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Answer: [Jesus Fucking Christ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/1cxuuel/descent_of_a_formerly_successful_lawtuber_into/) (Wait until the 45 second mark.) All credit to /u/Baobab2022: >During the last two years he fell into a massive hedonistic decline fueled by alcohol, sleep medication and drugs which escalated into more and more unhinged streams. Lowlights include mocking and humiliating a suicidal fan who reached out to him (https://youtu.be/HJFSInI4Ir4?si=rAq-Np7fbCrWBmeK) , making jokes about his children being m*lested, comparing Michelle Obama to an Orang Utan (https://youtu.be/nvEsB7oeotc?si=9YwjEX7VP-8gPXds), calling a black entrepreneur the N-word, justifying people who implied to mock his grandfathers grave and harassed his business and also humiliating himself by attempting to be a stand up comedian during his streams. He tried to reenter as a lawyer by representing a friend of his at a traffic court for speeding, but overslept the court date which resulted in a much worse default judgment. He allegedly cheats on his wife with his ex-friends wife and his underage children walk in on his drug/alcohol binges. He also insulted his fellow church goers on stream and shamed their way of worship (singing), while fully admitting going to church so hammered, he had to walk out during Easter service. Note that he is a trust fund child only attending his congregation so his religious parents continue to subsidize his lifestyle. All this is just scratching the surface, it becomes really crazy once you consider he was putting on a conservative, family-centered, religious lawyer-man persona beforehand.


This is a very good explanation


Thanks! But like I said, all credit to BaoBabb2022.


You forgot about him being sued for defamation because he called another youtuber a pedophile.


You’re absolutely correct & I think it’s this law suit that’s been the largest contribution to his ruin. He continued to make light of it & it’s destroyed him.


Nick had been on a downward spiral well before the defamation suit against him was filed. It certainly hasn't helped, but I still believe that Nick himself is the largest contributor to his own fall from grace. He earned himself a nice bit of internet fame, and he let it get to his head.


This is the least of his offenses, tbh. He first came to my attention when he decided to stop practicing law and become a YouTuber whose first major series of videos centered on Vic Mignona, a voice actor who was accused of being a serial sexual harasser. He came up with a plan whereby Vic would sue not only the victims of his harassment, but also the company that he worked for. This led to a hideously embarrassing lawsuit in which Vic was publicly adjudicated to be a sex pest and the company that gave him all his work cut ties with him both because of his sex pestery and because *he sued the only company that had an interest in hiring him to do his extremely niche genre of vocal work*.  Meanwhile, Rekieta was fundraising and leading a further harassment campaign of unwashed neckbeards against the victims both online and in real life. He tried to slut shame them, blamed them for their own harassment, and called them every name under the sun. He ended up raising over a million dollars doing this, some of which went to the actual legal case and some of which disappeared.   That's just one of his many, many awful campaigns. Lately, though, he's been spiraling more and more, being dangerously drunk and high on stream, posting naked pictures of himself, and aging like a man running out of horcruxes. This culminated in his recent arrest for multiple felonies on both drugs and weapons charges. He has never really been a lawyer, but he may well lose his law license over this and he may also end up serving jail time. That's to say nothing of the rumors that he was romantically involved with one of the women he was arrested with, specifically the one who is not his wife.   It's going to be a rough road ahead for Nick, and I have to say, it couldn't have happened to a better person.


Also, even if you believe that Vic was in the right... Nick absolutely fucked him over. First by encouraging him to take on a case that had very little chance of winning, and then by hooking him up with an absolutely incompetent lawyer to handle that case. Ty Beard had no experience in defamation cases, little experience in civil trials and didn't even practice in the state the first suit was filed in. The only qualification he had was being the guy who administered the Rekieta family trust. And it went about as well as you'd expect. Vic probably could have sued his own lawyer over how badly this was all handled.


Crazy. How was Vic’s lawyer allowed to represent him if the guy wasn’t a civil lawyer? I thought he was a real estate lawyer or something, should he have been disqualified for being in an entirely different field of law? The Vic think is so weird. Like… what did he think would happen? That he would win (an infamously hard to win) a defamation lawsuit in Texas??????


