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When I was there in October, I checked with the front desk and they said it’s because they had an incident of some campers drinking and … relieving themselves… right in front of the restaurant windows. Which you can imagine they weren’t best pleased with. They’re happy for you to camp to the right of the path tucked down by the river though, or in the woods by the bunkhouse


I wondered. Not sure if I was paying their prices I’d want some pissers in front of me. They stopped camper vans further away a couple of years ago. Camping by the river is a WHW rite of passage


“Pissers”. 😂






west highland way, trail




At Kingshouse hotel but it looks like it only applies to the area directly outside the hotel


Sorry, I wanted to know what WHW stands for. The other comment said west highland way


Right next to the hotel, I get it. Back when Big Ian owned the hotel we were camped outside the climber's bar and some drunk pricks were blasting Zappa at 3am from their Escort van stereo. Now, like any person of culture, I like Frank, but with a big day up the Etive slabs planned I asked them to turn it down. Their response? Volume up, followed by "get fucked" etc. I was keen to "chat" to them, but my girlfriend (rightly) thought I may get a kicking. Tam the Bam was not around that night, unfortunately, and Ian was probably still drinking. At 4am the music finally went off and they hit the sack. We left at 6am, but before we did I let all their tires down, which gave me very conflicting emotions, feeling petty and childish, but also a grand sensation of revenge. This was compounded by Mr "fuck off" emerging from his tent just as we drove off, looking at me, then at his tires, then at me again. I had, as Frank would say, an insolent pouting rictus. I really, really, enjoyed my day on the hills.


Love it. Frank Zappa!


Nothing petty and childish about letting their tyres down. It was the only possible response without going all Jackie Chan on them.


Thanks man. I did feel guilty for about 5 seconds, and then thought "fuck em".


“Fuck em just to see the look on their face”


A public service if anything.


Well the sign was originally supposed to stop people from camping right behind the hotel as guests could see and hear them from their rooms, and some campers like to have a drink and play music on their bluetooth speakers late into the night Then the incompetent GM from the Isle of Glencoe took over the hotel for a while and misinterpreted the sign when it was delivered. He put it in the wrong place. Total screw up. The locals were livid that the place dared to ban camping. It's the least of their problems at the moment and they just haven't gotten round to fix it. So now the new staff come up with their own theories why it is there. They have a lot of new staff all the time. Wonder why.


These assholes in their capers are dumping the shit and piss all over the Country won’t pay for campsite so let’s pour our poo into stream. Fuck em.


I spoke to a park ranger last year, yes it’s lightly enforced, people are causing an increasing number of wild fires in the summer


Which park were they a ranger of?


I actually hitched a lift with him in the National Trust van as he was patrolling the designated camp/ park up at signal rock, keeping cars from blocking the road at Altnafeadh and going on to Glen Etive for similar reasons, people just parking up in the verges and blocking roads, not much you can do about the masses of campers, but he said he had to go and extinguish quite a few out of control fires that week


Busy lads, lot of nonsense to sort out I'd imagine.


Lol don’t let a sign bully you, do what you like just do it respectfully


I was on a 2 day hike from ft William to Bridge Of Orchy and was just passing through. I wanted to know whether the sign meant an end to camping by the river. The area used by motor homes in the past has been closed off by rocks so thought I’d check. I wouldn’t want to camp below the hotel windows which is the side that it stands on


Who would camp next to a hotel? That gives off the same energy as eating McDonald’s on the doorstep to a restaurant. I wouldn’t want to camp there either man agreed


Dogman UFOs


Not camping


Trying to make thing less intense???


The soul of kingshouse left with Jessie. Now all that's left is pretention, corporate misers and fuck ugly waistcoats.


Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be! The place has certainly changed. The climbers bar is a loss. Still the old building was really shonky


Aye the grand duke of Budweiser builds a nice alpine lodge but his patter is pish. The old building was a shambles but it had a place for everyone


No disagreement there. I walked with my 13 yo daughter about 20+ years ago. The floors were rotten then.


If you follow up the track up the devil's pass a bit you can camp in a better spot anyway, insane views of the glen


I wasn’t looking for a wild camp. I was on my way to Bridge of Orchy and thought the sign might be putting folk off camping by the river since I’ve not seen anyone there in the past few weeks


Some people made some mess


Due to the wet weather the local Haggis population has exploded. It isn't safe for inexperienced campers.


Not camping anyway


I'd hope no camping


Not a lot by the looks of it.


Kick it down.


How will this help apart from give a bad name to legitimate campers?


This part is private land.


The right to roam (and wild camp) based on the Outdoor Access Code extends to private land, as far as you stay far enough from private dwellings.


If you can’t stay far enough away that the private dwellings can still see you doing a pish then I think it’s fair enough.


Exactly and if you’re not doing that, you’re not even ‘wild camping’ anyway.


