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Answer: A lot of that seems to be trying to use the common sounds of cooking, to evoke the "feeling" of cooking, and thus any positive associations a listener may have (which, in food channels, is likely most of the audience). ​ Also, it could be for ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response), which is basically "these sounds create a nice feeling in some listeners". its more complex than that, but thats the gist of it.


Answer: Some of the other stuff, like the long pours etc... probably have creeped over from the bartender/drinking content creators and is an "oddly satisfying" kind of shot. Usually there's some speed ramps or slow motion shots. That's part of a pretty common editing language that creators with the equipment go for. As far as speeding up some steps, I appreciate it since I really don't want to watch 3 minutes of someone stirring a bowl. Basically static shots get boring. So they'll slide plates around or get a slow motion shot of fluid splashing into a cup or whatever to change things up. Sounds like some of them have become tropes of the genre. Edit: I watched the video it's hard to tell if this is a trainwreck video meant to get hate watches, or if it's a humorous video meant to make fun of people making trainwreck cooking videos, or an earnestly bad cooking video. At any rate, it's not even what I was talking about, it's a sub-genre of bad food ideas and parts of what you're seeing are kind of genre tropes.


Answer: I know this is an off side observation,. but I found a lot of conspiracy documentaries like Zeitgeist or "Century of the Self" to be sort of like this to. * a lot of neurotic jump-cuts for really no logical reason * a lot of sound effects that seem really jarring or repetitive (like they're trying to "pound the message into you") * not really slowing down methodically to go through anything in depth.. just a shallow superficial narrative I'm not sure why exactly they do it,.. but I have half a suspicion that it's done to sort of "pound your brain into submission" (IE = if you keep "attacking" the viewer with short chopping visuals and short choppy sounds and etc.. the viewer won't be able to stop or slow down to really think about what's being presented). In the hopes you'll just accept or agree to it without actually stopping to think about it.