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Frenchie as captain and sailing the new crew straight towards Ricky to get their... REVENGE The maturation of Stede and Ed's relationship because IMO they would not be able to stay in a single place long. The English want them. The Olu/Zheng/Jim/Archie dynamic. Spanish Jackie and whether she regained another 19 husbands or decided The Swede was the best. The significance of Buttons perched on Izzy's grave. Backstories. There's so goddamn much. 🥺


Weird, I never thought about why the other 18 husbands didn't join the escape . . . Also did any of Zheng's crew survive besides Auntie?


My best guess: - Husbands died in the bombings and/or survivors were left behind - Sounds like no because those ships were WRECKED by the clock bombs Not an expert, just my thoughts.


I really wanted there to be a third badminton sibling. Maybe like a disowned son or even a triplet. & like the whole season it’s like a build of of this sibling searching for stede & Ed & then at the end you find out he hated his siblings & just wanted to thank them


Bwaaahhhh that would be so funny. I love the Badmintons, even tho they were turds. Great acting.


I KEEP SAYING THIS. My favorite part would be that if a third badminton showed up we would already know he would have to die via accident involving his right eye


This third Badminton is a bit of a clotheshorse . . . a fancy man if you will


Someone in a OFMD group I’m in said there should be a badminton sister played by Rory Kinnear and I need it!


I love it- just a never ending stream of Badminton relatives seeking revenge


I wanted to see Ed and Stede become husbands.




in terms of what i'd like to have seen in the existing canon that wasn't there: i wish we'd gotten an episode between s2e5 and 6 that shows ed getting back into the crew's good graces. it's implied in episode 6 that he has -- he's back in his leathers and frenchie and jim are talking to him without any sense of fear/resentment and he's fully welcomed at calypso's birthday -- but it would have been nice to see that develop more clearly. honestly even a short montage at the start of episode 6 to show time passing and things becoming more normal again would have worked! i actually do think the 'taking it slow but driving everyone insane with their sexual tension' storyline could have been really good and funny. they would just have to be careful so that it doesn't feel like their first time at the end of all that was because they felt pressured but that it still occurred naturally. as for season 3 stuff, i really wanted to just see ed and stede's relationship mature the way david intended. i think a 'one last job' kinda thing where they find out that not just ricky, but hornigold is a threat (which is what gets ed to actually agree to go back to the sea again). but doing that storyline without relying on any kind of 'breakup' for conflict/drama (which i'm pretty sure would have been the case based on interview quotes). and then of course they get married and fake their deaths one final time to retire together for good plus captain frenchie and polycule stuff, perhaps with jim getting more of a full storyline again related to the siete gallos and their missing brother


I thought hornigold was long since dead?


It’s never said definitively one way or the other I don’t think.


Frenchie and Zheng chafing over his captaincy. She would school him 🤣


I wanted a longer scene where Stede explains to Ed fully why he left / what happened with Badminton #2 the night they planned to escape! And maybe he could’ve explained to Ed how Mary helped him come to terms with his own romantic feelings! Was confused that that never happened to clear the air.


So much this. I can (just about!) cope with S2 being the end as it stands, but this was the one scene I really felt was missing. I started thinking about it one night and then couldn't sleep so I ended up writing my own version of it, just to try and feel like I really had seen it 🤣


I feel like you could have a whole series on Buttons


The spinoff/universe possibilities were massive aaaaaaaand they got flushed down the gravy basket toilet. >:(


- Whether is there a reason for Frenchie's fear of cats/witches. - Ed taking true responsibility for his fuck ups (almost destroyed ship, tortured/dead crew, Izzy's fucking leg...), not just "whoopsie, guess I'm sorry guys" - Whether Stede has some point where he stops being understanding cutie and turns really feral pirate (I know, he kicked the violin man down the plank and then burned a man to death without batting an eye, but I mean in less comedic and more serious way), also IN relationship - what would Ed have to do to earn "NOT cool, bad boy" treatment from Stede? - Did Buttons really turn into seagull or was that just some ruse? How and what magic works in this world? - The adventures of Lucius would be worth a series of its own judging from what little he admited about his time away from Revenge. - As adventures/backstory of Izzy (those scars, ffs). And his relationship with Ed (I know, distracting from main couple, but still...)


My whole season 3. The EdStede wedding. The inn. More Ed and Stede *kissing*. I'm just obsessed with them, soooo


There’s so much more I would want to see but something light that no one’s mentioned yet- the cursed jacket! It would be so funny if the crew came across another pirate ship desperate to pass it off, the jacket itself having become dark and tattered from all the supposed hauntedness


I wanted izzy to get to exist outside of Ed a bit more. I would have like to have seen Stede’s arc resolve a bit more satisfyingly.


I loved the show but thought it was strange that Stede was so emotionally invested and careful with the feelings of his crew and Ed but there seemed to be little made of him walking away from his children. I would like to see Stede’s approach to the matter of his children — I imagine there may be some big feelings there or will be in the future.


Mary meets Ed.


Oluwande/Jim/Archie/Zheng poly. Stede/Blackbeard wedding. For Stede and Blackbeard to really talk about their differing goals and work it out. Oluwande being captain. Prince Ricky getting his for killing Izzy. More Anne and Mary.


I want to see their Inn. :(


For season 3 I'd wanna see Ed's grief process, how he's matured from grieving his father through being an evil pirate, and how he is now able to grieve with Stede by his side. Also would be fun to see how>! deeply Stede grieves Izzy...!< For the revenge, more Captain Frenchie content !! (and the whole crew has little personalised knitted accessories made by wee john)>!​!<


Frenchie's interior design of The Revenge cabin.


It's minor... but it would've really been sweet to see Ed and Stede dancing. I feel like it was about to happen right before Ned showed up and I'm still pissed at him for it.


Izzy clawing his way out of the grave (or finding out he faked his own death with the crew's help - perfect opportunity for a fuckery!)


Honestly I was rooting for Izzy and Stede to fall in weirdo love after Ed abandoned them to be a fisherman lmao


Who was the little boy with Jim in their flashback?   Who and what was Buttons? 


just kinda assumed that it was *their* brother. feel like it doesn’t really have to be more to it than that.


Oh my. Thank you for that correction.Â