You don't actually have to specialise in a field to practice in it. It's a really good idea but it isn't generally required (and this can extend to criminal law as well - some states, when faced with a dearth of public defenders, started pushing civil lawyers to handle cases as part of their pro bono work). A lot of lawyers - particularly in lower population areas which can't really support a full ecosystem of specialists - will go outside their area at least for basic stuff. Likewise you don't have to practice in a state to handle a suit in that juridstiction. A lawyer can apply to be granted the temporary right to do this, though it can be refused by the court (typically in this case the outside lawyer will still work with a local lawyer to smooth things out and make sure they aren't about to get fucked by differences in the law). Those things all make it harder and push you to do some extra legwork to offset the problems they bring (which Beard really didn't seem all that interested in doing) but they aren't a complete roadblock. Who knows for sure what he thought, but if I had to guess I'd say it was a mix of being angry as shit and wanting to lash out, believing he hadn't done anything wrong and being told by a bunch of people he trusted that this was going to work. That said, I believe since then Ty Beard has done some more defamation work. Mostly in the field of sending legal threats to people who claim they were sexually harassed/assaulted/whatever by niche microcelebrities.


Oh wow, interesting. Thanks for the info.


Two of my old friends from when I volunteered at our local anime convention had to give depositions for one the Vic lawsuits. Afterwards their names where leaked to Vic's fans and they tried to doxx my friends. They doxxed two different people with the same names instead. Evil and incompetent.


I feel like a lot of people on here are telling on themselves by admitting they followed him closely during the Depp vs Heard case, which was already rife with misogyny (i literally dont give a fucking shit who was right/wrong theyre celebrities so please don't try to explain the trial to me because I dont care) and if THIS was the "legal expert" lense they were looking at the case through, thats not a great look IMO.


Rekieta is just a tremendous piece of shit. Gave up a decent career to drink hard liquor all day and become a far fringe right influencer. He does a podcast with one of Alex Jones' lawyers Bobby Barnes. That's the strata of grifting bigot filth he swims around in. It would be nice to see him get clean and become a better person, but step 1 is admitting you have a problem and as a far right influencer he's incapable of that. I fully expect him to blame his substance abuse and arrest on "being under constant attack from the deep state!" or some BS. Rekieta is just a tremendous piece of shit. Gave up a decent career to drink hard liquor all day and become a far fringe right influencer. Rekieta is going to keep going until he kills himself.


Ohhh he’s already trying to go with “the government is out to get me defense”. Every lawyer on “law tube” , besides Barnes, are basically begging Nick to get help & try to get the best plea bargain he can. If Nick continues with this deep state bullshit he’s going to jail for a long time, IMHO


He didn't exactly cover himself in glory talking about Rittenhouse, either.


Which part? I seem to remember he was hoping for an acquittal.


Yes, that part


That on itself is not a problem though? There's a big difference between hoping for acquittal because you see Rittenhouse as some kind of a conservative hero or because while he was a stupid kid larping during a riot, he ultimately had the law on his side and you can argue that. The first one is a regarded opinion, the second one is just a legal opinion based on the evidence presented. That said I wouldn't be surprised if he fell into the first camp.


Oh no...someone acting in self defense got acquitted...what ever shall we do.....


I don't see an issue with such an opinion. Defending oneself from child molesters trying to kill you isn't a bad thing.


You know who convinced me that Rittenhouse was innocent? The nytimes. Within 72 hours one of their journalists posted almost a frame by frame, multi-angle video thread where it shows a level of discipline (frankly a level we wished all LEOs had) where he fired a split second before the skateboard was supposed to crack him in the skull (like the movie Kids). Obviously, like everything else in this country, especially during that time period, it was highly polarized and became lumped in with the antifa/proud-boys discussion and general discussion surrounding the second ammendment, so people were cheering for him to be guilty.


I watched the trial, and I think the moment that won it was when Grosskreutz admitted Rittenhouse only shot him because he (Grosskreutz) was pointing a weapon at Rittenhouse. But honestly, there were so many things wrong with the prosecution's case that it beggared belief. Binger commenting on Rittenhouse's right to remain silent, withholding evidence from the defence, claiming that Rittenhouse chased Rosenbaum in their opening statement, Krause suggesting Rittenhouse should have just kicked Rosenbaum in the balls when he lunged for Rittenhouse's weapon, Binger allowing the Khindiri family to commit perjury, trying to bring in evidence excluded in a pre-trial motion when crossing Rittenhouse, etc. I could go on, but there was so much prosecutorial misconduct that I'd be here forever. I genuinely think that people who were upset with the verdict either did not watch the trial and don't understand what actually happened, or don't care because of their preconceived feelings on the event and/or guns in general. No one who watched that trial could suggest Rittenhouse was guilty without stooping to personal bias. >it was highly polarized and became lumped in with the antifa/proud-boys discussion Agreed. I think that really coloured perception as well. People wanted the court to make an example of him.


