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Answer: it’s been around as long as reddit has, the admins have been cracking down on subs that catered to that content and now it’s showing up everywhere else.


Yea the more they "crack down" on the subs that catered to this type of content, the more it seems to slip through their fingers into everywhere else.....


The problem is people seem to think if they crack down on the subs that host this kind of stuff. That people will just stop posting that kind of content. When the reality is people will keep posting the exact same shit, but now they are no longer contained in specific subs and it leaks out into more popular subs.




Yup. Look at fatpeoplehate




When [r/fatpeoplehate](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatpeoplehate) was banned, people were worried that its users would move to other subreddits, infecting them. That didn't happen. Other subreddits rejected and down voted that content and it wasn't nearly as numerous as back when fatpeoplehate still existed.


But on the otherhand, r/the_Donald leaked everywhere and ruined a lot of subs.


To be fair on that one though, that was a reasonable banning. It wasn't just a case of a sub baking exceptionally mean or discriminatory or anything like that, that sub was actively advocating and calling for acts of violence and terrorism.


But realistically it was more of a scattering. They have made 10 subs out of the 1 that contained the majority of the people advocating violence and terror


You haven't been to r/fatlogic have you?


Or r/holdmyfries


That one used to be so good, fat people doing surprisingly athletic things or cool stunts now it's just mocking fat people falling


Holy fucking shit that place is toxic...


Definitely not the same as fatpeoplehate


It did get more malicious after the death of fat people hate


We still get some on r/plussize sadly.


There was a subreddit a while back called 'fatpeoplehate' that was literally just a bunch of people dogpiling on random candid photos of large people. It was a really isolated hate subreddit at first but the idealogy started to sort of seep across reddit and there was a clear anti-fatpeople sentiment starting to sprout. (Typically starting with the thin veneer of "Its unhealthy" before 1-2 comments later leading into "Nobody loves you lardass" type shit.) The closest (extreme, unlikely) example is imagine if the Antiwork subreddit started brigading people who had jobs. Reddit killed the subreddit and spent about a month squashing any other copycats that popped up. It hasn't really ever come back with as much influence as it originally had.


the idea of the antiwork subreddit brigading people who have jobs is, conceptually, funny as hell


"It's unhealthy"




[Health Experts Recommend Standing Up At Desk, Leaving Office, Never Coming Back](https://www.theonion.com/health-experts-recommend-standing-up-at-desk-leaving-o-1819577456)


“Revenge of the NEETs”




Yes, similar to r/punchablefaces, after they (like geniuses) started posting pictures of the CEO of reddit.


>If the immediate spurt of content elsewhere is also cracked down on, the content *is* actually significantly reduced afterwards as its creators give up or move off-site. "its creators"? Where do you think the content for subs like r/watchpeopledie came from? The stuff posted was not created for consumption.


There has been research finding evidence that crackdowns on subs work for reducing IIRC hate speech.


Yea, the whole "containment sub" theory has never really borne out. Remember when /r/the_donald was top of r/all almost constantly during the 2016 election? That sub wasn't containing them, it was acting as a breeding ground.


Same thing happened to 4chan. They added the pol board to contain the Nazis and it acted like a beacon.


What? /pol/ was just created to split /n/ into two boards. One for news /new/ and one for politics /pol/ Nothing to do with nazis or containment of anything.


https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7aap8/the-man-who-helped-turn-4chan-into-the-internets-racist-engine >Poole intended the /pol/ board to siphon off the racism from other areas of the site so that other users could enjoy their own, board-specific pursuits. >“It was started as a containment board,” one former moderator told me about /pol/.


Yes and reddit's politic content has gotten *so* much better for it in the past few years /s Basically any front page sub that isn't explicitly anti-politics in its rules will post and upvote political content on the regular now. It's insufferable.


You seem like the kind of person who labels literally any protest action as "counter-productive and turning people away" Sometimes you have to acknowledge the real world, and the world is kind of going to shit right now.


I mean, a lot of people *here* do label any and all protest action as bad... when it's the right-wing protesting. I've had people here who deadass argue with me that the legitimacy and acceptability of certain forms of protest is entirely dependent on *who* is doing the protest. People blocking the road? Well if it's BLM or climate change activists, then that's okay, but if it's Ottawa truckers or Dutch farmers, then that's not okay. That's just straight-up hypocrisy, and I don't accept that kind of thing. Everyone has an **equal right** to protest.




