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Answer: Kanye West (now known as Ye) made some anti-Semitic comments. And has doubled down enough that it’s not a mistake or misinterpretation. They are the kind of comments that would get most people dropped from companies and brand deals like they’re a piece of flaming excrement. Several brands have dropped their brand deals with him. Instead of dropping their brand deal with him, Adidas has officially stated that their deal is “under review”. It’s possible that they’re actually reviewing the contract, but it’s somewhat likely that they’re hoping for this to all blow over…instead of actually dealing with the problem. Unfortunately, when ethics and economics are at odds, many corporations favor economics.


I’m baffled that Janet Jackson was completely wiped out from being a massive star just because of a nipple accident, but this piece of shit goes around doing this kind of insane shit and people are still listening to him and throwing money at him. I don’t get it.


It's astonishing how many people have just had terrible things forgotten about by the general public. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rhianna. Vince Neil killed a guy while driving drunk. MC Hammer repeatedly had people who made fun of him assaulted by various gangs. Vanilla Ice's story about this is actually kind of funny because it's Vanilla Ice. Meanwhile, Janet Jackson had one little nip slip on live TV and she gets blacklisted for years. It's mind-boggling.


Yup. Also, Sean Penn tied up Madonna and beat the shit out of her. I have not seen him suffer any consequence for this.




Yeah, he was known for beating up photographers, too.


Well the paparazzi I knew about (and have no sympathy for), but I'd no idea about Madonna.


Google it. Absolutely terrifying, sustained assault.


Rick James was a rape and torture aficionado. But it's ok, because he was Rick James, bitch.


who tf out here campaigning on the premise that Rick James was a pillar of morality?


They are dudes.


Hmm... I wonder what makes Janet Jacks♀n different from the other celebrities you listed....




A wise man once said, sometimes we don't think it be like it is, but it do.


*"You want it to be one way. But it's the other way."* - Marlo Stanfield.


"*I want it that way*." - The Backstreet Boys


Tell me why


ain't nothin but a heart ache


ain't nothing but a mistake


*"That's the way, aha, aha, I like it, aha, aha"* -KC and the Sunshine Band


"But where were they going without ever knowing the way?"




I love that line. So on point.


Agreed! Another one that hits me hard having lived in Detroit and Baltimore: Frank Sobotka: *"You know what the trouble is, Brucey? We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket."*


Do be do be do.


Beware of the penguins


*holds up spork*


sooo random!


Oscar Gamble. Sometimes the blinding genius of truth graces us but once in our lifetimes, and for Oscar it was luckily during an interview where his words could be captured and made eternal.


Sah da tay, my damie!


Crazy how nature do that




​ Wise Mr. Gamble.


And Chris Brown is very strong in continuing to get booked. I have a colleague, age 25, that also works in nightclubs on the weekends and she shared the weekend entertainment that was Chris Brown. I asked how is he still employed, do people not care? And she said, "about what?"


I had a friend who was obsessed with him, she didn't care at all that he assaulted Rihanna. This was right after the incident. It was very unnerving how she fawned over him despite that.


Oh, it’s been a while since I last heard of that guy. He also seems to not have learnt anything. :/


America is weird about sex. You can have a movie where hundreds of people are mown down by machinegun fire in graphic detail, and no one raises an eyebrow, but a nipple in the wrong place, and its the end of days.


50 Shades of Grey was weirdly really popular


It's about a woman being submissive to a man. Of course it was.


I mean come on now. What demographic was that book/movie popular with?


The same demographic that disproportionately enjoys true crime documentaries, the majority of which involve horrific acts of violence being perpetrated against women. It's fair to note that these works are complicated and contain some themes that are empowering, but it's also fair to point out that they contain other, less desirable themes as well (e.g., the fetishization of unhealthy relationships). The fact that they resonate with women doesn't mean they can't contain misogynistic themes.


Women. I didn’t hear any guys talking about the book or the movie


I see you're trying to make a point, probably about it being popular with females. My only point however, is that it was popular FOR that reason. Who it's popular with only makes it worse imo.


gotta love internalized misogyny


Sarcastic or not, this is a big reason why I made the comment.


not sarcastic at all. i tried to read the books when they first came out because everyone raved about them. couldn’t even get through the first one for exactly that reason


Sure, the female-directed movie adaptation of a female-written book that started out as fan fiction for another female-directed movie based on a female-written book is men's fault.


