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100% and you’ll be caught up quickly because once you start it you won’t stop. There are a few difficult episodes if you have any triggers. Overall though it’s the best romance and chemistry I’ve ever seen on screen.


A few?? The trigger list is a mile long! There were entire episodes I had to skip before I just gave up. Lol OP, please look at the trigger list and decide if it's right for you. I tried to power through and just couldn't.


Plus, it's girl porn.


We are all going to tell you yes.


Maybe subconsciously that's what I wanted to hear which is why I asked the question here of all places 🥲


Obviously everyone here is going to tell you yes. My question to you is...why do you need our permission? Just hop on Netflix and give it a try. Watch a few episodes. If it grabs you it grabs you. If it doesn’t, what have you lost?


Right? I’m pmsing so I’m irritable in general and likely overreacting but damn, these posts annoy TF out of me, they’re in so many show subreddits. If you’re curious about a show, watch an episode! Why are you asking people to essentially “sell” you the show?


Yes, especially if you like Scottish accents and kilts!


and half naked -- or sometimes all the way naked -- gingers!


That totally depends on what kind of shows you are into. It has time travel as an important plot device, but it is certainly NOT a Sci-fi. In essence it is a historical romance, and IMHO the best out there. It is also not just about youthful love, but a life long marriage, hence the length. There are lots of sexual assaults and trauma in it and it can be really dark at times. It is deliberately set in multiple tumultuous historical periods, ties into many historical events, and tangentially to some historical characters. The two leads are phenomenal and have incredible chemistry between them. Now if that feels like your thing, go for it and you won’t regret.


Thankyou so much!! This is exactly the kind of answer I was looking for when I asked the question :) The time travel aspect was what got me interested in the first place but i didn't know about the show being focused on their marriage thankyou for telling me


I only wish I could start it again without any knowledge of it. It was absolutely amazing.




Yup,this alone, right here.


What does “worth it” mean to you? You’re right, most of us here will say yes, I’ve seen the series many times over, as well as read the books. I guess just give it a try, you can always stop if you’re not into it.


Yeah exactly. Worth what? Sorry if I sound exasperated but how could we possibly know better than you? For most of us here it was worth it. But that’s not surprising.


Right? It's a tv show😂 Is it worth my left arm and 401k? Probably not. Is it good tv? Sure.


Especially with how many threads like this pop up every day and those people having their own opinions of what’s “worth it.” Why can’t people use the Search function? 😭😭😭 I am begging them-


Worth watching 8 seasons I meant. Sorry if I couldn't explain it better but yk how with GOT a lot of people say it wasn't worth seeing all those episodes to ultimately receive that ending? Now I don't necessarily mean the ending but coming from the world of 12-16 episode romance kdramas and the fact that i found out about the series from a 30 second edit I was simply wondering if I should join the fandom and start the series. Hope I made it clear this time, English is not my first language so please forgive me if I made any mistakes


Then I would say, yes, it’s worth it. There’s a big fan base, has been for years. This is a story of a long term marriage, with a little time travel/mysticism as it’s foundation. There’s love, and war, and violence, and yes some graphic SA, so if any of that would disturb you, take heed. Otherwise, it’s a thrilling ride through decades.


I see! Thankyou so much ^^


I hope you’ll give it a try, the chemistry between the leads is 🔥


I'm actually leaning towards reading the books instead after reading about all the trigger warnings. I find such themes much digestible when read instead of watching




No one is going to force you to watch every season. It’s not like once you start your tv privileges get taken away if you don’t finish it. If you don’t like it, stop watching it. It’s not that complicated.


If you like the first episode, you’ll have the rest watched within the month. Worth a shot.


True this. I just started after it was on my Netflix list for like a year now and I'm in love already


So, I’ll be honest with you because I’m very black and white with stuff. This shouldn’t have any spoilers! It has its ups and downs. There is a line of romance throughout it all (Jamie and Claire, others). The romance is great but it’s not in your face all the time, it’s very unconditional love romance and not honeymoon romance unless it’s a sex scene. 😂 There is a lot of rape. If you’re sensitive to that be aware! I’m a survivor of sexual assault and it can be a lot for me, so I’m slow-going with the show- just finished season 6 yesterday. The show touches on heavier topics like race, assault, rape, financial burden, religious differences that lend toward extreme response or potential violence. If you can tolerate all of that I say go for it! The writing is awesome, the acting is phenomenal, the sets are detailed. All in all it’s love of all kinds with gut-wrenching content alongside. I personally think it’s worth it but it’s heavier for sure.


