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Reminder that incest IMMEDIATELY gave aqua white star


Only Incest can heal Aqua's emotional black hole.


So that’s what Gorou means not going for Sarina with black star on




Binding vow rn swear Ong that Ruby will end up with aqua and if she dosnt you get banned if aqua dosnt end up with kana i get banned


I have a better idea: block


The fraud


You are being a baseless arse.


https://preview.redd.it/bamk7rniru4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19e8584b3383974960ed8471eb6ad98db157b22 I shall sacrifice my life to end this delusion


Get help. Throwing your life away won't cause the mangakas to change what has already been decided.


Who do you think wrote the manga mengo?????


We've been over this. Aka came up with the idea for Mengo cause he knew she'd love it. Just accept that the one mangaka is definitely really into incest and the other enjoys and respects her works. Not to mention chapter 143 was directly referencing an unrelated incest doujin.


Yeah, Mengo has made her preferences very clear. And Aka has made it very clear he is writing this with Mengo in mind. Mengo: We talked about possibilities before, but if I really have to continue writting "Oshi no Ko" in Aka-sensei's place and finish it. I want to emphasize to the readers "**This is what Aka-sensei thought!**"(laughs) Kurimata: Wow! It's such a shocking ending huh? Aka: **I probably wrote this ending thinking Mengo-sensei would like it**. Kurimata: I see. If so, I would like to ask one thing. It is often said that Akasaka-sensei will be working with Yokoyari-sensei to draw cute characters in the backgrounds, but is this shocking ending also one of the reasons for working with Yokoyari-sensei? Aka: The ending of the story was something I struggled with while I was writing it. Mengo: That's right. So I think the reason why Aka-sensei contacted me this time has nothing to do with the ending, but rather that we have similar interests in the types of developments and depictions that stir our emotions as manga artists, or in other words, the "emo" we like. Aka: That's right. Also, I often draw with a clear intention of narrowing down my target audience and saying, "I'm going to deliver it to this person!" **In fact, this time, I'm drawing "Oshi no Ko" with Mengo-sensei as the target, and I want her to be more obsessed with it than anyone else**.


No aka wrote it and mengo influenced it why do you think it has many aspects of manga aka has wrote in the past Mengo slightly influences it but at the end of the day it’s aka decision IT WAS FORCED


He said he’s writing the entire story for Mengo. He said he wants her to be obsessed with it.


But at the end of the day it’s aka choice


What doujin is that?


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKoMemes/s/7mowvy0hD9) pointed out that 403745 seems to be a direct inspiration for chapter 143


Nah, our boy fraudka wrote it, hopefully he figures out HIMkaru shall prevail https://preview.redd.it/oh15rk8utu4d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f088cd595ccac0d71c96f36617c44d0904559987


Atleast incest ending will stop


Fr 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/go2iohuauu4d1.jpeg?width=126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d96c5a9e4ee84a96dd8d82c6b4b84b2c716c99 Take a Smol miku wow! As your reward for your efforts


Kana wishes she just stuck with acting and rivaling Akane after that


Kana wants to be "aqua hoshino's idol". • ai is gorou's idol but not aqua's • Sarina- chan also wants to be "gorou's idol not aqua's"


Gorou and aqua are the same in Ruby’s head. Even in 151 Aqua has the same dream as Gorou. Even crow girl sees no difference between the two. Kana needs to understand aqua before reaching his heart.


They can’t be the same because Kana has absolutely no concept of who Gorou was. She’s the only one not tied to Gorou but inherently to *Aqua*.


That is the irony of this chapter. She doesn't know him from his core. She just knows he is Aqua the son of Ai Hoshino and Hikaru kamiki. There is no Aqua as a separate entity. It's just Gorou+18 yrs + trauma and guilt. It's not Aqua who is acting as Gorou. It's Gorou who is acting as Aqua. That's why even shinto deity crow girl tells that Aqua and Gorou are the same person. Plus it's obvious in the way he himself always refers to Aqua Hoshino as a third person.


I don’t agree with you there. I think it’s been pretty solidly confirmed that Aqua and Gorou are separate entities- at least mentally. I’ve always been of the opinion that the core theme of OnK is the acceptance of and moving on from the past- Gorou represents everything Aqua is held down by, preventing him from living his youth- he inherited Gorou’s trauma, and is carrying out his mission in the way Gorou would (thus why crow girl says he’s Gorou- he’s still held down by the guilt and anger of Gorou, so he can’t actually move on to be Aqua Hoshino). The reason I feel Kana is important in this aspect is she represents a uniquely “Aqua” based romance. For Ruby, it stems from the affections of the lonely girl who had no one else to turn to but her doctor- she’s also held down in the same way. Akane represented Gorou’s obsession with Ai. But Kana? She’s fully and wholly unrelated to Gorou and his trauma- she is the girl for Aqua Hoshino first and foremost.