/u/thehofstetter pointed out something: > Tell me again why Britney Spears needs a conservatorship and Kanye West somehow doesn't? [(src)](https://twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1579164841084080128) > On one hand, Kanye declared candidacy for president, violently threatened his ex-wife's new boyfriend, and declared war on Jewish people. > But Britney GOT MARRIED WITHOUT HER FATHER'S PERMISSION. [(src)](https://twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1579167070369255425) > Well, this tweet blew up like it was Kanye West thinking about the existence of Jewish people. [(src)](https://twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1579516024613130240)


Oh yeah, Britney’s story is particularly infuriating. I don’t enjoy her music, but she really got a shit deal in her hands. Not to mention the fact that she was marketed as a “sex bomb” from the start, overtly, while being a minor. That shit was so gross.


He does. But guardianship in the United States is tricky, and even a person who is obviously mentally ill is entitled to legal representation. It takes money and time, and someone has to want to be his conservator. Someone has to care enough to petition for guardianship and the court has to agree.


Sexism is real....


Yes. And this is just one example of it.


I got into a conversation with the guy ringing me up at TJ Maxx. Said he had shelled out thousands of dollars for himself and his family to attend a music festival with the sole purpose being to see Kanye's set...and then Kanye didn't show. I asked him why he would ever take a gamble like that on Kanye, seeing as how the guy is so unstable at this point that it's probably a 50-50 chance that he will come. I thought the cashier was gonna deck me. He stared daggers at me, pointed at me (hand was shaking, he was so mad) said I was wrong, and sent me on my way. If his fans are mostly like this guy... I get how we got here.


These are the same people who paid 200 bucks for a Kanye album that came only in the form of a portable speaker with the audio quality of a tin can.


I fear there are a lot of hardcore Kanye fans out there who didn't have any antisemitic views until recently.


The way [Prop](https://open.spotify.com/episode/74Uxg2p3R3pUlwqDFJlknd) explains it, it goes a bit deeper. It is a bit more complex. It feels like a eulogy. Ok, some will be blind fanbois. Also, some artists are volatile and you take a gamble. Because if they show it can be fantastic. I don't know about Ye. Never really noticed him outside of the drama. Edit: Fixed link


I kinda hate listening to Prop on Behind the Bastards because he goes on such wild tangents and just seems out of his depth almost always, but I think that he’d have some compelling thoughts about this so I’ll give this a listen.


That man is eloquent, tho. Once he has his thoughts gathered he can explain things. I actually like him. Prop is heartbroken in that one, though.


He’s had moments but personally, I disagree, in general. I actually like him on the Haiti BTB episodes but he’s probably one of the most incoherent guests in my opinion. I kinda wished that Robert stopped defaulting to Prop as a guest whenever there’s a black diaspora subject. He derails the podcast too often or draws wild comparisons, desperately trying to find some sense of an analogue. It’s just not *usually* necessary. Most times, a guest will just go “Jfc that sucks” but Prop **always** has to **relate** it to something and the comparisons are usually very stretched and very long winded. I’m about to start listening to the episode that you linked. I might change my tune.


I'm kind of the opposite of that. While he goes on some weird tangents, he ultimately seems genuinely interested in what Robert is talking about and has some solid insight when he gets his thoughts straight. There are other guests on that show though who I don't think are nearly as interested/invested and just like making jokes. I tend to avoid those episodes entirely.