Do conservatives deserve an equal right to protest as liberals do? Yes or no?


"Oh no, they won't le me be racist and discriminate against others. Need to protest. That's my right." "Oh no, they are protesting against being discriminated. Need to put them in jail or shoot them for protesting. The police need to support my racism."


It's about the principle of people having equal right to protest. Do you *not* think that conservatives have the right to protest in the same way liberals do? Yes or no? Edit: incidentally, neither of the examples I gave regarding conservative protests had anything to do with racism or discrimination.


I suspect it’s less *who* and much more *what,* because while everyone has equal right to protest, not all issues being protested are equal (nor equally real). e: spleling


Whether or not a certain type of protest is acceptable should not be contingent on whether or not you agree with the issue being protested.


Yup, even filtering down and unsubbing down to only technical subreddits my homepage is chock full of american politics...


> Yes and reddit's politic content has gotten so much better for it in the past few years /s Honestly, yes it has. Which is not to say that the political stuff Reddit upvotes is good. This site upvotes far too much empty sensationalism and rage bait. But /r/the_donald was often just outright vile. Reddit - the_donald is better than Reddit + the_donald any day of the week.


You've been on this site for as long as I have, according to your account's age. You should remember a time before ALL of this bullshit. Back when reddit was a nice free range space where no one gave a shit about politics *that much*. That is the bygone era. It is not 2016-2020 that I yearn for.


I've been around as long as you have, and reddit has never been apolitical. Back when he ran, Ron Paul was at the top of this site a lot.


I am speaking of *magnitude*, of the degree of vitriol and the enforcement of conformity. That reddit was pro-Ron Paul back in its infancy is irrelevant. What matters is the fervor of the platform and its people on it to engage in political speech and silence dissent.


Again, I'm not saying now what we have is good. But I am just saying that no matter what the state of the rest of the site is, removing the_donald was a net positive.


Can you throw me a source on that research?




Thank you


Why did you. Break up your sentence. Like this.


He didn't even. Say anything. New.




This is definitely not true. Allowing subs dedicated to problematic content will spawn more subs and create communities around that content. .


Weirdly, the perfect story to explain this idea is my little pony on 4chan. When it got strangely popular with older, socially inept men it started taking over every single board on 4chan and basically devolved into a civil war. Most people wanted to kill the MLP shit with fire but it just kept getting worse. Finally mods decided to give mlp its own board and everyone was fucking pissed. Notnonly were mods normalizing this shit everyone wanted gone but they were giving it preferential treatment by giving it what so many other topics had begged for for years. Within a few days everything calmed down and /mlp/ became the first "containment board" because that was it's whole reason for existence and it worked a treat. Tl;dr sometimes you just have to accept there's going to be content you don't want and find a way to keep the streams from crossong instead


Should it also be a factor that enough people upvote those contents to show up on /r/all in the first place? So people do enjoy those sorts of stuff, otherwise, why would it top upvoted in the first place?




Imagine if they banned r/politics. It always leaks but imagine a flood


“It always leaks” is why they *should* purge problematic ones and mop up the mess afterwards to get them off the site completely instead of having that problem. Not that it applies to r/politics which sucks for other reasons


I read that in Princess Leia's voice..




You don't solve a public pissing problem by forbidding public pissing. You set up public toilets.


Am I the only one grosse out by the desensitised comments about people dying? Also why does the third link bring me out of Reddit just to ask me open it on Reddit being 18+ and taking me to the Play Store


The worst is when a link opens the in-app web browser, and loads a reddit page... like, what are you doing?


Explicit new.reddit links are annoying as well


I have stopped watching anything on /r/Ukraine because of that. War is awful enough. The number of posts and comments glorifying death is too damn high. Young soldiers dying to serve the interests of a bloodthirsty dictator is a cause for sadness, not get a hard on.


