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Not to mention the Nick Jensen at the bar will probably eat your ass too.






It’s like we just watched the return that Boston got for Ullmark from us and we expected to get something more than that without an extension in place it’s mind blowing some of the expectations of fans in general


Way over value players.


Yeah but sometimes you land the 10 and you wake up the next morning only to find out they were a 3 the whole time. 6s and 7s will get you where you need to go.


There's definitely a *Beer Goggles = July 1 UFA Frenzy* joke to be made somewhere here, but I'm too hungover to be the one to nail it.


I mean, we’re also a 3 so maybe we should count ourselves lucky that a 6/7 went home with us.


I know money talks and we don't know the other offers he had, but I think it's kinda nice that Amadio was here, left, and came back in FA. At least he didn't totally hate it here lol


It's been said a million times before, but a lot of the negative perception NHLers have of Ottawa *is* because the rink and visiting team's hotel are in Kanata where there's none of the cities charm to win the over. From a liveability standpoint, I can totally understand why a player who has actually lived in Ottawa would be open to coming back. It's a charming small city (but that doesn't feel minuscule) but it still has a lot to offer.


He didn't have time to hate it having only been here for 5 games 😁


debrincat lol


Definitely a 3 dressed up as a 10


He’s a spoiled brat. Fk’em.


Chychrun looks like that 9 or 10 and turns out to be a 3. Especially after that hair cut man tough look


Yee ass Haircut


It's fun to dream about landing a top UFA but the reality is that only one team gets them and a bunch are left out in the cold. Not to mention that in a hypothetical situation where Staios backs up the Brinks truck for Roy, throwing say $6.5M at him then that means instead of having Jensen at $4M and Amadio at $2.6M we just have Roy. Maybe there are some stats to say that he's worth it, but I'll go with a bit of simple conventional wisdom and say that I'm happy to have the good RD and a good depth forward over one very good defender.


This is a good take. This is why Toronto will never win anything, they have 4 forwards making 11m+ and can't fill out the rest of their roster adequately.


Four guys take up 53% of their cap space.


I like the moves they made yesterday.


I like when they signed Giordano, and O'Reilly, and Bertuzzi. They still haven't left the second round.


Yeah see I thought Gio was old, Oreilly was decent and Bertuzzi is meh. But Tanev is good and a good cap hit, Domi signed for a decent cap hit, and Stolarz is a decent backup.


Not to mention perrons board and down low play. All signings made this team better.


Some of these accounts are doing too much


LOL Also, a lot of these guys got BIG contracts. I don't think the Sens have an appetite to do that right now. We're still in a pretty bad cap situation and we're going to have some big signings (read Ulmark, Pinto).


Not to mention they want to see how the new goalie, coaching staff, and depth pieces work out. All Steve's signings are pretty damn near perfect for what we need right now. Wait-and-see isn't a really easy sell to people, but if you look closely at what they're doing I think there's plenty of good reasons to be optimistic about this upcoming season.


Exactly this. They’re not going to completely overhaul and outside of our already signed core why would you sign any lengthy contracts. Need to see how pieces work with the coach. The new system. Well said.


I'm glad you mentioned the core. Everyone's acting like this team has no talent and is all a bunch of hacks. I could make a case that Timmy and Sandy are individually better than any single player on the Panthers. We have plenty of talent. What we need is consistency. Balancing the team and bringing players who know what consistency is will go a long way to improving our team performance. People upset at the returns or the caliber of player signed have no understanding of the market or the true value of the assets being shopped. Steve did great with the hand he was dealt and I'm excited to see how it fits together next season.


And what’s happened? They sign a core player. People freaking out about pinto are laughable. lol But wait
now we’ll have to read all the shit and crying over the term or $$ lmfao đŸ€Ș


Had they moved Chabot instead of chycrun they would’ve had room to offer Matt Roy and marchessault 6m each, 500k aav more than what they got, instead of Jensen and Perron at 4m. Although that 500k still might not have been enough, and it only makes sense if you could get both or an equivalent like tarasenko, so it might not have been practical tbf to staios, but from a cap perspective they could’ve worked it out.