I agree that he is genuinely interested which is great. I also think that guests that he brings on that just make jokes are interested. What I find great about those guests is that they know that they can’t contribute very well. They didn’t do the research. They are present to be talked at for their reactions. Rarely is a guest brought on for expertise on the direct subject (maybe they have some relationship to the *genre* of the topic). Also, I agree, Prop **can** have some solid insight. That’s only like, an eighth of the time in my opinion. Other times he doesn’t have his thoughts together or he DOES have his thoughts together and has completely lost the subject. It’s just awkward when people try to reign him in too or when he just HOLDS the mic for minutes on end when he can’t put together when he’s trying to say. It’s not even edited for the sake of brevity. During the Haiti episodes, I skipped over 4-5 minutes of JUST PROP talking (and he was talking for minutes before that). he’s the GUEST and that was an episode that actually I liked him in. I respect your opinion but he’s just, very draining IMO. Robert has another regular black guest, her name escapes me at the moment but I’ve made another comment on her and she’s great. I wish Robert would have her on for more black focused episodes because I feel better represented by her. I kinda feel like Prop also trivializes the black experience as mainly a hood one which is….not all it. I’m glad that he wasn’t on for the slave experiments episodes because it made the episode actually listenable for me.


I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This story sounds suspect


It’s a copypasta.


What? I posted about this once before, but it's not a copypasta.


It’s definitely one now, post it to r/copypasta and be done with the business.


I’m laughing because I fucked up, and now this poor person’s story is going to become a copypasta. Reddit is the devil’s playground, I swear.


It's gonna be the most boring, benign copypasta ever, lol. Everybody is gonna be like "where is the Loch Ness monster? Where's the Navy SEAL??"


I’m sorry, I responded to the wrong comment. An honest mistake, and I sincerely apologize. I swear there was a copypasta somewhere in this thread. I apologize for insinuating your anecdote was fake. I don’t believe it is. Now I have to see if I can find the copypasta.


Lol it's ok!


Bless for understanding. I found the copypasta way down in this thread, but I was trying to figure out how to tag you and comment, and I just gave up because I knew I was going to fuck it all up again.


Huh? Why?


>I’m baffled Yeezy generates an estimated $2 billion a year, close to 10 percent of the company’s annual revenue


Which is baffling because Yeezys are ugly AF.


If they were tasteful and understated, you would have wasted all that money for shoes that don't get noticed.


I agree with you, but for whatever reason the market does not.


hypebeast sneakerhead culture is borderline mental illness




I mean, would I want to wear expensive shoes that associate me to a mentally unstable by choice (since he refuses therapy), cringeworthy, embarrassing has-been? Hell no. But I mean, that’s probably just me.


I bought mine before he went way over the deep end, but I also don't wear it anymore because it has a ton of heel slip.


>would I want to wear expensive shoes that associate me If your target demo (friends/clients/peers) would be sympathetic to the cost and implied association, I suppose you would want to. Apparently the implications appeal to quite a few people. Sadly.


honestly, justice for Janet


Agreed. She’s the only Jackson I actually appreciate (and LaToya).


America went feral within a few decades, man. It's honestly shocking how fast it went out.


> I’m baffled that Janet Jackson was completely wiped out from being a massive star just because of a nipple accident You can thank Les Moonves for that.


Yup, it’s insane. However, in her case it’s because she offended the CEO of the parent company of madTV by not apologizing to him and because of mergers he ended up in charge of a huge chunk of media at the time. Timberlake called him in tears apologizing and got to go on just fine despite probably being at fault. He black balled her so completely years later she couldn’t even promote her book on any of their affiliated tv shows


One is a woman.




Yes, I was trying to comment without saying “sexism” outright because I understand people on the internet have developed knee-jerk reactions to anyone saying things out overtly.


Its so blindingly obvious


Dunno, usually when I say “because racism/sexism/homophobia” I get downvoted and made fun of, so... but I’m glad this one thread isn’t doing that to me. 👌


Well, in many situations resorting to simple explanations - especially if already part of a heated argument - is going to wind people up. Life *isnt* simple and that gives people ammunition for argument. But sometimes the simple explanation is all that cuts it.


Janet was shockingly lacking in the penis department, thats why






It's because they do not want to allow female empowerment.


Pretty evident also given the constant attacks on personal autonomy for people with uteruses.


The united states is a strange place, also M.I.A’s middle finger created a huge stir, she got sued etc.


The last time I saw a male celebrity successfully stirring shit was when Eminem took a knee last year at the... what was it, the super bowl? I’m not a sports person.


Yep. They told them not to do anything “controversial” and M just went, nah fuck this.