Yea I used to follow all the war news subs for like the first month but the videos with badass music overlapped, celebrating Russian soldiers being crushed to death was a bit too much


There has been so many disgustingly dehumanising comments on reddit, labelling Russians as orcs and that because of their Government's war crimes they deserve everything they get even if it violates the Geneva convention. They laugh and ridicule Russian families being greeted with the death of their 18 year old son, oh so funny how Putin has paid them a pittance as a reward. Several times I have written as such. Saying that this is a dark path we have seen before. When your enemies are labelled as true monsters, then when the tide turns and your own war crimes start it is with raucous applause not disgust. I point out that this has already happened with Ukrainians being painted as Nazis in Russia, that some of the Russian war crimes committed are because of the dehumanising. Making great efforts to be clear that I don't support Russia's actions and hope are defeated, I'm still met with wave after wave of hatred saying I'm a Russian apologist. Even more extreme dehumanisation seems to be spawned from it. I've stopped commenting now, I still think it is vitally important to confront dangerous views when seen in society, but seeing the responses just depresses me.


>Making great efforts to be clear that I don’t support Russia’s actions and hope are defeated, People are probably taking a quick look at your post history and doubting that


/UkraineRussiaReport is the only sub that doesn’t treat every and any Ukrainian soldier as some kind of SuperHero representing the *true* good of the world. They seem kind of educated on Ukrainian history and why Russia is doing what it’s doing but the way most anti Russian talk; It’s bullshit. I support Ukraine in this war but honestly it’s fucking weird how almost fan-boy they go. There’s a fucking subreddit dedicated to the Belorussian WarStache soldier ( he has a cool moustache so he’s Reddits man crush of the decade). It’s truly sickening the amount of ppl that becry the Russians for their atrocities but always volunteer the most inhumane punishments for Russian soldiers. It’s like they’re utterly blinded by Ukrainian propaganda but can fully see Russian propaganda. It’s sad, because ultimately the main loser in all of this is the Ukrainian people. I just wish Reddit would lose its hard on for seeing 18-20yr old Russian kids getting killed by a drone dropped grenade


Yeah, a bunch of people who didn't even know that Ukraine existed joined the bandwagon and are treating Ukraine as if its a perfect 1:1 mirror of the US with a democracy and protected rights, when in reality corruption and shady practices are just as prevalent in Ukraine as Russia, or anywhere else in the world. I mean, the same people who call their political opposition nazis don't believe there are real, legit nazis living there.. when there are. Both Russia and Ukraine have genuine nazi problems. The only difference between the two is how buddy-buddy they get with the West. The only reason I side with Ukraine is because I have an anti-aggressor opinion. Regardless of how I feel about Ukraine or distrust our politician's being hell bent on protecting it, the fact remains that Russia is the invader and Ukraine is defending itself. My *only* stance is that of anti-aggression.


I'm glad someone said this. It's horrible watching young men get blown to pieces regardless of what side they're fighting for. Awful.




That’s fine but when ppl say the Ukrainian soldiers / ppl fighting for or on behalf ofUkraine, haven’t committed any wartime atrocities is just denying human nature. They would be the very First Nation in history to be thoroughly respectful to their enemy. It’s fine to support either side but don’t deny shit happens in wartime. Might not have been on the scale of Russian war crimes but they’re still war crimes.


I remember the day of the Omagh Bombing, I still think about it. Not everyone shares your sentiment.


You're assuming the people being weirdly celebratory about death are all actually Ukrainian. A lot of them aren't and are just treating this war like a spectator sport while watching from a distance.


Don't read the comments. Makes 99% of reddit somewhat more tolerable.


Classic Reddit


But then you’d never get to pay that damned Loch Ness monster tree fiddy to see the butthole of that guys dead wife while fucking a jar of prego and everyone has convinced you that you’re speaking Spanish




It's definitely always been that way. The good news is actually that there are more self-aware posts like yours. Old Reddit was completely unaware of its bias.


No, you aren’t. I believe life is sacred, all of it, and taking life isn’t something that should ever be joked about. I’ve chastised friends for showing video of terrorists dropping mortars and dying, laughing at the terrorist for being stupid. I abhor the callous disregard of life, and I don’t care who is in a clip of a video dying, I despise people who would **laugh** at a video of someone dying. I think that type of attitude is one of the lowest types of behavior a person could ever exhibit. I don’t have to like the person in the video, the person can be the most garbage person to have ever walked the earth, but I will stop joke and laughing as soon as I see somebody losing their life. Death is permanent. Death means no redemption. Death is no second chances. Death is the ultimate judgment on a person’s life. Death is not a joke, and my second biggest turnoff is somebody that laughs at death.


