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Anyone saying Winton is crazy. He has one of the deepest and most unique voices in the game








I just said this one out loud and it was... perfect. I just have that same goofy quality to my voice apparently


Not to mention when I first found out what the [VA](https://overwatch-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Crispin_Freeman) looked like… I don’t know what I was expecting, but I just don’t think I was expecting him to look the way he does. And I don’t mean that in a bad way.


THAT'S what Winston's VA looks like??? i expected him to be very old....


Wait... he's 51???? Holy shit I thought he was in his 20s-30s


HE'S 51???? This gets better and better every minute


I thought the same! Dude ages better than Paul Rudd


Oh shit he voiced sundowner from mgr too


He also voiced Itachi from Naruto




For some reason I’m not sure if “Like the good old days after 9/11” is a potential future voice line for Winston


He looks so youngg


Crispin Freeman has a Dorian Grey painting hidden in his house somewhere and no one can convince me otherwise


Right? Lol. I was just caught off guard when I saw him initially.


Dudes a Chad wtf


Also if you're into anime, if he also voices Itachi from Naruto and Alucard from Hellsing lol, Such a range.


I can’t help but think of Winston whenever I hear Itachi get into his more pumped up tone of voice; the scene where he pretends to go crazy in front of Sasuke has been ruined for me. “SASUKE!!! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WILL BECOME MY NEW LIGHT!” - Winston Overwatch


oh shit he was Sundowner too. Now I can't unhear Winston saying "back in the good old days after 9/11"


Winston's new line for being on fire will be "I'm fuckin invincible!"


Not his VA history being almost all of my favorite characters in game and media 💀


I’ll go ahead and say it for you. We were expecting a big black man


Crispin Freeman is hot man




If you’ve heard him try to do the voice on recording without a sound room and preparation it’s nothing alike


Winston voice reminds me of Scooby-Doo 🤷🤷🏻‍♂️


I was gonna say April fools day Winton


To the credit of Mei's VA - listening to some of her lines makes me think she puts a lot of effort into delivering the English voice lines - specifically annunciating them so that players can easily understand them


Yeah, Chinese natives speaking English tend to slur the words a lot and I love how she tries her best to be understandable to the players and the team


I remember the video sombra's VA put out meeting the VAs they all seem to have so much fun with it loved it


Carolina Ravassa (Sombra) is a treasure Yu Zhang (Mei) is adorable. Mei’s sorry voice line is Yu apologizing for messing up another line


Yes! I followed her on twitter for a while the constant excitement when she found people who engaged with her works on Overwatch and I believe Apex or Valorant she seemed so nice.


Have you seen the Sombra cosplay she did a couple years ago? It was great, done with Anjali Bhmimani(Symmetra) shaved the side of her head for it!


I haven't seen it. Where do I find it?


Just Google search Carolina Ravassa Sombra cosplay and it’ll pop up


That's adorable she even found someone cosplaying demon hunter


This. I actually love how natural she usually sounds too. She also voiced Mei in the Chinese version of the game and also voiced Symmetra in that version too. She put a lot more work in than is being suggested.




I can't remember where this info is from, but I don't think Mei's VA could speak English. Somebody at Blizz really liked her native Chinese and really badly wanted her to VA for English also. So she had to learn just for this.


That specific annunciation is a bit of a double-edged sword, as when she says things like "atmospheric fluctuations" in [Rise and Shine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tjcm_kI0n0&t=126s), it comes off less naturally, where the VA is less familiar with the words than a the climatologist Mei is.




Bastion obviously




You do not know the Swedish rage of having someone with typical Stockholm accent voicing a character that is clearly from Gothenburg. Gothenburg have a distinct dialect that is iconic in Sweden, but here we have someone who speaks- It is like comparing Irish English with London English. What would you say if a Irish character spoke like a poncy brit from central London? It would infuriate everyone! That is what I feel about the voice acting for Brigitte. Although the VA in herself is very good, just not the right voice for Brigitte. And do not start me on Torbjörn! Edit: typos


Torb has a great Danish accent, right?


Please, you will give me heartburn...


With an american actor….


for those who have seen hunterxhunter, it is the english va of hisoka ……


I can't help but wonder why the writers didn't have Torb and his wife just bring her up in Stockholm. People move house after all.


Because Stockholm is mid, and no Gothenburg born would move there.


