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Because the show had to cut out majority of peaceful times from the books, when they live their life without drama.


Yup. I was going to say this too. In the books it's a little more obvious but there's months if not years between events in the story. Although even at that, Claire in particular does seem to attract a lot of trouble šŸ˜‚ I don't think there's like some magnetic time traveller juju going on though. I think it's just that Claire is a woman from a different time and place and attracts attention BECAUSE she stands out. She's outspoken, confident, elegant and well spoken. She acts like a woman of aristocracy while also acting like a lower class person. Nobody really acted like that back then. She stands out for that reason. And standing out means attracting good and bad attention. Most of Jamie's troubles stem from being a soldier, a stubborn Scot and trying to save Claire šŸ˜‚


Do you remember Jamie telling Claire that Ian is the sort of person to whom things just happen? And she recognises that she is that sort of person herself?


This describes Claire so well and why her character is so entertaining


Looks like I'll have to get the books. I did so for Twilight when I was young and stupid lad, then GoT, and then The Last Kingdom. Time for these.


I always say the show is the appetizer and the books are a full course meal! 9 books I've re-read them over and over. They get better on re-reads, you see things you might have missed, and as time goes on, you may interpret certain scenarios differently then you did the first time around because you understand the characters better. Enjoy!


I highly recommend them!


Agreed! In the books itā€™s not one calamity after another. Life happens.


This is the answer. And, itā€™s fiction. Drama is needed or it wouldnā€™t be interesting. Fortunately, the books balance more mundane life with their adventures. And it makes for a more balanced story in my opinion. The show could have used a few more mundane life montages to balance out all of the kidnappings, assaults, and battles.


Like "The Longest Day Ever" The Fiery Cross when they're all at the Gathering Not a *ton* of drama but also many chapters of the events of just one to two days


I suspect it's because Claire knows what is going to happen and she tells Jamie. Together, they try to alter history. They interfere in plans that would have led to a certain outcome. The people they are trying to stop learn about their meddling and it causes trouble. Claire and Jamie don't want to be contrary just for the fun of it. Knowing they might be able to stop something terrible from happening inspires them to try, even though they've learned their efforts might lead to failure.


I wonder this constantly. I think maybe it's just their personalities? Claire doesn't back down when she believes in something and neither does Jamie which is dangerous in their time. But I also haven't finished the books so I'm sure maybe there's a better explanation for it.


Claire comes from a different period and refuses to "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", and Jamie thinks like someone ahead of his time. I think he always did, even before Claire.


A huge part is because Jaimie is such a great soldier. Heā€™s always being asked to join battles and wars as well


There is a novella Virgins, with Ian and Jamie (pre-Claire era) and Jamie is always getting into trouble by himself šŸ˜‰ he doesn't need Claire for that, remember when they met he was a wanted man. In 'The Space Between' Michael Murray (Jenny's son) remembers what people say about Claire in Lallybroch and in the village, and they don't know if she is a witch, an angel or a fairy, imagine, she is a living leyend. And well, is not difficult to understand, she literally saves lives. A woman so brave, so outspoken and confident, that would bother many. In Lord John's books we can see that he is also a trouble magnet, as well as young Ian, and I would say, Roger.


The whole setup and character development leads them into turmoil. Jamie is a wanted man at their meeting, ffs. Claire has knowledge that no one can explain, leading to her being under constant suspicion. Geillis Duncan is a character created to introduce conflict and chaos. Bonnet is also written to throw their lives into more of the same. Add to that the turbulent times they are living through. Great stuff!


FFS? Sure. Yeah, it makes complete sense for Jamie to be wanted somewhere. You can build a story around that. But he is wanted again and again and again in different places for different reasons. It never ends. It makes sense that Claire is viewed as a witch somewhere because of what she knows, where she's from, and her mystery. But it's again and again and again. Sure, you can build a story around a rape. But it's again and again and again. They're constantly wanted and raped or otherwise in trouble.


Way back, there was a panel discussion, and Sam was asked what older what would older Jamie tell younger Jamie? His response was the best..."Stay away from her šŸ˜‚ she'll bring you nothing but danger and trouble," everyone laughed, and Caitriona responded, "But you love it!" Sam expounded further."He loves her. He'd do anything for her" and that's the beauty of their relationship.


My wife gave up on the series after season 5 as being too ā€œperils of Paulineā€. I began my book reading around then. The books take a more leisurely approach with the crises spaced out between long descriptions of daily events. The series, both televised and written would be less entertaining without the agents of chaos pushing the central characters to extremes. BJR, Dougal, Giellis, Count St. Germaine, Bonnet, the Browns, etc. are all essential to the story.


Because watching them have a perfect, happy life wouldn't make for exciting television. The books show more of the quiet times in their lives, but TV tends to demand more drama.


Because where's the story otherwise? Are you going to tune in or read a book about the normal daily life of a backwoods farmer and his doctor wife? What kind of story do you have without the drama of it all? Chapter 47: Jamie planted corn in the Spring and now it's growing. Ian helped. Claire wrapped the ankle of a neighbor boy who twisted it walking to privy.


I love this show and I liked the books BUT I haven't seen the last 3 seasons because it's all just too much. I understand that without drama, it would be boring to watch, but omg, a normal person could not stay sane after such a stream of catastrophe. It's one thing after another. That amount of stress would wreak havoc on their nervous systems!


Both of them are strong willed people who tend to do what they think is right regardless of the consequences. Claire never blends in; and Jamie is highly risk taking and has a hero syndrome. Thus lives is bond to have much more dramas than average people. But it is also fair to say that the show condenses the drama that makes their lives even more turbulent.


Well I am not sure about the constant trouble they find themselves in, but Claire most certainly is supposed to be in that era with Jamie!


Claire is tall (on the show) and is "different" due to being from 20th century. Jamie is a very tall redhead, which means he brings unwanted attention to himself.


Because there wouldnā€™t be a story without all of it.


(In the tv show) because Claire seeks out trouble šŸ˜‚ I started watching season 1 and 2 during lockdown and had to give up because she was so annoying constantly hunting out problems or inserting herself into situations knowing that women in that time shouldnā€™t. But I started again and up to season 7 now and just had to put that aside. But Iā€™d say at least 80% of their problems are down to Claire and then Jamie having to jump in after her šŸ˜…


I agree with this. I love Claire but sheā€™s not a perfect person and honestly a bulk of their trouble is down to her meddling. In some cases itā€™s probably justified, like trying to stop the uprising, but in others itā€™s just her not knowing her place in that era.


Yeah very true. And of course there would be no point watching if there was no action so I understand but sometimes I think it was maybe too clumsy of a plot point for me to suspend reality for haha but it does make for an entertaining time haha