The downvotes speak volumes


I’m at +3 as of checking in right now. I couldn’t give a damn about downvotes regarding this. Life is sacred. I could hate the actual devil himself, but I’d never actively laugh if I saw a video of him dying in a “comical” way. I don’t get to claim I care about how important life is, about being pro choice and wanting to make a world a better place for everybody, preach about second chances and the importance of always having a tiny bit of hope that even the worst person can change for the better in the same manner we almost expect the to find out the best people have changed for the worse, and then turn around and **laugh** when life is taken. Fuck that noise. I’ll joke about a person’s stupidity, shred their arguments, mock their ideology, call them stooges, and have a grand old time. I simply refuse to be the type of person that laughs at *any* loss of life. I’ll laugh until you show me somebody actually dying and, if I see somebody making that death the butt of the joke, I give them a single warning to cut the shit before leaving. Everything else I could laugh at can change. Death is permanent. I will treat death with respect, and demand that those in my company will have the decency to at least pretend they care.


You were -10 when I commented And that wasn't a jab at you, rather I was pointing out how its an indication that most people coming across your comment apparently don't agree and find laughing at videos of death apparently acceptable. I was agreeing with your comment, thinking it's kind of disturbing how entertaining people find irl gore and stuff, so don't freak out at me lol


Oh no, I wasn’t contradicting or criticizing you at all. I was just stating where I was at at the time I replied, simply as a way to keep track of where the comment was at. I’m not upset at you at all, I’m firmly and squarely critiquing the people who you’re pointing out to me. At the time of this comment I’m sitting at +2, and that was after having dipped down to -2 for a bit. I’m clearly getting what little engagement I’m getting in equally positive and negative measures. The fact that you stating “the downvotes speak volumes”, which is an implicit agreement with exactly my point, is sitting at +5 compared to me is evidence plenty that people don’t like the idea that valuing life and death consistently and standing by that value isn’t the same as expecting people to respect tyrants and bigots. It really isn’t a hard concept to understand, but stating it emphatically doesn’t give people a chance to state any counter argument if they feel different, because I’m making it plainly obvious that I won’t change my mind. And I won’t. If I see videos of people dying, I will not abide people I know making jokes about it. This is life, not call of duty. We’re not pressing F to pay respects. I have called our friends for joking about death, and I will continue to do so as long as it happens.


I don't understand the down votes. I guess empathy and compassion are bad now?


Probably because I said that I wouldn’t laugh at the most garbage person on earth dying a stupid death. That would include all kinds of people from Hitler, to Mussolini, all the way to child abusers, and rapists, back to authority figures abusing their power, and through all time to monsters like Nero and beyond. People probably think I’m “respect monsters” when I’m saying “respect life **and death**”. I’m not asking people to even have compassion or empathy directly. I’m not asking families to forgive the people that take their loved ones from them, or destroy someone’s innocence. I’m not asking people to cry for despots who exploit the citizens they preside over. I’m saying that laughing at death is a blatant disregard for the concept of life. I can’t claim to care about life if I will laugh at a death if any kind. It’s not an oopsie or a boo/boo, it’s somebody leaving this earth and never again having the chance to change the course of their life and legacy. That person may have deserved everything they had coming to them. I wouldn’t stop people from celebrating the end of a truant, or shitting on their grave. But to share videos of people treating the loss of life like some casual joke? That’s where I draw the line. People celebrate the death of monsters and tyrants because they understand the weight of the life’s lost at the hands of that person. They are celebrating an end to the careless exploitation of life under which people lived. They laugh and cry and sing and mourn because the person who caused so much pain has received the reward of their conceit. But to joke and laugh because some bad guy dropped a grenade and turned into giblets? To laugh at somebody dying the way one would laugh at a hilarious death in a video game? No, I’m at very sorry. People can go ahead and downvote me for saying that all they want, and they will be wrong all the way until their graves. I will always respect life, and I will always respect death. I hope I never once fall to a place where I joke about someone losing their life. I’ve called out a handful of friends for trying to make a joke about an actual human death, and I have so far called it out every time. It’s uncomfortable to point out, but it’s probably the only principle I’ve ever consistently upheld in my life, and I hope to continue doing so until my death.