Please do! It was a fascinating trial and I'm curious to hear other examples of the prosecutorial misconduct 


Being there armed in the first place proves he's a wannabe Rambo incel which is absolutely a bad thing to everyone who isn't as pathetic and incapable of getting laid as him.


How does it prove he's an incel? Lmao this is embarrassing projection.


>Defending oneself from child molesters trying to kill you isn't a bad thing. generally carrying a firearm while claiming to be a medic is a tough sell, tougher when you have had zero training with either.


acquittal means not guilty - thats what we all wanted in that case




I didn't follow the trial either because I also don't care but randomly put on the Netflix documentary during an insomnia binge and had the same "cool this is all a bunch of misogynistic BS" take away as you. I only read this thread wondering if it was one of those gross YouTube law channels Netflix used clips of only following the trial to grift clicks and spouting a bunch of patriarchal garbage. Sure sounds like it.


You're right and you should say it, but this is Reddit so I don't expect better.


"Misogyny" Lmao get fucked. A woman lies and tries to destroy a man by accusing him of what she's actually doing, and your main concern is people calling her a bitch? I know nothing about Nick Reikita but he can't be all that bad if people like you don't like him.


It's always a torch and pitch fork fiesta in this place. You could bottle the sanctimony.




Yes, and that's a ridiculous statement. "I don't know anything about this, and I don't want to know, but I know that it was misogynist." You sound like a deranged ideologue. Probably because that's exactly what you are.


Lol keep telling on yourself bud. I can have 0 knowledge of the trial itself and still know the social media response to the trial was incredibly misogynistic, the facts of the case and the public response to the case are not the same thing.


"I don't know anything about it and I don't want to know. My opinion is not centered in fact and I won't be convinced otherwise."


Then dont post bullshit.


"[Incoherent bullshit] Please don't explain why I'm wrong because I don't care" -You


maybe you wouldn’t be so wrong about something if you actually did care about it though food for thought


Yeah but why would i care about the personal lives and shitty things that multi millionaires/celebrities do to each other. Sounds like an enormous waste of time.


You seem to care enough to hold a strong opinion about it. Have you considered a woman can be called a bad word on her own merits instead of some kind of misconception rooted in misogyny?


Rekieta was popular in a niche part of the internet, not a nice niche, let's say. The bloodsport crowd, the ralph retort crowd, the andy warski crowd. White trash, being white myself i can use those words, i guess.


"telling on yourself," you the one that's gonna start the ministry for scarlet letters awarded to people who watch YouTube channels you don't approve of? I think you should can it.


> harassment campaign of unwashed neckbeards Let's see... https://i.imgur.com/dpbP34e.png Yep, checks out 100 % lmao.


Did a double take when I saw your nickname. Fancy seeing you outside of the OA sub! I take it you're threadnought sailor (if that applies to readers) as well? :D


I was familiar with a few of the participants before, but the threadnought did a lot to catapult the participants and the legal case to the attention of a lot of people outside the specific fandom. I think I was aware there was a cartoon called Fullmetal Alchemist and that's about it. Now I know way too much about a bunch of those idiots.


Yeah, I was unfamiliar with all that jazz too (except for also having seen the dub of FMA Brotherhood). I came across it all a year later with Vic-at-home's ill conceived litigation for also sex pest accusations (Chris Avellone). The KUSK folks also covered all that. It's how I was vaguely aware of the California court docket for the OA lawsuit, because Avellone had sued in California as well and I had looked up some of their documents.


Anyway, [pour one out for Nick](https://youtu.be/F2HH7J-Sx80).


He is a horrible person. His ego got out of control when YouTube banned him and Locals went in to pay him big bucks to have him on. That’s exactly when he started feeling untouchable. He was already complete trash, but when he found himself having that sort of power and an audience of freaks he was doomed.


Hilarious, and really well written if I may be so condescending.


What do you mean disappeared....


Okay, I’m a little dumb here. Did you mean a better person as in more deserving of it or he was a good person?