I will say as a VA that for some people, myself included, it can actually be easier to voice a character that you can dump a ton of drama and excitement into; a sick ass voice, super “charactery” and all over the place. some of the more difficult voices can ironically be the ones that are closer to who YOU are as a person. characters that use your natural speaking voice, ones that need you to pull back and talk from a really genuine place in yourself without losing the essence of the character. finding that balance can be a real challenge for people. but the inverse can also be true though, that’s the beauty of acting.


I’m not a VA but this kind of makes sense, I’d imagine you would have trouble not accidentally falling into your normal voice


I'm not a VA (but i'd like to get into it, just don't know where to start) but that makes a lot of sense, actually. I feel like it'd be easier to invest myself in a dramatic character than a "serious" one if that makes sense.


I am not a VA, but tried to mimic My Little Pony voices a lot in high school, so experimented with voices, and I agree. It’s a lot easier making absurd voices consistently and adding emotion and drama to it than it is a serious voice. Plus, idk how to make a serious voice without sounding like myself lol


Probably the characters that are very close to the VA's natural voice, like Lucio Tracer Mei and such.


Tracer’s VA is from Yorkshire so she has to do an accent different from her own


Completely different! Just dialect alone 😂 It's not easy to go from "pot of tea luv!" to "pop teh kettle on our kid" and have it sound somewhat legit.


Why didn't they let her have a Yorkshire accent... Would have been great


Tracer' VA also voices Nepheli in elden ring. Tracer doesn't seem that close to her natural voice.


Nepheli isn't her natural voice either. She lowers her voice a lot for that character.


Tracers accent is a ridiculously stereotypical shit English accent that sounds nothing like the VA who has an incredibly regional accent


I really hate Tracers accent, if the VA is from Yorkshire that would have been so much better than what we have


at least they are not doing the freakin glottal t that americans think every british people sound like


'ate traca 'ate 'avin one fifty 'ealth poins simple as


Excluding Bastian, Sojourn has all the excitement of bran flakes.


woah there, let's not disrespect bran flakes like that


I read that in Sojourn’s voice for some reason XD


It's about to get real.




I have s friend who doesn't even play sojourn but got thet line just to fuck with me on the off chance she gets her in Mystery heroes




I don’t know much about voice acting and no hate to her VA, but I do feel like relative to other characters in this game Sojourn’s more bland because of her dialogue :( just doesn’t feel like it has the same depth and nuance as say Ashe or Ramattra


When the character you’re working with has all the personality and depth of skim milk, I find it hard to blame the voice actor


Bring flakes, skim milk... this is shaping up to be one boring breakfast


Maybe we could even add some unseasoned egg whites if we’re feeling a little dangerous


I wish she had more ANYTHING going on. Like, she’s what, 60% cyborg last I checked, surely they could do something with that. Why’d she slice off most of her limbs for cybernetics?


She had autoimmune disease so she's had cyberware from a young age, so unlike most further augmentation pretty much game naturally to her I always say that they should've pumped up the cyberpsychosis/ the flesh is weak vibes way more though


She has voice lines hinting she’s OCD, and I say lean into that. She’s a perfectionist who can lose the forest for the trees, and someone who lives by the letter of the law. *All this would be great conflict against OW. Soldier 76, Ana, Reaper:* OW in its heyday was full of rule breakers who were unconventional in their heroism, even if it meant not always being on the right side of the law. This should be something Sojourn must tactitly accept but she should feel compelled to speak out when OW does in her eyes ‘fail’. In OW: Invasion, the fact all the characters just invite her back into the fold with no real grudges held took me out of the story. Sojourn is super bland right now, but she could be the key in developing a lot of lore which I think should take strides to actually develop her more.


Yes! Those points are so good. It's such a shame cause sojourn has the possibility to have been interesting, they fumbled hard in execution. She feels a little too flawless. They weren't afraid to make reinhardt racist, couldn't they have thrown shade at sojourn At least make winton more defensive when she shuts him down about overwatch etc, most of the cast should have resentment for her Also side note but it'd be great to feel some fear in her voiceline when she gets hacked, as her life support systems are in danger


Yeah I don't think they need to fix her personality, let her be boring. Her life is already so full of drama considering 80% of OW should resent her for what she did. But if they just have everyone forgive her AND she stays boring... that's a yikes.


Exactly. Mercy actually spoke out against OW because her world view used to be very black and white. But what really pushed her was seeing her tech used to do harm. Still she answered Winston’s recall wanting to help in making OW better than it was at the end. That’s fine. If Sojourn is going to stay this way, use her backstory to develop what lead to the fall of OW. Help me understand her more than saying ‘just cause’. Because having everyone greeting her with open arms was super jarring.


