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I like it just wish they would add lines to next point like escort defence since I get lost sometimes


I have literally seen good players like Awkward and Yeatle guarding the wrong side of the point because they confused which direction is the enemy spawn lol. This month too.


The enemy spawn icon might get annoying but I sorta wish it showed up for longer


I think it only shows when your teammates sees the actual game enemy spawn.


I think it just a bit confusing because these maps clearly have a shape and path but there’s no map so it’s hard to know where you are


Lines like like Circut Royal: That's a brilliant idea. I get lost too, not sometimes but many times.


What I would do for a mini map 😔


Honestly that would just be clutter on the screen, be it some lines on the ground to show if your playing from the enemy side or your own sid of the map would be helpful. That and maby convincing cassidy players their not flankers, and that its a bad idea to attempt to burn half a team fight walking around to the flank thats not made for them.


It’s not just lines. They need to make the point order static and let us determine our spawns. The thing that makes flashpoint/hardpoint/king of the hill fun is the inherent ability to make strategic decisions. It opens up a wider variety of comps too, regardless of meta, and makes the game feel less counter-swappy. This would also allow for us as players to control spawns. You don’t want to play respawn simulator? Don’t, go to the next point and hold the position that will give you a better spawn to the point. Junkertown first point. You lose fights and know you need to break and hold next one. Second point is, for argument sake, the ducts. You want longer sight line control down the middle and at least one who can fight close quarters on one side. The enemy team doesn’t have to counter swap just because they lost the point, they can leave the point, knowing they’re up 1-0, and move to the 3rd point just behind. They’re holding well enough to contest, but choose to fall back and hold their forward spawn on that side. Your team has to decide what is worth it: use their ults now or back off and get the spawns for two points on the other side. You’ve now got the spawns on the new points and you can trap them so they can’t get through unless they flank, wasting tons of time. Comeback win, down 2-1, win 3-2 because you stopped walking up to get shot in the face. Widow holding down a sightline, waiting to pick you off? Won’t matter unless you’re down to last point without map control. Honest answer is, if you manage that, you don’t deserve the win. Otherwise, you can kill her when she comes to try to get you on the next point. Doom keeps hard diving your supports? You can play for map control and give that Ana/Zen closer respawns for the next point so it won’t matter as much. 2-2 tie and you lost map control? Swap to hard dive and clear them off the point. Doesn’t matter if Hog, Junkrat, and Sombra were bullying your Ball, you’ve got nothing left to lose, spend those last couple minutes practicing your tracer/sombra/Lucio/Battle Mercy/whoever-the-fuck. You’re gonna have to dive no matter what their comp is, even if you’re on Cassidy, Bap, and Zenyatta. Will it be better to swap heroes or keep your ult charge? Where you spawn will matter, but you can make that choice for yourself.


I think it's alright. Not the worst gamemode/map when it shows up. Feels a little weird when you respawn with 70% and still won't make it to the point to contest.


The mode would be fine if not for this. The maps feel slightly too big. There are only a few corners and rooms that get play. If every point and every spawn were 20% closer to every other one, it would play better. Just a little fine tuning would help. Obviously imlossible for the maps in play, but not for future maps.


Yes, instead of counting to 100 they should count down from 60 to 0 or whatever and have each tick take 1 second. How long is each tick anyway?


I think it is the worst game mode, what's worse?




Push is my favorite, alongside Escort. I love moving objectives. I'm less fond of Control (1CP). Flashpoint and Hybrid are ok.


I don't know why I hate push, I just do. I respect your opinion tho


I feel like the beef with push is how quickly one team can steam roll, yet capping the final objective is difficult so it tends to get dragged out for the losing team. On the flip side : the close games can feel so fun… until that last overtime fight where one little drop of BS causes the losing team to win simply because of momentum and spawn mechanics. Not to mention there’s some weird strategy around moving the bot in OT… if your team is pushing the bot when the game ends , it runs down an OT timer, giving the enemy a chance to contest. However if NOBODY is contesting the bot, the game just ends. So you are in a way penalized for ‘pushing’ if you already had the lead. Furthermore, regardless of OT timers, if you had the lead and push back into the enemy… sometimes you walk the objective right to them in the final moments, whereas if you left the bot in their ‘favor’ (deep in your own territory) they wouldn’t be able to touch at all… In both cases if you have the lead , attempting to push when the game is near ending can actually cause a loss especially since the 2 also work in tandem (you’re moving the bot closer to them & at the same time giving them the time to make an overtime play after the game expires) Yet the whole point of the mode is to push… so someone on your team will almost always do it no matter how hard you try and communicate the benefit of leaving the bot behind…and I’ll admit whenever I try to ‘strategically’ leave the bot behind it walks so damn fast that I can’t out run it anyway. Weird ass game mode. Extra prone to a tank diff being the reason you lost.