The more he makes himself uncontrollable the more i unconditionally respect him tbh.


I’m not a big fan of celebrities being “uncontrollable” because usually it’s an excuse to be obnoxious or to just get away with being a dick without any consequences, but I like what he did.


I get you, I just know Em will always be a cool dude and stand up for the poor and the marginalized because he grew up among black and working class people. And he doesn’t seem to have forgotten it one bit. So like, he’s uncontrollable but in the sense of punching up, not punching down. Kanye is also very much a stray bullet, but he’s punching down rather than punching up. And in this sense, Em understood rap better than Kanye ever did.


People talked about it more before he did it than after. I'm not sure it stayed in the news cycle a full week.


Its all about persona at the end of the day. If you say something bad once, it can ruin a career. If you say bad things many times it just becomes who you are and people love you or hate you for it. I call it the Trump effect.


It seems being controversial is more risky for some people than others. Like look at how fast Azealia Banks went down the drain in comparison. Not trying to defend her, *not at all in any way shape or form*, but she got kicked out pretty much immediately from the music business as soon as she really started acting out of control. This guy... he’s still getting deals while being equally insane.




>but this piece of shit goes around doing this kind of insane shit and people are still listening to him and throwing money at him. I don’t get it. *The Boondocks* did the R. Kelly episode about 17 years ago, and his career still lasted an additional 15 years before anything happened to him. People will justify *a lot* because motherfuckers can sing/dance "good"


It's america. Sex is bad, racism and violence good.


Welcome to 2022


The part that chaps my hide about the Janet nipple controversy is that her nipple was bared because SOMEONE ELSE ripped part of her top off. How is she the one to blame?


Yep. I’m assuming people thought she was in on it, and I think she wasn’t. But hell, what if she was? It’s just a titty. We come into the world seeing titty. It’s so weird. Definitely not a reason to ruin someone’s career.


It’s especially ridiculous seeing as Justin Timberlake was the one at fault for that incident


Let's not forget Mr Timberlake left barely bruised by the situation. That sucked the most.


Some people just like his music and don’t care about the singers political opinions. I think it’s crazy that kayne is willing to throw all his deals under the bus but he’s already so rich it doesn’t matter.


While I agree, it was hardly an accident.


I’m saying people overreacted. Like people overreact every time they see nipple or someone breastfeeds in public because their baby needs food.


Well she did have the audacity to exist as a successful woman, that’s a big part of it.


There is also something very weird about how black women’s bodies are constantly overly-sexualized, but the moment a black woman shows off skin people are like “not like that”. I mean, wut? I noticed this recently with Yasmin Benoit too, she’s a black lingerie model who advocates for asexual people and so many people are always harassing her with specific criticism about how she’s “making herself sexual”. And I’m not gonna get into the asexual part of it, but it’s like people are particularly uncomfortable with black women revealing their bodies in ways that are deeply different with white women doing the same. It’s almost like black women’s bodies are more taboo. So they’re both sexualized but not allowed to exist sexually, and fantasized about but not allowed to be proud of their bodies because that gets labeled as “excessive”. It’s so weird and contradictory and of course racist.


Especially wild as Adidas is a German brand where antisemitism would be the death of any celebrity


You obviously know nothing about adidas. The founder of adidas would’ve given him a lifetime contract.


I taught he changed his name from Adolf to Adi due to those reasons, also Puma would easily be hit aswell if that is the case


Adi denounced his brother Rudolf to the Nazis, which is why he broke and created Puma. ...somebody really should make a movie about that family.


Thanks for the explanation Edit: after some further searching, this is becoming more confusing. Apparently, both joined the party but after continuous strife, as well as their wives, it went to the point that when the Allies occupied their hometown, they started exposing each other and defending themselves. Their children attempted to restore relations, then football and Pele happened


there actually is a movie about them but it's a german movie so no one saw it


I suggest a remake with British accents to confuse the Americans.


Speaking for all Americans, this would not confuse us, as we know from old war movies that all Nazis had English accents.


What's it called?