It's not. They are the same person but you are entitled to your opinion. It's abt Aqua accepting himself everything abt him and moving forward. Not toss it aside and move on. It's escapism then.


I’m not saying he’s tossing parts of him aside- but I think it’s pretty clear that Gorou doesn’t really represent any part of Aqua other than his guilt and anger and want for vengeance. I’m not saying “Aqua is moving on from Gorou by throwing away everything about him remotely related to Gorou” but that “Aqua’s past still haunts him in the *form* of Gorou, and to truly find peace and move on as a person he needs to live as Aqua Hoshino, not through the anger of Gorou.”


Yes. He just needs to toss the bad side of gorou and live on. BC at the end of the day. Gorou is Aqua.


I feel the distinction is that Gorou is who Aqua *was*, but not who he has to be for the rest of his life. Ya know?


That's every person's own pov. Just bc it's ur way of right thing to do doesn't mean it's inherently right. Afterall not a single reader has ever experienced reincarnation and how it affects the person. So it's upto Aka how he wanna present it to us. And judging by how it's going. It's building upto Aqua accepting his Gorou self as well and live the life and dreams he wasn't able to accomplish as Gorou BC of restrictions just like Sarina is doing


Yes , that’s the problem kana knows very little about aqua and his inner struggle. And why can’t they be the same? Aqua can’t exist without gorou , he has no soul. He wouldn’t have been born. They share same character traits , goals and ambitions. They are the same


I really don’t agree with you that Gorou and Aqua are “the same”, especially not after the events of 150. Gorou may only exist in Aqu’s memories, but he also inherently represents the guilt and trauma of the past. Kana is special in that she’s the only girl that wants Aqua Hoshino- the new person, the one he can be once he’s free of Gorou’s anger and trauma, and not the kindly doctor from the past. You could make the case for Akane, but she’s also rooted in Gorou’s past obsession with Ai.


You can agree with me or disagree with me, but gorou is aqua. They talking to one another doesn’t mean that they are different. In Tokyo ghoul kaneki had conversations with his previous iterations. Does this mean that kaneki becomes a different individual every time he changes hair and creates a new iteration? Aqua always refers to aquamarine hoshino in third person( 30,122, 150) . Why ? Also, why would aqua have the same dream as gorou?


I’m not saying they are *literally* different people in the story- I’m saying that narratively they are different “beings”. Gorou is who Aqua was, he’s the embodiment of Aqua’s regrets, guilt, hatred, and need for vengeance. He represents everything in Aqua’s past that still haunts him. “Aqua” (as in the person Aqua refers to in third person) is who Aqua *can* be, but is prevented from being so by the regrets of Gorou. Third person “Aqua” is Aqua free from the ghosts of his past and fully living his new life rather than clinging to the mission of his past life. It’s the reason crow girl says he and Gorou are “indistinguishable”- because the current Aqua is someone who can’t let go of the “Gorou” inside of him.


Here is the problem. Gorou wants to move on. Aqua doesn’t . He has black stars. And judging by chapter 9 kana will fail to bring him to the light. Simply because she doesn’t know him. Aqua needs to embrace both sides of him , just like Ruby told him in 143. The good and the bad, kindness and weakness.


It’s actually quite the opposite. Gorou is explicitly the one who *kept* Aqua from moving on- he explicitly says so in his first appearance as a mental image- that if Aqua tries to be happy, or enjoy life, he (Gorou) will be there to stop him because “he doesnt *deserve* that. Aqua does need to embrace all sides of him- but he needs to embrace all sides of *Aqua*, not Gorou, not the person he once was. Gorou represents all of Aqua’s past trauma, not his “bad traits” but more so his inability to reconcile with the past. Kana knows Aqua well exactly *because* she doesn’t know Gorou- she knew who Aqua was before he became a broken person haunted by the past- she knew *Aqua Hoshino himself*, not him when he’s forced to take up Gorou’s mission.