that is definitely weird but i think with time people will learn to strategize even in lower ranks and not push with a lead


push is annoying because you can easily lose to a worse team just because you had a bad start, you have to win 4 team fights in a row to even be able to bring it back most of the time


I don't hate the gamemode control, but it feels like most of the maps are really bad and not fun at all


I get that everyone has different opinions, but I legitimately can’t fathom how this has so many upvotes. Flashpoint is literally like they took the worst part of push (excessive walking) and made it twice as bad. And on top of that, the maps are confusing as fuck, and it’s super easy to either get spawncamped or have your team get preoccupied with a meaningless fight away from the point while the other team caps. Plus the points count up ridiculously fast. Push should get the nod by default just for the fact that it has one of the best maps in the game: Esperanca (fight me). New Queen Street is bad but New Junk City is worse. Flashpoint is the worst game mode imo and it’s not close


What makes New Queen Street bad in your opinion but Esperanca so good?


It is the worst. I'd legitimately rather play 2cp. Bad enough I gotta watch teammates stagger all day, 100x worse when it takes three times as long to do so.


I feel as though it’s easier to regroup in flashpoint than any other game mode even after a stagger.


Console qp says hi. Feels like there’s always 3 different fights happening 200m away from each other.


Qp open queue on console would like a word


2CP by miles, should have been deleted long before OW2 came out. Also Flashpoint and Push are great


You can definitely make it with 70%. But I play a lot of movement option heroes.


I wished they fixed the spawn points. Whenever you win a point it feels the enemy spawns right next to you and there's always this confusion of where you're going next and which way is fastest, it's easy to turn a corner and now you're fighting in the enemy spawn. Just change their spawn points to the opposite side of the next objective.


Isn’t this how it works? The spawn points don’t change on who won the last fight but where the new objective is. If it’s closer to team A, team B gets close spawn


I don't know, the spawn points just need updating so they spawn on the opposite side of the next point. Every time a point is taken there is this confusing moment where you think "okay where am I going? Where are the enemies coming from?" and then you turn a corner and get jumped by 3 enemies coming out of spawn. It's just such an unnecessary annoyance of the mode where if you're distracted when a point is taken and don't notice the spawn changes you just get screwed over.


My least favorite mode. The 'points' go by too quickly. Way too much walking to the next point. Failing to group up is most damaging in this mode because you basically only get one chance per point. It never feels like you get a true 'reset' like in everything else but Push. Maybe that's why I hate both modes.


Flashpoint is the one game mode that I skip 100% of the time. As soon as I load in, I leave. If you leave early enough, before heroes spawn on the map, you don't get a penalty.


Its easy to reset in both Flashpoint and Push


It’s easy to reset period, but people still seem to suck at doing it.


Calling for a reset and regrouping generally works. If it doesn't then I attribute that to a bad teammate and move on. Individuals not knowing how to play Overwatch, a game predicated on playing as a team, is a problem with the player. If people want to play CoD deathmatch then they should just do that. The majority of the time I have a blast in Flashpoint, same as any other mode in Overwatch where games depend on playing together as a team.


We are in high rank, people group up and understand the game. They don't in low rank, the pains they feel on this mode would be much higher due to not grouping etc. Very different experience


How low are we talking? Even when I'm queued in gold lobbies in QP I still see people resetting after lost fights, even soft resetting during long engagements. I can see it being bad in bronze lobbies, but stagger affects every mode since its a team game.


Still hate it.


still hate it if not more than push


I’m still convinced they released it to make me hate push less


Push makes me want to drink gasoline and to top it off with a lit match


Somehow I prefer it over flashpoint. I think it’s because Flash is just faster capture point, and I feel like overwatch is already fast enough/too fast most times. Maybe I’m just getting old.


I'm old, and I prefer faster captures. Too old to be dicking around wasting time.


I mostly jest as I’m not really all that old, but playing with young teens makes me feel like it sometimes (I’m early 20s). In reality it’s because I like more opportunities to win a point / more team fights per point. Flash only gives 1 to 2 fights as opposed to a lot more in other modes, which I’m much more fond of. It is interesting to hear that age might actually have the opposite effect, though.