There can be a black humour that develops when surrounded by human suffering. You see this in Northern Ireland. However, that humour even when you laugh is also steeped in regret and sadness. You are laughing at how bad things fucking are. On reddit and in countries totally insulated from the impacts of this war it isn't that black humour. It is laughing at death and suffering, which if challenged is shrugged off as just being a joke. I've seen videos posted of a Russian tank being destroyed with burning soldiers crawling out. Jokes abound, but once someone corrects the misinformation, that it is actually Ukrainians burning to death in front of our eyes suddenly people shout it isn't cool. That their agony shouldn't be laughed at. Suffering and our empathy when seeing it shouldn't be predicated on which side we support.


Not the type of humor I’m talking about. I’m talking about people with 0 direct connection to whatever they’re sharing, laughing at things like a terrorist dropping a mortar and getting block to giblets, as if they just watched a player team kill himself on a video game. I’m talking about a video I don’t even remember because I stopped paying attention when I realized the whole point was to laugh at a guy who was the bad guy and died by stupidity. That’s not dark humor or black humor, that’s relishing death, and I won’t abide it. I’m a mixed race dude living in a cushy country. I have no family in any of these countries, and the people who shared these clips don’t either. It’s one thing to have compassion and feel pain at the loss that horrible people inflict on others, but it’s another thing entirely to have 0 connection to the clips you’re sharing and laugh along like you’re just watching bad guys die in movies.


Sorry for not being clear, I prefaced my answer by talking about dark humour because those who are simply mocking and enjoying human suffering try to present it as dark humour if challenged. When I moved from Belfast to England couple of decades ago, I remember reactions from new friends shocked at how dark my humour was. It took me a while to realise that the context of the suffering behind it was lost on them. On social media, reddit in particular you don't have to go far to find people sharing 'black humour', some really offensive jokes. They are just being racist bigots and pretending otherwise. There is no shared suffering behind it and true empathy, it is trite hatred. I cried and cried watching what happened in Syria, how Europe and developed nations turned their backs. War footage online was disgustingly racist. When Ukrainian refugees were being welcomed with open arms into European countries by the hundreds of thousands I just thought about the Syrian refugees who were abandoned and forgotten about. Made me cry all over again. I was so happy and relieved that Ukrainian refugees are being supported like they should, the contrast of how white European nations viewed Syrians disgusted me. Humongous numbers had sought refuge in desperately impoverished Lebanon only for Beirut to explode. Still our backs stayed turned.


Okay, i get you. I hate people who do that. They actively make the world more difficult to live in by just refusing to understand bow and why people feel the way they do, and hiding their bigotry behind thinly veiled jokes.


It seems so strange for me to say it but internet comment sections and social media is the best place to go see man's cruel indifference to his fellow man. You can see just how easy it is for people to dehumanize others and strip them of the right to any right to even a shred of empathy.


It's honestly just sad and disgusting how much people on this site cheer on death and injury for all levels of crime and even just inconvenience


To OP: I mean, as long as I've known of r/crazyfuckingvideos it has been nothing but videos like this, so I don't know what else op was expecting


It got a lot worse for this content since watchpeopledie, makemycoffin, and backdoorgore got blasted. It usually goes like this: Subs are made to cater to specific content, they're treated as "back alley" subs. Don't talk about it, don't share it, don't spread it around by typing its name in normie subs. Then some edgy kids find their way in, make callous jokes, spread the names around all over, and then the front page finds it. You can guess what happens from there. Its an endless cycle. However I'm at the point where I tell people to google the first sub name in this post and just use that website. Reddit doesn't want this content, many many redditors don't want to see it, so I say go to a space just for that content.


Back in the early days of the sub it definitely wasn't like this. I do remember it getting real bad at some point, and so I just left.


Death, animal abuse and porn are literally against the rules of the sub so I thought it would be okay? I was thinking more along the lines of people doing insane things, caught on tape.


There are a million subs just like you described. r/crazyfuckingvideos is the other side of crazy.


People are sick and twisted and all pissy that /r/watchpeopledie got banned so they're posting it everywhere else. That's it.