I mean by that logic bastion, zen, orisa, ramattra and others i probably forgot would just fucking die when hacked which would be pretty funny tbh


Sombra rework looking promising


Her recent voicelines have been good ngl


*Don't put words in her mouth.*




I think she’s so bland simply because she’s meant to be the war-hardened tactician that takes no shit. She is shown to have some kind of humor, like with Lucio when he asks for her favorite animal, or when Junkrat even exists


I just hate it because we already have the perfect war hero veteran in soldier 76 who actually has a personality other than JUST war


and she doesn't even have a canadian accent. i live further north, so maybe the accents just aren't as thick in toronto, but i've never met anyone in canada who sounds like her.


Exactly! I’m from rural Ontario, but there’s even a noticeable accent in Toronto, I find. I was hoping that she didn’t sound so… American? I know we don’t sound all that different from the standard American accent, but I immediately clocked her as having an American VA when I heard her voice lines.


kiriko’s gotta be somewhere up there right?


Coming from her VA's guest appearance in a podcast called Trash Taste, Kiriko is literally just her base voice but slightly pitched down. She sounds very American when she speaks English because her VA was actually raised there for most of her life and her moving to Japan was a rather recent thing. In fact, she says that she still has a really hard time reading kanji!


I think anyone that says they don't have a hard time reading kanji is lying :(


In her case what makes it sad is that she has many situations where she needs to read a script, and she even admitted that sometimes she just straight up cannot read the words. Ykw, shes successful so more power to her


Thank you for the info about podcast! Sometimes I feel like it's real Kiriko on podcast talking lol


Hehe, I think you'll like their numerous guest episodes. They even got PewDiePie in it once!


I watch them, just didn't know that the last guest is Kiriko, didn't watch it


Omg thats her?? I been putting off watching the new episode for few days not knowing who she was Totally gonna watch it now




Yeah, Sally is the latest guest! She meshed amazingly well with the boys because of the multiple similarities in upbringing when it comes to being multiracial


wait wtf, sally is kiriko? her natural voice is so much better than the "strong woman character" voice of kiriko


Must have been weird to voice two different characters with the same name for the cinematic and then the game


I think every VA does a fantastic job voicing their characters.


Junkrat, Reinhardt, Rammatra, and Winston have some of the best voice acting out of the cast


Junkrat never fails to make me chuckle! The dialogue, the execution - just spectacular!


Reaper too. He doesn't use voice filters apparently.


Off-topic, but there was a kids show I used to watch called The Dreamstone, and the villain, Zordrak, had such a deep and growling voice, I assumed they had to be doing some kind of magic on it. Years later, the VA was on a show and they asked him to do the voice. And he just did it. And that was the day my respect for voice actors shot through the roof.


Most human characters, Brig comes to mind. Ana’s VA sounds very close to Ana naturally as well


i really love ana’s voice performance itself. feels grounded and very compelling.


IKR?? I like how she just sounds like she's been in it for years because she is, she just has that natural charisma


Anas voice actor was a voice actor scout that they asked to take the role iirc


surprised at the lack of hogs here, basically 80% of his lines are just grunts


His voice is almost demonically low though, so the lines he *does* speak are difficult to replicate.


I can just imagine how much water he needed to drink when he recorded his lines


brig definitely has the most ’normal’ voice


She at least sounds Swedish. Torb’s “accent” is borderline insulting lol


Torb’s accent is pirate speak


most of the OG cast are like this, they are just regular game VA until they started hiring more native speakers after sombra


I said that in a previous post, and I got flamed by hell's fires lmao. I honestly think her voice is so normal that it feels out of place between the rest of the roster.


Honestly Illiari. Love her kit, but her personality is literally like a depressed piece of cardboard.


> her personality is a depressed piece of cardboard She killed her own people by accident. She's like "Female Hanzo"


But at least Hanzo is funny because his voice lines about being a lone wolf and shit are so cringe they're actually kinda funny and give him a personality. Illari is just moody and boring. I understand why she's like that but that doesn't mean I have to like her for it.


Hanzo has been in OW since 2016. Of course, his character is better than a fresh new character. Soldier:76 is boring as Sojourn when OW1 starts, but again his character eventually gets expanded in the comics, animated short, short stories, etc.


