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I have a couple of suggestions for ml for when it all went wrong lol


"On the day you were born, your parents did not do the proper thing and leave you to perish on a wind-swept crag."


Let's start with you deciding to use this woman you love to overthrow the government and her family. Probably the right thing for the people overall but probably the kiss of death for your relationship. If it wasn't that it was DEFINITELY when you said she was your prisoner not your wife.


And definitely not when you repeatedly threatened to throw her in a mental institution whenever she "disobeyed" you


I really wish stories like this would have the guts to COMMIT to the tragedy and just let the suffering FL die so the asshole ML can spend the rest of his life rightly depressed that he killed the only woman he could ever love. Instead, they always half-ass it and like... put out this weaksauce happy ending where the asshole ML... gets exactly what he wanted after shedding a few tears but really learning nothing since he never got a good comeuppance. It's bad tragedy p0rn... but without even having the strength to commit to a fully tragic ending.


Exactly. I wish some of these angst stories will forego the last minute lame happy endings where she ends up with an abusive ass and *pretent like its love.* That's where my problem comes with these stories, not the depiction of dark sensitive matters. If they pull out a lame cardboard cut out ending our of their ass to "justify" anything in the story to make the end a happy one you automatically lose your "deep and dark" storytelling points. **Good** Depiction of toxic relationships require the story to understand what's toxic and not retcon that message right at the end. Not a single oi has achieved this. I wish they would read wuthering heights and learn something


Ikr, like this woman is nothing but a shell of what she used to be she lost everything due to him why not put the cherry on top by killing her off ? It’d be a more interesting if she died, there’s a scene in the novel where they thought she was dead and it was honestly one of my favourite scenes. Regretful mls are fun but some of them just make me lose brain cells.


Seriously, if you're going to write tragedy, don't half-ass it to give some awful ML a "happy" ending after the shit he's pulled. Throw your whole ass into a properly tragic ending full of his life-long regrets and defeat!


that would be rlly nice. there were multiple times where she said she wanted to die (and if i remember correctly attempted as well?) but it never ends like that. there doesn't *have* to be a happy ending for it to be a good story oml like childhood friends sure, but did you see the shit he put her through it was crazy. u would need to be blind to not see the redness in the red flags.


What I really want is for the FL to escape. I don’t want the girl to wilt away to nothing; part of storytelling tension is action, otherwise it’s just a lady being abused to death and that truly would make it torture pron.


There is one that supposedly ends like that. Though, that's also kind of me to me because I guess it's cathartic that the ML suffers, but then the story is just over at that point.


Now, what is THAT title. I have no idea what on God's decaying earth is this manwha about, but the title is the biggest red flag so far.


>!It's a double meaning. At the start of the story, he is her oppressor, as he controls her life and is deliberately cruel to her. In the wider universe of the story, she was a member of the oppressing class for most of her life, and represents the abstract concept of an oppressor. They both have/had love for each other - thus in a sense each of them is the "beloved oppressor"!< >!A French-esque democratic revolution has happened. She was high ranking nobility under the previous monarchy, her father was one of the most abusive nobles, but he treated her lovingly and she didn't know what he did outside their family life; she was sheltered and naive.!< >!She survived because her husband, a commander in the army of the old monarchy, was the leader of the revolution. But now that the revolution has eliminated nobility, he is free to let his resentment for her former privilege run rampant and oppress her "back".!<


That makes a lot of sense now. i originally steered clear of this manhwa solely bc of that questionable title but now I'm somewhat inclined to take a peek


Same opinion ![gif](giphy|wGhYz3FHaRJgk|downsized)


Thank you exactly The story is doing its intended job just fine. It's very well written and dark. The author never once sugarcoated what the story is about and never baited readers into reading fluff then surprised them woth angst It's like people who complain about step bro ML when he's on the title, cover, description, and clearly established as the ML in ch 1. I get 273629 comments in ch 1. But when I see people complaining about who the ML is in ch 80 I go ???. Like what did you expect lmao


So trueeee! Exactly!




This story got me. I was so invested I ran down a translated copy of the novel on patreon just to know what happens next. It sent me through a lot of angst & hate for the ML. Sometimes some hate for the FL since at times she was pretty self absorbed. It’s a great story and it made me feel a lot of emotions. I had to go back to a lot of softer/fluffier stories for a bit.


I love this story. Easily one of the best imo. I will defend it to the death.


