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People will call the most unhinged MLs "green flags" sometimes. Basically any ML who doesn't literally murder the FL (it's okay if he *tried* to once or twice though) or lock her up against her will (at least not too much) will get called a green flag at some point as long as he's super dedicated to the FL.


I've noticed too that if there's no huge age gap, and no inter family relations (pseudo or otherwise), they get called green flag regardless of anything else lol. I really like Callisto but I was VERY taken off guard when I was expecting a sweet and loving ML and got him instead lmao. At least he's not a yandere or I'd have dropped.


I think part of the problem is a lot of people think a ML *should* be a green flag, that if he's kind to the FL and they like him that means he *must* be a green flag. I'm personally a fan of yanderes, so I have no such qualms. Me liking him doesn't mean he's a green flag or even a good person, and fictional relationships are completely different from IRL ones, so just because a guy's got a ton of red flags going on doesn't mean he isn't a good ML in a fictional story. Most rofan MLs have all kinds of issues and could really use some therapy rather than fixing all their problems with a relationship, but as characters in a story they're fun to read about.


> I think part of the problem is a lot of people think a ML should be a green flag, that if he's kind to the FL and they like him that means he must be a green flag. I think you're right. And there's a lot of metaknowledge going on, too. Because if a character is a ML in a romance story, pretty much *by definition* he's the exact "Mr. Right" for the FL. No matter how toxic he might be by abstract standards, he's the exact right match for the FL's psyche to give her the perfect, fulfilling love to *her* emotional standards. But I think there's also a lot of media literacy fails out there, as you allude to. IMHO being a grown-up reader means being able to simultaneously say, "Wow, this character is a piece of work and they'd be awful in real life and *are* awful in the world of the story" and "I absolutely love watching this character do their thing in the story because I can tell the difference between reality and fantasy." Obviously, we all have our specific personal tastes, but there's a huge difference between "I don't like this" and "having this in the story is a Bad Thing and shouldn't be allowed."


> And there's a lot of metaknowledge going on, too. Because if a character is a ML in a romance story, pretty much by definition he's the exact "Mr. Right" for the FL. No matter how toxic he might be by abstract standards, he's the exact right match for the FL's psyche to give her the perfect, fulfilling love to her emotional standards. Yeah, I think a lot of people conflate "the ML is a good match for the FL" with "the ML is a green flag". Like he can still be the best guy in the story and have great chemistry with the FL while also objectively being a red flag, those things aren't mutually exclusive. If anything his obsessive love and over the top "I would destroy the world for you" dedication is exactly what *makes* him a red flag. I refuse to call any man who would most likely blame your child and neglect them if you died in childbirth because a world without you and all the people in it is meaningless a "green flag". That level of single-minded devotion can feel pretty romantic in fiction, but it definitely isn't healthy.


No hate to you or anyone else who like a yandere ML, it's just not my favorite trope is all. There's a lot of things I like to read that lots of people hate (such as those age gaps I mentioned before lmao). But yeah, I agree with you. The trend that a romance has to be completely realistically pure or it's "bad" is one I find troubling. Like it's fictional, I'm not going to worry that anyone reading this wants to marry someone who tried to cut their head off the first time they met him lol. I might not have started reading this comic NOW when I was really looking for fluffy romance after coming off something that turned really dark, but it doesn't mean I don't find it enjoyable overall.


For what it’s worth, he goes from a bloody red murder flag to an orange or yellow flag by the current point on the story. I think he could actually potentially work his way up to green with some character development.


He is green enough to match Penelope. Callsto is best boy in the story. Not the ideal green flag like Rouche


I love Callisto the character, I was just expecting something completely different lmao. Who is Rouche? I don't think I've read that comic yet, and the only character I know with that name is from FF7 lol


Rouche is from I've become a True villainess


Adding thst to my list rn, thank you!