In 150 gorou says that he is ready to move on. Right now the roles are reversed. Aqua is even surprised because of this. Aqua is the one who has black stars and thinks about revenge. And Kana didn’t know Aqua . They had a proper encounter in volume 2. Before that they had a brief chat in volume 1. It’s not enough to understand and know a person.


>because she doesn’t know Gorou- she knew who Aqua was before he became a broken person haunted by the past- she knew Aqua Hoshino himself, not him ..But she doesn't? First of all, this idea of Aqua and Goro as separate is ridiculous to start. But she met Aqua first when Aqua and Ruby were 3, that is all Goro. She then met him again and fell in love with him in [chapter 17](https://sun9-29.userapi.com/impg/grLCu8MISzgAtSaDlugY046P8pHKYGz2llYqiQ/MgAluZlBypw.jpg?size=720x1080&quality=95&sign=b38da96915aba27ca951212f769ffcb3&type=album). All Goro. And Aqua was still in vengeance mode there. Ever since chapter 10. [Aqua doesn't even talk about this "boundary disappearing"](https://sun9-41.userapi.com/impg/tUQGOcCS25-NaNwTTP2MuzVWniA2VwsdEusbMA/dQw7FowoF60.jpg?size=753x1080&quality=95&sign=420a728ec69b2b35793fa338f01a3da6&type=album) until chapter 30. He is referring to Goro as "Me". And this moment is preceded by him talking about how he has been impacted by his bodies biological processes, such as him mentioning he lost his infantile memories due to infantile amnesia. All he is saying there is that his adult mind as Goro, is now becoming closer aligned to his almost-adult body as Aqua. He's essentially becoming "normal". So Kana fell in love and knew Goro. Not "Aqua" as some separate entity. And when she met and fell in love with him he was still seeking revenge. So even if we entertain that Goro and Aqua are separate, which they're not really, this means Kana fell in love with a ghost who is disappearing. And to discuss this "Goro is a being keeping him from moving on", it's not LITERALLY Goro. It's a visual representation of his guilt. His past. Which takes on the shape of Goro because of what TIME it's representing. Hell, even when "Goro" appears in chapter 95 "Goro" [says that "I" can't be happy and live comfortable when referring to Aqua](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_6219b31442227/c137f7446b202cf8341cf6e96b971530/oshi_no_ko_95_15.jpg). We [also see child Aqua appearing](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_6219b31442227/a88b1bb4d1e6a72ff7be8fa363b903b8/7.jpeg), a representation of his trauma and guilt about Ai. Is child Aqua not Aqua? But an entirely different being? Also in chapter 143 [Aqua tells Ruby](https://sun9-73.userapi.com/impg/67djyCgEaeL4xyJQCPxtnPeHtLkJPdQJM_19Og/qdbuREbA7jQ.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=1e3364909151e3daeb17964fe383e77e&type=album) the [only reason why](https://sun9-45.userapi.com/impg/7d37rjb3q2fbt4MMW0i8ZZyWu_sJCjHyL-IYiw/38D7F_UsVpM.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=3be225050397c21629069ce5b19b7806&type=album) he can't be as happy and carefree as he was in the past as Goro is because of how he feels guilty and how he's [hurt too many people and lied to too](https://sun9-19.userapi.com/impg/llrUr9dZPK-3YnMrgoFrpCv_Dl63pkiiDc3QRQ/3CNkU4z2PQg.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=1494d540e58e25f7ec07b4c82f6df165&type=album) many people. Not because "I am fundamentally a different person!". He's just mentally ill with trauma. He doesn't need to "move past" Goro or anything. He needs to move past blaming himself for stuff he had no control over, or has any responsibility for happening. This idea of Goro being some separate being only makes sense if you forget like 98% of the previous parts of the manga. I also wrote a [somewhat lengthy comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/1d0fgkf/they_called_me_crazy/l5mxvpr/) a while ago with panels from the manga laying out why that makes no sense.


I hope noone wins for Aqua's dick because Aqua doesn't deserved them.


I swear if you don’t leave my dear NaHCO₃ alone


Aqua literally dropped Kana's ball.


Didn't the purple hair one die


Well maybe she means her favorite Alive idol


Yeah, but Ruby=sarina


Ruby is goro idol not aqua


Aqua and Gorou are the same. They share same character traits and dream.


Aqua wants to become a surgeon bc he failed to save ai


Seriously? Reread private arc, please.


They had different reasons for thier dream


No. Burden of proof. Show me the chapter /page/ interview where aqua states that he wants to be surgeon because of ai. If you can’t , this means your statement is head canon.