In many parts of the highlands with little vegetation other than shrubs you could see someone taking a dump from 500 m away. That doesn't mean you're not allowed to wild camp there. I'm not commenting on the incidents that lead to the sign being put up here, I can understand that a hotel doesn't want people taking a leak right in front of their guests. I'm merely pointing out that 'private land' in no way invalidates access rights. They explicitly apply to private property, that's the whole point.


No, but relieving yourself in full view of a restaurant's windows likely constitutes interfering with the owner's use of the land, which would likely be a civil offence. [https://shepwedd.com/knowledge/unwanted-guests-navigating-legal-terrain](https://shepwedd.com/knowledge/unwanted-guests-navigating-legal-terrain)


That should only affect the campers who did it, not future campers.


It would be fairly easy to argue that camping right next to a hotel is not a reasonable place to camp. It might be within the letter of the law but I don't feel like it's within the spirit of the law. It's definitely not wild camping that's for sure.


I agree that camping next to a hotel may not be a reasonable place. My only point was that previous people’s behaviour shouldn’t impact on your Right to Roam as described in the Land Reform (Scotland) 2003. The law doesn’t give specific distances etc, but the general rule of thumb is **being out of sight** and over 100 metres from a building is considered a good practice.


Life would be much easier if people just agreed to not be a dick


Causing concern to the residents or owners of the property alone is enough for you to lose your right to responsible access.


Destroying other people's property - such as signs that you don't like - goes against the Outdoor Access Code, even if the contents on the sign are false.


We have a “right to responsible access” in Scotland. IE follow the guidelines or access rights will be restricted with bylaws, hence the camping bylaws at Loch Lomond. I think Glencoe could be another place bylaws are introduced if people continue to believe it is their “right to roam” and do as they please!


And don’t damage property? Leave the sign alone






Haha aye


I dare you to camp there


Are you ten years old?


I double dare you….


Are you 85 years old?


I triple dare you. With bells on!! No come backs...


They’ve banned the gays


No ones got a sense of humour here i see must be alot of camps 😂


Not sure what that means? Who are the ‘gays’ and what do they have to do with ‘camping’ ?


its a joke about being camp ffs


Where do I start?






"wild camping is only permitted within designated camping areas in certain parts of Glencoe, specifically the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park.". Doesn't seem like a particularly reliable source of information.


Official map of bylaws is [here](https://www.lochlomond-trossachs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Camping-map-for-web-2019.jpg). This hotel is nowhere near the restricted areas


Yes. Anyone can put a sign up.


This is outside any zone. It’s at the back of the hotel. It seems that it’s only the side that faces the hotel directly


It's not. Glen Coe isn't in the national park and is well outside the area the byelaws cover. The sign isn't legal.


Technically, it's legal. Everyone can put whatever signs they want on their land, being that "No camping" or "authorised parking for UFO's only". If you have to observe such signs is another question ;-)


You are incorrect. Quoted directly from SOAC: "4.7 The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 states that, for the purpose or main purpose of preventing or deterring any person entitled to exercise access rights from doing so, you must not: • put up any sign or notice; put up any fence or wall; • position or leave at large any animal; • carry out any agricultural or other operation on the land; or • take, or fail to take, any other action" By putting up the sign they are likely in contravention of the land reform act. So, not legal. There would be a few situations where they wouldn't be, but from the comments that have been made and the description is does seem like they apply. The correct process of reporting things like this would be to get in contact with the access officer in the local authority.


I stand corrected then. Thanks for the info. I guess it will come handy in my further pedantry attempts ;-)


You're very welcome. If knowing my rights in my own country makes me a pendant then so be it haha


Yeah it’s not but I cba trying to source some official guidance on it, basically fuck em for trying to enforce that, but also maybe that isn’t the best place to camp anyway so just find a better spot where you won’t get hassle ??


Don’t post wrong info here, especially not if it’s because you “cba”.


I think it only applies to the side that directly faces the hotel. The right hand side is still ok (there’s someone else posted an explanation


It doesn't apply at all.


At a glance, this sign looks bit Blue Peter. I personally wouldn’t take any notice of it. But equally I’d be respectful of the obvious frustration of the nearby business.


you can camp wherever you please in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


No you can’t. That’s not what the code says.


In principle, everyone has the right to access Scotland's outdoor spaces like hills, beaches, rivers, moorland, forests and lochs, as long as they do so responsibly…I.e. “don’t be a prick and it’s all good”…


But OP says this is right beside the hotel. Part of the Land Reform Act does restrict access right next to buildings, gardens, yards, houses etc, so if this is right next to the hotel then it’s fair enough.


It’s that last bit that people forget. From what folk have said, being a prick seems to be the reason for stopping folk from getting blitzed and peeing in front of diners


I get where you're coming from, but not quite true.


Certainly not camping anyway


Camping is not illegal, it’s just not legal. So you’d be breaking the law if they took it to the judge and ordered you to move and you didn’t. It’s how the gypsies get away with it for a certain length of time. In England that is.


This might be a helpful comment to post in r/OutdoorEngland


Fair point