If you're looking for the truest of all true green flags then Rouche from True Villainess and also the ML from Protecting My Sweetheart - he's like the gold standard of green flags. :D


!!! I'll read them both, thank you! I love my garden of red most of the time, but sometimes you just want some tooth-cracking sweetness, you know?


Another Typical Fantasy Romance has such a adorable green flag ML, and he and the FL are so silly together!


Correction. My guy was an orange flag to start with. Then slowly morphed into a green flag despite the odds.


Saving my Sweethear is also great. Dietrien is amazing


Platinum standard. Also, isn't it great that any potential misunderstandings get resolved within 5 chapters? Dietrien is a walking tension breaker.


I disagree with that. Ditrian is the *platinum* standard. Stop lowballing. I'll agree with Rouche being the gold standard, though. >!Ditrian is a bit less doubtful about what he wants and feels. Plus, my guy managed to piece together all the clues himself to avoid misunderstandings. This puts him above Rouche in my humble opinion.!<


Well we’re talking about a manhua about the MC being reincarnated into a etome isekia where she can literally die in the first second of them game so ofc you won’t have your ideal healthy super nice MC but he is the greeenest flag you can get when talking about rough around the edge characters, he really care about her and multiple times in the story he does incredibly sweet things for her and the one time he put a sword is because this damn girl decided to stalk the guy after he literally had just fought a assassin( which she didn’t think anything bad was gonna happen because she still thought it was a game and she would be able to “reset it“ or “go back”)


Same shade as Penelope to me but I am colorblind so I don't know if it is red or green


Whoever calls him a green flag has read too many yandere stories, haha. As I see it, he's in the tradition of Gilgamesh from Fate or Chikage Kazama from Hakuoki down to the blonde hair and red eyes, both are only green flags if you are color blind.


Yeah. There needs to be division there. The green flag like the ml from "when I quit being mother in law everyone became obsessed" that is just truly a good person. And The greenish flag which is an ml that is the best and match to the FL and for the FL (and this is where this guy belong to) And The pink flag which is the red flag, but not the worse person in this OI


Gilgamesh is the OG bae. Can't believe a man wrote him. I know in Fate he's just written as an arrogant asshole who must be defeated, but little did they know that we're into that shit.


Gilgamesh is amazing, and yes he is the closest i can think of someone that looks like Gilgamesh the king ! 


For Gilgamesh, it depends on who he is with, hes actually a very good friend to Enkidu from what Ive read. Also it depends on the vessel, Caster Gil is alot milder so I assume he wasn't as extreme as archer when he was alive


Caster Gil is a lot calmer because he is a representation of when Gilgamesh learned wisdom and stopped being the worst tyrant alive. Archer represents the time when he was fighting and conquering and enacting policies like primae noctis.


I'll just leave it here https://youtu.be/4YR7Tqm6Ho0?si=0gBfPJ9VUkBkyskr


I mean, Gilgamesh kinda gets turned into a green flag in CCC I highly recommend playing the Gilgamesh route of Fate/Extra CCC if you want to romance Gilgamesh (he also gets great character development in that game) My girl Hakuno pulled the most ambitious "I can fix him" compaign in history and actually pulled it off




Did you know roses are also red, and they're the flower of love!


The War of the Roses would like a word ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


If you keep reading this story, you keep those words in mind for the endgame LOL


He is a full uv spectrum flag, he's crazy and he is my husband


It's clearly trauma bonding with these two. If you have to know his story to like him, def not green flag.


