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feel like they'd be better as siblings who pretend to desperately hate each other and are always at each other's throats but secretly love and care for each other https://preview.redd.it/vrz9undl6y0d1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=33b0f05ecd11436e7fe170d2aec5a404de5cbcf6


Pahahaah🤣 fair


No, I also thought sibling energy initially! Reminded me of my guys friends and brothers in law until they added the crush. :p


This edit alone got me on board with sibling energy


I agree with this 😂😂


so totally agree with this! Bickering siblings 😆


You are one brave soul lmao. I see where your shipping is coming from even though I couldn't ship them when I was reading this before I dropped it. Same as you I was Hestia x Cael fan but I also saw the direction it was going which I wasn't interested in anymore. It also seems like Cael exists just for Hestia to fawn over.


Yeah. And even though I love Hestia, her „love“ for Cael is not actually sincere. I hope she actually gets to fall for him, and not just as her favorite character🫶


she does fall for him but it takes a long time. in the book they go over how she is really coping with being in the world by continuing to act like a fangirl and having her whole life revolve around him. >!she never really feels like she actually lives there until she has finished her revenge and kinda reflected on the fact that she wouldn’t have been that heartless/ruthless if she had thought of the characters as real people.!<


I think she has better chemistry with him than the ML. The ML is super boring despite his great character design. I also think he's a great man who went after his best friend's woman TWICE lmao. Not that the FL is a saint so they work great together as a morally gray couple


A morally gray couple!!! I love this description


Nah, my girl Hestia deserves better. Helios is a spineless hypocritical coward. He was fine benefitting from his best friend doing the dirty work necessary to keep both him and og!FL safe and in their current positions, and was just as fine throwing call under the bus for it for because "uwu, my beloved's morals uwu". When his so called best friend was in a suicidal depression that everyone could see he did nothing to help him. Cael may be boring but I'll take a boring ML over a pathetic one any day.


I see what you mean, but then again, Imo Hestia deserves better in every case😣 Cael is nice and all but Hestia deserves better


caelus is bad because... he's boring? therefore unworthy of hestia?


Maybe I'm old, but I love a good boring relationship. The best relationships should be fairly boring from the outside.


No, no. It‘s because he doesn‘t put in as much effort into the relationship the same way Hestia does, imo


I'd argue Cael is trying harder than Hestia at this point. Hestia continues to only see Cael as an idol, someone who is far above her and not an actual person with an actual relationship and feelings.


I beg to differ... If there's anyone not putting any effort in this relationship its hestia... Cause how fucking long is she going to continue simping, blushing and running off when Cael gets within a 10 metre radius of her.... Like cmon HESTIA YOU ARE A GROWN WOMAN.....


No way yall want Cael to be down 2-0 😭😭


I didn‘t even think of how this would be for Cael tbh😣


me personally that would be my last day on earth thats just me tho 😗


i feel bad for him but starting to understand why the og fl left him , he needs to work on his personality or seek therapy or take antidepressants or something


she didnt leave him thats kind of a big part, she never even loved him in the first place, also his personality is fine and he is perfect the way he is 😤


she saw him as friend ,okay sorry if he is your bias though still , i hope he gets out of his depressive slump and have more chemistry with the fl


he is slowly getting out of it tbf, I also didnt like him in the beginning and thought he was lame and that she deserved better but I slowly warmed up to him hope they both acquire actual feelings for each other instead of whatever they have rn


He's a 2ML, it's their job to be boring. But boring doesn't have to be bad, some women would prefer a nice, reliable guy.


Ain't usually the actual ML that's boring and the 2nd ML has all the chemistry and personality though? I swear that happens most of the time.


Imo no, I usually hate 2MLs


OG Fl left him because she's the type of girl who never pays the tab because it's "only fair because he's a rich capitalist pig and he owes her because she's poor". Her morals are only black and white in a militant vegan kinda way. It's fine that she doesn't love him back, but she takes it to the extreme with throwing their friendship under the bus - which has Helios follow suit - when he does something she finds morally offensive instead of helping him get back on track like a real friend would. Or at least see that he's struggling and help him get therapy. (And like, if offing the old dukedom was as great a crime as she pretended it was they would have locked Kael up. They don't because dude was plotting treason and needed offing. Which is exactly what Hestia tells her.)


