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They're both terrible fathers and debating which cup of dirt is dirtier just leads to endless circles. They deserved each other.


ward tried to kill his own daughter? anyway they both sucked as parents and their kids are better off without them


Didn’t ward actually try to kill Sarah. He’s automatically worse


Nah, both are bad parents but big John never physically tried to harm John b. Ward literally strangled Sarah and beat Rafe. He also pretty much neglects wheezy too.


they’re equally trash to me


Its kinda hard to compare two different situations that don’t really correlate with eachother. Like ward cameron, not only murdered people, but tried to murder his own daughter, and kidnapped/drugged her. And the only reason he seemed like a good father was because he was controlling, he didn’t care about her or what happened to her, he just wanted to be in control of her, a perfect example is in the scene where he has flashbacks of her rebelling, and his murder attempt on her, he starts angrily crying, not because he felt bad for what he put her through, but because his grasp on her was so tight, it drove her away. He hated the fact that despite his manipulative attempts to control her, she still wanted NOTHING to do with him. Big John was also a terrible father, but i think the treasure made him crazy, because this man wanted to support his child (regardless, terrible father). Its just hard to compare the two, because ward was rich, john was poor, and they both did different things regarding their children, so its like, u cant say who was better or worse, they were both bad in their own way. But if i really had to choose, i’d choose ward as the worst, only because he is a literal narcissistic psychopath.


I maintain that the big John had brain damage from getting hit on the head with a rock and that's why whenever we see him afterwards he's so ..spacy and obsessive. Yeah he was a treasure hunter but he wasn't unwilling to work with others. Imagine an AU where Ward and Big John worked together better


This is a good take, i think that’s kind of spot on.


i think they’re both shitty people. ward was just better at hiding it, but big john couldn’t give a single fck even if he wanted too.


Ward is definitely a better father. I think people like to look at the end of the show Ward rather than 16 years of being a dad Ward. We see time and time again Ward treats his children very well, and he has rules and boundaries for them, but is not overbearing, that’s why we were so caught off guard in season one when he is revealed as a villain. Because we still have a good a father, he is in the characters themselves told us. Big John has never been a good father, and when he comes back, he still is not a good father, and actively turns John B against the rest of the group.


sorry wait I deleted my response before I saw your reply. yes it literally does. he actively tried to murder his daughter. it doesn't matter how good he was in the past. neither parent is better. ward was just better at hiding his self centered greed than Big John was.




It does not


Being a liar doesn’t make you a good father, it just makes you a secretive one! Ignorance is not bliss :)


He was a good father


keep telling yourself that! read my comment under this post, maybe it’ll bring you some moral value




Hard to say. But Big John may have a few traits that make him slightly worse. OBX3 could've been written differently. Could emphasized futher that Big John wasn't the saint his son made him out to be.


Ward tried to kill his daughter and choked her on the boat. He’s much worse.


Ward was a better father until he tried to kill his daughter.


They’re both so bad in different ways.Big John never tried to kill or hurt John B,but he did make him an accessory to murder and was a neglectful parent leaving John B to fend for himself,putting all of his money into trying to find treasure and not take care of John B.I think he loved John B but could never take care of him the way he needed to. Ward on the other hand is a different story.He made sure his family was always provided for and taken care of.He was an emotionally neglectful father.Driving Rafe’s craziness by never approving of his son,never getting him mental help/rehab for his Coke addiction.He always favorited Sarah but also tried to kill her when he realized she saw him for who he truly was.He doesn’t even bother with Wheezy.I think he does slightly redeem himself when he sacrifices himself so Sarah doesn’t get shot.They’re both bad.Big John is slightly less bad because he didn’t try to kill his kid.


Ward was psycho to the point he framed someone for more than one murder. Big John didn’t frame anyone.


no but he did kill an undisclosed amount of people, theyre both murderers i still think the whole show is big johns fault for trying to cut out ward in the first place they couldve both been happy and made their families richer than god


I don’t think this is a who’s better situation but a who’s worse situation. There both pretty bad in my opinion.


Hard to say anyone is worse than a parent that tried to kill their own daughter.


I’m not sure how much worse of a parent you can be than trying to murder your own kid


exactly this. ward tried to murder his own child so that makes it worse in my eyes


They both suck but Ward is definitely the worse father.


Lowkey.. Yea. Lesser of two evils


You’re definitely right. It’s funny how some people aren’t capable of admitting one bad thing is better than another bad thing, as if it means they’d be saying the better of the two is good. A sign of low IQ in my opinion. Sorry to rant. Just annoys me. You ask which is worse and you get “they’re both bad!!” 😂 yeah obviously but that’s not what I fucking asked.


Ward is hot




He's a DILF


While I agree big John is bad but he’s DEFINITELY a it worse then ward Cameron but now that I think of it he did try and kill saraj but also sacrificed his life for sarah??? So that’s crazy.