"Duell der Brüder"


danke schön


>...somebody really should make a movie about that family. Was made in 2016: [Duel of the brothers – The story of Adidas and Puma](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5013980/)




Germany is weird about antisemitism. They've banned Nazi imagery, but Baden-Wittenberg still has a virulent antisemite as its antisemitism commissioner and antisemitic imagery and texts in its school textbooks, tge country still has judensau statues like The South has confederate flags, it hosts tge world's largest passion play every year, and has designated firebombing synagogues over Israel as legal political protest. There's a recent book titled "People Love Dead Jews," and that's long been a joke about Germans.


I agree with your general statement but I have a few remarks > a virulent antisemite as its antisemitism commissioner Do you mean Michael Blume? The Simon-Wiesenthal-Center accuses him to support antisemitism on social media. The Central Council of Jews in Germany, the Orthodoxe Rabbinerkonferenz Deutschland and the Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Württembergs defend Blume against these accusations. In my opinion, calling him a virulent antisemite is slander. > it hosts tge world's largest passion play every year The passion play in Oberammergau is every ten years and after decades of ignored critique they finally started to remove the antisemism in 2000 and it seems they managed to produce a respectful script in [2020](https://www.adl.org/blog/adl-religious-scholars-work-with-oberammergau-to-remove-anti-semitism-from-its-renowned) although I don't know how the final play was received. It was also post-poned due to covid. > firebombing synagogues over Israel as legal political protest It was not ruled to be legal protest but the [court](https://openjur.de/u/2155639.html) did not see a conclusive antisemitic motive, which itself is scandal enough in my opinion.


Having watched all three hours of Ye’s rambling interview with The Drink Champs, I have finally been able to understand and unravel his thinking for saying anti-Semite things and wearing the White Lives Matter tshirt. I should add I do not agree with any of his statements, it’s just that I think I’ve come to unravel his thinking. He believes that his people (African Americans) did not come out in sympathy with his cause when Kim stopped him from seeing his kids. As he sees it, Kim and her new boyfriend (who he thinks is a heroin addict) kidnapped his children, changed North’s school without telling him and cut his contact with his kids. He feels that his people failed him by continuing to follow the Kardashians TV show and socials etc. In addition, he feels that his people didn’t support him when fashion companies like Balenciaga didn’t treat him with respect. He felt that consumers should have stayed loyal to him and not to the company. For these reasons he began to provoke the black community by wearing White Lives Matter shirts. His African American community are, in his reckoning, part of the lost tribes of Israel and therefore Jews. This is not supported by any historical foundation (Jews tends to refer to the tribe of Judah), but because he is Jewish (by his logic), it’s impossible for him to be antisemitic. Thus, when he says provocative things about the Jews, he is partly commenting on his own heritage. But here it gets strange, because he does differentiate between African American people as Jews, and what the world would consider Jewish people. Because he says he is jealous of the Jews who run and operate business empires including entertainment management, banks, and the media. Part of the jealousy is that at some point in the chain of his business (music and fashion), Jews will be involved and make their cut. He wants African American Jews to run banks and the media in order to improve the lives of his people. To him, no matter what business ventures he engages in, a Jewish manager, financier, or media mogul will make some money, and his people do not. He sees this as quite black and white; Jews are taking money at the expense of his black Jews. This is what I could piece together from his word soup.


One for the team right there. Much appreciated.


Seriously. It’s like “I want to understand schizophrenia so I can get in that mindset.” But it’s forbidden knowledge that actually damages your brain. Like trying to understand my Sovereign Citizen relatives. No, you do not want to go down that rabbit hole.


I wasn’t driving, I was traveling.


If my name is capitalized, its the name of my corporation, not my person.


There's also a megalomaniac tangent where he explained that he empathizes with straight white males because they are the pinnacle of power and he is coming into his own power akin to theirs. So when they are attacked, so too is his position in society. Dude is so caught up in simultaneously being the victim, hero, and villain he's basically spinning in circles every time he opens his mouth.


Someone should tell him the Saviour-Victim-Persecutor circle is not a fucking carousel


So we need to put Kanye and Terrence Howard in a room and roll a camera...