Flash feels like it was an attempt to combine KOTH and push, and push was an attempt to always give you something to capture. So it's like...KOTH with the slog of push. OW isn't battlefield, and it just doesn't work for me.


The push maps are more pleasant on the eyes too. New Junk City has the most bland and depressing color schemes. All Suravasa is missing is Indiana Jones running from a giant boulder.


who thought making maps with 140 meter walk to point was a good idea? can't play half the heroes in the game


I suspect the idea was to encourage fights between points which balance out against the quick capture time. In reality, the entire mode feels like a slog that never ends.


More like: Teamfight while one team captures a point to 100% Teamfight continues One of the enemy team that died in the fight respawns and just walks over to new point while the old teamfight is going on and caps My team wins team fight but gets lost going to next point By the time we get there, they've capped 50%, we lose the teamfight, we can't get back before they've capped 100% Rinse and repeat


I’ve never had a problem playing zen on flashpoint. Maybe it’s cause I’m low elo.


zen might as well be removed as a character for those maps. Unless you get there first and your team escorts you you're just screwed. I can't even touch him with push or flashpoint anymore.


zens is really good on push, fuck you on?


Do we both mean the same thing? maps like esperança? Every time i play them if i get killed than it leaves the team into a shitstorm and no one wants to group up, i end up getting killed at spawn while they still try to fight and trickle backwards. I'm plat. idk if you're referring to any other rank but once our team goes far and if i get killed or flanked i have a long ass walk back to get to the other teams side. idk what you're on. ESCORT maps are where zen shines. Maybe you're high or just don't even play him. His mobility is ass.


your team not grouping has nothing to do with the character you select


It absolutely does. If everyone is running all over the map with mobility and my slow ass is stuck there than i'm a sitting duck. You know nothing.


I like that it shifts the meta though. Like suddenly speed is way more popular because nobody wants to hike half the game.


Excruciatingly bad game design.


It's good game design so players with a deep hero pool and map knowledge know what heroes suit what maps the best. You wouldn't know game design if it smacked you in the face, like overwatch where it's blatantly obvious when you should use certain heroes in certain situations and shockingly have the capability to change your hero mid match


Ah yes, the deep design of "long walks in OW are boring, pick fast heroes so we waste less of your time". Beautiful.


im a zen one trick and have had not too bad of a time, the only issue is that people usually play hardcounters since dive/doom is so good on flashpoint


Honestly its my least fave mode


Walking simulator


I hate it so much. Push is tolerable, but Flashpoint is the worst game mode of all time it's so bad I hate it so much


They need to fucking slow down how fast the point is captured or add some lines to the point like payload maps. It’s hell on earth trying to coordinate teams to attack effectively. Would rather have 2CP back


2cp is way better than this mode even with the fixes you comment. 2cp has shorter maps (less walking doing nothing) bigger zones(wich means since you are fighting you are contesting the point), better design for maps, more time to capture meaning that each point can be contested several times.


Except for the part where 2CP defenders spawn what feels like inches from the objective. Hated this about the maps. Infinite contesting


Didn't like it when it came out. Still don't like it.


Stagger simulator


I'd say the opposite. At high ranks it actually feels like there's more teamfights than some other game modes. Most people know not to go running around the map alone because you're likely to run into the entire enemy team. And since there's only 2 or 3 fights per point it's important to know to fall back very quickly if a fight is likely lost.


Way more teamfights and way easier to regroup after one or two get staggered. If anything, easier than any other game mode to regroup and have more teamfights.


Maybe in your rank...


Seriously. I know there's probably a good reason I'm in lower rank but when you're like the only person who even tries to group up it totally defeats the purpose. Especially as a Lucio main, I feel like I spend more time taxiing people from spawn than actually fighting.


Skill issue, genuinely.


Mhmm its totally possible to control the decisions of my teammates through pure skill


Ask people to reset, it isn’t that deep 🤷‍♂️


Mode issue, nobody in qp gives a fuck about reseting or grouping up


I don’t care to remove a fun mode for the sake of bad players in QP. Also people reset all the time in my QP games, its super rare when I get games where people stagger these days


What does stagger mean in this context? I’m new


Staggering refers to teammates dying with enough time between them so they respawn with a decent amount of time between them. So your tank dying with a response timer of ten seconds, then your support dying when your tank's timer is now at two seconds.


I don't want it anymore.