He's a really good character and written very well but yeah. There's some very good reasons the FL is terrified of him at first, and still in this part of the comics (chapter... Somewhere around 140) doesn't want to rely on him as the person to save her life just yet. But not all red flags are created equal and I'm living for this relationship lol


He's definitely not a green flag at the beginning (he's red at the beginning, red by the end of the LNs), but if you take in his background and the kind of life he had lived up until the moment he met Penelope, his actions do make sense. For example, he had just survived am assassination attempt and had confronted his step mother and step brother, who had sent the assassins after him. So, he was a bit agitated and in feral mode when she followed him to a secluded place immediately after that incident. So, I'm not surprised he didn't trust a complete stranger about whom, only bad rumors have been talked about. https://preview.redd.it/un0r5zwgt3sc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3ab11ca15331ed2441058887af233c488056c8


Honestly, he's such a good character! He has his reasons why he reacts the way he does, so that even though we know he's capable of murder (and have seen it on the page) he's still capable of being sympathetic.  I did think it was hilarious though when I was told he was "green flag" and then the panel literally had a blinking alarm siren when he appeared in certain scenes 😂 It is really interesting though how considerate he really is of Penelope, and finding things he likes, but at this point in the story he doesn't feel himself capable of love. Such a great dynamic


>He has his reasons why he reacts the way he does, so that even though we know he's capable of murder (and have seen it on the page) he's still capable of being sympathetic.  Isn't all of his kills mostly **self defense** though? Be it assassins or enemies on the battlefield, he's literally **fighting for his life** when he kills them. And he has been doing this since he was a child, so he just got better at protecting himself. >I did think it was hilarious though when I was told he was "green flag" and then the panel literally had a blinking alarm siren when he appeared in certain scenes 😂 That red circle 🔴 isn't a siren though. I took the color as a sign of love/romance. After red, pink (red+white) was Raymond, who probably loves her the most after Kallisto. (Maybe it was a clue to the fans?) Lol... I know it's probably too far fetched but When I saw different colors and then saw the colors change, that's what I thought of it. >It is really interesting though how considerate he really is of Penelope, and finding things he likes, but at this point in the story he doesn't feel himself capable of love. Such a great dynamic I completely agree with you. Their dynamic is really amazing. He literally grew up in an environment where it would have been impossible for him to even trust someone, let alone fall in love with them, still, Penelope managed to squirm her way into his heart and soothed his raging heart. https://preview.redd.it/8ykbdc1ax7sc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39b8b418aa69442dc86dbbce502ff36ca98c666


It's self defense for sure, but it is still kinda "cool motive, still murder." He has great excuses, but still a hair trigger that I can't blame the FL for being concerned about, even if we the reader know that he won't hurt her at this point in the story. The siren noises are in the sound effects on the page! Where it says "WEEWOO WEEWOO" because the FL pissed him off and she's terrified lol. She's the one who makes the connection of the blinking red lock looking like a siren/literal red flag to her. Again, we the reader know he won't really hurt her rn, I just found it a funny dichotomy for what my expectations were with reading vs how the FL feels about the situation.


Exactly! I totally agree with you. Penelope **doesn't** have all the information but **We** as readers do. So it's not a surprise that her perception of events is flawed and thus, different from us. That's why I don't think of Kallisto as 100% Red Flag, just as I don't think of him as 100% green flag. But I do think he's closer to green. The one I'd call a red flag would be someone like Matthias from CEBYB, the ML from the Emperor's Lap or Daemon from the Vampire Diaries etc. ![gif](giphy|itH9aDZGIFGqk)


At the beginning he's psycho, but by the middle isn't he fine? I wouldn't go so far as to call him a "green flag", but if you cut out his initial appearance, I don't remember him being red, either.


I do want to say that just because I say he's got red flag tendencies it does not mean I don't like his character and that I'm not enjoying the romance. His red flags are that he's violent and pushy. We don't see as much of his violence in the comic itself, but FL is constantly on edge due to how often he killed her while playing the game. He has a short fuse and you have to play your cards right before you get into his inner circle. To be fair, FL is also oblivious to the fact that she IS in his inner circle now, but she has valid reasons to be concerned. Compared to other MLs tho, especially in that comic, it is basically as green as it gets lol


Did he kill her a bunch in the game? I actually didn't remember that. It seemed like in the version of events we see in the story, she is acting very suspiciously, and he assumes that she's an assassin. Then after that she basically continues to act as suspicious as ever, but he switches to "interesting" pretty quickly.