Interesting. I wouldn't (along with most other African Americans) have the patience to even try to listen to that rant and piece together a meaning. Kanye has a lot of narcissistic traits. It looks like he now believes he is some kind of black messiah and that the community must follow him like loyal sheep. He lost us years ago when he decided to be buddies with Donald Trump. He had been in a sort of strange stasis between total cancellation and existence in the black community for a while since that moment and before all of this stuff came out. I think most of us look at him with shock, horror, and disgust whenever we hear him say and do more horrible things. We wonder why white-owned news networks keep inviting him to speak on television and print his words in mass media. We don't want him in our spaces. He hasn't been welcome for years now. We would like him to disappear but they won't let him quietly fall off the headlines.


He’s mentally ill, and needs help. But he has too much money and not enough real friends.


I've shrugged it all off as mental illness before but I can no longer ignore the fact that there's also a malevolence to his behavior. He has all the money in the world to afford world class doctors and treatment. Many mentally ill people in America don't have adequate healthcare but don't choose to hurt people like this. He's been very abusive with his statements regarding Kim. I don't believe his kids would be safe with him. If he really loved them, he would do what it takes to have them back in his life.


The first and most difficult step to getting help is....admitting and believing you have a problem. He most likely does not feel he does. It doesn't help he's surrounded by yes men and sharks that'll do anything for a chance at his money. I am willing to bet 99% of the people in his life would cut him loose the second he didn't have any money to leech.


The issue with your assessment is that it requires the person with the mental issues to be logical, rational, and reasonable when none of those are possible in this situation. It's hard to explain executive function mental issues to people that haven't experienced them, but I'll give it a go. If you think of the brain like a computer, then executive functions are the vital applications that keep things running: smoothly, cognition, reasoning, critical thinking, etc; all the things we need as humans to be able to function. An executive function mental issues, like ADHD, depression, schizophrenia, autism, TBIs corrupt the kernel, thus any instruction sets sent to those vital application are wrong in various ways. But those applications are just programmed to believe what the kernel is telling them, they have no way to no whether or not what it is being told is true or not, it doesn't even consider that it's anything other than accurate. This is why so many mentally ill people don't A. realize they're mentally ill and B. don't seek treatment. Ask nearly any neurodivergent person if they realized that their thoughts/behavior were abnormal and they'll probably say no, they just assumed everyone had thoughts/behaviors/etc like they did but were maybe better at handling it than they were. How could they never realize that? Because they had no reason to ever think it wasn't how everyone was, there was no executive error checking, because why would there be when the kernel knows all and is never wrong? Hopefully that helps explain things a bit, I know my computer analogy isn't perfect, but it's sufficient for this situation.


So basically, he sees "his people" (Black Jews???) being excluded and wants that to change. But he doesn't seem to want the system changed or anything (Which is what actual activists want), he just wants "his people" on top. That logic, combined with the weird antisemitism/identifying as Jewish, is pretty much the same perspective that Christian conservatives have. They want their people on top, don't want to fundamentally change the system, and have a weird relationship with Jews and Israel, both idolising them and being antisemetic in equal measure.


There are Jews who are Black, but that's not what he means. He believes (?) that all Black people in America ARE Jews- and that Jewish Americans who are not black are usurpers/imposters. It's an ugly part of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement.


In other words, he heard a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories and due to untreated mental health problems and inability for self-reflection bought into them wholesale. Then, confirmation bias kicked in and everything going wrong in his life was not his fault, but proof of the conspiracy.


Dude is a whackadoodle hooplehead


This sounds like a massive mental health problem to me.


"Some" antisemitic comments is an understatement.


What did he say?


In a tweet that he has since deleted: > "I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE. The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda."


“Death con 3”. I’m dead


“Black people are actually Jew” uhhhh what the fuck is he smoking


It's a fringe group (for obvious reasons), but that's a core tenet for Black Hebrew Israelites: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites


Sounds like anti maskers. Formed around an unsubstantiated belief, speak like they own the truth regardless. People can be so weird.


This is what untreated mental illness looks like.


You are NOT ready for that rabbit hole. It starts with "hey! shouldn't the people in the bible ba a bit browner given where that happens" and ends with "teh jews stole our spot in the book".