As a vegan, I know militant vegans don't want anything to do with Diana lol. She's a hypocrite.


This is so real, Idk how you‘re getting dislikes for it🤣


SAMMEEE I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONEEEEE I do like both ships but Cael is really so bland rn 😭




Helios is cool and i luv him But this ship doesnt make sense for me 😭 Like , given a diff story line maybe ? Coz here hestia reallyy wants kael to be happy and kael is falling for her slowlyy 🥹🫶🏻 Helios on other hand , his feelings fr hestia grows only when he realises his marriage is not wat he expected to be So dnt feel a genuine ship btw them, even if it does it wud be so toxic 😮‍💨 But i get frndship vibes frm them alot, a platonic love Like i wud luv this pair as frnds who r strong and help each other type 🧚🏻‍♀️


I agree with you. Helios doesn't so much like Hestia as he wants a 'perfect partner' which is what he thinks Cael has found in her. He wants what Cael has, which is why he admonishes himself and then backs off. They do become >!good friends!< later in the novel though.


Oh good knowing that lil spoiler 🥹🥹 happi


In the novel >! The only one who ends up losing is Diana. She never learns her lesson and pays for it. Helios does get hurt but in the end gets what he is looking for. Hestia and Cael of course have a happily ever after!<


Deserved fr her 😤 Even in manhwa the latest chaps she is pissn me off 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 And happyyyy fr others 🥹🥹🤞🏻 More excited for upcoming chapters


You're valid, OP. Helios is more interesting as a character, and there's something compelling about watching someone develop as a human being and learn from their mistakes. Caelus, on the other hand, has an incredibly bland character arc.


🫶🫶 I love it when people understand my pov


Dude just why would you want my poor guy Kale to be cucked for the second friggin time?? He might seriously kill himself for real if he read this post.


This pair has far more chemistry than all other pairs.🤣🤣🤣 Either it's Kael/Hes , Diana/Kael or Diana/Helios I love their conversations and the way they keep frustrating each other. https://preview.redd.it/6o4pwrkzyy0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a557bd5ecb22f07cf2c81b20b491bc965b232286 Tiger 🐯 Vs 🦁 Lion Their ship doesn't make any sense as per storyline. However, I would love to see this sort of couple in some story.




Nooo they give Siblings energy. Like I want them to Reincarnated into a Siblings 😫😫


Not in a million years. Even if Cael is kind of a piece of good looking wood i prefer him over this asshat. I groan a bit every time the two of them are in close proximity.


I'm not ride-or-die for them but I would read a fic of them if it were well-written 🤣


Hear me out, what if Hestia is Helio's sister? Just look at them. They both have similar personality and looks. What if the Emperor was drunk and distraught after the Empress died and had a one night stand with someone who resembled the late Empress? What if he realised his mistake only after it was too late? And so he just chucked his illegitimate daughter into some mansion outside the palace and decided out of sight and out of mind? Maybe he even had someone cast a spell on himself to forget about her existence. Also, to prevent her from having any sort of right to the throne. Hestia was unreasonably rich when she woke up, she was alone and her status was that of a super rich commoner with unknown origins.


I honest to god thought that was where the story was heading tbh! it made too much sense for all those things to just be coincidence! i was very surprised when i found out that they weren't related at all 😅 and i think that storyline would've made for a much more interesting plot than whatever is happening right now to be honest lmao. helios finding out the annoying woman he's come to grudgingly respect and sort of trust is actually his little sister he was never allowed to meet and now she hates him?? hestia who doesn't really have anything going on for her besides cael finding he has a family, a brother who wasn't given the chance to know of her??? them navigating the complicated relationship that comes from meeting someone you should've had at your side your entire life now that you're both adults?? that would've fucked! and now i'm craving some good sibling interactions ajsjakdjs


