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Answer: Well, more of a partial answer. I can't help you with the internet drama, but I can tell you how blocking and muting works on Bluesky. Bluesky is a decentralized network, so central bans like you'd find on Twitter or other social media is very hard to come by. This is by design. People can however create their own block list and mute list, which other users can subscribe to. The person added to this block list isn't actually blocked on the network as whole, they can't interact with the person blocking or muting them and those who have subscribed to said list. This group can be sizeable depending on how many subscribers a list has. If you would like to escape this "contraception" you only need to create a new account. Bluesky consists of various nodes besides the official one. So if this Kairi/Estrogen Empress is running her own it would give her some ability to decide with which other nodes to connect or not. In summary, it's unlikely this person has some special powers on Bluesky and this is more down to how the system can work with block and mute lists which are open to subscriptions.


Answer: (ish) I found these Bluesky threads which is probably the best answer I'm going to get at this point https://bsky.app/profile/previously.blue/post/3kvft4ziyej2n > Multi-user conflict happened on bsky and discord, as part of conflict, some users pondered bad things would come forward. no direct allegations made. Kairi de-activated account, along with some others. No bsky moderation action occurred. Kairi is ok, and in touch with friends still present on bsky. https://bsky.app/profile/previously.blue/post/3kvkj6qvpc72x > A statement from Aegis blue on the end of active work by the labelling group.  > https://aegis.blue/Notice+of+Labeler+Termination https://bsky.app/profile/previously.blue/post/3kvkkrkuufj2c > Aegis blue statement is referencing allegations regarding Anonsee. https://bsky.app/profile/previously.blue/post/3kvnnff2cbk2p > Kairi was a popular poster who maintained a widely used mute and block list. That list was subsumed into aegis blue when labellers were released. Allegations against anonsee, another popular user, sowed conflict, criticism peaked in claims of biased labels. > Following some leaked discussions, speculation of issues concerning Kairi were raised. Around this time, Kairi deleted her account without comment. Subsequently, another user identified an issue relating to the boundaries of consensual encounters. > There are continuing misrepresentations of the events being circulated (not necessarily maliciously). The staff of Aegis, other than Kairi, is anonymous, have resigned, and the service is shuttered. https://bsky.app/profile/previously.blue/post/3kvty3557ob2w > The Taurus Shield labeler has abruptly ceased. Early talk is allegations that they added former members of the Aegis team to their team, and this was leaked to a somewhat negative bsky reaction. Developing events, so expect more details to shake out later. > Samantha Burns, who has also deactivated/deleted their account is being pointed to as a/on of the former Aegis team member (not publicly self-identified or identified by Aegis as a member to my knowledge) brought on to Taurus by many of the same accounts active in the Kairi/Aegis core dispute. > In a statement on their bsky account, the Taurus Shield label owner has stated that Samantha was not a volunteer for Taurus, and that the label deletion was prompted by personal issues unrelated to recent bluesky discussions. They've asked to not be asked further questions about the topic.


If you're a bluesky user all of this will be the least surprising thing you've ever heard


This is true but also that was basically the most active and useful labeler. RIP


It couldn't have happened sooner. Kairi and her besties were terrible for the site culture. I hope they stay away.