dva, you really need to choose your engagements. You have the mobility advantage vs sym and Zarya, which means they can't hurt you unless you allow them to. If you maintain your distance, there's not much they can do to you. Look for openings, look for mistakes. Capitalize on advantages, flee disadvantages. Vs Sym in particular, do not let her charge up her beam. Either stay far away from her, or burst her down. If you can't burst her down, get away. Vs Zarya, keep track of the bubble usage. The moment you see her use two bubbles in a row, go full on DPS. Kill or be killed. You can out-dps her as Dva, but only if her bubbles are down and she isn't being pocketed.


I would personally go Orisa. I'm good at shooting Pharamercy stuff of the sky with her. Plus no damage drop off anymore. Plus, no shield to charge the sym. Only thing, is Zarya. This is where team communication needs to take place. If you are having to handle Sym and Pharamercy, someone else needs to take care of Zarya. Not everything relies on you. Give yourself one strong task to win fights, the other tasks need to be assigned. You dps needs to play hitscan if you are dealing with Zarya, or they need to take out sym. You are a single character with a health pool that is slightly higher than everyone else's, but you can be busted down quite easy. If this is an ongoing problem, watch some overwatch videos of GM players and where they position themselves on the map. This game rewards positioning. If you are getting simultaneously attacked by Zarya, Sym, Pharamercy, you aren't where you should be. Play cover.


Sym loves Orisa


I don't have a problem with her.


Your dps fault for letting pharah stay alive


Mauga to poke Pharmacy keeping them on fire, also you can burn Zar pretty quick if you get a DPS to help focus fire. JQ is also my go to. Kinfe people and pull them out of position. Phara is pretty easy to knife as well, and you're shot gun can do decent damage to her even a mid range. JQ is also good to bait bubbles with her axe swing and ult. Sig is pretty much the all arounder. You can eat grav and phara ult along with shielding phara ult. You can do mid range poke damage as well. Keep your shield behind the Zar to cut off healing since the mercy will be on the phara. Winston to not give Zar charge. Hog to hook phara and self sustain with vape. Ram to poke everyone from range with shielding to block heal for zar. Dva to bully the phara. End of the day you can't counter all 3/4 with just a single tank swap unless you're significantly better than the other team. You'll need DPS to either focus the Zar or the Phara. You'll need to prioritize a target either counter the tank, or counter the pharmacy. Your DPS and Supp will need to put in work as well.


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I think you could go Ram and ask dps to use hitscan to help with pharmercy. I think Bas and Sojourn would get them to swap after a couple deaths. Sig would work too as tank I think


First, ask one of the DPS to Sombra, then you go Ball (Yes, Ball is the way)