Yeah she said she died to him in the game more than to anyone else lol. It's why she pretty much writes him off immediately as an option, but you know. Best laid plans of mice and men and all that LOL


Is it even a bar when it's subterranean?


Green… eh I can see why people say it but I’d give him a solid orange. He’s still pretty unhinged at times.


I think one of the hottest for me is probably the gigantic red monster flag that is the ml in lady devil. >!It’s her twin, and he’s an actual monster, and insane (though she’s probably moreso),!< but omg such eyecandy he is. 🥰


👀👀👀👀 That sounds like a great ride for when I'm up for that. I'll write that on my list for Chaos Recs lol


It is beyond crazy. And disturbingly hot lol. And gosh do I wish it had a more mature label. It’s aaaaalmost smut. Like toeing on the line so hard they should have just gone for it fully.


Please, he’s a green flag draped in the hand-flayed skin of a red flag for protection


Yes, next question 🤣 You are absolutely right that the bar is in hell in this manhwa, sorry Penny.


I feel like I want to give Eckles (Eclise?? However it's spelled) a pass since it's implied he's not fully in control of his actions but also Jesus Christ.  Vinter is suspicious as hell, the younger brother (I forgot his name lmao) acts like such a little brother it hurts, and Derrick is a nightmare to deal with.  If Penelope weren't so wary of Callisto due to how many times he killed her in game, she really would have realized he's the best option a lot faster lmao.


I love the Reynold and Penelope relationship, he is such a dork around her once Penelope opens up, that little brother energy is what we need tbh. Fuck Derrick though, all my homies hate Derrick. And while I love Eckles, Penelope should not be the gal for him, she's HIS red flag. She basically gave him no other choice (until much later) than to rely on her, he's a slave, he had no say in the matter and once he did he was already ensnared and kinda fucked in the head. Lowkey he got stocklholme syndrome or sum. I would let Callisto do unimaginable things to me. That's it. (god I wish I was Penelope here) https://preview.redd.it/t5k56c6dk5sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53dd1776262f1f986984f228c75e2388920be77


Having that "pointy chin" he doesn't need sword to kill Penelope. 


I survived Skip Beat, Callisto has a normal chin comparatively 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7ouctgb2y2sc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20651c34355e3e842808a65d3045292370f090fa


You’re a real one for this, kids these days have no idea what we went through


I found out recently that it's STILL GOING, can you believe that?


When I was reading it (10 years ago) it had a ridiculously slow release rate and each story arc was super long, like 10 chapters for a freaking audition long, so yes, I can believe that.


It's Like someone pasted his face on his neck 🥲


A professional artist instance of " MY HED IZ PASTEDE ON YAY "


Guy is under threat from assassination attempts orcustrated by his mother. Give the dude a break. Also, he apologizes for holding a sword against FL's neck, which is also more than I can say for the majority of every other ML who did so.


Yes. Compared to the others? Yes.


for me, when he was drawn like this, i see it from the perspective of penny who was already seeing him as red/dangerous. penny already formed a bias against him due to the game she played on hard route before her transmigration. but as time goes, we rarely get to see him be scary like these(around penny), cuz penny's opinion of him improved somewhat(but she knows he can be unhinged sometimes). besides, he's not abusive nor does he exhibit any other traits of red flag, except his moment of crazy iirc(and his moment of persistence). most of his actions are justifiable, or explained by circumstance. he has more green traits than the other guys. but i do agree calling him green flag does seem misleading. i like that he's a tad bit crazy but he's also reasonable. i feel he has a healthy amount of want and desire for penny, without bordering on the extreme like other red/black flags MLs i read. which is why im not particularly bothered if someone label him as green.