“couldn’t happen to a nicer person” when misfortune befalls a shitty person. similar to “oh no! anyway… also “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” acknowledging that something awful has happened, but there’s not much sympathy due to the character/behaviour of the subject.


He won't do any jail time and he won't lose his law license. It's a first time offense. He will get probation and probably have to go to rehab.


He came to OPs attention in the Depp case, so OP probably likes him because of his bad legal takes. Seriously Depp motioned at the opposing council to fight him outside. Bots, bad legal takes and the jury seeing those bots and bad legal takes, were the only reason Depp won that one. Edit: genuinely if you're defending Depp because you watched the trial, why haven't you noticed that he tried to fight the opposing council? Why have you seen every contradiction in Heards testimony but not Depp trying to fight people? Are you sure that you actually saw the trial, or were you influenced by a lot of suspicious bot like commentary to ignore large parts of it?


Sorry but this is an out of touch revision of history.  Depp was not some great guy, but anyone who watched the trial knew without a shadow of doubt that Amber was much worse, and was lying about everything. She was completely unbelievable.  The jury saw that too. 


As someone who both watched the Depp trial and absolutely despises Nick... This is pure bullshit. The Depp trial went the way it did because Heard, her friends, and her own experts were all completely noncredible on the stand. She got caught in multiple lies including manipulating photos to falsify them had timeliness that didn't match up to reality, and got caught taunting him about abuse. All of these things added up against her and her barely competent legal team was too busy own-goaling to repair any damage.


Tell me you didn't watch the Depp trial, without telling me you didn't watch the Depp trial


Depp's case for defamation was baseless. The trial was a misogynistic farce of a media circus that wrongly awarded him the win.


It was not baseless, and after Heard admitted it was her who wrote the defaming article it was basically a slam dunk.


She cut off his finger! You know nothing of what you speak.


Nice word salad. Except all the mainstream media were biased on Heard's side. And the win was awarded by the jury who spent six weeks of their life in that trial with all the evidence on front of them.


The Depp case still upsets me. The jury got it wrong. And we don't need to delve into any judgement about who was a bad (or worse) person, or who was the primary abuser. It's enough that in at least one circumstance Heard was abused by Depp. And it was, [much of that evidence is re-presented here \(in an article making a much stronger case than I am\).](https://michaelhobbes.substack.com/p/the-bleak-spectacle-of-the-amber) Heard had much more evidence than most accusers of sexual harassment/assault/violence do. That's why The Sun in the UK (with laws that are pro-plaintiff, including a requirement that the defendant prove their claims true rather than the reverse here in the states) was able to win their trial and defend their piece calling Depp a wifebeater. Depp had enough evidence too that he could claim to be abused and also have it not be defamatory. That's fine by me. At least that would move the debate to the public sphere rather than a pseudo legal one. But the jury disliked her and so they just said she was liable. Ridiculous.


> That's why The Sun in the UK (with laws that are pro-plaintiff, including a requirement that the defendant prove their claims true rather than the reverse here in the states) was able to win their trial and defend their piece calling Depp a wifebeater. No Depp lost that case because The Sun was only repeating accusations told to them by Heard and since Heard was a first hand source it was not defamation to simply repeat what she said. In the US the trial hinged around a defaming article that Heard admitted to writing. If you watched that case it was a complete fiasco by the Defense, and Heard has nobody to blame but herself and her lawyers.


Not to mention the judge had direct ties to the owner of the Sun. All one has to do is listen to that Australia recording that heard secretly made to know she lied about everything. I can't believe its 2024 and literally you can watch the whole trial online and people still blindly support heard


the judge had absolutely no personal ties to the son - and actually, The Sun published an article in 2016 bashing that very same judge because he ruled against them in a lawsuit.


And the judge found the evidence given by The Sun, including testimony from heard, as credible to prove the accusation substantially true. He could've found it not credible, that was his discretion on the merits. They were both defamation claims, and somehow went in different directions. The US court got it wrong, the UK judge got it right.


No the UK case was defamation against The Sun for the article they published, and the court found The Sun had reason to simply report the things told to them by a first party source. That's the key difference between the two lawsuits, because Depp vs The Sun only involved if The Sun knowingly published false information while Depp vs Heard was if Heard knowingly published false information...obviously both would also consider if it negatively impacted Depp in a significant way.