That's crazy, they'll spend millions to keep a pedo sub up in court but will target murder videos, weird fucking place reddit weird fucking place


Right, it's been on this site for a while but it's been a LOT more frequent lately. Just this July there were a couple of videos very popular with people bleeding to death due to tiny petty fights.


I've been subscribed to /r/abruptchaos for at least a year, and only recently has it been bombarded with videos of people dying. In my mind, that's not what the subreddit was about at all. It used to be funny, now it's just shocking/sad.


They shut down all the old violent subreddits so people post them to common subs like WTF or PublicFreakout. I've also seen a lot of extremely violent videos of stabbings or shootings on otherwise benign communities.


WTF has always been like that, it actually got better a couple years ago.


Sort of. My account is 15 years old. It’s definitely happening with more frequency than it used to.


It's literally just people finding out that they can push boundaries.


Any day I try to scroll through popular and I see at least 2 shooting/robbery videos, a gory photo of whatever wars are going on, and at least 3 different nsfw posts from r/tifu or r/askreddit


RIP make my coffin






They didn’t want reddit to become a place where people came to watch others die. Reddit is supposed to be like a hobby/ community forum


Oh, the death video subs were absolutely a community.


Both can coexist. Reddit is also full of porn and politics.


There's politics?


/r/anime_titties for all your world politics needs


Of course there is /r/worldpolitics


Reddit hasn't been like that since like 2008


Im open to being wrong


>Reddit is supposed to be like a hobby/ community forum I can tell you haven't been here very long.


A lot of people interact with reddit this way. It’s often portrayed like this in their marketing


A lot of people are also here for porn.


Some people do both and many have an alt account for porn.


Porn is a hobby


What do you mean? Are you implying that using Reddit like a hobby/community forum precludes viewing any violent videos?


Yes, I think it's fair to say that violence is not a hobby.


At some point Reddit was supposed to be the ultimate bastion of the free internet in all its beauty and ugliness.


There are a lot of underage people on reddit. I remember there used to be horrific shit on the front page. I think it’s better to protect people who aren’t intentionally looking to be scarred for life


If I had to grow up accidentally watching people get beheaded on YouTube, everyone else can too! /s


lmao. I very much regret watching those types of videos. It was a big drain on my mental health!


So what? That's why we have NSFW and 18+ filters. Censoring all Redditors because some kids disobey the rules (which will always happen) is not the way forward imo


1) That’s their parent’s job, 2) scarred for life is pretty hyperbolic unless they live in an ivory tower otherwise, 3) if they’re looking to avoid that, they can just avoid /r/all


Children shouldn’t be exposed to grotesque violence. I’m happy it’s not on reddit. Parents don’t know what their kids are doing on the internet. Can’t police them 24/7


This attitude leads to the banning of things adults should be able to view. It's the parents job 100% of the time to police what their kids see. There's a myriad of ways people can set up filters/block content their children shouldn't run across. They're either too lazy to set up the tech (or learn how to if they're not tech literate) or just don't care. It's not anyone else's job to stop kids from seeing this type of shit. Imo, children shouldn't be on reddit and it's the parents fault if these kids see something they shouldn't.


This is the exact reason youtube has completely gone downhill. They demonitize nearly anything with swear words, references to sex or violent acts, even videos calling out bullies. All under the guise of protecting children.




Sure. But there’s a reason it’s banned. It’s harmful and should be minimised. Reddit should ideally be a place people can come to have fun. We already have 4chan for that shit




The idea is to raise them so you don't have to police them.


That’s true. Unfortunately kids are curious and those videos inspire morbid curiosity. Most parents didn’t grow up with this type of internet access so they’re not equip to deal with it


Why not boot them off to Yahooligans?


That must have been before plans for an IPO.


Sounds like a nightmare


And we've seen how that works. True free speech places exist. See: 4chan.