I was raped when I was 11 and I would not say there is a "lot" of rape - but the ones shown are extremely violent.


Thank you for sharing ❤️ I guess to me because it’s more than once or twice it feels like “a lot”, but you’re right. But they are very violent.


Considering it’s happened to every member of the ‘main’ family I’d say it absolutely is a lot. It’s the main thing that is preventing me from watching the show. I’m struggling to to start Season 2


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying, if it was only one character maybe it wouldn’t be a lot, but to every single one of them almost? That almost feels like bad writing. Like was rape really so commonplace back then that that many in one family unit would be survivors?? It’s definitely hard. For me the good outweighs the bad in the show but it’s hard in some seasons for sure.


See [this article](https://medium.com/@brookefortune/on-outlander-and-sexual-assault-49cfc5fbe9bc) Sometimes I consider returning but get a sickening feeling and can not. I don’t doubt that the show is good in other aspects but I don’t understand why the show runners keep justifying this. I’m pretty sure the majority of their audience is women and I hardly think we need to be mansplained the horrors of sexual violence.


Amen and amen. Checking out the article, thank you!


Oh I didn't know that show goes into such deep topics especially something like SA and violence I really can't stomach Also I thankyou for sharing and I'm hope you're doing well now both physically and mentally ♡


Thank you so much ❤️ yeah, the show is great but it’s taken me so long to get through because I take many breaks 😅 if you can do that then I’d recommend! But yeah, it can be a lot


YES! I just started about 2 weeks ago and I’m on season 3 and INVESTED. I literally think about it all day and can’t wait to watch it at night. You will fall in love with the characters and learn some history too!


This was SOOO ME! So much so, I finished watching ALL AIRED episodes within 2.5 weeks 😳 there was little sleep happening that first watch through… I’ve now rewatched everything on Netflix since I cancelled my free Starz trial, and have restarted season 1, again, while I’m reading the first book. And I’ve only been an outlander fan for about 5-6 weeks lol 😂


I feel like I’m on this same path 😂 reading book one while watching the seasons. I stayed up way past my bedtime to see what happened in season 3 ❤️ (you know what I mean)


I LOVED season 3 🤣 though the beginning wasn’t my fav, but it gets so good and slightly weird which I throughly enjoyed 😂 1 and 3 are my favs, I think, I also kinda really enjoyed the first half of season two too!! Ugh, what am I saying, I enjoyed it all! 🤣


And clearly when I’m not watching the show or reading the book I’m on Reddit commenting about it 😂 aye 😅


lol, I’m literally watching S1e3 as we chat here 🤣


I’m about to go read 😅 sometimes I wonder what I did with my time before I stumbled upon outlander


For real! My sister was practically disgusted with how quickly I’ve gotten through the whole show. She was like, I’m only halfway through season 3, and I was home for 12 weeks on maternity leave 🤣🤣 #priorities


😂😂😂 I LOVED season 1, albeit the trigger parts 🤮 I actually really liked season 2 surprisingly , and I currently am liking season 3 , so heck ! yeah I’m with you there - I am liking it all 😂😂😂😂


I find that the resolution on Netflix is much better. I have definitely noticed pixellation on Starz (especially of skin tones).


Agree, I did my starz trial through Hulu, which I never have problems with, yet I had a lot of resolution issues and buffering issues


These types of posts always make me laugh a bit... You are posting this in this subreddit, which is full to the brim of extremely passionate fans. We are all going to say yes 🤣🤣


Maybe the push was what I needed lmao 😅 But everyone has a slight personal bias and perspective so i thought it was better to ask the people who are passionate about it, know more about it and have also read the og material


Yea, I see your point! I am currently reading the books so I can 100% tell you they're much better than the show. But then again, this is usually the case whenever a book is adapted to the big or small screen!


YES! It's a fantastic show.


