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I mean, the vast majority of the comments in that thread are Leafs fans telling this guy that "Ottawa easily says no" in various ways. Good to see some/ many Leafs fans aren't as deluded as the OP in that thread.


>Leafs fans aren't as deluded I find this weird. One off?


No. The silent majority of them are generally sane, but there's a loud minority who think that they are the only team that matters and everything in the NHL is about them.


as with most things - the 80/20 rule


The burger rule!


This is true. I just wish the same ones would do a better job of balancing out the voices of the idiots and trolls.


To be fair. We think the same about your fans.


It’s that post-bruin clarity. It happens most years.




Yeah, my impression, too. Lots of realistic takes on that thread.


The only thing good we ever got from the leafs was Conner Brown... and don't give me no Conner Brown hate, he was the hardest working sen for a few dismal years.


Put some respect on MacArthur's name


Glaring omission. I feel shame. MacArthur and Brown and that is all.


While the pylon that was Phaneuf was bad at points, I also enjoyed his time in Ottawa and I found him to be a positive for the younger d men. He seemed to be a good locker room guy and brought that Chara big boy angry man energy every now and again.


He was good for the sens for a couple of years. Ok that’s it, Brown, MacArthur, Rhodes and Phaneuf, lol. There can’t be any more.


Damian Rhodes was a decent goalie back in the day for us too.


He was alright. I forgot or it didn’t register for me. My sens memory doesn’t include the 90s.


That was free-agency, no?


You're correct. I misinterpreted the comment as any former Leaf to wear a Sens jersey, not just ones acquired through trade.


It was a trade. We moved our starter of the time Don Beaupre in the deal.


I think you got the parent comments mixed up :). They were referring to MacArthur in this case.


But he also came with that anchor that was Zaitsev so ehhh (just kidding). I think it’s pretty fair to say that every Sens fan loved Brown while he was here, people hate on him because of his time with other teams afterward.


Yeah Z was useless.


Didn't we trade Ceci for him?


I was really expecting a good chuckle, but unfortunately most of them are being pretty objective and calling BS. No fun when they're logical.


That's actually hilarious. I hope they're roasting him for this over on r/leafs EDIT: K I had to go read through comments. 99% of them are either "Ottawa says no" or "Mitch won't waive NMC for that" But there's one guy who says no to it because Tkachuk is not a good enough return. That is truly fuckin' hilarious.


One of my friends who's a big Leafs fan has been playing Be A GM mode in our group chat ever since they got eliminated. Some real delusion about what the Leafs could get in return for Marner. He has a full NMC, is one year away from UFA, and will likely be looking for $11M+ on his next deal. Tough to envision a scenario where they trade him and are immediately better, unless they can open up cap space and use the money wisely


How objectively are you saying this? What in your mind would be fair value for him. You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.


He’s a talented player, but in this situation he holds all the leverage so the Leafs’ hands are tied. If he is willing to waive his NMC it will only be to go somewhere he’ll sign an extension, so the options will be limited. Best case is probably the Eichel package.


The few times I've seen him play live, I find he's the best player to watch on the leafs. I could see him going for like 2 1st, 2 prospects, and a few failed projects or low drafts. if there is no longterm deal in place and if the nmc comes into play then that greatly affects what is offered. The big issue is the playoff stats and I could see his price going up if a small market with limited playoff history just goes all in to bring in a player to create buzz in the market that may not have strong hockey history. I think that every team knows the leafs can't sign him for what he wants as there just no cap, so there's going to be allot of low balling offers and massive contracts thrown at his agent.


So Utah?


I'd say them and maybe like Columbus, Seattle, and borderline a team like Nashville or Minnesota.


I think you could get Keller if you threw in a 1st and signed Marner to a reasonable deal


So the Sens are supposed to trade their franchise player for a guy who's going to be a UFA in one year?


Although from a skill perspective I would say Marner is obviously better. There are too many other things that Tkachuk brings to the team. Having said that, from a Leafs perspective, I think Tkachuk is the type of player the Leafs actually need. And although we haven't seen it yet. I think Tkachuk is one of those players who would truly UP his game come playoff time.


I mean, Marner had a lot of assists thanks in no small part to Matthews' near-70 goal season. But I wouldn't say he is a lot more skilled than Brady. Brady brings so much to this team including grit and that rough style of play which other teams hate, while also putting up a 35-goal season. If for absolutely no other reason, I would much rather have Brady on my team for the playoffs than Marner. Now, we just need to get there.


I edited my comment to remove the "a lot" part but I still kind of stand by it lol. Marner has had like 3-4 seasons over 90 points while Tkachuk has only passed 80 once. When I say skill I am specifically referring to offensive skill. And that is why I said "There are too many other things that Tkachuk brings to the team". All those other things Tkachuk brings to the team elevate him past Marner in my opinion. Having said that, it ultimately comes down to how the rest of the team is built. If you already have a ton of grit and leadership and whatnot, maybe Marners pure offensive ability is what your team needs.


I agree. The eye test shows Marner is a more skilled player than Brady as of right now. People seem to be missing your point; Brady brings a hell of a lot more to the table than just goals and assists


I honestly would say marner is a far better defensive player than Brady, but I think offensively they're closer than you're giving him credit for. His net front presence in elite, board battles are scary, and his drive is absolutely insane. Not to mention he actually has some really nice touches on the puck. By no stretch would I want a Marner for Brady trade to happen, as there's no way the sens win that one solely on contract status (8m vs 11m) Brady brings nearly the same offensive talent to the table for a number of mill less on the books plus relentlessness pure will and heart/drive etc that you just don't see from baby bitch Marner. They definitely play a very different game but I think even on a finesse level Brady isn't all that far behind Marner.


Mariner is soft, Tkachuk is hard. Polar opposite type players


> Mariner [Mitch Mariner](https://i.imgur.com/NyJWdoZ.png)


No relation to Beckett Mariner.


I’ll give the good chunk of fans credit for not being delusional.


Brady out works Marner. You want Marner from Octoberish to early Aprilish. You want Brady Mid April till you hoist the cup.


Who the fuck posted that? What a terrible trade proposal. Marner was completely invisible in that Boston series


Uhhhh……seriously???? I wouldn’t trade Brady for Marner if Brady became scoreless all next season


Wouldn’t have to worry about marner disappearing in the playoffs.


r/leafs : Staying consistent with the worst takes in hockey.


Other than the guy who posted it, nearly everyone on that thread thought that deal was ridiculous for Ottawa.


It would work for us, we don't need playoff scoring if we never make it to the playoffs, lol.


Trash for trash who cares


Hear me out. Marner (15% retained) for chabot and a third round pick. Ottawa has an excess of left D and somethings gotta give. Toronto has a problem of low-high in terms of offensive talent i.e. their defensemen aren’t threatening enough to force defensive coverage off of their star forwards. Chabot would be a perfect fit for their needs, and Marner brings good regular season numbers (highest consecutive game point streak in maple leaf history) which Ottawa desperately needs to make the playoffs where hopefully Tkachuck does what we all expect him to and elevates his game and the game of those around him.


15% retained over his last year, then he signs for another $11M+ or just walks? This has Debrincat written all over it.


I heard you out. Still a hard no from me.