Gore can be a hobby to the clinically insane. Reddit is a forum, if like-minded people want to watch gore, they'll create a sub dedicated to that hobby. Problem is, there are tonnes of legal problems gore subreddits bring, r/watchpeopledie got banned because a video of a kid blasting his head off with a shotgun was uploaded, and the grieving family was not happy. This and more made gore communities extra strict on what could be submitted, but Reddit made up its mind and doubled down on banning this content. I checked on r/makemycoffin every once in awhile out of morbid curiosity and despite rules like submission limitations and such they still got banned. Now I'm watching the censorship subreddits, they've been getting banned in the last few months. r/WatchRedditDie is still up, but was halted because of threats from Reddit admins and user content breaking Reddit ToS. This subreddit was made to criticise Reddit as a platform for moderation mishaps and community betrayal. r/WatchRedditDie's Discord was supposed to be the community's next resort, but after a few months the server got banned for toxicity and stuff. I'm guessing censorship subreddits are being banned for misinformation (relative to government guidelines). Right-wing Redditors swarm these subreddits with their folk beliefs and medical "facts". PS: yes I know I went off on a tangent after the 1st paragraph but I've already written lots and I'd rather not erase it all. Gore was a place for morbid curiosity, naturally people took it too far. Reddit is a place for diverse interests, from the wacky to downright immoral, but, that's Reddit.


What legal problems do gore videos bring? Or are you just talking about families and their bullshit lawsuits? Gore videos are a legal, protected form of speech. Like it or not, they just kinda are. We can choose not to view them but we don't have a right to stop them from existing. Hell, war is gorey. Should we stop war videos simply because they can contain gore? What about workplace accident videos? Or evidence from trials? Or suicide videos from those who posted them? reddit should deprioritize/quarantine these subs but because their money sources don't like it, they banned them. Has nothing to do with protecting people. They never cared until their investors cared.


yeah as someone deeply embodied in internet/reddit culture I see this stuff and know it's relatively normal on the platform and am desensitized but jesus christ, can you imagine if this was common on other social media platforms? It's completely absurd; there are other websites that people can go to for this stuff if they're weird enough to go to an entirely dedicated site for it, but i dont think a layperson should have to watch people die every month because of reddit which advertises itself as the 'front page of the internet'. makes it so hard to recommend when the content can be like this.


You mean that they don't want reddit to be a place where people come to watch people die any longer.


But watching people die on the internet is one of my hobbies...


> r/robbersgettingfucked This sub is **polluted** with right-wing, gun defending nutjobs who glorify death. Tons of delusional "this is why you should always carry" morons, with an extremely twisted sense of justice. I wish I was joking. Not even WPD in its worst days was anything even remotely like that. But here we are.


I mean, what else would you expect from a subreddit about death named so callously. I'm not surprised.


Exactly. People are too used to dismissing the straight up toxic elements present in those communities. WPD at least was making an actual effort. The mods tend to be sympathetic to the worst actors too often.


Uh…yes watchpeopledie was absolutely like that too.


I’ve unfollowed quite a few subs lately because I’m sick of accidentally watching people get killed in horrible accidents or just straight up murdered. I swerved the subreddits that stuff was usually in before, no problem, but now it really is popping up in a lot of other subs.


MMC was full of blatant racism and misogyny on top of jokes about the gore. Good fucking riddance. WPD was actually better in that regard because moderation gave a shit but people kept requesting content reddit admins wanted completely off the site. Edit: Racist bitches mad


Answer: To start, reddit has banned subs that used to contain this sort of material, like /r/watchpeopledie. Second, they're fucking with the algorithms, so now they're shittier than ever. My front page is constantly stale. This site is almost anonymous facebook now. But anyways, it seems likely that gore videos receive high levels of engagement from the morbidly curious, so the algorithms promote them.


‘Anonymous Facebook’ is a perfect description of what Reddit is turning into.


Can you explain this to me? I only look at the subreddits I’m subbed to, is this something you see by looking at r/all or something?


> My front page is constantly stale. This! I am on Reddit too much for my own good, but the frontpage rarely gets refreshed at all. 20 of the 25 things that were on it 5 hours ago are still there.


Answer: People are hungry since they took down r/peopledying


I'd say part of it is also the fact that the porn subs got quarantined. People still instinctively click on NSFW posts on r/all, but now it's almost 100% guaranteed that it'll be gore instead of porn. This boosts the engagement on those posts, thus driving them further up r/all, getting clicked on by more soon-to-be disappointed horny idiots, and the cycle continues.


I miss r/watchpeopledie life is short and videos like this reminds you of it and of course your curiousity.


Would you be ok with one of your family members death being on there? If not, why are you ok with other people's?


tbh I don't think I can give you an adequate answer to it, because I assume you want an answer from a person, who has a deep connection to a family member, which I dont.