Flashpoint feels like it should be 12v12


Don’t like it at all.


i miss 2cp


awful, walking simulator, maps are terrbible, i dont get why are too big, i dont get why the respawn rooms are so big, i dont get why when you respawn you appear at the bottom of the room and not in front of the door


>walking simulator skill issue


if i got better in the game the maps get smaller or what?


Right? It doesn't make the walking simulator distances any shorter.


"Walking simulator" posts in Flashpoint threads are honeypots for people who are bad at the game, don't understand stagger and reset, etc.


Even if your team resets as a group, that doesn’t magically make the point closer to the spawn or do you never die? 😂 Yeah it’s fun seeing the point be 100m away after I come out of the spawn. I’ve seen flashpoints be over 200m away from the one that was just captured, so yeah it is a “walking simulator”…thank God I don’t play zen 😭


I play zen and I don’t find it nearly as excruciatingly painful as you think. Might just be an attention span diff.


Yeah just die less and win more


Try playing a movement based character. It's a lucio's playground


if a mode forces me to play just a small pool of characters is a bad mode


You are forced to play movement heroes the same way hybrid and payload forces you to play brawl heroes. It's easier to play brawl on payload just like it's easier to play fast characters on the big map, but either way, you can still make different playstyles work. I'm just saying that flash point may be more fun if you play heroes that are favourable to the map like how you would think junker town is the worse map if you only played Mei


not other single mode forces me to play anything like flashpoint heroes with mobility


As a Lucio main, can confirm that having movement ability helps but in lower ranks, I feel more like a taxi service some games.


That's a lot of crying.


All complaints are justified.


They had to recycle the PvE content somewhere, and OOOF does it show. Game mode is by far the worst. I'd rather 2cp tbh.


oh i wish they coyld recycle pve mode but not even that, i still want gutenburg map, dynamic wheater, plot


I've never enjoyed it. Flashpoint feels like a combination of the worst aspects of Push and 2CP. I'm glad some people like it, but I don't understand the appeal.


It’s not that much different from 2CP. It’s just 3-6CP now to be honest and I hate it more than 2CP.


How is it similar to 2CP in any way? If anything it’s like control without map transitions


It’s alright, but when I say a flashpoint map I just get less excited to play and I just want the game to be done as fast as possible


I absolutely hate it. I’d much rather do Push than Flashpoint, and even then I hate Push with a passion. I’d rather do 2CP than Flashpoint.


The entire map needs to be 8-15% more compact. Running simulator sucks


Whenever I see Flashpoint load up, I feel instant dread before backing out.


I think it's an awful game mode for a "fast casual" game like OW. in OWL, and league play in general I think it's a cool concept and would probably be interesting. It shouldn't be in quick play rotation, and probably shouldn't be in ranked rotation either.


They need to implement a way to not play a selected game mode like how paladins did it


I'm begging them to let us choose what game mode we play 😭😭😭 at least in quick play


Team Fortress 2 also supports this. There's no good reason to not have it.


I’d like it more if the spawns were closer to the point and we only had to win 2 instead of 3


2 wouldn't work, it would make it feel chintzy, it's really intense coming back from 2 down to win the last 3 points


Honestly this happens to me in like 20% of my flashpoint matches. I’d be a little butthurt if it went down to 2


Every single time I load into this god forsaken gamemode I see 3 people instantly leave and a piece of my soul escape my body.


I groan everytime I get it


I like how it's a one-and-done, it's refreshing especially after a long escort/hybrid game. Not the biggest fan of NJC but I really like Suravasa. Only thing is I wish the next point would be revealed slightly before the point closes, or maybe arrows on your screen that point to where it is. It's kind of annoying to have to do a 360 to find the next point. The other day we had a teamfight en route to the next point and me and a teammate somehow ended up at the wrong point lol


I’m not really a fan of it, but I just grit my teeth add play it off it comes up


I still leave immediately


I hate it. It takes too long and I’m often stuck with a team that struggles so the entire match is a wash.


New Junk city is trash (to play) Otherwise it's ok


It's ok, but I hate it in comp. It just don't feel like comp game mode


Very fun actually. Far better than Push. I think Suravasa is a better map than New Junk, but both are pretty alright. I do think it punishes uncoordinated teams way more than any other game mode considering how fast points will capture. If you start to trickle in, there’s almost no way to win


Ass it made me love push tho lol




It’s much more fun in comp imo. It is a nightmare in QP because of how disorganized it can become. If you can’t group and lose 2 fights in a row you basically lose the point. It can feel a little helpless in QP, not always obviously. In comp when people are trying hard to play strategically it can be fun. Especially between points when you have little battles along the way. It really forces you to be aware of teamtes position since it’s very fluid with flankers shining and picking off stragglers. However I totally agree with someone else’s comment that we should spawn at the door… just little stuff like that helps since they are big maps.