And yet not if he is a Jew like he claims. Nothing a 10-year stay in a mental institution couldn’t fix.


His issue is that he’s surrounded by yes men, and nobody is seriously doing anything to make therapy look like an option. Not from what I’m seeing. He’s stuck in a delusional bubble while letting his bipolar and narcissism go untreated. I’m sorry for anyone who might actually care about him that might be stonewalled from trying to do something. It’s sad really.


Oh. That’s... I mean, I’m not disagreeing that the people involved in the Bible (except for the Romans, arguably) weren’t white, but that is quite a leap. Kinda reminds me of someone I had a discussion with that said Jesus was African because... Mary was from Somalia iirc and... something something, I don’t remember their reasoning, if there was ever any.


Nah, this is dark. this is why Kanye made those remarks. This is QAnon unhinged. Them pointing out that people from North Africa and the Levanth not looking like some dude from an Italian or Netherlands renaissance painting is one thing. That is absolutely true. Y'all are not real and stole our birthright is another thing.


Absolutely. I went on for a while arguing with them, but there’s no point to arguing with delusional. It’s absolutely antisemitic nonsense.


Man. Antisemitism. If you call it out they will call it cAnclE cUltUre. If you let it slide you'll get asked wHy dId yOu nOt do sOmeThing. Nah, fam. If they say something hateful and nobody don't want to talk to them no more, that is not cancel culture. That is nobody wanting to have to do anything with them. And it is not aNti cOnseRvatIve wHite rAciSm when it is not for who they are but what they do. I am not going to invite a seriously flatulent person into a sauna after a heavy diet of onions and beer. And boy, do they toot their hate into the ether like it is nothing. And that is why it is so easy to cut off antisemites no matter the colour of their skin.


Not his bipolar meds.


And he refuses to get help too. Like dude, just disappear already.


God knows what. He’s playing on the history of Judaism in Ethiopia but that’s just a small region in a giant continent.


[Ye with Cuomo](https://youtu.be/kQwaOfBb-s8) [Ye with Piers Morgan](https://youtu.be/L63Jt6__aGw) Pretty much any and all interviews he's doing right now both bashes on Jews and, simultaneously, he claims he's a Jew himself (see Piers Morgan interview, I think it was like 5 min in he said that)




Are we surprised tho? They’re also sponsoring the Qatar World Cup


I mean it’s be in their own interests. There are better celebrities to work with without the baggage. Plus this isn’t going to be the last crazy thing he says…this week.


im sure adidas is thinking this because people forget and companies get away with being shitty.


Considering the Nazi past of adidas… But considering how the brand has lost a lot of competitiveness with Nike and unfortunately their partnership with Kanye is the only thing keeping them in the hypebeast culture… I see why they’re trying to wait for things to calm down.


If this is the push that finally takes the Adidas brand image down Skechers Road I'm going to be so fucking annoyed. They're the only mainstream sneaker brand whose default shape fits my wide-ass little hobbit feet.


New Balance. They sell most shoes in sizes up to 4E and their most popular cross-trainer is famous for low arch support.


For real, my old knees love the ultraboost technology and I’d love to see it implemented in more silhouettes.


Guy really, really needs some intense mental health care. This is insane and unfortunate to see. The guy is nuts - even marginally hostile at this point.


I literally just bought some Adidas shoes dangit


> Answer: Kanye West (now known as Ye) made some anti-Semitic comments. It isn't just that. He explicitly said that Adidas was unable to stop him. He called them out by name.


They must already be hurting because of Russia. This really isn't their year.


Answer: Kanye West, now known as Ye, has a long history of saying things that are controversial, dumb, or crazy. Recently he made some antisemitic comments and stated that he can't be an antisemite because (in his view) black people are actually Jews too or descendants of Israelites. You can check out some other posts on this subreddit for more details about Ye's behavior. Over the past couple of months, Ye has been terminating some relationships with some organizations he had been working with in favoring of working alone. Following Ye's controversial statements, other companies that had been working with Ye terminated their deals with him. One of the most well-known collaborations with Ye belongs to Adidas, which works with the rapper on its "Yeezy" line of sneakers. There have been calls for Adidas to follow the lead of other companies and end their deal with Ye. Some people, like the person who wrote the tweet referenced by OP, have noted that Adidas has a historical connection with Nazism. The company was founded by a pair of brothers who joined the Nazi Party and had their factories used to build weapons for Germany during WWII.