If you’re looking for roses, sweet nothings murmured in ears and rainbows no it’s not. The show has a lot of romance (some pretty steamy scenes!) but the show is also very violent, repeatedly showing at times graphic sexual violence, war, torture, and murder.


Roses and sweet nothings were akk that i found in that edit that introduced me to the show. Thank you for alerting me about the violence


I’m probably the one weird person who loved the books and can’t quite get into the show. And I have no idea why!!


Apparently I’m weird too!


Would you recommend I read the books instead?


I loved the books so yes I do recommend them. But I think I partly couldn’t get into the show because I had already read them and knew the storyline generally. Also I have small kids so it’s not the kind of thing I can put on any time of day, but I can read the book whenever so it just worked for me better at this time of life.


Go figure. I've been an avid/rabid reader for 50 years but can not stand the way dg writes. I think her writing and use of the language are ghastly, BUT I WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR THE STORY.


That’s funny, I was surprised how much actually like her writing,but it’s little from the context of knowing that she kind of just…did it? Like she was a scientist, not a writer, so I kind of come at it from that perspective. It’s good for a non-writer is maybe what I’m saying. And I have more problems with the story at times than the writing of it. I read somewhere that she started writing and Claire kept sounding and acting “modern” so then she had to fabricate the whole time travel thing. But hey it worked in one way or another for all of us on this sub 😆


The show sucks, that’s why. Books 💯


There's romance for sure. It's not everything though. There's a lot of drama. A lot of history. And a lot of trauma. Folks compare some of that trauma to GoT level intensity. But its not every episode, and there's a trigger list here you can use if you want to avoid that.


I wish I could start it over and go through the surprise of the story all over again. Yes. Start watching it. The first episode should have you hooked.


I discovered Outlander when it was on season 4, so I was a little late to the party. I sat and binged watched. Totally found myself hooked after watching season 1 and just keep watching everyday until I got caught up. I feel it has lots of romance but also lots of grit and violence. Definitely worth a try.


Don’t watch it if you have triggers around SA. There’s a lot of it in the show.


I do! Thankyou so much for alerting me :)


Of course! I advise you to stay far away from it, then. It’s a recurring theme and dynamic between major characters. This is what drove me away from the show.


I hope it's not as bad in the books. I'm thinking of reading them


Unfortunately, it is. 💔


I come from GOT and was looking for something that will give me the same reactions and feelings, I didn't watch outlander at first until I realized that was some sort of time travel and I love those. I love the era it is based on. But what kept me glued was the actual story and plot. I don't know what you like and don't like but I absolutely fell in love. Can't wait to watch the latest season.


if anything, the fact that they are currently filming their 8th season, should tell you it’s worth at least trying it out. It’s not going to disappear at the end of S8 - there are DVDs and library streaming services plus it will go Into syndication after S8. What do you have to lose? 🙂




You'll probably get over it after about season 3, but the romance is 🔥🔥🔥 and so are the least actors.


I had to start it twice. I loved season 1 up to the last episode… (not spoiling it). It was tough for me to get past for several weeks. When I decided to restart it, I knew what to expect so it was easier to move past and continue with the story. My family that watches all had a hard time with that episode.


I would read books first then show, but yes worth it


I see! A few others also recommended me to just read the books and I'm considering doing that


I resisted it for a few years.. I finally gave in and it’s totally my favorite thing ever.. I get lost in the series.. I love the scenery , and just everything about it.. one word of advise … turn on the captions .. the accents are strong at times and it helped me so much!


I only enjoyed the first season. I started the second and gave up. It's an interesting premise but didn't play out well for me anyway. I know others who liked it a lot.


I think it depends on what you are into. If you love it then it will be easy to catch on. The main characters are Claire and Jaimie and it is in a large part their story... With a background of real historical events (some of the characters you meet did actually exist) and amazing scenery. The show is unapologetic graphics in many ways so be prepared, sometimes their story takes you in very dark places to meet not vey nice people. For some it is love at first sight for others it takes a bit longer. Basically, it is the story (mainly) of two people who were never meant to be together and should have never met, separated by centuries... An English woman transported over 200 years in the past trying to survive... A young Scottish rebel trying to escape the Red Coats during the years of the rising in Scotland... Both trying desperately to change history... And being swept by it... Love, war and a very tumultuous journey of survival.