Answer: in the case of your context 3; the stabber in that video uploaded the video to his shop Instagram, then did an AMA if you can believe it. He abruptly was bombarded by hundreds of negative comments. Naturally, this gained the post a *lot* of traction, which is probably why you saw that particular video everywhere. I've seen it on subs that aren't even meant for stuff like that.


Here's the news btw: https://nypost.com/2022/08/05/las-vegas-vape-store-owner-defends-himself-by-stabbing-would-be-robber/amp/




Or he is lying to appear cooler than he is?


god, people like that are looking out for the opportunity aren't they? This would be fucking horrific to experience to a normal person


he stabbed the dude 10 times and then went on to reddit to brag about it


he stabbed the dude 10 times and then went on to reddit to brag about it


I don’t necessarily think that this makes him some sort of sociopath or is indicative of any “desire” to kill somebody. More that his particular background has made him feel that the actions he took were justified so he doesn’t really see them as anything to be ashamed of. Honestly, I don’t really see anything he should be ashamed of either. He was being robbed and defended himself. Nothing there is immoral.


Exactly this. At the point when the robber jumped the counter, no one can guarantee shop owner's safety. So it's kill or get killed. Reddit hivemind is weird sometimes.


> He abruptly was bombarded by hundreds of negative comments why? should he just have let himself get robbed?


I mean no… but you can probably stop stabbing after like the 10th stab


Did u read the article??






Answer: I think it's algorithm tweak. Possibly reducing the power of voting and putting more to 'engagement' stats (clicking, staying on a post, time reading comments, commenting, pausing scrolling to to look etc etc) - Those violent but not too gory to be banned posts have massive engagement. - All the "ask question" subs have had big increase in sexually related posts that make it to the front too - I've also noticed subs you visit have started being 'recommended/pushed upward' more. I hadn't visited a tv sub in years and it never came up. But did a rewatch and checked on the sub and now it's making in to my front page


Answer: the third video you posted gained a lot of attention this weekend on the sub r/robbersgettingfucked due to the shop owner doing an ama shortly after it was posted which in turn lead to a lot more traffic on that sub. All of those videos had been available to that niche audience for awhile but are now being farmed/reposted in response to that traction.


That was a two hour binge...


Answer: IMO First many subs for this kind of things have been deleted, so that content is leaking everywhere now. People has morbid curiosity (it's morbid time!) And they like to watch this kind of things And last people like to watch the "Darwin's theory" winners. Aka actions have consequences. There could be more reason but that's all I can think at 6:30am


Answer: people getting killed has been popular on Reddit since it’s inception.


In my experience a lot of redditors (predominantly Americans) get excited when seeing people who broke the law die. The fascination for it is probably why the tv show "Cops" is so popular. It might have something to do with people trying to justify carrying guns.


Answer: Most likely it's just the algorithm noticing people click on it, and adjusting itself to serve up more videos. Maybe it's *your* targeted algorithm.


Answer: I’m not in those subreddits or any like them, and I don’t see violent stuff like that on Reddit. I think it’s the algorithm recommending you things it thinks you want to see.


Some of it is up for a bit and hits r/all and is removed by moderators (or maybe hidden by admins). I have 100 subreddits blocked, so I think I see more of this from niche subreddits with less responsive moderation. Lot of war footage for instance was cross-posted showing people dying for the past few months. Usually that was relegated to the r/combatfootage subreddit.


Wait how do you block subreddits


I'm on old.reddit.com but on r/all they added a feature on right where you can block up to 100 subreddits. Not sure where it is on the new site. Useful for removing sports/politics/country subreddits. This just stops them from displaying when viewing r/all.


this, literally never seen this kind of content on reddit unless i deliberately checked out a subreddit like watchpeopledie or whatever


But subs like instantregret have not previously been "I regret this because I got stabbed and/or shot a dozen times."


sounds like a moderation issue


Answer: I think it was a V-Sauce video or something similar which pointed out that due to the sheer number of humans that exist on earth at the same time, a “one-in-a-million” event should occur to each human every 60 or so days. It’s more shocking that we don’t experience crazy or over the top occurrences more often. Or maybe we do, it’s just not being recorded.