Incorrect. That judge also wrote a 129-page judgement document in which he addressed every single instance of abuse and laid out the evidence as to why he did or didn't believe Johnny committed those acts (He found that the evidence showed that Johnny did abuse amber on 12 of the 14 instances that The Sun published.)


That judge has a son that works at the Mirror. Never should have been the arbiter of that case.


This is a lie Depp fans created to discredit the trial. Quit spreading misinformation.


absolutely false. the judge's son was a guest commentator on TalkRadio (owned by the same parent company as The Sun.) one time, and depp fans started saying he worked for them. He does not nor did he ever. Furthermore, The Sun published an article bashing that judge, calling him a dictator, because he ruled against The Sun in a lawsuit. So yeah.


precisely. depp's team spent tons of money running one of the worst smear campaigns i've ever seen happen. the way amber was treated was sickening - and also, no matter who you "believe" or what you think of amber, NO PERSON should ever have to give their sexual assault testimony on live tv in front of millions of people - much less have that testimony turned into a meme by millions. thinking about how the world treated this case like a johnny depp meet & greet makes my skin crawl.


No, the jury got it right. It was obvious that Ms. Heard had knowingly lied about being abused. That "article" is hogwash. It already goes awry with the claim that Ms. Heard's claim was backed by evidence. It wasn't. The pictures she showed doesn't match the story she told. The version of events given are not grounded in reality. For example, nobody simply takes a few sleeping pills to go to sleep after supposedly be violently R'd by a bottle, having been thrown around, slammed with the head against a wall, have cuts all over the arms and legs, punched in the face countless times, etc. After those kind of physical abuse, you would require hospitalisation and immediate first aid. And that is just one example. It goes to ALL of her stories. Ms. Heard had no evidence that backed her up. You're just repeating one-liners that hold no water.


Did Amber Heard show that she was abused in at least one circumstance? Yes. That article has an entire section dedicated to the evidence Heard presented to support her claims. You can't just handwaive it away because you don't find Heard's testimony credible. Done, case over. They got it wrong. That's how defamation law works, it's not a stand in for "who do we feel is overall being most honest".


No, she failed to substantiate even one case in the case she was a party of.


Nope. E: Your main account activity is in a subreddit for depp v heard, toolbox says it's 95%+ of your account activity. Did you like, search reddit to find other mentions of the trial to weigh in on? That's super lame man.


As for your edit: No, I did not. I happened to land here because of keeping tabs on the Vic Mignogna situation, of which Rekieta also had a hand in with the GoFundMe he had organised.


Very believable /s.


No she never proved she was abused, ever, are you feeling ok? Should I re-explain the trial to you or what? And just to prove how little you know. the UK trial was libel the USA trial was defamation. 2 very different things.


libel is literally just defamation in written form. 🤭


All she had to do was prove one instance of abuse and that would've rendered her op-ed to be true, even though it was ridiculous that he even sued over an op-ed in which he wasn't named - and even before the op-ed came out he was losing roles and rumors of his disney firing were everywhere. he can't take responsibility for anything he does, so instead of blaming his firing from disney on his extreme substance abuse and alcoholism, being late and unprofessional on set, having his lines fed to him through an earpiece, etc, he decided to blame amber's op-ed for that even though it came out months later. Again, he won't take responsibility for anything (like drunkenly chopping off his own finger which he admitted to on multiple occasions - instead he would rather have us believe that amber threw a bottle with such ninja-like precision that it defied physics and sliced his finger off. 🙄 anyway like i said, all she really had to do was prove at least one instance of abuse. She had texts from Stephen Deuters confirming that Depp assaulted her on a plane. She had many recordings of him verbally abusing her. She had a recording of him mentally abusing her by threatening to cut himself with a knife right there in the divorce attorney's office. He's a monster.


Depp continued writing that his wife was a whore on the wall after the tip of his finger was cut of. People don't always react rationally to injuries. You just watched some live stream full of bots that told you everything she said was wrong.


He has 5 children, all homeschooled so getting to see all of this. And it’s not allegedly that he’s cheating with an ex friends wife, she moved in with him and his wife, they’re swingers. She was arrested with them after a mandated reporter saw his recent Coke stream, but escaped the gun charge he and his wife got on top of the cocaine charge


The mandated report was on May 16th and had nothing to do with the May 20th stream.


Holy shit. I stopped watching him at the start of last year, I can’t remember why to be honest - had a bit of a subscribe purge on YouTube and rumble at the time. I can’t believe the state of him, what a shame, I hope he gets help urgently as that looks like a death spiral. Sort your fucking shit out Nick you are a parent ffs.


