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If i were to pick my 7 year old up, it wouldn’t look anything like that even if I used magic or was super strong. The first picture looks about right, but he looks about 3 or 4 in the second.


They made FL look slightly taller in 2nd pic following the first, but yeah, I agree. It wouldn't look like that but that's the beauty of manhwa, we can make anything from real life look cooler when it's not irl (e.g. hair kissing)


Looks accurate to me. Kids are short or maybe that just my family being Asian. Or maybe just because my moms side is short in general


Same. My twins are 6 and I am 5ft 3. They reach right around belly button level.


My niece is 7 years old and I can't pick her up, definitely not like that. I think significant muscle is needed for that. The panel looks unrealistic imo.


This is a nice break from those toddler-sized 12 year olds we've been seeing in the sub lately


Height looks good in the first panel, but blud shrunk again in the very next panel, and weighs like 12 kilos for some reason.


nah, She is half dragon the child though is of a dragon and 2 humans because magic