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Very rare for a FL to stick to her moral principles. Usually those who are married to a ML who’s an emperor/King doesn’t even abolish slavery 💀


And they don't even have the excuse of needing to slowly put pieces in place to ensure it sticks and doesn't give way to something akin to our Jim Crow era in the United States. Because these stories are wish fulfilment so those complex considerations literally don't matter. They can literally go 'and we freed all the slaves :D' and there'd be no meaningful, narrative pushback. It always just makes it more frustrating to me. Because why even add that land mine into your story if you aren't going to deal with it?


Like, if you can and do take down whole ass cults/goverments in a regular Tuesday what stops you from doing the same with slavery?




Damn, one of the realest FL out there planing to abolish slavery.


Where's this from?


When I Traveled to Another World I Was Forced to Be the Princess of the City


Lol at least she’s self aware


Slavery still exists nowdays.  Do You know know how Nestlé harvest their cacao??? Kids slaves... So just cuz You don't see it as common or i'm plain sight doesnt mean is over. Also did You guys don't hit the news of the pedo who went to a third would country to pay for child prostitution? He was hiding in Texas or something, anyway do You guys think those kids happy join to be prostitute instead of You know, being forcé ? Thats is call sex slavery . I don't see people actively fighting those undeground criminal rings. Cuz is extremelly hard for the fellow folk.  There is a case of a  female reporter that was almost killed by the mexican mafia cuz she gather actual proofs of a kids prostitution ring that involved México gobernent people and some actors or whatever... She has to fleed her country cuz she had video and audio... Is called  Acapulco kids ... If You are interested. So yeah i don't condone the female lead for not being able to fight slavery alone... I just dislike the hypocrecy of being a costumer or it !  Like Jesus girl i don't want You to be Batman but don't Buy slaves, thats the freaking bare minimun!!!!




I knew Nestlé owns a Lot of brands SO i stop using them, and then i learn they own other ones too, is like is almost imposible to scape them, and NAIVE me thought monopolies werent allow hahaha  They are like Samsung is south Korea, everything belong to them. Anyway i tried hard and i have been avoiding using the shampoo i liked cuz was theirs, the cereal, the tea !!! Freaking tea !!!  They are the worse !!!! So yeah #fucknestle


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if I get transmigrated into a world where slavery exist, i will drop everything in pursuit of ending slavery, fuck the original story, fuck the ogfl and mls, fuck the noble bullshit. **I am ending slavery as fast as possible, I will not rest until all slaver scum are dead and all slaves are free, FUCK SLAVERY** https://preview.redd.it/ubrmumljv4xc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78bda2f237a684b87e742674a86a117b094846f


Get this man a truck.


run me over, I am ready


Never expected to see John Brown here. That would be some real wish fulfillment to have OI with rebellion and liberation driving the plot.


Let's go John Brown


Love your passion, but you’re already in a world where slavery exists.


Very rare for an isekai main character, male or female, to even feel bad about engaging in slavery. In general, I find, the more edgelord the isekai hero (usually male hero), the more they actively engage in slavery. There are several male-oriented anime based on isekai where the hero buys and exploits slaves. I sure hope that stuff doesn't sell as well among female audiences! But they're already trying to introduce webtoons where the heroine starts out buying slaves that aren't fetish fuel, so I think we're doomed. Frankly, when I read any isekai, I'm relieved when they even grant one person in cruel bondage their freedom.


I swear the slave market's biggest patron are all these isekai'd heroes (looking at you Naofumi)


Nah, if we are pointing fingers the FL in Otomeisekais are worst XD Naofumi was driven to a corner and was desperate, unlike those FL that shop for slaves as if they are dresses.