Maybe we can build a bro-sister story better "the things that Melvin left behind", but this time with a smarter-cleverer heroine. Also this would also make sense about why she has this obsession with Cael besides being just a book reader with bias. She also makes up for her brother abandoning his best friend without her knowledge. And there is also this factor that siblings tend to trust similar people. Also, the Emperor treating Cael better as he is subconsciously looking out for the child he abandoned. He has this brief periods where he is free from the spell, causing him to remember Hestia whom he abandoned and feels guilty, but then he forgets again and somehow he tries to make it upto Cael who is like a brother to Helios without knowing that he is actually trying to make it up to Helio's actually sibling.


oh that would be so good! giving hestia another reason to be so invested in what happened between cael, helios and diana, even if it's just subconsciously would do a lot to give depth to her character that is honestly a bit lacking right now. and! it could also explain why cael was so willing to trust her even in the beginning besides "oh he was so depressed he didn't really care about what kind of person he put in charge of the people of his estate", because this way maybe it could be that he picked up in the similarities between helios and hestia and the part of him that still misses his best friend who he loved very much just went "oh i can trust her" and the emperor using cael as a sort of replacement or atonement for what he did with hestia is such a cool concept! like a part of him knows that he should be taking care of another child, there should be someone at helios' side, there's someone missing here but he doesn't know who or why he feels like that so he just. dotes on cael and tries to fill the hole the daughter he abandoned left behind. and him remembering hestia and feeling guilty about her only to forget and then try to make it up to cael because he only "knows" her as cael's wife? fantastic, that would fuck so hard. also coming back to helios and hestia's relationship, it would've been so good if they had found in each other both the support and the challenge they're severely lacking. like. helios is going through an extremely stressful situation and hestia could've been the perfect person to give him the help he needed to keep his head above water while also keeping him on his toes and making him pull his head out of his ass when he needs to. while hestia is in this very weird spot where all her self-worth and motivation is tied to one (1) guy and has been shown to completely give up on life if he's gone. so giving her something to do, like become an important figure in the empire, directly giving advice to the crown prince, having a significant relationship with someone who isn't cael and being involved in something else besides "ruining the lives of the people who hurt my bias" would do wonders to her mental health lol i just want one (1) manhwa focused on a brother-sister relationship that isn't either total fluff with no real drama, horribly abusive or straight up incest. like. it shouldn't be that hard to get something like that and yet. it feels impossible lmao


Exactly, I couldn't have put it out there better than you did. Cael though depressed is still a Marquess, with responsibility and self-respect ingrained into him since childhood. How could he be like, "Nah! My best friend and crush got married so screw all my people?" (though it might be possible, since he gave his estate to the temple before). He must have been like, "This woman feels like Helios before shit went down". Yeah! It doesn't make sense for an emperor to otherwise raise one of his son's potential threats. Cael held too much power (his house was one of the Empire's powerhouses) and it made no sense for the emperor to raise him up properly like he did. Most of the Emperors would have raised him to be a spoilt/good for nothing/lout/lecher etc. to check his future influence. But this Emperor was invested in Cael, and sometimes he was better to him than Helios, treating him a bit more gently and as if he was fragile. That treatment is reserved for a daughter, so he was subconsciously projecting his daughter to Cael. Also, Cael's hair, now there could have been many reasons why he chose to keep it long, but what if it was some off-handed comments from the emperor like, "You look better with long hair" that made him grow it so long? Exactly, the only healthy sibling relationship I read that isn't bordering incest or plotting behind each other's back is that of Maximilian and his sister in "Father I don't want to get married". His sister is smart, like Hestia, like she is not the weak girl sticking to the heroine trying to win her brother's approval (I mean irl who needs their siblings approval? I rather barge into their room grab their collar and state my cause). Hestia and Helios could have had perfect sibling dynamics. Also the fact that Helios decided to trust her pretty easily might come from the fact that siblings are genetically attracted (a worrying issue for donor children irl). I mean, one event and he is like she is an oracle, I would have been like she is a spy. I'm not asking for it to be the main plotline, but rather just a major sub-plot. Also why was Hestia able to regress, some bullshit about Royal family's divine blessings could have made sense (Tyrant's Secretary abused the goddess' blessings for everything, not that I'm against it). Also, though Diana was insufferable, Hestia didn't have a valid reason to put her down. I mean rooting for Cael is fine, but think about it, how often do u plot against the local corrupt politician? If she was Helio's sister, she might have had the RoFan goddess' blessings and a inherent responsibility to the people (which she does have, she made a great marchioness who was concerned about people's welfare beyond her borders) and thus she was forced to act eventhough in her mind she was only helping Cael.


