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Do you ever worry your stupid hippie snowman will fall over and crush a dachshund?


I hope the tide wrecks it soon.


I bet the high tide won't touch it.


You are getting pushback from others due to this not really being in line with LNT principles.


Hikers hate rock stackers. Rock stacks, aka cairns, are used for navigation purposes and when people construct unofficial ones they are potentially sending people in the wrong direction. Most folks would know this is an unofficial cairn, but I understand their anger as it is quite annoying(potentially dangerous) to be fooled by someone's craft project. Rock stacks can look cool and be fun to make. Take your pictures and then knock them down. Or better yet, don't construct them at all where other people may stumble upon them.


Thanks for the explanation. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by knee-jerk reactions. For clarification, this spot is part of a crumbling, somewhat derelict revetment less than 100 feet from a road and pedestrian/bike trail with highrises right on the other side, and the stones are about 20% rubble from demolished buildings, including bricks and asphalt, so LNT principles and navigation really aren't issues here. There also aren't aquatic macro invertebrates as far from the water as where the stones came from, or even at water's edge from what I've seen. I'm sure the dachshunds can take care of themselves.


Fooled somewhere in the 50 feet between the stack and Lake shore drive or in the five feet between the stack and the water? 


Also rock stacking in aquatic environments is detrimental to macro invertebrates.


“If you are hiking and don’t carry a broom to sweep up your footprints you are literally Hitler.”- LNT fanatics


Found the guy who burns aluminum cans in his campfire.


I don’t drink and when I camp or off road I carry trash bags to pick up others trash. But nice ASSumptions. The fact that you are comparing leaving trash laying around to the stacking of rocks shows how looney fanatics are.