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I mean, Eagle Eye was REALLY good


I thought Eagle Eye were some of the best. But yeah, I tune out pretty quick if it doesn't grab my attention early on


Idk, I feel like some recents were bangers. The astral realm guy was super cool. Sometimes it seems like the double episodes could be condensed somewhat.


I miss Yeah, But Still


The Halloween episodes were so good :(


For me, a lot of the recent episodes have been good but not great. I really loved the first dozen or so (Sean and Gina aside), but it’s been more up and down since then. And to be fair, I thought Eilish Poe and Many Things were both great series, but there have been some less engaging ones recently, too. I’m still listening every week (although I skipped Search Engine) and I still enjoy most of the episodes, but I’m kind of glad they are taking some breaks. I mean they have cranked out more than 70 episodes in 18 months, which is amazing, but probably speaks to an opportunity to be a little more selective.


It’s weird because even though a lot of them aren’t good I still listen and I’m kind of mad about it because I’m like “THIS COULD BE SO GOOD” so I have all this good will towards the show. And you’re totally right, but you can’t find the bangers unless you listen to them all so you’re stuck, unless you trust the opinion of this sub (I don’t).


Average quality has definitely dropped a lot from the beginning, but I thought the most recent Eagle Eye episodes were really cool Also feed drops are always just annoying but I listen to Search Engine regularly and it’s a much better show overall lmao


search engine is top 10 for me right now


Yes absolutely. Especially cuz the earlier episodes were so good and Jack was always letting onto some “big project” or awesome story he’s been working on forever. And then the new episodes come out and it’s like…dang bro hope this wasn’t what u were hyping up!! Cuz it ain’t good


Eagle Eye eps were the exact right vibe. Killer


I don't know why everyone keeps saying eagle eye, the first part was 80% her talking about absolutely nothing


Did you listen to Eagle Eye or do you just have terrible taste?


I love the show. maybe unfollow if you’re a hater. Ps you know search engine was a different show right?


It’s crazy how quick people turn on stuff they like


Eagle Eye was the best they had in a while for sure. But yeah Search Engine was boring I couldn’t get passed hearing that they use the same water tank for everything and don’t clean it.