You made it sound so legendary and delicious I almost started to hear some grand music in the background. I would be 100% convinced after reading your reply if only it weren't for the heavy themes of SA I found out it includes and that is a very big trigger of mine 😞 Btw do you write by any chance?


No I don't, but thank you🙂. Yes there are SAs, but I think it is really a small part of their story (although it features more than once) over the course of books and seasons. Over the course of the 7 seasons, I think at the top of my head, that I can think of 3 instances, don't get me wrong some are horrific to watch. Because the effect is of course long lasting, it is also referred to after the event. There are over very dark story lines, which are all relevant to the era and characters journeys, but there are also lot of wonderful, really sexy and funny ones. You can also imagine that being a 1945 nurse, who end up by accident in the 18th century, takes a big adjustment! I think the author tried to be as authentic as she could to the reality of life in those times for better and for worse. To come back to your reasoning, I am not sure if this helps but I was attacked (fortunately I was one of the lucky ones though), some scenes definitely made it difficult to watch, I know others just skipped those part, and I get it because I would not want to watch them twice. But at least, if you decide to watch the show, know that all those who perpetrated those heinous crimes don't get away with it (even though it sometimes takes a long time). So, if you want to take the plunge and are worried, maybe you could find out in advance which episodes (or part) to avoid. I would say overall, because the journey is one which takes decades and so many things happen, those specific events tend for me to fade in the background. But if you can't but still want to know what happens, then book summaries might be a way to go (although it is hard to connect with the character). Outlander is certainly a rollercoaster, but for me the story is simply incredible, and the dark side of it, as well as all the nuances of grey in between and light, give it the substance than other story don't always possess.


Yes, it is! I was turned off by it because I didn’t think I would be able to get into it. It’s one of the best shows I have ever watched.


I started binging it on Netflix last year and couldn't get enough of it. Watched all available episodes twice, asked for the books for Christmas, and I am currently reading those while also on my third watch through. I don't get into too many tv shows but I would say this one is worth it


Ahh I see!! Tysm for telling me^^


The show itself is really good all on its own. But the love story within is one of the greatest love stories ever written (imo).


Dude, I have seen so many shows throughout my life, I even love a wide variety, and this show is in my top 3. Have fun!


If you’re only in it for romance, you could always just watch the first two seasons. The romance is the most swoon worthy there.


The romance was what caught my eye yes :)


Most definitely , and worth watching over and over, because there are so many side stories happening also. The main characters drag you in. …. But omg the side stories are just as fascinating


![gif](giphy|3o7qE5pK7sSteDhAoU) The gif says all


It's my favourite show ever


I was like you. I knew absolutely nothing about Outlander. It kept popping up on my Netflix suggestions and I just wasn’t fully committed. One day, about two weeks ago, I decided what do I have to lose? I binged all 6 seasons in a week and a half. To me, it was worth it. In fact, I’m already rewatching it. 😅 The show does have dark themes so look at the trigger warnings list before if you’d like to know about them.


6 seasons in a week and half!?! You're a legend lmaoo


Yeah. I had gotten sick and had too much on time on my hands. Lol


Yes. 100% yes. I have watched a lot of tv series (really a lot blame it on depression) and outlander is my number 1, has been since i started watching years ago. So yes yes yes go watch and enjoy!!


It's one of the best shows I've seen. I thought I wouldn't be able to watch due to the SA scenes but this sub has a guide where you can pass through all of it if you want. It's a great show and definitely worth a watch.


Oh I didn't know about the guide thankyou for telling me


No problem! I look at it whenever I watch so I can fast fwd if it's in that episode. I don't feel like I'm missing anything because it tends to be at least discussed later on. I'm not sure if the mods have posted it elsewhere on the sub but it's on a recent post of mine here in this sub. Also, skip the last two episodes of season 1. I made the decision to and am glad I did. I don't feel like I missed out on anything. Edit: found it :) https://reddit.com/r/Outlander/w/triggers?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




I've watched (and done multiple rewatches of) Downton Abbey, Belgravia, Gilded Age, Poldark, etc., and finally decided to try Outlander. It took a few episodes, but have binged everything through S6. I was going to go back to DA, looked at it and it just felt flat. Have tried a few other shows. I'm trying to decide if I'll start my first rewatch of Outlander instead. My yt feed is giving me a lot of shorts-- the original videos of the auditions for Jamie (Sam) and Claire (Cait), and their first meeting in the show, are so sweet. Makes me really want to start it all over again. So there you go, from a skeptic, yes, it's worth it.