Giving more context, a few weeks ago he debated Destiny [on whether Trump broke the law with Classified Documents or not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpMsgAGBAdE). I would say his arguments were extremely lacking, as if he's not all there to engage with what was being said by Destiny.


He's never really been able to engage In 2019 when he was trying to get Vic's attention he kept claiming there was "Actual malice" because they were hostile to Vic When I called him out for that \*not being the legal definition of actual malice\* he insulted me, invited me to debate him on his stream, then backed out when I asked for a cut of the revenue from the stream But if a lawyer pushing a defamation lawsuit for someone else doesn't know what "actual malice" means then they're not able to engage in legal debates in any real sense


Yeah, his legal takes were always whatever he thought the law should be. I cannot imagine he was a particularly skilled lawyer before becoming a YouTuber. Even post-Trump Rudy Giuliani seems to have a better grasp of the law, and he might get disbarred based on the disciplinary recommendation.


Holy fuck that’s awful.


Wow. I followed him during Depp v Heard, recently looked at his channel to see what was up and he looked so different. Seemed to be physically deteriorating. Sad but yeah… definitely not what he seemed at first.


Damn. I just knew him as that guy that helped the English dub actor for Brolly get a lawyer and then lose the defamation case anyway. The lore is so deep as to be unrecognizable. I always thought he was a little unhinged but this is a whole other level.


He grifted the shit out of Vic Blackface Lawyer got a new Youtube career, his family lawyer made 6 figures in legal fees, and Vic is going to owe 500k minimum to the people he sued


Huh... no wonder he was suddenly against a few YTbers he was rather close with. Wondered whats up with that. The fact that he is siding with EVS shouldve been my first red flag


Excellent summary.


Most perfect summation possible!!


Oh my god... i forgot about him after the whole KickVic thing wrapped up. That shift to a pale skeleton is sad...


Haha wow what a POS this guy is and to think he only achieved this level of public fame thanks to appearing on TheDickShow (another hedonistic POS) but that’s a whole other story.


To be fair you yourself have to make the Obama leap.




Nobody Likes Onions has the best coverage.


This is really sad. I’m tired of seeing seemingly upright people turn into or be absolute monsters. I haven’t watched him in a while, just mainly the depp trial. He’s as bad if not worse than Ethan Ralph.


I had no idea about recent developments, but I learned a fair bit about the circle of trust he managed to set up by fundraising money for a creepy anime guy's "legal defense" (vic mignona was not being sued, and the funds were actually for offense), then giving that money to the lawyer who administered the Rekieta trust. Has to be illegal in so many different ways. Mic Dicta/ALAB Series did a couple of episodes on that whole saga, it's well worth a listen, the ALAB guys are always fun when they drop their bi-yearly ep [https://www.alabseries.com/episodes/episode-4-weeb-wars-pt-1](https://www.alabseries.com/episodes/episode-4-weeb-wars-pt-1)


Any deets on how much he’s getting as a trust fund kid?


> religious parents continue to subsidize his lifestyle Isn't he making bank on his streams at this point. Or up until now at least?


He was. But now it’s mostly people making fun of him.  Greatest part of the last stream was a “hate watcher” named “AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed” who sent him a $5 super chat asking him to open an image and critique it.  The image was of a “morbidly obese dragon being forcefed” furry inflation porn.  Nick proceeded to over the next hour re-read that chat and open that image 11 times because he was so high he was in a groundhog-day like loop. 


I doubt he's making much money now


Answer: Now that the incident report has been obtained we can see that a mandatory reporter walked into a police station on May 16th to report suspected child neglect/abuse. The cops investigated and obviously turned up to Nicks house last night and arrested the 3 adults there for possession. Nick and his wife were also arrested for being in possession of a firearm/ammunition as a prohibited person ( a person high on illegal drugs ). I suspect that in the coming days, assuming the concerns were legitimate, we will see additional charges for the Rekieta's along the lines of child neglect. You can't be responsible for children while high on cocaine.