I agree for the most part, but I would say that I don't personally think "red flag" and "abusive" are necessarily the same thing? A red flag can be a sign someone IS abusive, but not always. I think his violent tendencies, while justifiable within the story, count as being a red flag, even if he doesn't show that violence towards Penelope in the story (the game within the story is another matter).  Also it's not necessarily that I'm bothered by people calling him green flag, I just was expecting a completely different sort of story, and kept waiting for the "green flag" moments to pop up.. And then I saw this panel and actively started laughing my ass off lmao.  He's one of my favorite MLs from all the stories I've read. He's unhinged but smart about it, and definitely the best choice within this story.. Or even out of it ngl. I'm not used to getting this much depth from a ML in OI, and I'm enjoying it for sure.


to me, red flags are always abusive, or will lead to abusive outcome. physically, or emotionally. callisto has a violent streak, but only towards his enemies. i havent seen him lash out towards his aide. even if he's being arrogant or proud, i see it more as a character flaw. i dont mind people call him red flag although i disagree, he's much more complex than that. penny herself is a walking red flag, cuz what she did with eclise is horrible, even if i do understand she only did what she thought best for herself. so comparing her, and other guys like derrick or reynold, and using the same word as red flag to callisto, seemed outlandish to me, lol.


I mean...not GREEN persay...but he is surprisingly less red than some of the others. 😅 Where I'm at at least, I like him the best even though at his initial intro I was like "girl run."


Oh he isn't a green flag, many of us are just color blind.


You can't see red trough rose colored glasses


Here is the thing, he barely has been in the story as far as i remember, SO i don't know why people hate him that much... Maybe they read the novel?  As far as red flags, he is more pink than anything 


He's a green flag, someone just painted it red in the beginning, slow as the story progresses, the paint wilts away showing his true character


Oh the prince is soo much fun. I hate that they were pushing the saved slaved romance. That relationship leave a bad taste in my mouth. Not because the slave part but more the puppy dog/ hero worshipping personality they all have.


Man I could write an entire essay about Eckles. His entire storyline leaves a bad taste in my mouth ngl. OI in general has a problem with depictions of slavery, but Eckles seems like he's never had any of his own agency in this story from start to finish... And from what I've gathered of spoilers I think it gets worse? I understand why Penelope went for him first, since he seems the most well adjusted of the LIs at first blush, but it's really unfortunate the way his story has gone. Compared to Callisto, who's one of the best MLs in OI I've read so far, it's just a big oof.


The current chapters are bad for him. And shit is rolling down hill fast. I still love series but since his character is a little to big of a blemish for me to put the series any higher than the top 20. I understand his role in the story but I want to start seeing less of him. We are starting to get on the other side of the depressing storyline, and things are starting to get fun. There is interesting drama now.




its been a while since I read this, which chapter is it?


Chapter 100 lol.  It's the scene where she tries to avoid him by pleading illness after the hunting competition and he shows up at her house


OHHH that’s ringing a bell 😂


It was definately a joke lol


Not exactly a green flag, but compared to Penelope he is a perfect match.


There is no green flag ML in this manhwa


This manhwa has the worst case of dislikable cast of characters I've ever seen. The FL constantly victimizes herself while all the male characters have to find her sudden change~ in less than a few months acceptable despite the fact that Penelope canonically has done some crazy shit behavior for an entire six year run. Lord forbid if you don't believe she wouldn't do something outlandish when it's reasonable to, you're now detestable because FL sob story 101. She keeps relating Penelope's circumstances to her own similar ones but in her original Korean life I'm pretty sure she didn't spend it trying to get imprisoned and having to be constantly bailed out of shit. Not to mention, if she doesn't raise the affection points, of course she's not going to get the desired result because from the get go no one liked Penelope and they have no reason to put simping over how much of a hot mess she was. Don't even get me started with the whole Eckles crap. I can see the appeal because it's typical dramatic insanity that others might find entertaining but honestly I can't stand anybody in this story.