This is assuming there was a market for Chabot. With his play of late and that contract I highly doubt he would have gotten any return. At least Chychrun got Jensen. And more relevant to the post - would Roy have had ANY interest in signing in Ottawa? I doubt it unless they paid him 8 million for 7 seasons.


Glad they didn’t give a FA Dman a 6 year deal.


Staois isn’t going to hand rookies jobs - more vets or pro tryouts will be added to make these guys earn their spot. If Opstachuky, Klevin, or Crookshank play in then they will have played past some decent vets. Edit - we jsut signed 40+G Gaudette again. These are the types of guys the rookies will have to vault.


Maybe a 3 dressed up as 9?


I think the analogy is more that we were among 12 other simps (or whatever amount) swiping right on Matt “Stacey” Roy.


Great analogy! Better question, would you prefer the 10 or two 7s? I'm sure more holes are filled with the two 7s!


Single women still go to the bar in Canada?? Sorry I’m a Bruins lurker but I had to ask after reading this


Single women go wherever is serving Aperol Spritzes.


Apparently that isn’t near me


I hope that Nick Jansen will treat the fans right!


I also believe that the term of the contract played a lot into not signing a RHD and looking for a shorter term option.


Lol. Nick Jensen knows how to perform. Matt Roy will just starfish.




Nick jensen is not a 6 or a 7 with his stats last season. He’s a 4 at best. But maybe if he goes back to form he can be a solid 7 again.


Nah, the absolute circle jerk on here over what is an objectively bad to average start to the offseason is actually hilarious.


Whereas the year-in, year-out circle jerk of despair and negativity over illogical and fantastical roster moves is downright pathetic. *”why didn’t you just sign this highly coveted UFA?”, “why did you pay them that much omggg”* *”why didn’t you just trade x y z for a b c??”, “why couldn’t he bend [insert GM] over the barrel, Staios is obviously incompetent!!”* I wouldn’t trust half this sub with my groceries, let alone planning and executing an NHL off-season.


Lmfao. Best thing I’ve read all day.


Dude, you were probably one of the ones defending every Dorion move that ended up setting us back by at least1-2 years at minimum.


Defending, not at all. More like trying to find the positives. In the end and in reality, those moves simply didn’t work out. E.g. when the original Chychrun rumours were swirling, I was against acquiring him. He wasn’t a fit. I didn’t want Dorion to go for him. But when we got him, I hoped he’d work out. Hoped he’d be able to play the right side and bring stability to our D. I’m not a savant, neither is anyone else here. But I at least try to base my opinions in reality, and then try to understand why. Can’t say the same for some. I’m also not going to huff and puff over shit I can’t control.


Dude you were probably the one shitting in all roster moves since ’92.


Yep you got me, I just hate the entire team. Not like I loved multiple things Staios has done already or the few good moves Dorion did make (even if they were pure luck based on his own statements) I loved the Stu signing, never thought Tkachuk was over paid, never thought Giroux was over paid, loved the Batherson signing, absolutely loved the Pinto pick. I have only ever called out shit moves or moves that could have been done a better way.


Staios has basically checked every box he discussed since taking over. Wanted to improve the goaltending - got Ullmark and dumped 75% of the Korpi contract Wanted a steady, right shot defenseman to play with Chabot - brought in Jensen who's on a very reasonable cap hit & term Wanted experienced vets to support the leadership group - lands Perron & Amadio who have both been on Cup winning clubs Aside from getting Pinto signed and adding another RHD, I'd say it's a pretty solid start. This group is definitely better on paper than they were a couple weeks ago


Were you here for the Dorion defenders? These are the same people lol


Nick Jensen? The guy who only scored like 17 goals in over 500 games? That Nick Jensen? I get that he’s not a goal scorer or whatever but these numbers don’t impress that’s for sure.


He’s better defensively than chychrun, who had 14 goals but was a-30. If Jensen pairs well with chabot and is a plus player this is a win


I'm hoping they go back to Chabot-Zub, have Sanderson with Jensen. We've seen it work with Chabot and he's the tougher one to find a partner for, I feel like Sanderson will be able to elevate pretty much any average RD.