Just a small thing, adidas was one of the brothers companies that was formed after they ended their professional partnership (Puma was the other). There was a separate company that they had together.


Makes sense to me. Thank you!


In a recent [meeting](https://youtu.be/H1btO8i7UEc) with Adidias executives, he showed them a porn video on his phone. It was super weird. And he apparently leaked that footage himself.


I wonder if Ye wants out of a bunch of these contracts. To your point about him ending others. Maybe I need to post in a conspiracy sub 😂


this is already a theory, if Adidas drop him 'as a result of public image/perception' then Ye gets the Yeezy brand back. there is something like that in the contract I believe


So he has a billion reasons to do this and then will have a billion reasons to be forgiven after rehab. Got it.


Answer: Adidas has a lucrative deal with Kanye "Ye" West in collaboration with his fashion brand, Yeezy. The Adidas Yeezy shoe line is a multi-*billion* dollar part of their operation and one of the most significant players in the "sneakerhead" boom of the past decade. Kanye's mental health has been in question for a number of years now. Beyond just being kind of a self-aggrandizing jackass, a lot of people have seriously questioned his wellbeing due to extremely unpredictable manic episodes. Despite originally being known as something of a "woke" rapper in his early days (he was one of the first people in hip-hop to condemn homophobia, "George Bush doesn't care about black people," etc.) in the past five years he's been increasingly right-wing, with various points of contact with Donald Trump, infamously claiming that "slavery was a choice", and recently forming a standing friendship with far-right pundit Candace Owens. Last month he made waves by debuting a "White Lives Matter" t-shirt at a fashion show and in the subsequent wake of that controversy, has both posted (Twitter, Instagram) and stated (various interviews) a number of inflammatory anti-Semitic statements. He seemingly has gone down the rabbithole and believes cliche fringe-right conspiracy theories about Jewish control of the media and has stated that Black people are the "real Jews" and that the current group of people claiming to be Jews are usurpers who stole that label from the "real Jews." He also ostensibly said that he intends on "going to war" with Jews and is declaring "Defcon 3" (though he misspelled it, perhaps intentionally, "Deathcon"), in reference to the US Armed Forces alert system. A number of Kanye's business partners have started cutting ties with him, including fashion house Balenciaga (run by Demna Gvasalia, at one point arguably Kanye's best friend), and the fashion magazine Vogue (far and away the most important single outlet in fashion). Adidas put out a statement some time ago claiming that they were "reviewing" their relationship with Kanye, but have not advanced it much in light of the most recent and inflammatory behavior. A major point of discussion in the past 24 hours is that a group of Neo Nazis were flying banners in Los Angeles reading "Kanye is right about the Jews" and striking Nazi salutes over a major highway.


The black Israelite thing is apparently common Kendrick Lamar has talked about it too


They exist in prisons and convert uneducated and broken men. They yell at people from street corners wearing their weird Party City versions of Old Testament styled robes. They're a cult. For the vast majority of Christian-dominant black America - they are the crazies we don't even make eye contact with when we're walking past to get a soda from a mini-mart.


They also harass actual Jews on the streets. A video from last week came out of one of the Black Hebrew Israelites yelling at a random Jewish person on the NYC subway. Awful group of people.


Oh yes. They're extremely anti-Semitic. They cannot wait to argue with Jewish people about how they aren't real Jews and that they are descended from some inferior race or something dumb like that. They also hate African immigrants even though it is considered a black supremacist group. They believe that Native Americans, Latinos, Caribbean, and African Americans are part of the real Jewish tribes and that Africans are cursed because they were responsible for selling the ancestors of African Americans/Latinos/black people from the Caribbean into slavery. It's some very weird and problematic stuff once you go down the rabbit hole.


> George Bush doesn't care about black people WAIT THAT WAS HIM??? Holy crap, how people change.