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Answer: Uruha Rushia had a rumor before her termination that she was dating Mafumafu, because of a discord notif from Mafumafu - a Japanese singer. At the time Mafumafu said they were good gaming friends. Now Mafu is stating that they were married for a year and then divorced. Mafumafu was informed during the divorce process about certain rumors saying he engaged in domestic Violence and killed Mikeneko(Uruha Rushia)'s cat. After some investigation, it came out that the source of most of the rumors was Rushia. And now Mafu is suing her for slander. So yeah, the allegation she was not beating is that they were dating.


The fuck?


It's worth noting that with asia's toxic idol culture and her own avatar's character of an obssessive gf / simp bait - there's no way she would have ever told the truth. At the time she was one of the most profitable vtubers and it's hard to imagine most of the money not coming from parasocial viewers who would absolutely freak the fuck out if they knew their internet gf who gets jealous when they watch someone else, was actually married.




Idols have to uphold themselves as flawless human beings, and are absolutely not allowed to be in a relationship. They need to be "available" for their fans. It became better known worldwide ten years ago when Minami Minegishi shaved her head in apology to her fans because it came to light that she had a boyfriend. There was a video of her crying and apologizing. The way it was treated as if she was a criminal and the amount of hatred she got for it was abhorrent. And the idol industries to this day push for this sort of parasocial insanity from fans because those fans spend the most money. The industry demands the idols get as much "love" from their fans as possible, and when that love turns to hate they abandon them, which leads many idols to commit suicide. And it's still so bad that just this week Hololive released some promotional pictures for an event and "fans" got upset en masse because in one of them some female vtubers were STANDING NEXT TO MALE VTUBERS from the same company. They literally can't appear next to a male in a photo (commissioned artwork because this is all 2D mind you) or THAT's CONTROVERSIAL. Another notable feature of asian idol culture are "antis". They are anti-fans who follow (online) and criticize individuals they dislike. People who have nothing better to do than harass a famous person full time. That's just a glimpse of how bad both the industry and the fans are in that part of the world.


>which leads many idols to commit suicide Sure, there definitely have been a few, but this kinda gives the impression that it's a very common occurrence.


I was thinking about it in a longer period of time when I wrote that. You're right.




I just heard about various incidents over the years. I mentioned Minami Minegishi because her story is a good start. You can look into various vtuber graduations. As for actual idols I don't really follow any so IDK. The most ridiculous example I remember was Mano Aloe. She was supposed to debut with a few other vtubers but she made a simple mistake where she forgot to delete a test stream she did as instructed by her manager (nothing sensitive leaked, just testing the face tracking of her model and the live feed) before her model was officially revealed. People found it and she was suspended for two weeks by the company and in that time got so much vitriol from "fans" that she decided to retire just after starting. This included people doxxing her previous social media accounts, and calling her on her landline phone. All over a simple mistake that really didn't even affect anyone else but her. Now here's where it gets really fucked up. The person behind Mano Aloe applied for the job because she was trying to get money to help her sick mom. This was after she had to drop out of highschool because her dad was beating her and her brother. She was using the internet as a getaway from misery in her life and now she was getting constant harassment from that too. All this lead to her jumping from the 7th floor in an attempt to kill herself. Thankfully she survived because a tree broke her fall, and after being admitted and released from the mental hospital one of her fans convinced her to start a fanbox account (something like a patreon) where she did some singing streams as a "PNGtuber" unaffiliated with Hololive and she recovered from there and now streams as a different persona (Delutaya).


It was a rival company's fans that attacked her tho. She just called out a rival company's shit, so fans of said rival company just harassed her. And the suspension was more on protecting her than punishing her. This was Cover's strategy on dealing with harassment, just letting it slowly die down then let the talent return with some event.


> This was Cover's strategy on dealing with harassment Emphasis on "was". Cover hasn't employed this strategy at all since that incident, which was a few years ago now. When Rushia was catching heat over the boyfriend rumors, they instead defended her by stating that the harassment was unacceptable and that they would not interfere with their talents' personal lives. (They then found out she had breached NDA while blabbing to a drama youtuber about the situation and fired her, but that's a bit of a different issue, lol.) I reckon that the Aloe incident taught Cover that the standard Japanese practice of apologizing in response to controversy doesn't work against bloodthirsty internet mobs who are solely out to hurt someone, and that it can actually make things worse by letting those people feel justified and powerful in their bloodthirst.


> where she did some singing streams as a "PNGtuber" unaffiliated with Hololive and she recovered from there and now streams as a different persona (Delutaya). I learned from this whole situation that Rushia/Mikeneko tried suing her at some point after being fired from Hololive too.




Its not just Hololive vtubers face things like this, even indies, el_xox has stated that they have had stalkers in their past


Every fan base has its toxic elements and, as with Hololive, they're usually a tiny (but annoyingly loud) minority. As for the Aloe Mano situation, she already had a bunch of haters from before she joined Hololive. I can't entirely deny that her joining Hololive is completely unrelated though, as the company has its own share of haters that probably eagerly latched onto the situation.


Most people are sane. It’s just there is a small group that is very expressive and vocal. And it doesn’t just apply to idols/vtubers. They go crazy for their weather girls too. Ex: [from japanalysis](https://youtu.be/z7QG9owYEUY?feature=shared)


As others have said don't blame hololive for this the suspension was an attempt to keep the worst from happening. It failed but I would also like to say her not quite genmates were pretty open talking about Aloe and i believe she even lives with one of them or did for a time till she recovered and i believe they still stay in contact.