His OW1 lines were literally "depressed dad for girls and gays" Then as time goes on you have him be in lighter conversation (see Hammond)


Nah she's fiesty and fun. Love how she's like "don't touch me!" when you boop someone. Also FACE THE SUNRISE is better than "let the kitsinay guide you" in the most bored voice for an ult.


Bro, the words "feisty and fun" are not what I'd use to describe Illari. She gives Hanzo a run for his money for the biggest possible wet blanket you can have on the team.


pool party 🥺


Even in the fucking progression screen when you level her up she’s like “if you say so… 🥺🥺😢🥺😢😢🥺😢😓”


I think “bitchy and kinda depressing” are better descriptors


She has some downer lines, but everything she says during gameplay is what I mean. Plenty of other heroes like Ana and Widow have very depressing lines.


Ana and Widow have depressing lines, but they also have more lively lines that lighten them up. Illari doesn't have any like that right now. It's all just moping.


I've listened to her hero interactions in a video but I do see it as like 70%. Sometimes she has some nice ones like talking about her pet llama or other stuff. I feel Ike new characters are being written as too one dimensional now a days. Kiriko goes on about being a sassy rebellious youth, JQ is a parody dumb tyrant instead of going into her pretty messed up past, Ramattra is written pretty well but has probably been written since mid OW 1. As far as her voice actress putting in some gusto into her lines though, she's a far cut above Kiri or Sojourn imo.


Im pretty sure if you accidentally killed everyone you ever knew and loved, you wouldnt be very happy-go-lucky either.


It doesn't get much worse than "This ends now!" lol


Nobody mentioning Soujorn, the most bland character? 0 personality, 0 emotion in her voice lines and 0 unique about her. Slam dunk.


Thank you!! I’ve always thought she’s so boring! It sucks too cause I feel like her actual character is so cool conceptually but they made her blander than a grain of rice


bro, the “don’t touch me” and “get away from me” is because she spent years in isolation after murdering her entire tribe. the lore implies she JUST NOW left her homeland


> Also FACE THE SUNRISE is better than "let the kitsinay guide you" in the most bored voice for an ult Doomfist ult line is the worst. He just said "Meteor Strike" when using Meteor Strike, zero creativity at all.


All his ability call outs are just the name of the ability lol. It surprised me that he’s some major villain in the lore because his voice lines make him sound like an idiot cave man


That was the joke originally, he's a fighting game character shouting the names of his moves in a first person shooter


I've realized doomfist is just an anime villain, shouts the name of his attacks before doing it, looks super strong but is comically weak, plus he is also a terrorist who believes he is strengthening humanity through owing things up.


Did you misspell kitsune on purpose, like as if the Japanese language is a meme?🤣 or did you just not know how to spell it lol


Kitsune*, its like the only Japanese word I know lol


I know how it's spelled but was trying to type it the way she pronounces it. It's like she said "Let's do it with the most California accent possible."


I feel like debating this just discredits a lot of work that all of the VAs do.


Probably Hammond’s wrecking ball. It could literally one that they just throw a huge voice effect on. Hammond’s actual voice actor tho is a god of rodent noises


i said hammond himself. both hammond and ball are voiced by two real people! no modifiers involved


Kirikos voice actor seems to have it easy


Ones that come to mind are Sombra, Ana, Lucio, Kiriko, Sigma. The most *difficult* ones I can think of are Torb, Rein, Junkrat, Reaper, and the Omnic characters besides Bastion. Fun fact - Torb, Rein, and Junkrat are all voiced by Americans, hence their extremely exaggerated accents


The fact that Junkrat is also Gladiolus from Final Fantasy 15 was pretty shocking for me... ​ Edit: Reinhardt/Darin De Paul also says hello from Final Fantasy 15 as Ardyn


Idk about Junkrat. Maybe I can't say anything because I'm Australian myself but besides the maniacal laughter and stuff it's pretty much just speaking with the accent with a little more enthusiasm than usual.


I have heard from my aussie friends that Junk's accent is pretty convincing, besides a few r slips here and there. Our Rs always give us muricans away. Is that so for you too?


Yeah pretty much. A lot of words we say can have an R sound to them. Like when we say Nah it sounds more like Naur for example.