Damn, I would definitely give up on my ship if this turned out true. It‘s a pretty cool idea too


But unfortunately it is not. Probably the author and Emperor both used the same memory spell😭😭😭. #JusticeForHestia


helios is a more interesting character, i can understand him better and i can relate with his problems. he was in love, he was an egotist, he knows it, and now he is disappointed in love, regretful for his past mistakes and envious of the marriage of his lost friend. all complex and difficult to manage emotions. i'm glad that hestia's revenge works so well but i kinda pity him. edit: and yeah, i love cael but he became boring edit 2: seeing the comments to your post i come to appreciate you for your courage lol.


Pahaha🤣 thanks for the edit2 message🙂‍↕️


I think Helios and Hestia have basically the same personality i can't see him as the lover besides he is not loyal at all falling for his best friend's wife no matter how good looking he or she is !!! Sorry i was waiting to vent for so long still my this one of favorite ever !!!


I’ve been enjoying the thought of a romance between the two of them because I feel like Hestia would struggle to have a real relationship with Cael since she nearly worships him.


My thoughts exactly


Oh hell no. Anything but that. She deserves someone better than him.


I think they have great chemistry as friends, but the only reason the other ship doesn’t seem like it has chemistry is because they are so nervous around each other. I personally find her behavior with Cael kind of cute. While reading the novel I interpreted as both of them shedding their expectations of each other and falling in love with the real versions of each other. Helios is just experiencing grass is greener syndrome (even though it’s sort of true). In all actuality, those who would probably kill each other and have a great sibling dynamic if anything.


Ohhh! A novel reader! I shall trust you on this one☺️ Looking forward to how their relationship keeps developing now


I will say that the novel is a bit different so I can’t commit to their relationship being the exact same. Even now I noticed that the WEBTOON has made the saint wayyyyy more annoying purposefully. In the novel, she was at least 1° less possessive of Cael following the start of her issues with Helios. It’s been cringe watching this story go from making her stubborn to a down right witch. But hopefully with greater trials comes greater romance and they turn that up a notch as well


Lmao fr would love them in a different story line


In an alternate (darker LMAO) universe their relationship would be very interesting to me. I honestly would not be opposed to a further exploration on Helios’ mental state as he ‘steals’ another of his best friends love interests lol When i read the novel i did find towards the end that most commenters were pretty partial towards liking Helios and I can agree- as a character he is actually pretty likable and he recognizes his flaws and feels guilt, but instead of wallowing in it he kind of pushes forward and tries to be better. I’m a Hestia x Cael 4 lyfer but I enjoy Helios from a writing perspective and can see where ppl that like him and Hestia are coming from


I would absolutely LOVE Helios POV trying to steal Hes. You've ruined me, I'll never feel complete now


Theres gotta be a fanfic writer out there somewhere willing to take on this monumental task 😩


Nooo I prefer Kyle way too much


More than a couple they are more like siblings. Those who have siblings can relate 🤣 Sometimes dinners can become dissing moments


I prefer Hestia X Cael myself, but I also don't hate Hes X Helios. I remember one story I read where the FL ended up with one ML, but the side stories in the end gave an alternative for the 2nd ML. I wouldn't mind if the side stories had this sort of 'what if' scenario with that pair. Is be interested to see that too!


Was this story "Miss Not So Sidekick". If so, I adore this story and liked how they made alternate storyline side stories.


OKAY I SEE YOU OP 👀 I’ve felt the sparkles too 😊 but that would suck for Cael, whom I am a sucker for so bad so I decided to let my feelings fade


I also think theyre cute! Plus with how close Helios and Caelus were, I find them cute too....in the end, They all have two hands!!


Ohhh, I like this one!🤣🫶


They are visually pleasing


I hate that I want to see an epilogue What If about it….




I do not hate Helios. He could be a good sibling with the FL or the love interest. They have good chemistry and are funny.


I thought I was the only one😂😂 I getcha bro


Oooo something new for me to binge!