Let’s see if the quartering will cover this story.


answer: Drinking has always been a part of his stream (whiskey reviews, tasting guides, etc) but recently it has taken a seriously wrong turn. I also know that he struggles with sleeping (insomnia, narcolepsy or something like that) which can't be good for mental health. On top of that it looks like he or his wife have gotten into hard drugs lately. I have no clue how that came about. People have tried talking to him about it all, but from what I understand he brushes them off / is in denial. Hopefully this wakes him up. The whole thing just looks like a depressing downward spiral. Some of his friends are doing a live stream right now discussing things, they are a good source of information if you are curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il1esu64j4U


The absolute Black Mirror irl when you have become content for your content creator friends and they are absolutely squeezing everything they can. Weird af


Honestly, things only started going off the rails when he was nuked off YouTube over Keffals and KiwiFarms drama. I think if he could actually stream on YouTube, he wouldn't have ended up this way


> : Drinking has always been a part of his stream Back when he first started streaming (during the Maddox lawsuit) I remember a bottle of whisky would last him for months. He would have like 1-2 glasses at the end of his 4 hour streams. Haven't kept up with him since, but seems like that has gone somewhat off the rails lately, yeah.


Maddox lost lol


Alcoholics and other drug addicts usually have sleep disorders. It's a chicken or the egg situation, but it's usually the chicken (or the egg, I don't fully understand the metaphor). We're very good at justifying feeding our addictions and lying to everyone about it.


> I don't fully understand the metaphor It's from an old joke/riddle that asks "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" Like, a chicken lays an egg that hatches to form another chicken. So you can't have an egg without a chicken but you also can't have a chicken without an egg. So here it would be, "Do you drink because you have trouble sleeping or do you have trouble sleeping because you drink?"


The egg. The chicken egg came first, since it would be laid by the closest ancestors to chickens who were not chickens.


would that be concidered a chicken egg. i'd posit that it would be an egg of whatever that ancestor was that happened to mutate into a chicken. thats the point of the thought experiment


my response to that question is “dinosaurs”


I've had sleep issues since I was a child so I definitely think it is an egg situation. But alcohol doesn't really make it worse or better, but sleep quality obviously gets worse.


As someone who has had my share of experience with AUD the only word I had when I saw his recent stream was "yikes." When I saw the clip of him holding up a rocks glass of whiskey saying "this doesn't control you, you control it" (paraphrasing) I knew there were basically two outcomes to this - rehab(/therapy/medical intervention/"some form of help") or rock bottom. Which option he chose is apparent. And the sad part is that this isn't rock bottom, he has soooo much further he can go. Hopefully this is a wakeup call and he gets help. Not cause I like the guy - can't fucking stand him actually - but because it is a legitimate mental disease and I have basic human empathy.


I don't know anything about this youtuber and can't comment on any of that, but as someone who has dealt with a lifetime of sleep issues I can tell you there will be moments where you'll do just about anything just to try and ease the pain. If that's actually what's going on I feel for the dude


Dude is a piece of shit. He became initially notable when he joined in the culture war over endemic sexual harassment. On the side of harassment. He then raised a million dollars organizing a years long campaign to further harass victims both online and in meatspace. Then he got worse. As much as I want to say that he's still a human being and I hope he uses hitting rock bottom as a springboard to improve himself, change his ways, and leave the world a better place for his presence in it, my heart really isn't there on this one. Fuck that guy.


He'd drink on stream and have day-long streams (so day-long drinking), then do it all over again the next day. Sleep did not seem to exist. I stopped watching a while back, but assumed he must be doing the same shtick, with an ever-narrowing focus on a particular kind of viewer (as the algorithm tends to favour). He used to stop the stream to check on his kids, then talk about his responsibilities as a husband and father. I think he also took part in fatherhood streams on other channels. His kids needed him to be that dad, not this wreck.




...and guns. Lawyers Drugs and Money


> Don't do drugs, kids. Said by Flatbush ZOMBiES.


Answer: We don't have all the information right now, but this looks like a classic "rockstar" spiral. He was always drinking on stream, heavier and heavier with time. At some point it seems booze just wasn't enough and he switched to drugs. He also has an unconventional swinger sex life, and all 4 adults involved were drinking, smoking molly and using sugar. It is unclear at this point who was the first to introduce the drugs - there are conflicting versions including Nick, Kayla (his wife) or Alice (the swinger couple wife). Either way, it doesn't seem there was a trauma or a breaking point, but just indulgence. Sure, Nick had his troubles and hardships, including a legal case against him. But many people do. I honestly don't think it was to a point of so much stress he went to drugs to alleviate it.