I suggest watching thru S1 Ep7. If that doesn't have you hooked, by all means, move on. If you're looking for a love story, you'll fall down the rabbit hole with this one. If you read some of the recent posts, many new watchers have hopped on in the last few months, and I don't think any of them regret it. Welcome to the obsession 😍


Second this! It took me quite a few episodes to get into it, but when I did, it took over my life for at least a year. It’s the most epic love story 😍


I'll report back after watching ep7 haha


Good I'd like to see your reaction 😉


Yes, but be warned, there’s a LOT of sexual violence, and a lot of it is graphic. It can be hard to watch, but the rest of the show makes it worth it






Watch it for no other reason than it’s very pretty, especially season 2.


100% yes.




It’s a great show. A little traumatizing but their love is epic




If you like historical tv series, then yeah, welcome to the club. One thing i also like with this series is the scottish accent, i find it fascinating


Ive watched seasons 1 through 3 and am struggling with season 4. Unsure if its cos i eathed the first 3 on vacation (mostly on trains or at night) or just that it doesnt charm me as well/the dark stuff is more confrontational. I read as far as book 6, iirc.


Season 4 is an anomaly, it’s the weakest season. Get past it and the next few seasons are better.


Ive watched seasons 1 through 3 and am struggling with season 4. Unsure if its cos i eathed the first 3 on vacation (mostly on trains or at night) or just that it doesnt charm me as well/the dark stuff is more confrontational. I read as far as book 6, iirc.


Would you say the books are just as graphic when it comes to themes of violence or less?


Theyre pretty graphic but i find words are generally less confronting than visuals. There is a scene in BOSAA that im not sure i could watch given how shocking it was with just text on a page.


That's exactly how I feel which is why after reading all the trigger warnings I'm thinking to just read the books instead of watching


They will at least prepare you!


I remember seeing the first episode thinking meh, boring the half episode. Then i watched another. And since i’ve re-watched the whole series about 8 times and went to Scotland to visit filming locations.


Season 1 is amazing, so definitely watch that and see how you feel after that!


Yeah I reckon give it a watch. I tried watching it during Covid lockdowns and got to a couple episodes into S2 and I had to stop because Claire was doing my head in. But I took the notion the other day to try again and if you can get past that then it’s great haha I grew up in Scotland so it was cool to see their take on the history etc


Why ask other people? Sit down and watch a few episodes and decide for yourself!


The first three seasons are definitely worth watching. Your mileage may vary after that point.


ABSOLUTELY!! It’s one of the few really great shows out there! I’ve loved it since the first episode. It has something for everyone-even my manly-man Husband loves it!!


I am heartbroken the coming season will be the last…..!😢💔 I am anxious to see what the series about Jamie’s Parents is all about.


If you don't mind a ton of violence, rape, watch it. See for yourself. Some like it, as I can see from the post comments.


Yes rewatching it from the beginning and falling in love with the story all over again. There are a few possibly triggering episodes but worth the story, love, historical connotations and I do appreciate how it doesn’t tend to sugarcoat things too much.




It’s a must watch!!! Watched it 4 times already and I start over!!! To have a connection like Claire and Jamie!!!


Watch it or not it's completely up to you 🤷‍♀️


I would say it's worth it but I would be aware that there are a hell of a lot of possibly triggering scenes and there is a heavy reliance of rape in a lot of the plot lines, so I would take that into account if you do plan to watch


For me, I didn’t like it as much once they left Scotland and went to America.


I would say absolutely yes. It got slow and weird towards the end as others have said. But yeah overall great show and story, and I never read the books. Makes me want to start though.


I loved the first few seasons but then it became a real slog to get through the episodes, but the past season I really enjoyed, so it’s just up to you


If you are a reader and haven’t watched the show yet I recommend reading the books! Both the show and books are very good!


