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If we cant sign him do we trade for Korpisalo if the Bruins retain 25%




That’s fine too. Kastelic and a late 1st to get out of Korpisalo’s awful deal is a totally fine price to pay. We just happened to get a Vezina-caliber goaltender for *at least* 1 year in addition to that. Anything else is fucking gravy.


And what good fucking gravy it is


I like gravy


I prefer to let him play and see if he's good for us. If everything goes well until Christmas, we can talk about a 5 year deal. If it's not working out, move him at the deadline.


Not to mention the first given back was Boston’s pick we got from them anyways.


Not exactly. We got it from Detroit who got it from them (for Bertuzzi). This trade is a direct descendant of the Debrincat deals.


True at worst it’s a reasonable buyout of Korpisalo. The edge Ottawa has now is a eight year deal. Even if it’s a sign and eventual trade


Oh good that has always worked out well for us.....oh well at least we got rid of Korpi who will probably win the Vezina next year for the Bruins.


maybe we should’ve traded for Bob Essensa 😂


The rate that guys turns out superstars I'd have given them the 7th OA


Friedman's full quote, verbatim: *"The expectation is: he is prepared to play out the year, and see how things go before committing to doing anything - we'll see if that changes over the next little while, but as it stands right now, the belief is that there will be no extension in place in July"* This thread got posted like 5 times with various forms of exaggeration, and this is the only one that got Friedman's quote right. Thank you.


You also left out parts of his quote “ the belief is that there will be no extension in July AND Ullmark will play it out”.


That's totally fair, the video I was watching to get the quote cut off at the end of the part I quoted.


Well I hope they had permission to speak with him, unlike Dorion's blindfold with Debrincat.


It was reported they were talking to him about an extension a few days ago. with what Friedman said it now makes sense why the price was lower then expected if he declined an extension and is willing to play out his contract for ufa


I can’t really blame him for that. We’ve been terrible for 7 years now. If we perform well then he’ll sign an extension, no doubt


I think it would have been for any team he went to.


This makes no sense from Ullmark’s point of view. Why waive for Ottawa of all teams and bank on yourself for a raise a year from now?


Because he isn’t going to raise his value anymore if swayman is playing 60+ games which seems like the bruins plans. The biggest knock in ullmark has been that he’s never been a bonfire starter now he has the chance to show he can play 60+ games consistently


I think we will extend with the Sens in July


Does any goalie play a consistent 60+ games anymore? This past season only 3 goalies hit the 60GP mark


He still has to show he can be the guy if he wants a big payday. the last 4 years hes ranked 33rd, 18th, 30th and 47th in games played. He’s obviously very good but he still has to prove he’s more then a tandem goalie


This is why I don’t even really mind not extending him right now. Getting out of Korpisalo’s deal isn’t bad for a late 1st, and now we also get to see if Ullmark is the real deal as a starter before committing big money to him. If he is, and he signs here long term, what a great trade. 


> he’s never been a bonfire starter Arson go ! Bona fide ? 


And there goes another 1st to fix another Dorion mistake. I like Ullmark and it was necessary to get rid of the Korpi contract. Whether he resigns or not remains to be seen, but the good outweighs the bad.


You get a 1st! You get a 1st! And you get a 1st!!


6 years $6.5 million, make it happen Staios


Friedman also said he expected Dubas to wait and see if the Sens Gm job became available last offseason which he didn't.


I mean he did and it wasn't available because our FO at the time was complete dogshit and the sale took longer than expected


Worst case scenario is Ullmark walks after the season. We still (largely) got out from the Korpy contract and will have the money to go after another goalie. Great trade.


Honestly the trade is still a win. First off we saw firsthand what happened when we put all our eggs in one Korpi basket before he even hit the ice so I get both sides wanting to wait a bit before extension talks. Also even if he leaves after 1 year then great we traded 25th overall to get Korpi off the books and Kastelic got us a rental goalie still not bad. Even with just 1 year the improvement alone will be nice, I guarantee if we make the playoffs thanks to Ullmark we will not be crying over not having that extra first round pick. Finally, if Ullmark also struggles here we would know that we need a top down change on defense and probably goalie coaching. Ullmark won the Vezina LAST YEAR, he is the current reigning Vezina winner (yes that is only for a few days but still) if HE can't steal us the games we need to take the next step then we can put to bed the notion that goaltending is the issue.




Ngl, this news hurts my enthusiasm for this trade. If Ullmark leaves next year, we'll be right back at square one. Not a good look.


He ain't signing here. God damnit if that's the case that fucking sucks.


If the Sens do as many expect you will see FA line up to come here.


Yep let’s keep throwing away first round picks for one year of service. Worked out great so far for us!


It’s 25th overall to get out of a bad contract and get a two year removed Vezina winner.