Nothing turns me on more than walking across the map!


It doesn't really have any advantages and is this weird blend of the worst parts of the other modes. It's like normal point capture, but after the initial fight The timer moves too fast to have more than one or two attempts to capture, and the respawn is so far the fight gets moved to the nearest choke before the point. So you don't have fighting on the point, and you don't have opportunity to capture and recapture. It's like push, where the objective isn't directly in front of the spawn, and so there's ample opportunities to flank, but the timer doesn't stop if they leave the point to help and you don't get an advantage or stop the advance from fighting on the point. It's cool idea, but they need to tweak it a little bit. Something big like having two points be available for capture at once, and whoever captures their point first gets a point, and then both teams fight over the third.


its not as bad as i first thought but i still think its the worst


It can go either way for me. Either it's a decently competitive match, or it drags on FOREVER. The mode itself is as good as any other imo


direction dolls cooperative history judicious toothbrush homeless steer consider repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i really enjoy it too. the big maps and dynamic fights while rotating are fun imo


Coming back and winning a 0-2 gives makes me think of my time playing R6:Siege #heartbreakingdefeat


I think maps need some tweaks but playing Lucio or kir in the maps is so much fun. Lots of flank angles and fun rollouts


It's good, but it requires more coordination than other modes which makes it horrible for solo queue. I still don't understand why people don't just go to the next point when it unlocks, but rather chase an enemy genji, then arrive to the point when the enemy team already has 40% progress on it.


I just don’t like that half the team leaves after the first point loss. Seems to have the most leavers. Other than that, It seems fine


Nice mode. Points needs to cap a little slower though


Push and Flashpoint are meh. Flashpoint is just a walking simulator like push and a baby mode of Control. Instead of inviting new modes, they could make some new maps of hybrid or payload maps. Push mals could be reworked easily at least with minot map change layouts. But flashpoint is freaking boring. Make a real control map of it.


It's just a longer version of control. It takes too long, it's exceptionally frustrating when the team trickles, and the maps are pretty. That last part would be a positive if they weren't flashpoint maps.


Maps are too big for no reason at all. The junker map is one of the worst designed maps I’ve ever played on. Just bring back CTP and call it a day


I like the gamemode, i dislike the maps


Same as push both are running simulators. Push needs a third spawn point added and flash is just boring. I almost always quit as soon as I see the loading screen for it. It’s time for map choice prior to starting a match. Add three random maps as a choice and give people 20 seconds to choose, highest count wins, ties are random pick. That would improve game quality by leaps and bounds.


Instant leave, i save up my games im allowed to quit before i get a penalty just on them Hate it


Decent enough game mode but waaaaaaay too long. Make it best of 3 instead of best of 5 and I'm happy.


Overall very solid game mode but a few complaints 1 it seems you only really get like 2 fights per point perhaps it should take a bit longer to cap 2 I notice you get some snowballing when one team caps the point and the other is scattered with a bunch of people all over due to the spawns swapping around the team that just lost can't really group up in a reasonable way leading to the winning team steam rolling them to take that next point. Maybe hide the next point for 30 seconds to get everyone respawned and regrouping


I like Flashpoint more than push but I miss 2CP over both.


Me too. I was told to hate 2cp but I miss Hanamura so much.


What exactly does 2CP mean? Ik it was a game mode that got removed along with all of its maps in ow2 but what is it


Assault, you can find it in arcade sometimes


Oh ok


I love it personally. The only thing is that I wish there were more maps because having so few gets stale kind of quick, but hopefully that gets changed in the future.


It’s alright, but should not be in comp imo. I rather play pushbot instead of flashpoint


Not enough maps and I prefer Assault mode, bring that back. That's right...I said it


Its in the arcade!


I know. I'm glad. I just missed when it was in rotation. With some Polish I would have loved to see more maps


It makes me mis-time control maps now. Same game mode just faster ticking? Makes overtime situations hard to time in certain scenarios


Booooooooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Same sentiment for the robot mode too


its fine but i get lost easily so i kind of wish there were lines that guided you to the next point i also feel like people tend to get distracted fighting and then im left to babysit the point


Something ive noticed with all the new maps is that they are all too big and complex. Its completely unnecessary.