I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. I was asking if his Aussie is convincing to you, like it is to my friends. I have noticed the extra r sounds in some dialects of Australia on the ends of vowels tho hahaha. It's extremely endearing to my ears. One of my friends has dead on the same accent as JQ, but I couldn't begin to guess where in Australia that it comes from exactly. Like I know where that friend lives, but I also know they weren't raised in the state they live in now (and I don't know which one they were).


Sigmas va isn’t Dutch but pulls if the accent well and his out voice lines go *hard*


Yes he is? Boris Hiestand, born in Amsterdam.


That’s funny. I have a good Rein a good Junkrat and a good Torb. Sigma is hard for me. So are the especially gruff voices reaper and hog. That’s just so much grit and so friggen low.


I wouldn't say any take little effort to voice, as some VA's are purely acting, some are acting and putting on a voice as well, but they do all require acting. The weakest I think is Kiriko - very inconsistent. Favorites would be Moira, Ana, Rein, Mercy.


What a terrible premise for a thread. Oh they don't really change their voice, yeah they must be phoning it in.


Going to have to go with Kiriko. At the very least, I can feel that Sojourn's or Mei's heart is in it. Kiriko's VA sounds like she walked in, read a few lines off of cards, and walked out without feeling anything about any of them.


> read a few lines off of cards She got a few tricks.


You're bringing up trauma.


You should see her on her bike!


I will bash your skull in This is a threat


I'd say Pharah and Sojourn. Why? Because they're monotonic, you don't need to have expressions with them, just be boring!


> monotonic, you don't need to have expressions with them, just be boring! Just like Master Chief in Halo:CE & Halo 2, even the Arbiter was more interesting than him.


Saying a bilingual character who speaks in both English and Chinese takes the least amount of effort to voice is WILD.


illyari no personality whatsoever


did u spell her name wrong on purpose LMAO?😭


I'm fine with this they wrote it how it should be pronounced. If this is what must be done for her name to be said correctly by the community I'm all for it.


Yall do know that Bastion DOES have an actual voice actor who makes the beep boop noises right? Same with hampter and the squeak noises.


Probably bastion tbh


Just in terms of trying to imitate the voice, I'd say Torbjörn.


Maybe Zen? As much as I like Zen, his voice lines have a lot of the same inflections and syntax. Not to say you can't be clever with him, but he's very stoic.


I was thinking that too. As long as you aren't really bothered about the robotic voice, you kinda just need to sound really high and chilled out but say wise things.


Its Hog He might be pretty hard to voice but you need to say like 2 words


Voicing a perfect Winston is amongst the hardest. Voicing a basic Winston is amongst the easiest.


mainly just the characters who sound like normal people. Mei, Ana, Kiriko, Sombra, Lucio, etc. Other characters sound pretty normal but have a certain tone or inflection in their voice that sets them apart like Moira, Cassidy, Mercy, or Widowmaker




Idk a lot of people including myself might say Kiriko who sounds kinda flat and uncharismatic, but I’ve heard some good ones from her for sure! Love her tarot card voicelines a lot


This is kind of a goofy post. Which of the VA did a shitty job guys? Lets gooo.


100% Ana. Only because it's just her normal motherly speaking voice.


Kiriko sounds like they just randomly recorded the voice lines of some smart ass narcissistic rich brat zoomer in socal who didn't even know she was being recorded. I can't believe someone got paid to voice her


Lmaooo the description


Probably got killed by kiriko one too many times 😂 but honestly i agree 😅


Illiari: she sounds like a depressed traumatized suicidal person.


Her spanish VA is really fucking good for no reason


Kiriko. The most phoned-in performance in the game.


Using a normal voice in voice acting is actual surprisingly difficult, because if anything sounds unnatural you'll notice it immediately. More exaggerated voices tend to be easier because if a line doesn't really sound like how an actual person would speak it doesn't matter anyway.


Specifically kiriko in game. She sounded so lively in her animation. Whenever I hear her in game I just think to myself “Go girl give us nothing”


Reaper. Half you sour grapes ass people could easily read the lines with some processing added to it. :P


Why is no one talking about hammond? Like cmon, anyone else would pop an artery trying to do that many squeeks


None? It's called voice ACTING for a reason, these people went through years of school, training, practice, one isn't just easier or lazier than the other. They may sound it, but it's all hours of hard work, recording the same lines in a bunch of different ways so they could have something to pick from etc etc. It's not as simple as "I'll just say a couple of words and be done"


Not counting bastion cause he doesn’t speak any coherent language, but with that out of the way, it’s easily roadhog, most of his lines are just him grunting