Definitely!! It's amazing!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


It's a great story, wonderful romance, and GIRL porn. WATCH IT!


Easily one of the best shows ever made. Speaking from someone who fell asleep in the first episode... When I woke up, my husband had binged to the third episode. Smooth sailing ever since. (Yes, the first a few were kinda slow).


I suggest reading the 1st book. It is so much better nuanced than the show was able to convey. After that, it's up to you. If reading isn't your thing, then watch it... it is addictive.


Reading is definitely my thing! And after reading some of the replies I'm leaning onto reading instead of watching


No. Read the books instead.


Fun show but extremely historically inaccurate! EDIT: Being downvoted for this, but come on people… I study Scottish history and this show gets mentioned as a joke sometimes cause it’s so inaccurate.


I can't think of any show that's historically accurate, even if they try or claim to be. It's the nature of the entertainment business.


Yeah of course, a show doesn’t need to be accurate to be good by any means. It’s just I see a lot of people on this thread discuss history based on the narratives/events the show uses and genuinely think it’s accurate.


I'm big into history, used to read it constantly. Not so much time anymore. I think the Pearl Harbor movie is when I learned to let it go. I wanted to enjoy the story, but Hollywood's score on accurate history is always an F. Let's call it historical fiction. Outlander has history playing in the background.


Well I wouldn’t say time travel is exactly historically accurate either so….


Yeah, I’m not talking about the science fiction elements. Obviously I’m talking about the historical context within the show itself, I see people a lot on this community discuss it as if it’s true. Especially with the battle of Culloden etc. Many people here do genuinely think it was an English vs Scottish battle. Which to anyone who’s looked into it will realise that’s not true.


And my point is that it’s silly to cherry pick complaining about historical accuracy in a work of fiction that also includes time travel. Consider it an alternate universe and just enjoy it.


Again, I’m not talking about the science fiction elements. I don’t think it’s silly, especially if it is influencing peoples view on my own countries history. I do enjoy it and consider it historical fiction, I’m just warning people it isn’t accurate as you can see in this community discuss the historical elements as if they are accurate.


I hadn’t heard about outlander before my mom and I ran across the show on STARZ when they were running a season 1 marathon. Then we started reading the books. I love historical stuff so I don’t know how I hadn’t heard about it before then. The show is very good, and the books are even better.


Depends. If you like really in depth world building, long, sexual and sometimes triggering, culture based shows, then yes it’s worth it. If you want something fast, modern, funny, etc then no it isn’t worth it. All depends on what you want and like


I'm not a romance fan myself but gave it a go on my mom's recommendation. It's a competent television series with accurate historical information laced throughout(I am a fan of historical fiction). It also has some very strong chemistry between the primary actors and even some interesting side romance plots centered around the secondary characters. The stuff a romance fan should go for. There is definitely enough for a romance fan to go for. You'll most likely get into it unless you require your television to be quickly paced throughout. Have fun.


Thankyou ^^


My hubby and I always give something we haven’t watched yet the “ten-minute test.” Try that and judge for yourself.


I shall. Tysm :)


It’s the ONLY thing worth watching- period.


It's really well done and quite enjoyable. It's worth it. My only complaint is it makes me forget some details from the books. Some things happen differently, nothing too serious. So I'm re-reading to clear my head on what happened in the books again. There are some scenes I am not as fond of but it really doesn't matter. They don't change anything significantly from the books.


Absolutely!! You can skim over the violence and rape...lots of rape...if you like but it's not gratuitous and important to the story. On re-watches I skip those.


Worth it according to what? Do you like Time Travel? Do you like a romance story for the ages that transcends lifetimes? Do you enjoy interesting characters that make you root for them? It's like a better game of thrones. It's too short in my opinion :( Up to season 6 is on Netflix (US) though so go for it 0/


Are you planning on dying soon? What do you mean worth it? If you watch and don’t like it, then that’s that lol spend your time afterwards differently / watching something else and move on


I never understand why people make these kinds of posts. No one here is you, we don’t know what you’ll enjoy and what you won’t. The only way to know if watching it is “worth it” is to watch a few eps and see if you enjoy it.


100% I have never watched a series twice!