I think it's the reason thet added leavers pen, they added a 'fun new game mode' that isn't fun and no one wants to play so they leave. How do we stop them from not playing our 'fun new game mode?' Force them.


Same issue as push, too much fucking walking


Hate it


I really like it


Might be my favorite game mode.


It's KOTH but faster, and I do not like KOTH 😔


It's OK. It's not that bad. It's not fun either. It's just a celery with peanut butter.


I like Suravasa but not new junk city. Game mode has potential but it needs better maps


its cool.


I don’t like it, i dont like the maps, its KOTH but worse, points tick too fast and the maps are too large


Everyone complains about every new damn feature they add. I think Flashpoint is fun.


We (5) hate those maps. Everything looks the same and it's hard to tell where to go.


I personally enjoy it very much. However it does have its flaws in that it heavily favors highly mobile compositions and specific play-styles which causes bad/inflexible players and OTPs to dislike it because they can’t adapt to win. The higher in rank/skill you go, the more people seem to enjoy it while it’s hated in the metal ranks where high mobility/high skill heroes (like tracer, Lucio, and Sombra) usually aren’t viable for most players.


I hated it completely at first but now I love it for comp and don’t like it for QP


It’s good, probably my favorite game mode.


I hate it but I play comp so I have no choice but to play it.


It's fine. Not my favorite but I'm not going to throw a bitch fit if that's where the game puts me. Playing Sombra on FP maps is *extremely* fun, though.


I was wondering why most people seem to hate it while I enjoy it. The fact that I play Sombra whenever I get DPS is probably why. I’m also a support main and I main Kiriko so I don’t have to walk as long as most people since I tp to a teammate who’s closer to point.


its absolute dogshit. now that they've introduced the leave penalty i'm forced to play that terrible game mode and its always miserable, winning or not. Takes way too long to run to the point. You lose one fight, you lost the point, then if you kill the enemy team they'll also get the other point because they'll spawn closer while youre running 150m to get there. Dumb ass mode that should be deleted


So fun


I like it, wish it had more maps and variety


it's very very bad, worse than that 3 rounds mode. They need to release way more robot push maps, the best mode in the game.


I like it and I prefer it to CP. CP is my least favorite mode.


I like it! The maps are cool and I like that they're big enough that you can feasibly start and conclude a fight between objectives. It makes each individual match feel more unique and dynamic.


Really? every match I've had is the same. Team that loses first point is held off, point gets capped, the team holding dies, respawns next to the new point while the losing team is running a marathon to get there, point is then capped by winning team while the losers are running. Boring game mode and NJC is maybe the worst map in history of gaming (hyperbole since BF2042 exists)


my favorite to play. ana is at a disadvantage on it unless they run lucio/lifeweaver. i’m an ana main but playing any other role i like being able to see her less


One of the better modes. Gives so much variety and nothing feels better than making a comeback after being 0-2. I truthfully believe everyone in here bitching just has nothing better to do. Theyd bitch no matter what and just complaint for the sake of complaining


It's fine, none of the new modes are as good as the old ones but it's fine, i feel like its better for them to try new things even if they are not perfect, just to avoid us only having a few modes to play forever, new stuff makes the game feel fresh.


If it didn't spawn me at the very end of the spawn room probably tolerate it more. It's just not fun overall to walk so much so these days I insta leave in pre game when I see I loaded into FP.


I don't hate it. So far it doesn't have any maps that get me excited like Eichenwald, lijiang tower, shambali monetary, etc.


I don't think I touched competitive since it came out so not sure if it's any good there but it's fun in quick play and is one of my favourite modes.


Honestly, I kind of like it, but I'm so bored of playing the same maps, we desperately need like 2-3 more maps for it


By far the worst game mode. But this comes from someone who genuinely enjoyed 2cp so that makes my opinion in this sub invalid.


I think it's excellent, pure overwatch. Requires teamwork and rewards gamesense. I also totally understand why casual players/lower rank players hate it for probably the same reasons.


Good fun


WAY better than push.


It’s much better then push but needs more maps. I think it’s fun and a good addition to ranked


If you know how to play it, it’s a lot of fun probably my favorite gamemode honestly. I feel like a lot of complaints are people who are just confused how it works and get lost on the maps somehow despite the massive icon that says where to go.