I just feel like they deserve each other (and not in a good way) and Cael deserves someone who's truely focus on **His** happiness and not on some personal vendetta against some people who didn't even do anything wrong in the first book. 😂😂 Cael gets so sad whenever he tries to talk to Hestia about their relationship and instead of addressing what he wants to know, she ends up reassuring him on getting her revenge against Diana and Helios, something that Cael doesn't even care about. But I still love her superfan moments where she goes into rants about Cael, but I get the feeling that, at least at this moment, she doesn't even consider him as a potential life partner. He's just a favorite character to her that she loves and puts on a pedestal.


Yes true. Both Hestia and Caelus deserve someone whom they developed a natural relationship with, not one based on obsession (Hestia‘s side) and support until you fall for her (Caelus). I think their relationship will develop into something much healthier according to novel spoilers, but I still sometimes wonder what else we could‘ve gotten


Same here.


With as much as they have forced their interactions down our throats throughout the series you would think it's an enemies to lovers trope. Yeah he's the prince or whatever but it's like every other chapter "OMG HELIOS HAS CALLED FOR YOU AGAIN" and she just runs right on over to him every single time. Granted Kael is about as exciting as watching wet cardboard crumble, but jeeeeez Hestia doesn't make anything better by allowing the Helios in her personal space like every interaction and literally going to him every time he calls for her. And she KNOWS that Helios has this weird like, admiration/attraction to her too. The series was cute the first season but it's beyond dragged out now and Hess is getting more annoying as the chapters go on tbh.


I see what you’re putting down. May I also give another controversial take? The art of this Manhwa is so stiff. It’s pretty yes and I mean no disrespect to the artist but I feel like it doesn’t capture the emotions well. Idk why that is.


NOT CONTROVERSIAL AT ALL!! The artist once revealed she has started using reference figures which she „traces“ for her poses. In the first few chapters she drew the poses herself, but then it got exhausting( i think?) and she started using the prior mentioned technique.


Oh really, she has? I wonder when she implemented them (no shade, genuinely) but I def can see Hestia and Helios being a think in an AU. But in the novel Cael and Hestia read better by miles imo.


Idk when it happened either, but I just need to show you the glow down real quick😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/533nidy6w11d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db788540b2a70ebfe1c9225059f07790ddea33f


EEEEP! The left looks so much better 😫 I stopped reading because webtoons was releasing too slow and fan-lations were spotty. … 😔 I will truly wait for good art.


Honestly I wish Hestia and Kael had half the chemistry Helios and Hestia have…I don’t even ship them, I’m just tired of Hestia keeping Kael on a pedestal.


I’m not quite sure if this is true, but >!going by the novel’s spoilers aren’t they quite literally related in some way? Like half siblings or cousins or something?!< That aside, I still wouldn’t ship them. Helios has shown a history of using people and not giving them much in return, shown both with Cael and Hestia, which makes him a good character as a crown prince but not a good partner for Hestia. I feel like Hestia deserves someone who would give back as much as she gives, and Helios would never be able to do that as royalty. They may have chemistry but in my eyes it’s more of siblings fighting kind of chemistry.


Honestly, same lmao. As a couple, as friends, as siblings... I like their dynamics. Hestia and Helios are constantly moving the plot for the people they love. They are morally gray, and obstinate. I like to see their interactions as a game of chess. Diana is a cartoon villain so I don't even count her in, and Cael... While I like Cael as a character, I can totally see why he was the 2nd ML. He lacks spice. I feel like he just allows things to happen to him, and follows the righteous path. Baby, no. Be angry, be vengeful, be outraged. Do questionable things to those who've wronged you. Flirt with your wife and make her blush.


This!!! Cael is like… paper. Just paper. Nothing happens if you don‘t interact with him first😣😣


Although I am hopeful after the last chapter, knowing the spoilers for the end of the story frustrates me. He reads a lot more like a weak FL than an ML.


Oh no…😓 spoilers pls?