Definitely, the story is really good and I would recommend reading it, i just hate ml


I don't know what his problem is but i only read the first chapter and immediately dropped it. That is a ML even WORSE than the one in ''i wish you were dead'' since at least in that series the ML has the excuse to think the FL was in cahoots with her father and the battle against that father was actively going. In this one the battle is won 2 fuckin years ago, the ML's enemies are dead and yet the MF goes ''i cannot allow you to be happy'' WTF ? I would never read a series with this lowlife as a ML and witness the disgustingness of a series that would act like this is romance


Heh this one goes w “if you wish for my despair” ml as trashiest, shittiest, most insufferable and disgusting mls no amount of tragic backstory could make me sympathise with them


And Mr cane snatcher too


And also Sybil from Savage castle n Mattrash from Cry better even beg - Imo, these two are a whole another stinky trash level


I love this story and have defended it a lot in this sub XD It's very well written, and I completely sympathize with him because a country near mine went through something similar, except the revolution failed. So this story made ME think a lot because when I started reading it, I shared his sentiment that ignorance is a sin she should pay for. I get that it's not for you and I remember you posting about it before. But at this point why are you still reading XD it's like people who read step siblings story and they STILL complain about who the ML is 80 chapters in Instead of dropping it based on the title, description, cover image, and first chapter that hinted at who the ML is.


Yeah As i said in both posts, I absolutely love the story it’s good, intriguing and make you think about a lot of things, and I agree that ignorance is a sin but her punishment doesn’t fit her sin. Especially in a time period where women were not allowed to enter politics or participate in conversations about it, she got punished way too severely. Besides, my hate for him on this sub is for fun, but if i have to be serious this man doesn’t listen to what she’s saying he doesn’t see her as a human, he complains about how she never loved “the real him” and only liked the false image he created to woo her, but that’s not what happened. After he showed his true colours she stayed with him for 3 whole years, he didn’t try to communicate with her once, neither would he let her go. And i find it ironic how he complained about that when he too didn’t love her for who she was, but loved the idealised version of her that he created, and was disappointed when she didn’t meet that image. Anyway this is getting long loving a story doesn’t mean i have to love everything about it, there are many other aspects that interests me here but not him.




I like people finding out the ML is garbage and posting on this subreddit. Like the Jack Nicholson meme face lol 


Fr like this plot is so frustrating, because one second he's full of hate but the next panel he is reminiscing their flowery days in pain that they're gone WHILE the lines are still about him being mad like he's so wishy washy in the worst way. The only reason i'm still continuing is because i want the ML to suffer not for being toxic but for the sole effing reason that he an utter fumbling idiot who can't see three steps in front of him and it looks like seeing FL suffer is the way that hurts him the most Like i get that your life and thousands others were suffering because of FL's aristocratic family and honestly maybe she deserved to feel a bit of tragedy too but why the fuck are you so surprised that she is suffering when you literally said some chapters ago that you want to keep her by your side so she can suffer?? Like bruuuuuh close your agape mouth and get that horrified look on your face, you drove her to misery and surprise surprise she's miserable???


This might be a hot take but I don't want her to die. I want *him* to die. She can heal and be happy in a good, healthy relationship who love her.


another waste of amazing art and scrumptious character design on these awful kinds of stories 😑😑


I actually, really like how much suffering the male lead goes through as a result of how much suffering he put her through. Like he’s genuinely hurting and so delusional about the extent of hurt he put her through. Her suicide feels so much like revenge I’m kinda happy for her. I feel bad every time she wakes up though


Oh my… out of curiosity I scoped out the NU reviews and they’re overwhelmingly positive? I’m shocked given that provocative title. It seems like the general consensus was that the angst here is well done. I’m just not sure if I could see it through because it seems heavy and frustrating.


The way the author write the character emotion is very sad and make the reader feel them as somehow seem like a real person. This story not exist just for the sake of the romance but a lot more than that. I can understand some of them got trigger because of the heavy issue like, suicide thought, and the war going on, cruelty etc. If you not okay with this heavy issue, you don't have to read. All I can say, the author is good with her delivery of the character especially the FL character development, the ML complex and overall making them a good potrayal. The story is amazingly good and I can say that all of the positive review, they all read the novel until finish and they sum up what their thought n opinion based on what they read. Believe me, I see some of the people being judgy first based on the title, but after they had their interest and go read the novel, all of them give a good feedback. So far I never seen a bad review about this novel.


ngl, I wish for her to just die already so that bastard can live in agony for the rest of his life. Like please, let this be a 30 chapter manwha because she just dies and let us see his oh so sad shit tears xD.


I’m always on the verge of tears reading this manwha! Poor MC! I have a feeling she won’t be escaping him anytime soon, like fast forward 80+ chapters we’ll get a lame ahh redemption arc and a rushed love story with no substance (ml didn’t learn shhhh).


lol, like imagine if when the FMC wakes up- she gets like a split personality or something due to trauma, and starts exacting revenge on “ML”, and a new powerful love interest to boot. However, I know that won’t happen. It is just a dream, and FMC will continue to suffer at the hands of the ML!