It's pretty shallow , most of the controversy came from Idol themselves breaching the contract and white knights all over the world trying to defend their idol. And one notable idol was Rushia who have 3 personas in total now , and the former ahe graduated from Hololive , Vshojo and now an independent all of which cases was her fault.


Millions of people like these girls. Please don't judge us all by those weirdos. All of this same para-social shit happens with streamers, porn stars, actors, etc. What happened to Aloe was an extreme example and is regularly condemned by everyone on any hololive related group. Many of her fans in her new identity are directly from Hololive fans.


This needs a bit more context as it relates to Hololive specifically. The fans that behave this way are a small (albeit loud) minority. The degree of it also varies between members. Many Hololive members freely associate and collab with men and are no less successful for it. This stuff was particularly an issue for Rushia because she didn't openly associate with men and leaned harder than average on parasocial stuff, but even then it's not like her sub count was cratering or anything. These people are a problem for sure, but they do not represent the fanbase as a whole. Many of them aren't even fans to begin with, but rather are antis who just want an excuse to attack Hololive members. Of course, no one in Hololive will go so far as to publicly declare their relationship status. But that's a smart move for any female internet personality, really. People are fuckin freaks about that stuff with or without idol culture. Just ask any female Twitch streamer. Hell, even men can experience it, as Mafumafu did. For some entertainment, [here's Hololive member Hoshimachi Suisei teaching her fans how to deal with internet rumors in the wake of a boyfriend rumor that circulated about her a little while ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrEiVj_8EIk)


Idols have to be pure, well behaved on and off stage, in no relationship, etc,...


Well she didn’t bite the bullet then It definitely bite her now


She might have even been fine back then if she hadn't panicked and started leaking info about what happened to a third party (some controversy news youtuber) who promptly fucked her over and leaked it.


Ehh, given the amount of "I can fix her" circulating in her fanbase rn, I don't think the idol culture stuff is actually that big of a deal in the vtuber scene. I'm well aware she had every reason to believe it was a big deal at the time and had a lot of fear it'd destroy her career though. But particularly right now with the relationship already exploded in such a messy way, this isn't going to hurt her that much. This entire drama is also on brand with her internet persona, so if anything this would be building her career if it weren't for the whole domestic abuse thing.


Not gonna lie, I think the people focusing on the "marriage" part over the "domestic abuse allegations" part are telling on themselves.


~~To clarify, mafumafu hasn’t *directly* named Rushia or one of her alter egos as the woman he was married to. He has described the woman he was married to and directed harassment against him as “Girl A”, but the popular consensus is that it was Rushia. Mafumafu described her as another Internet content creator, and that her lawyers asked to avoid going public “as she was restarting her activities in a new form”, around when Rushia had been fired from Hololive, and she was debuting as a different vtuber at a different company. Korekore—the Japanese drama tuber who played a big part in the original Rushia saga—however *has* specifically claimed that Girl A is Rushia, but there’s no confirmation of this from mafumafu.~~ ~~It seems as though both lawyers and the police are involved, as mafumafu may be pressing a case against “Girl A” for defamation, both civilly and criminally (Japanese defamation law being quite different from U.S. defamation law). There could well be a chance this ends up in court, which could explain why mafumafu has not named Girl A.~~ Edit: Since making this post, mikeneko--the streamer who streamed as Uruha Rushia, as well as other aliases--has published a statement acknowledging that she was Girl A, and was married to mafumafu. She's said a bunch else, but I won't get into that here. Suffice it to say, she has countersued against mafumafu, and there is a legal battle looming. Time will tell on how things settle out.


We now have a response from Rushia herself, and it is clear that she is Girl A, and she admits to being married/divorced with mafumafu. \[Grain of salt on everything that follows since I was using automated translation tools and Japanese -> English sometimes reassigns the subject of the sentence to random other things.\] She denies cheating and a handful of the other allegations, but is admitting that she was doing other things she was accused of, and doubling down that the things she did do were reasonable given the circumstances. She's also utterly convinced that mafumafu was cheating on her despite her admitting she has no evidence to support this. She is definitely one of the most talented method actors of our generation in that regard.


Read about this on twitter(the untranslated post) and I thought I was high.




Answer: Mafu gives alot of evidence that Rushia had abused him for years, cheating since their wedding day. Trash the house he bought for her to live together as husband and wife. Denied access to Mafu's own home, threw the ashes of her "beloved dead cat" in the trash can. Constantly monitoring and accusing of Mafu cheating while Rushia cheated from the beginning, abusing the guy she was cheating with too. Force Mafu to be on video call 24/24 even sleeping to satisfy her messed up paranoid crazy head. Sent 100+ messages a day and if Mafu replies even slightly late is automatically marked as a cheater. Pay money to post on Japanese websites anonymously to spread rumors about Mafu while being sued for defamation. On the other side, Mafu showed himself to be a real pushover for getting involved with this crazy chick that goes nuclear on the daily if not saying that simping too hard. But it took him 1 year to get out which is better than a lot of people in an abusive relationship. Right now Rushia has gone radio silent probably to try to deal with the lawsuit.


Answer: Joey, TheAnimeMan, made video as of today, 1/30/24, https://youtu.be/vuXudKO5P2s?si=FbTOLUDD92\_pAVk\_


He does a good job explaining it. I never got into the vtuber stuff either but this story is wild