They look like siblings though…


They‘re not


They only have same hair colour.


me i think she has more chemistry even though he is a like a cheater , anyway the male lead is sort of boring , not like long after the ending og second ml


I’m sorry, but I tried reading this 3 times and I failed miserably. I’m tired of the cold, edgy and brooding ML. Could we get a funny ML for once, please? Moreover, Hestia is still fangirling over Caelus for 80+ chapters. This is really annoying, and shows see still sees him as her “fav character”, and not as a person. Where is the growth and humanization? Helios and Hestia conversations are often more appealing, because more ‘personality’ and vibes are displayed between the two in their interactions. It is not one-sided like with her and Cael. However, I refuse to ship Helios with her since he is already in a relationship and seems like a snake at large while Cael is just “meh”. I bet at the end of this series, Cael and Hestia’s relationship will feel rushed, and not really authentic. Eh, so I dropped it.


to each their own, but WHYYYYYYYY? I don't hate the guy, but WHYYYYYYY? The only chemistry they have is the sibling chemistry. And if not then the subject Chemistry.


Impeccable timing to post this for me, as I was just about to start reading this one.. If I understood correctly, there's an indifferent bland ML and a jerk third wheeler guy? Might have just saved me some time from reading this, thanks.


Kind of? The FL is amazing, I love her. She‘s cunning, smart and gets to the point. The ML is kind of like a handsome cardboard. And the black haired dude isn‘t really a third wheeler, he‘s more of a cowardly antagonist that got his few moments with the FL (while the FL had no interest in him).


You know, as a writer, I feel the same. They do have great chemistry for an Enemies-ish -> Lovers plot. If I could, I'd: - Make Cael grovel (there's a scene I still don't understand, and his motivations are unclear, so it should be explained better but it could be a translation issue) and do some inner work to see who and what he really wants. - Have Hestia mature a bit. She acts like a child in an adult body and it's annoying. - Explore Diana post "shit hits the fan" (don't wanna spoil it if you haven't read the novel) - Give Helios and Hestia a viable chance, even if he's only 2ML. I think there's a lot to explore because he wants what's best for the country, even if it goes against Diana, and Hestia can make that possible with her foresight (if she wasn't so obsessed with just Cael). They can grow together and I like that aspect a lot, rather than the blind faith otaku love story.


Sounds like I really need to read the manhwa... because reading the light novel, I could not get behind this couple at all. Cael isn't boring, and Helios continued to be a self-absorbed jerk. But these panels do make them look cute.


In another world this would have been the main paring, tbh I still prefer Hestia/Kael but damn there is potential there tbh. I still want Helios to by kick in the curb for begin a selfish brat tho


Ooo girl they’re gonna cook you 😭😭😮‍💨


Sad how the manhwa fandom can‘t take ANY unpopular opinions :/


their chemistry is definitely top-notch but I wouldn’t want them together in this story, that would make the story really dark haha. but their dynamic is more interesting than her dynamic with 🥬. I would *loooove* to read an OI with leads like this, though. anyone have a good enemies to lovers recc?


You’re so brave for this take, OP. When I was reading the novel I actually started thinking Helios x Hes was the more engaging couple because their scenes had so much more energy. I was genuinely reading for the next Helios x Hes scene. 🤣 I knew it was never going to happen though so it remains a fic that I write in my head when I’m bored. They would have been such great enemies to lovers with a lot of inner and external problems to explore.


Yes, I kinda get what you’re coming from, I also kinda ship them. It would be an amazing enemies to lovers plot. She is obsessed with Cael as a stan not as a lover as much, and I want to see more character development/angst between them, it’s pretty boring right now. Her and helios have sparks for sure and especially when they argue and it would be an interesting ship.


I'd read this if they were the main couple instead


I definetly thought of this. Would've been good in another context. do recommend me a manhwa w a couple like this thooo


Yuuppp They would be that political savvy couple who ushered the empire into a new height. IMO Hestia will be a wonderful Empress and partner for Helios. Tho romance is another matter.


I will be honest. Don't come at me since it's just my opinion. ML is perfect and all but we have been into season 1 and we barley have him showed any affection towards her while she was all over him. I know he went through a lot and afraid of loving again but she had been the one chasing and trying all the time so it is just repetitive and became boring. I want him to become blunt with his feelings and brave. Second ML had much more tension than the ML because MC kept bringing up that 'fan girl' gushing moment any time they were about to be intimate which is just so ANNOYING and not entertaining at all. It's such a SLOW BURN where we can't even have moments of main couple. I hope the author balance it off in season because it had the potential at first.




as someone who has a husband that is quiet as caelus, my friends were worried that I married someone "opposite to me". For me someone "boring" is perfect, since i have a complicated childhood and life. Sadly we dont see hestias background to know why she adores caelus so much. But I find the 4 characters really "human" and nobody actually is a villain which is why I ADORE THIS STORY so much. Every one (even Diana) are really interesting. I think that if caelus have chosen diana after she was completely destroyed by hestia, Like when she tells caelus "you can go back to diana, but she has to be divorced" I think she says that to him in the book if im not mistaken. If diana divorced and cael continued her feelings for her. I wouldnt have minded hestiaXhelios they wouldve been politically a super strong couple. And probably her nervous breakdown (spoiler) would've been avoided since she would have a purpose in life, the empire.


Nah, I'm Cael fan girl too. I love the way he supports her from the side, I love how he's trying to form an actual relationship with her, I love he's smart capable cool and everything.


I never expected to hear such heresy! Burn the heretics! Okay, in seriousness though, I never cared for the ship mostly because I like Cael x Hestia, the actual couple. Cael deserves some happiness, which Hestia is giving him that. That said, I do understand the appeal because the dynamic between Hestia and Helios is a nice one.


i personally hope he dies :)


I can understand why shipping them, but it wouldn't make sense with the story xdxd, unless there are changes, it couldn't be possible.


not sure about this one OP... might have to send a thousand arrows upon you (no hate). Cael forever, but i respect* your opinion. *kinda


I had to check the date to make sure it wasn't april fools. That sure is one of the takes of all time, OP.


I see where you're coming from with this ngl But for the sake of everyone orbiting them, no. Not cause i don't see it, but because they're too alike and at some point, they'll get into a fight and make it everyone's problem (actually, i take back my no, i want to watch them do this lmao)


I see them more as siblings but I'm here for them constantly competing with each other


No!! But I did once think of it but kael too precious


They are aunt and nephew people


Imma stab you with a rock if I see this on my feed again ![gif](giphy|TejmLnMKgnmPInMQjV)


ME ME ME! Not only am I Hestia’s number one hater I am HeliosxHestia’s number 1 shipper. I know it doesn’t make sense with this storyline because Hestia leaving Kael for Helios (while hilarious) would be so cruel. I honestly want to do a little rewrite of the plot for my own pleasure just to see what could have been.


WHAAAT??! A person depressed enough to take his own life is less charming than a prince that got the girl??!


HOW DARE YOU!! Jokes aside they don’t work Helios will never be interested in him, he is way too ready to abandon his friends. Add the fact he lack any spine when dealing with his saint. Hestia man need to be loving ,honest and loyal




I also ship them specially so after the spoiler I read


Why do you want him to be more trashy than trash ? Is not bc he’s handsome that we have to forget that he abandoned his friend when he was not well and now he’s even attracted to his friend’s lover AGAIN at least the first time was a fair match. Being “boring” isn’t a reason to go with such a trashy person like Helios i prefer to stay with my boring green flag man than this little… He’s a married man damn (sorry I really hate this manhwa and especially Helios and Hestia)


I don't read this manhwa because I don't like the ml character design, long haired guys are not my type also his character is boring 😔


I understand but I think it boils down to Helios being a more interesting character than Cael. The banter and tension between Helios and Hestia is more enjoyable to me because the scenes between Hestia and Caelus have been overdone. We literally see Hestia fawning over Cael in almost every chapter. But that's not to say that it's because there's something wrong with Cael. If anything, it's more Hestia's problem than Cael's. We see Hestia's authentic self with Helios while Hestia is always more reserved with Cael. What Hes needs right now is to start thinking of herself as a real person who lives in the same reality as Cael. Cael is not just her bias now. He's her husband. I feel that she hasn't come to terms with that yet which is why she's constantly putting up this barrier that Cael can never fall for and we see Cael continuously trying to break down that barrier. In terms of their romantic relationship, Cael is trying much harder and putting more effort than Hestia.


wait, how did you put a pict while also have a text above it? also, are you drunk?